InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ When Secrets Collide ❯ The Uniting of Families ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclamer: Bleach and all associated characters are owned exclusively by Kubo Tite and company. InuYasha and related work belong to Rumikio Takahashi and imcorporated. The only things I own are the character Hanabi Yamada and the paper I started writing this story on. I recieve no royalites for this fanfic. I am gravely envious of the genius of Tite and Rumikio. No matter how I threaten, they still will not reliquish the rights to my Inu-kun and Ichigo. Damn. Back to drawing board, Pinky.

Author's Note:

Hey fanfiction world, I'm Danni. It's been some time now since I've written any kind of fiction, so please be gentle. It may take me a couple of chapters to get back in to my- for the lack of a better word- groove. This story, 'When Secrets Collide' is my baby. It's not exactly canon to either InuYasha or Bleach, but somewhere in the gray between them. I've disected both stories for my own gain; I moved the Higurashi Shrine to Karakura, enrolled Kagome in Ichigo's class and sent Orihime and Tatski to Europe.

-_- While I am up to date on mangas/animes, I decided to set this near the beginning of both stories. For InuYasha it is right after Kikyo tries to drag him to hell, and for Bleach, it's right before Byakuya and Renji come to the real world to kill Rukia.See what I mean? Very beginning. Oh, and I should mention now that my Ichigo and Inuyasha feel a little OOC, but they still read well. So I hope you enjoy. Sorry for the long A/N. ^o^

Chapter One

[The Uniting of Families]

“Good morning, students, welcome back from spring break” Ochi-sensei was saying when Kagome Higurashi opened the classroom door with a heavy sigh. Her unruly raven black hair was pulled hastily back in a ponytail, her bangs shielding the class from the bags under her eyes. “Ah, Higurashi-san, it’s nice to see you.” Ochi-sensei smiled gently, “Are you feeling all better now?”

Kagome gave a feeble nod of her head. God, she was exhausted. Maybe Inuyasha had been right. Maybe she should have just stayed in the Feudal Era for a little while longer. Their last journey had been chock-full of hellish demons that spewed mucky, toxic substances, and enough noxious fumes to gag a hippo. Kagome shuddered at the memory. She didn’t think she’d ever get the smell out of her hair. She headed to her seat, only to find that it was already occupied. She wasn’t in the dark for long, because her ever rambunctious classmate, Keigo Asano was suddenly beside her, supplying the unasked information.
“Kagome-chan! You’re finally back, gracing us with your beau-ti-ful presence! I hope they didn’t torture you too much in the hospital. Oh, this is Rukia Kuchiki, our new transfer student! Isn’t she lovely? Rukia-san, this is Kagome Higurashi, the girl I was telling you about. The doctors say she has less than a year to live, but none of them know what’s wrong-”

“Would you shut the hell up, Keigo and let her at least sit down before you start badgering?” Ichigo Kurosaki asked blandly as he looked up from his literature book. His permanent frown lightened slightly as he addressed the standing girl. “Higurashi-san, you should take Tatski’s old seat. She’s not coming back to class.”

“Why not?” Kagome asked as she moved to take the seat on Ichigo’s other side.

“She and Inoue finally ran off together to Europe.” Ichigo muttered speaking of their former classmate, Orihime Inoue. He didn't bother to elaborate.

“Yeah! Orihime-chan, that boobalicious babe, could have stayed here with Arisawa, so I could watch-” Keigo exclaimed.

“Why don’t you go bug Yuka or Eri, Keigo? I’m pretty sure Ayume is lonely without you.” Ichigo supplied. The other boy was all to happy to comply as he trotted gleefully to Kagome’s three friends.

“So you’re Kagome Higurashi?” The new girl-well new in Kagome’s book-asked. A bright smile was plastered to her face. “I’m Rukia Kuchiki.”

“Yup that’s me. It‘s nice to meet you, Kuchiki-san.” Kagome smiled brightly and extended her hand across Ichigo’s desk. Rukia accepted it enthusiastically. Ichigo growled at the intrusion of his personally space. “And there’s no need to address me so formally, Ichigo.” she said, using his first name purposely, “From what my little brother Souta says, we’ll be family by the end of next month.” Ichigo’s growl turned into a groan at the mention of this. In the past months his father Isshin had fallen in love with Kagome’s mother June after she’d brought her father to their clinic for a sprained ankle. His little sisters Yuzu and Karin were ecstatic to get a older sister and a brother closer to them in age. Ichigo was only worried about having to keep his secret from four more people.

“Don’t remind me. My sisters won’t shut up about it.” Beside him, Rukia gave a little trill of laughter.

“I think it’s adorable! So do you know if you’re moving into the Higurashi Shrine, Ichigo?” Rukia asked. Her eyes narrowed slightly in anticipation. Her own residence-his closet- was at stake.

“Um, according to Dad we're all moving into the Shrine. He doesn’t want to inconvenience Kagome’s granddad. He’s just going to leave the house above the clinic empty.” From the corner of his eye, he saw a gleam enter Rukia’s eye. As soon the family moved out he could image her plastering Chappy the rabbit all over the walls, making herself right at home.

“That’s cool, you’ll have a place to worship everyday!” Rukia said in her overly bubbly way. Quite the actress she was. “So Higurashi-san, what did the doctor say? Are all of the purple spots gone? In this book I’m reading, the heroine caught the same kind of spots from kissing the villain and -”

“What kind of books are you reading!?” Ichigo turned to ask, saving Kagome from having to answer. She gave the squabbling pair a bemused glance, and settled down in her seat, praying that the teacher wouldn’t ask her to read or answer a question. She’d lost all of her school books in a village that had been torched by a demon looking for her sacred jewel shards. Kagome muttered an oath under her breath. She hated when Inuyasha was right.


Night was settling over Karakura town as Kagome and Inuyasha headed for her family’s shrine. Inuyasha was complaining a mile a minute about her having to take tests and coming back to the future for unimportant things. Kagome ignored most of this as she pondered the excited rant her brother had given her over breakfast. He’d barely stopped to breathe as he filled her in on the upcoming nuptials of their mother’s and Isshin Kurosaki. It wasn’t that Kagome hadn’t known about the budding romance between Isshin and her mother, in fact she couldn’t be happier for her mom. Isshin was a great guy, albeit a little unusual. It was just the thought of having to reveal her secret to new people that was making her anxious.
She’d been in the same class with Ichigo since middle school, but hardly knew him. The perpetual black look he wore had intimidated her from the very first minute she’d met him, but gradually she’d gotten used to it enough to overlook it and notice the boy within. But before she’d gotten really close to him the shrine well had taken her to Feudal Japan and farther away from her friends and school and into the world of ‘pretend’ illnesses.

“Kagome!? Are even listening to me? It’s not like I’m that perverted monk trying to grope you. I’m trying to tell you that all of this is pointless!” Inuyasha exclaimed as he stopped directly in front of her.

“It’s important to me, Inuyasha. I have to go to school. I want a career after we’ve gathered all of the jewel shards and destroyed Naraku. I can’t have that if I don’t have an education.” It was an old argument between them, it had never been resolved. And probably never would.

“Feh.” Inuyasha grumbled, folding his arms into the sleeves of his kimono.

Kagome took this silence as an opening. “Look Inuyasha, I’ve got something to tell you.”

“What, you have to stay longer this time?” He growled.

“No, I-”

“Have to come back next week for more shampoo?”

“Would you stop interrupting me!” Kagome cried out, frustrated. “It’s important. My mother is getting married-”


“So...” Kagome continued through gritted teeth, “There will be more people living with us in the shrine. Meaning more people will know about the well, me going back to the past and well...” She gave his hat hidden dog ears a involuntary glance, “you.”

“What about me?” Inuyasha sneered. He moved out of her way so they could continue down the street.

“Well you are ‘other-worldly’ , I guess. But with more people knowing about our secret the harder it’s going to be keeping it a secret.”

“Isn’t it just one more person? The guy your mom is marrying?” Inuyasha asked.

“No, he has twin daughters about Souta’s age and a boy my age named Ichigo. He goes to school with me.”

Inuyasha chuckled at the name, impervious to the news. “Ichigo? What kind of fruitcake is he?” Kagome rolled her eyes as she launched into what she knew about Ichigo Kurosaki.


A short distance away, the beeping of Rukia’s cell phone finally died off as Ichigo brought his sword down on the head of the Hollow he was fighting. The shriek was deafening as the Hollow departed from this world. Ichigo breathed a sigh of relief as he re-sheathed his sword and crossed to were Rukia was waiting. His body laid haphazardly next to her on the sidewalk were she’d had relieved it of his soul. Her expression was unreadable, but Ichigo could sense that she was pissed. And he was the focus of that anger.

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me Ichigo?” Rukia asked in calm and solemn voice.
It was the same voice she used to explain the seriousness of whatever dangerous situation they were in at the time.

There was no use in pretending he didn’t know what she was talking about. “It just had came up yet.”

Rukia glanced up and down the street, “Get back in your body.” she fairly growled. Ichigo hastily did as he was told and slipped back inside; when he lifted his head he saw that Rukia was standing over him, her hands on her hips. “You should have told me before. We have to make preparations. It may be easy to slip by your dad and sisters, but what about Kagome’s family? She seemed intelligent. She’ll notice things. She goes to school with you! What happens the day she shows up at school and you don’t? Won’t your family worry?” Rukia glared at Ichigo.

“Rukia, you’re missing one important fact. Kagome is nearly always in the hospital for one illness or the other. Didn’t you hear Keigo? She’s barely ever at school.”

The girl Shinigami was not pacified, “But that doesn’t mean we can let our guard down. And with you living at a shrine, and your high spiritual power, Hollows will be nearly always present. We’re going to be dealing with a lot more than we did before.” Rukia explained shortly as Ichigo hauled himself to his feet, he winced at the pain in his shoulder. With Rukia pissed off, he was going to have to grovel until she finally agreed to use her kido to heal the wound. Muttering under his breath, he headed for the Kurosaki Clinic.

“So there’s going to be more Hollows, huh? Will the Soul Society send more Shinigami to help?” He asked.

Rukia bit her lip. She really hoped not. As soon as they found out where she was and what she’d done, her time in the real world was over and a cozy prison cell would be waiting for her back home. “I don’t think so.” She told him curtly, hoping to deter him from the subject. She quickly moved on to other important matters. “So tell me about the Higurashi Shrine. Where is it? Is it large? Any room for a girl in a closet?”

Ichigo turned to glare at her, “It’s on the outskirts of town. It’s the only shrine in Karakura. There’s tons of legends that are associated with it so it gets plenty of tourists. Kagome’s grandfather is the Shinto priest that resides over the shrine so they live on the grounds. And how should I know if there’s any room for you?”

“Well haven’t you ever visited the shrine? Like to visit Kagome when she’s ill or take her homework and make-up work?”

“Uh, we’re not that close. But yeah of course I’ve been to the shrine. Keigo and Mizuro always drag me there on New Year’s. But that’s the shrine’s main buildings, which are public. The Higurashi family’s house is private property.” He glanced down at the sidewalk, kicking rocks as he went.

Rukia arched a brow at him. “So you’ve never even snuck in to see what it looks like? Even out of curiosity?”

His gaze swung down to hers. “No. That’s called breaking and entering.” Ichigo said as if he was talking to a little child. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, astonished at the suggestion of breaking into Kagome’s house.

“Yeah right.” she rolled her eyes. “In the last book I read, this group of boys broke into their classmate’s house, just to see what her room looked like. But then when they got in there they decided to take pictures of her while she slept-”

Ichigo looked heavenward and sighed in exasperation. “Fuck, I should have never gotten you that library card.”