Initial D Fan Fiction ❯ At A Bad Time Like This ❯ Being Mistaken ( Chapter 5 )
Disclaims: I don't own any of the Initial D or the characters, wish
I did thou. Unfortunately I don't own Takahashi Miharu; she belongs
to my older sister.
Series: Initial D
Warning: Incest; Lemon; Yaoi; Hentai; Drunken-ness and Para Para-
Rating: NC-17 (American) R18+ (Australian)
Parings: Ryosuke x Keisuke X OC (Miharu Takahashi), Ryosuke x
Takeshi x Keisuke, Takumi x OC (Miharu)
Key: "Speaking", `Thoughts or what they are saying in their mind',
*enforcing*, /Singing/, *period of time*, *Flashbacking*, `Headline`
____________________________________________________________ _______
*A few minutes earlier*
If anyone was outside late enough that night they would of heard the air assisted gears of the black Skyline GT-R R32 driving through the streets with a Panda '86 Toyota Trueno Sprinter just behind it. Both cars pulled up outside the Takahashi Residence, on the side of the R32 was a clearly seen sticker with `Night Kids' written on it. From the two cars, appeared a 20 year old, black haired, brown eyed Nakazato Takeshi and an 18 year old, brown haired, brown eyed Fujiwara Takumi. Locking his car, Takumi looked up at the house with a sicking look on his face but Takeshi only gave him a wry smile.
"It's probably Keisuke watching one of his mix gender porn movies."
Walking along the foot path to the front door Takumi tried to ignore louder the moans where getting, he just didn't like the idea of his girlfriend being in the same house as that sound. Takumi snickered as the moans got louder and knowing he couldn't do anything about it, as Takeshi knocked on the door he knew it was only going to louder. Getting no reply from knocking on the door Takeshi pulled out his spare key that he had received from one of the Takahashi's siblings and opened the door's deadlock with the key. Takumi's thoughts had been right; when the door opened the moans got louder and seemed to be coming from upstairs. Takumi also noticed the alcohol bottles scattered around the living room.
"I don't want to know who Takahashi broke up with, they must have been worth it for him to drink so much and resort to porn." Takeshi said as he picked up a bottle and placed it on the coffee table.
Takeshi and Takumi headed for the stairs and just as they reached the bottom there was a sudden high roar of moans, Takeshi and Takumi looked at each other with scared looks in their eyes. Both ran up the stairs as fast as they could and they started checking the rooms. Takeshi ran to Ryosuke's room and found nothing and Takumi went to the guest room but had the same result. Next they both moved to Keisuke's room and found it empty besides for the usual car parts lying around the room. Takumi looked at Takeshi worried and then looked at the Miharu's bedroom door.
"No…She wouldn't." Takumi could feel tears welling up in his eyes at the thought of what could be happening in his girlfriend's bedroom.
"Don't worry Fujiwara, she wouldn't anything like that." Takeshi said to himself but his mind went back to a time when they both got drunk and about the little memory his R32 got.
Takumi opened the door slowly. As he did he saw a condom that was tied at the top, fly through the air and land in the waste basket next to the door. Takumi opened the door and gasped at the sight that was in front of his eyes.
As the three Takahashi's saw the condom land in the basket, they turned slightly to see the door open. Looking up from the feet at the door way to the faces of Takumi and Takeshi.
"Mi…Miharu?" Miharu saw Takumi's face full of shock and she immediately sat up and was hidden under the covers rocking back and forth hyper ventilating.
"He didn't see me, he didn't see me. He's not there, oh god please tell me he's not there. Not my Takumi, not my…my love." Keisuke placed his arm around Miharu and he rubbed her back.
"Shh Miharu, it's not your fault. You didn't mean it."
Takeshi looked at Takumi and saw that he still couldn't believe what was going on. Takeshi lightly placed a hand on Takumi's shoulder and whispered not to shock him so much.
"Hey Fujiwara, go easy on her. She was drunk, they all were. She'd never do anything to hurt you." Takeshi left Takumi standing there staring at the person rocking underneath the bed sheets and he moved to sit next to Miharu and Ryosuke.
"Oi Mi-chan…Mi-chan daijoubu?" Takeshi lightly brushed Miharu's hair with his hand and hugged her lightly. Miharu just shook her head.
"I didn't mean too. I hurt Takumi, I didn't mean too. I never meant too." Miharu sobbed as she rocked back and forth.
Takumi slowly moved forward towards the bed and sat down in front of Miharu. Takumi grabbed the sheet and slowly pulled off of Miharu's head. The girl looked up at Takumi, her eyes tear stained as she looked at him but she quickly looked down again. Takumi lifted her chin up so he could see her but she looked away, she could bare the fact of what she did, she could look at Takumi, fearing she'd see hatred in his eyes.
"Miharu…look at me, please." Takumi wiped away the tears from Miharu's eyes and that got her to look at him. Takumi leant forward and kissed Miharu, softly and slowly, pouring his love into the kiss to let her know that he forgave her. Ryosuke got off the bed and Keisuke and Takeshi followed. Miharu and Takumi had things to sort out and they didn't need them there.
"I love you Takahashi Miharu" Takumi smiled at her and wiped the new tears that were appearing in her eyes.
"I love you Takumi and I'm sorry" Takumi placed his finger over her lip quieting her. He kissed her and then removed his jacket.
Ryosuke closed the door after Keisuke and Takeshi had left. Takeshi and Ryosuke walked down towards Ryosuke's room but stopped and turned to Keisuke who was heading in the other direction to his own room.
"Where do you think you're going Takahashi?" Keisuke stopped and turned to Takeshi. Ryosuke just smirked at the look on Keisuke's face.
"It looks like Takeshi wants a piece of you, Ototo." Takeshi looked at a very naked Keisuke, enjoying what he was seeing. Keisuke saw Takeshi's eyes travel over his body and he smirked himself.
`Nakazato isn't so bad himself.' Takeshi placed his hand out for Keisuke to take.
"I hate you Nakazato" Ryosuke and Takeshi snicker.
"Love you too Takahashi." Keisuke took Takeshi's hand they the three of them headed to Ryosuke's room.
"So now explain this to me, you guys got your sister drunk and took advantage of her?" Keisuke and Ryosuke shook their head innocently.
"Nope she got us drunk and took advantage of us" both siblings said together.
Takeshi laughed, he could actually believe that, since he knew what Miharu was capable of. Just as they reached the room, Keisuke grabbed Takeshi's shirt.
"We have to do something about this" Keisuke noted that his brother was nodding in agreement as he grabbed the front of Takeshi's pants pulling him into the room and unzipped his pants.
"I think you're wearing too much clothing love" Keisuke smirked and kissed Takeshi, while kicking the door closed.
Owwww more action...2 more parts to the story to come and you I hope you all are enjoying it so far. I have one question...well beg more like it.
PLEASE REVIEW! *begs dearly* I want some to say if my story is crap or not, so please review as soon as possible