InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Laundry ❯ Familiar ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own, please don't sue!


Chapter 4: Familiar
Pairing: Kagome/Urahara
Rating: T
For: Sugar0o


It was said that curiosity killed the cat…but then again he was no cat.

After deciding to form the Shinigami Research and Development Institute, there were quite a few mysteries about their world and abilities that he wanted to look into. But there was one thing in particular that he'd heard about and was dying to look into. Someone had once told him that the Fourth Division housed a particular soul of great power.

Apparently this soul had arrived in Soul Society a few centuries prior, but had been unconscious at the time and remained dormant ever since. From a file he had read, the soul was listed to be that of a young woman in her late teens.

Kisuke Urahara set about getting the proper clearance to have her transferred to his division with Captain Unohana's permission.

When he was finally able to see her with his own eyes the first thing he decided was that she was very pretty, but her facial features were far too stern and serious for someone so young. What could have caused her to be that way?

He was then able to feel the large amounts of power that seemed to radiate off of her. A mental note was made to have her area sealed and warded.

Once everything was set up, he conducted experiment after experiment until he was able to pinpoint that the power wasn't coming from her, but something that she possessed. It was currently in the form of a free-flowing energy that was within her yet still separate.

It was harnessing a small amount of this power that allowed him to create the Hogyoku.

Kisuke studied the girl from every angle and used everything at his disposal to attempt to unravel her mystery. But the simple truth remained that until she awoke, there was going to be much that he would never know.

After his arrest some years later, he requested that Yoruichi find a way to keep his vice-president, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, away from the girl's soul. There was still much to learn about her, but he wouldn't stand for her to be torn apart as Kurotsuchi was prone to do sometimes.

It was almost one hundred years after his escape from Soul Society that he heard through hear-say that a previously warded area had been discovered in the Twelfth Division labs, but any individual mentioned in the sealed records found was missing without a trace.

From time to time, Kisuke still wondered about the soul that disappeared. He would likely never know.

At least, that was what he thought until he was on his way home from the park one evening.

He was walking past a few small stores when he saw a young woman seated at an outdoor café enjoying what looked to be a light supper and a book. It took him a moment to remember where he knew her from, but he had to do a double-take when he finally did. Long black hair, pale glowing skin, defined facial features…and an unmistakable source of power. There were a few things that were off though. This girl's eyes were a bright blue while the girl he had studied he had found to have brown eyes. And this girl seemed much happier and more carefree. Could she be a reincarnation? It wasn't unheard of.

The more logical side of his mind told him to go on his way. This was a human girl who was likely to think him insane if he just started asking her random questions. He certainly didn't look like anyone in an official position to be claiming to do “research.” But how long had it been since he listened to his logical side?

As he approached her he noticed that she seemed to sense him as well and looked away from her food and her book. This may go better than he had hoped.

“Hello miss, I'm not sure if we've met but you just seem so familiar to me,” he tried. It was probably best to start with something vague.

Kisuke watched as she studied him for a moment with a confused look before she gave him an embarrassed smile and replied, “You seem very familiar too, but I'm positive that we've never met. I only moved to this town a few weeks ago.”

Kagome saw him look at her for a moment before he smiled and asked if he could sit down at her table. He seemed to be a very happy and polite man as he began to strike up a conversation, but something inside told her that deep down she knew him. Or that she should know him at the very least. Her adventures were over now and she had moved to the town named Karakura to finish out high school.

This man seemed odd somehow, but it would be nice to have some friends in a new place. It also didn't hurt that this potential friend was handsome in a very mischievous kind of way.


AN: I really like Urahara! I'll also probably end up doing a follow-up for this a little ways down the road, but for now I'm just going to leave it there :) The next one featuring Urahara will probably be M though since he is kinda pervy <3 Up next is Grimmjow, which I am also really looking forward to doing and should be out in a little while after I take a dinner break!