InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Laundry ❯ Interruption ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: I don't own, please don't sue!


Chapter 5: Interruption
Pairing: Kagome/Grimmjow
Rating: T
For: XxKagome no kawaiixX and ShadowFoxMoon


Kagome bit her lip and silently prayed as she tried to lay the baby in her arms down as gently as she possibly could. The infant had been crying for the past several hours and had only just gone to sleep.

The college sophomore had taken a semester off to help one of her mother's close friends in the next town over. The woman was a new single mother as her husband had left her soon after the baby was born. Two days ago she'd been called away on a business trip and wouldn't be back for another week or so. This left Kagome alone in the house with the baby. A beautiful little boy who missed his mother very much.

She sighed with a relieved smile when the baby boy was finally in his crib sound asleep. Now maybe she could finally get to bed as well…

That dream swiftly died as a large crash was heard outside with an impact great enough to rattle the pictures on the walls.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Kagome waited and hoped that it didn't wake the baby. A shrill scream echoed out of the room that she'd just left. Her luck had never been that good.

But as the pressure in the air quickly changed around her she had to try to catch her breath. There was big going on outside, and if it was dangerous she couldn't let anything happen to her tiny charge.

Searching the room for some blankets to pad the baby's crib, she grabbed his pacifier and pulled the crib into the hall so that it was away from any windows just in case they shattered. It would be safer to leave him in the house if she put a shield up than to take him outside with her.

She looked down at the sniffling infant and softly said, “You be good and I'll be back in a minute, okay?” Of course she didn't expect an answer, but when the baby stopped sniffling she smiled down at him and went to grab her shoes.

It was even a full minute later that she ran outside in nothing but her sleeping shorts, a matching tank top, and her running shoes. She threw up a protective barrier around the house and her already large eyes widened before her palm met her forehead. “You have got to be kidding me…” she grumbled before grabbing the nearest “weapon” she could find (which happened to be a shovel), opening the front gate to the yard, and marching a few houses down to where the commotion was just as there was another crash in the street.


Grimmjow had just caught Ichigo's sword with his bare hand and a smirk on his face. Was this really all that this kid could do? Even with Bankai?? It was almost laughable.

He was just about to throw the punk that thought that he could even play on the same level as him when something attacked him from his right. He tossed the carrot-top back a few meters so that he could find out what had hit him. But to his complete and utter surprise, there was a medium-sized, pink glowing rock lying near his feet along with several fragments of the mask that lined his jaw. “`The hell?” He questioned.

And he didn't have to wait long for the answer.

“Hey you!” An irate voice yelled from down the street. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a colicky infant to sleep?!”

Grimmjow turned to face his attacker with a scowl on his face which quickly turned into something akin to a cross between confusion, disbelief, and mild amusement. Standing in front of him was an obviously angry, undeniably beautiful, half-dressed young woman. She was marching towards him with a shovel slung over her shoulder, a glowing chunk of asphalt in her hand, and her inky hair blowing around her. She almost looked dangerous. Almost.

The only thing keeping him from seeing her as even a mild threat were her pink shorts with little yellow bunnies on them and her yellow tank top with one large pink bunny in the center of her well endowed chest. Sure, that last rock had hurt like hell when it hit his face and cracked off part of his mask, but who could take some seriously when they were wearing pastel-colored bunnies??

He wasn't all too surprised that she could see them. He had heard that most of the people in this city were spiritually aware on some level or another and were used to odd things happening that they couldn't quite explain. But this girl seemed a little too accepting of finding two oddly dressed men with swords pummeling each other in the middle of their neighborhood at strange hours of the night.

“Run back home unless you feel like dying, human,” he dismissed easily before turning back to Ichigo. That was a mistake.

He'd barely taken a step towards his previous opponent when his head pitched forward due to the chunk of asphalt shattering against the back of his skull. Grimmjow reached a hand up to tenderly inspect the back of his head. When said hand drew back with sticky blood dampening his fingers, he quickly turned around to growl at the woman. “What the hell was that for?!”

At first she only glared at him, but soon she was walking up to him and stopped only inches from his face. “You listen to me, whoever you are! Don't you growl at me. I've had much bigger and scarier things than you try to kill me, so you don't scare me one bit! Now, you two are keeping the baby in that house from sleeping and by proxy are keeping me from sleeping. You will move this little spat of yours somewhere else far, far away or have to deal with me. Do you understand?”

Grimmjow was floored. Who did this little human think she was?? He was one of the espada! He should have been a deadly nightmare that could send any human running with just a look! Wait…was she counting?

“You have until I count to five to get out of here. One…Two…Three—”

That's it, he couldn't take it anymore. He liked to think that he was above hitting someone that much weaker than him, but this girl just wasn't getting the point. Maybe just one smack would get her to run home so he could finish off Ichigo in peace. He swiftly raised a hand and brought it down with the intention of backhanding her across the cheek, but he was surprised yet again that night when his hand collided with a pink barrier only inches away from her person.

“Bad choice, guy,” she said before swinging her shovel which was now glowing like the two previous rocks. He could take swords and energy blasts without problem so he wasn't overly concerned about a shovel. But then again he should have learned to expect the unexpected where this woman was concerned.

Kagome had put all she had into that swing and when the flat metal of the shovel connected with his ribs, she had almost cringed herself at the sound of something cracking before this blue-haired, blue-eyed man doubled over in surprise and pain. She had been livid up until that point. With all the fighting and noise and then the way he had just dismissed her and then tried to hit her…who could blame her? But maybe she had gone a little far with the shovel.

She hated to see anyone in pain, and it almost made her physically ill knowing that she had caused this person's pain. He seemed to be recovering from the blow now and was glaring at her. She bit her lip nervously as she looked back at him slightly ashamed for her behavior.

Grimmjow had intended to rip into the girl as soon as he could breathe again, but found himself confused…again. The woman standing in front of him almost looked sad. Who in the hell felt bad after getting angry and hitting someone?! “What is wrong with you?!” He yelled at her as he stood up straight and loomed over her in a move meant to intimidate.

He was yelling at her again. Okay, maybe she didn't feel so bad for hitting him anymore. “What do you mean?? There's nothing wrong with me. You're just being an idiot! Maybe now you'll take the hint and leave, huh?” She retorted.

Grimmjow growled deep in his throat. This woman was infuriating! Standing there in front of him without any fear in her stance, blue eyes hard and sparking with an internal fire, her face consumed with an angry and frustrated flush that traveled down her neck and to the tops of her breasts…which were currently heaving up and down, he noticed, as she attempted to keep her temper under control with deep breaths.

He could feel his ire and frustration building. He was pissed that his fight with the shinigami had been sufficiently interrupted, irritated that this woman thought that she could ever truly stand up to him, and frustrated that he could feel a fire building deep inside himself that he was sure didn't have anything to do with his fight. It started as a small twitch in his lower stomach, but soon those internal flames were consuming and he found himself doing something that he had otherwise never dreamed of.

He reached out in the blink of an eye to the woman standing no more a foot away from him and pulled her to him. Without thinking about what he was really doing, he crashed his mouth down on top of this infuriating woman's and felt those flames roar into an inferno. There was something about this woman that easily set his blood to boiling. At first she struggled and resisted, but as he refused to let her go or back down she slowly started to respond in a way that told him she was releasing her frustrations onto him as well.

His teeth bit down on her lower lip just enough to elicit a startled gasp and used that chance to invade her hot mouth and assert his male dominance over her much smaller form. But he was surprisingly glad when she fought him for it. This wasn't the kind of female to just back down and submit, and he had to admit that he liked that fire in her.

He had one hand fisted in her obsidian hair while the other arm was wrapped firmly around her small waist holding her close to him. He smirked slightly when he felt her hands move from pushing against his chest to tangling in his aqua-colored hair, tugging lightly when the kiss would become a little too fierce for her liking.

Both of their minds were fogged over with a thick haze as they were both swept up in the moment and what their bodies were telling them felt so good…maybe not right, but definitely good.

The moment was broken until another harsh blow landed on the back of Grimmjow's head. The blow had caused his face to smack into Kagome's painfully and they instantly drew apart gasping for breath before Grimmjow looked behind him growling viciously. The beast deep within him was demanding for the blood of whoever had interrupted them.

He saw Ichigo standing there, still scuffed up from the beginning of their fight and obviously ready to continue after being so rudely ignored. “Quit making out with some random chick! We have something to finish.”

Grimmjow glanced over his shoulder at the woman he had just been entangled with only to see her roll her eyes and begin walking away as she threw a wave over her shoulder and called out, “Just do it somewhere far enough away that I don't have to hear you. Thanks!”

Grimmjow turned back to Ichigo and prepared to charge the youth. Now he had something else charging his want to pulverize the boy.

Kagome just walked back down to the house she was currently living in and laughed as she rubbed her sore face when she heard the two take off to a different part of the town. Maybe staying in this time wouldn't be as boring as she originally thought. This town seemed particularly lively and interesting. `Maybe I'll talk to Mama about moving here permanently,' she thought as she reentered the house and prepared her young charge for bed once again.


AN: That was a little random xD But I like it! I think I'm going to double some of the requests for now to get all of the pairings wanted out of the way :) I'm sure I'll do repeats of pairings, but for now I want to get at least one for everybody out there :D Let's see…up next will be Hollow Ichigo! Also, sorry this was late. My boyfriend called about mid-chapter the other night and completely distracted me xD