InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ When Secrets Collide ❯ The Deathberry and Dog Demon Meet ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclamer: Bleach and all associated characters are owned exclusively by Kubo Tite and company. InuYasha and related work belong to Rumikio Takahashi and imcorporated. The only thing I own is the character Hanabi Yamada and the paper I started writing this story on. I recieve no royalites for this fanfic. I am gravely envious of the genius of Tite and Rumikio. No matter how I threaten, they still will not reliquish the rights to my Inu-kun and Ichigo. Damn. Back to drawing board, Pinky.

Author's note:
Sorry for the wait! It's taking me longer than I expected to upload/update my stories, but they will be updated. Expect another chapter for this one in the next three to four days. Sorry again! ~Danni

Chapter Two

[The Deathberry and Dog Demon Meet]

Several weeks passed as the separate duos continued about their own business. Kagome got ‘sick’ again and headed back to the past while Ichigo divided his time between killing Hollows and packing up his room for the move to the Higurashi Shrine. Quicker than either of them expected, they were preparing to attend the dinner that would formally introduce the families to one another. Ichigo had tried his best to fake an illness, but his acting- talents were no where near on par with Kagome’s. The girl in question had been barred from using the well as a means of escaping the dinner . All of both families were going to be present, even if it killed June and Isshin. Inuyasha had even been given a choice. He could either go to the dinner in modern clothes-including shoes and a bandana- or he could go back to Feudal Japan and wait for Kagome to join him there. To the surprise of Kagome’s grandpa and delight of Souta, Inuyasha grumbled and complained, but allowed Kagome and June to drag him to the shopping district for proper attire for the evening.
In the Kurosaki household, Rukia was pacing the floorboards of the bedroom, glaring at the back of Ichigo’s head as he fiddled with the knot in his tie in the mirror. Ichigo caught her stare and growled at her reflection and his own as he ripped the tie from around his neck and started again.

“No, Rukia.” He said for the twentieth time that day. On and off, she’d been trying to convince him that she should also attend the family dinner.

He was in for no surprise when she opened her mouth. “Why not? I can probably find out something vital that your inferior brain would never pick up on. I’ll pretend to be your girlfriend, that way I could also pretend to be your date for the dinner.”

Ichigo gave a gruff laugh. “Do you hear yourself? You can’t go two seconds without insulting me. And anyway, you pretending to be my girlfriend would only give my dad ideas. He’d practically beg you to move in until you and I got married-” He cut himself off when he notice her eyes brighten in the reflection of the mirror. “No way in hell, Rukia. What happens when you go back to the Soul Society? How do I explain to not just my dad and sisters but also my stepsiblings and stepmom-and don’t forget her dad-that my ‘fiancée disappeared off the face of the Earth without a trace of her to be found?”

Rukia chose to ignore that last bit. “Look Ichigo, right now we need to focus on what’s going on in front of us and what we’re going to do about it. If my moving in as your fiancée will solve our immediate problems I say we bite the bullet and just tough it. It accomplishes the goal of me not having to sneak into your room to sleep or accidentally being noticed by your sisters and having to modify their memories. Plus it’ll give me a chance to get to know Kagome Higurashi.” Rukia’s look turned pensive. “There’s something there that we’re not getting the full story on.” she murmured mostly to herself.

“Is it going to be painful?” Ichigo asked her through the mirror. As much as he didn’t like to admit, he knew to go along with Rukia when she was this determined. “You’re not going to try to ruin my life or anything, are you?”

A slight smile graced her mouth as she moved toward him to help with his tie. “I’ll try to make this as painless as possible, as long as you agree to cooperate…” She tugged the knot gently in place. “So should I just show up unannounced or are you going to tell your dad before we leave?”

“I’ll go tell dad now.” Ichigo sighed heavily.

Without a hitch, the Kurosaki clan was off-Rukia included-all crossing their fingers that they wouldn’t get there late. When they arrived at the small tempura restaurant the Higurashi family was crowding the waiting room, all shined up for the occasion, including a silver-haired boy who was constantly shifting on his feet. Rukia glanced around the beautifully decorated room, awed by the little interior garden with its pond filled with koi fish. The air was fragranced by bunches of white wisteria. Isshin was the first to forget their surroundings and moved forward with a purpose, embracing June whole-heartedly. The demure woman readily excepted the hug with enthusiasm and was shortly chatting with Isshin and her father. Yuzu and Souta quickly recognized each other as kindred souls and were soon discussing the latest episode of Spirit Hunter. Karin sighed resigned, realizing the evening would not be normal by any standards. She promptly followed the hostess back to their private room. Rukia and Ichigo trailed behind her, waiting for Kagome and her guest catch up with them.

“Rukia-san? What are you doing here?” Kagome asked as she pulled the silver-haired boy along with her while she made her way to pair ahead of them. She had dressed comfortably in her favorite summer dress, adorned with large purple Japanese irises and topped it off with her black denim jacket. Beside her, Inuyasha looked striking in his black suit and light purple and white striped dress shirt. He’d refused to wear a tie, but all the same, he cut a nice figure anyway. Mama had been right to insist that they coordinate for the night. They made a very attractive couple.

Rukia glanced up at Ichigo, who abruptly averted his eyes, his gaze settling anywhere but on her. She sighed to herself, if only he’d at least made an effort to help her she wouldn’t have to torment him. But that was fine with her. She gained extraordinary pleasure from making him squirm. Stopping in the doorway of their room, Rukia put on the sappiest smile in her arsenal, grabbed Ichigo’s hand and pulled him into a close, intimate embrace. Mentally, Rukia imagined the view they presented. Ichigo in his charcoal suit and her in her one piece, red and gray cotton dress with a black cardigan was exceptionally appealing. Instantly Rukia realized that she and Ichigo, undeniably, look like two people in a relationship. She shoved thought away quickly.

“Didn’t Ichigo tell you?! Well this silly bunny asked me to marry him over Spring break! At first I refused, I told him we were way too young to get married, but he begged and pleaded until I just couldn’t turn him down! It’s going to be a very long engagement and were going to have to keep it secret for awhile, but Ichigo insisted. Oh, Kagome-chan since you’re nearly family now we can trust you not to tell right? And your friend here?” Rukia gushed, feeling slightly sick to her stomach. It was overkill but feeling Ichigo stiffen in her hold compensated for it.

The silver-haired boy barely stifled his laughter. “I think I’d rather be a fruitcake than a ‘silly bunny’.” He muttered nearly under his breath. Kagome elbowed him in the stomach, hoping to restrain the words before Ichigo heard them.

“What did you say, pretty boy?” Ichigo snarled while trying to free himself from Rukia’s crutches. She tightened her grip on him to keep him from going and strangling the other young man.

“Pretty boy? You’re one to talk, strawberry.” Kagome groaned inaudibly. They couldn’t even sit down before Inuyasha picked a fight.

“My name doesn’t mean strawberry! It’s number one guardian!” Ichigo retorted furiously.

Isshin’s parental senses must have been on heightened alert, because without pausing from pulling out a chair for June, he addressed the adolescents in a stern un-Isshin like voice. “Behave you guys. Kagome-chan, why don’t you introduce Rukia and Ichigo to your friend. I have a feeling he and Ichigo will have a lot in common.” He moved on to pull out seats for his daughters.

Both boys snorted in disbelief.

Kagome cleared her throat. “Ichigo, Rukia-san, I want you to meet my friend Inuyasha.” The group progressed into the room where both girls waited for their seats to be pulled out.

Ichigo snorted under his breath, believing he was only talking loud enough for Rukia to hear him. “And he had the nerve to talk about my name? I’d rather be a strawberry than a dog.” The statement earned him an elbow in the side and a very dog-like growl from Inuyasha.

Outwardly oblivious to the damage she’d inflicted on Ichigo, Rukia turned a speculative and slightly mischievous eye to the other pair. “So Kagome-chan, is this your boyfriend?” She watched as the color mounted Kagome’s face high and hard, embarrassment the obvious reason.

Inuyasha watched her from across the table, folding his arms in a defensive gesture. “Keh, I am. So what of it?” his surliness straightforward.

Rukia observed with a sharp eye as surprise and confusion registered on Kagome’s face. She mentally patted herself on the back. Something was off about Kagome Higurashi. Even if it was just the status of her relationship with Inuyasha, Rukia’s intuition had been right. She waved her hand dismissively at Inuyasha’s question. “I didn’t mean anything by that. Nothing at all!” She laughed softly. “I think it’s wonderful of you to stay by Kagome-chan’s side while she’s in the hospital, going through all of those tests, trying to find something that will cure her. You must love her very much.”

Kagome’s face turned an even deeper shade of red while Inuyasha’s cheeks became a lovely shade of pink. “Yeah well, Kagome needs someone to watch her or she’d end up killing herself.” Inuyasha answered in a self-justifying way. He didn’t notice the horrified looks that passed across Ichigo and Rukia’s faces. Before either could ask him to elaborate, waiters swept into the room, brandishing plates of vegetable and seafood tempura, lightly battered and fried to golden perfection. Without delay, Inuyasha and Ichigo both dug into their meals, leaving Rukia and Kagome to stare in wonder of their sheer momentum and capacity. The conversation continued around the boys but mostly included details pertaining to Isshin and June’s wedding. Soon, Inuyasha had cleared his plate and had gone in searching of more nourishment. He reached for last piece of shrimp tempura at the very same moment Ichigo did. With their chopsticks posed to seize the fried seafood, the young men glowered at one another, neither losing eye contact or moving to take the shrimp.

“Uh, Inuyasha?” Kagome inquired tentatively. She’d witnessed the brutal blows Inuyasha had dealt Shippo or Miroku when it came to the last of the meal.

“Don’t bother him, Kagome. I wanna see if he’s brave enough to take it from me.” Ichigo snarled menacingly.

“Would you stop being an idiot, Ichigo? You don’t even have it. Neither does he.” Rukia lamented, annoyed. Kagome’s brow quirked at Rukia’s tone. What had happen to the vivacious bride-to-be? Without any warning Souta’s chopsticks swooped down between the fight boys and snagged the sought-after tempura. Both girls were hard press to contain their snickers of laughter as Inuyasha and Ichigo both did very convincing impressions of fish in the pond in the lobby of the restaurant.

Souta chewed his gain with relish. Working around the food he said, “I was trying to nip the problem in the bud for you guys. Plus I really wanted that last piece.” Grandpa Higurashi gave a hearty laugh, slapping Souta across the back good-naturedly. Ichigo and Inuyasha grumbled under their breaths, sending deadly glares at the meddling little boy. The servers were back with flourish, and set beautifully concocted chocolate truffles in front of the families that had Kagome and Rukia’s mouths watering. Eagerly they shoved their own tempura toward the unhappy boys, and awaited their chocolate bliss.

The entire situation was forgotten as Rukia took her first bite of the dessert. The rich flavor, and smooth texture of the liqueur filled center made her eyes close in ecstasy. Never in the many years she’d lived had she ever tasted anything as delicious as the truffle. She nearly missed the question Isshin directed to Kagome, she was so wrapped into the chocolaty pleasure.
“So, Kagome-chan, have any of the doctors you’ve went to see been able to tell you why you’ve been riddled with so many conditions at so young an age?”

A brief pause was noticeable on the Higurashi’s side of the table. Kagome shifted her eyes to her plate and stiffly shook her head. “No.”

Isshin’s smile was sympathetic. “Well, seeing as a doctor will be living with you now, maybe I’ll notice something that the other doctors haven’t seen yet.”

“Maybe.” Kagome said quietly. She began to shred her napkin nervously in her lap.

Swiftly her mother took notice of this and came to her rescue. “Isshin, dear, maybe we should leave this conversation for a later date. It makes Kagome feel poorly when we discuss her illnesses.”

He was quickly remorseful. “I’m sorry Kagome-chan. It’s been a pleasant evening. I don’t want it to end on a bad note.”

Rukia noticed that it was indeed getting later and later and that she and Ichigo had yet to learn anything useful. She sat her spoon down and gave Kagome a sad smile. “Kagome-chan, what hospital are you usually admitted to? I think it would be appropriate for Ichigo and I to visit you while you’re away from school, to bring you your homework and such. Since were going to be family and all.” She watched as Kagome began to stammer uneasily. This time, her grandfather saved her.

“Kagome is usually taken to a private hospital in downtown Tokyo. We don’t usually allow her to have visitors from school because she goes into a deep depression. It kills her spirit.”

Souta piped in. “I’m not even allowed to visit.”

With a doctor as a father, Ichigo was familiar with most of the hospitals in the city. But he was pretty sure there were no private ones in downtown Tokyo. Meaning the Higurashi family was hiding something and Kagome was the center of it. Ichigo turned a speculative eye to Inuyasha. If this was her boyfriend, then he’d have a first hand knowledge of what that was.
“Do you go see her, Inuyasha? You did say that if you didn’t keep an eye on her she’d kill herself.” Inuyasha’s expression turned into a small scowl.

“Why do you want to know?” He growled.

“Well, I’m curious about how you continue to maintain a relationship with Kagome.”

“Why does it even concern you?” Inuyasha snarled instead of answering.

Ichigo smirked nastily. “Call it my new found brotherly interest.”

Inuyasha rose from his seat slightly. “It’s still none of your business, strawberry guardian.” he replied sarcastically.

Ichigo stood too, “Look it was a simply question, dog boy. You didn’t have to resort to name calling.” Isshin reached over and smacked Ichigo on the back of his head, causing him to drop into his seat, stars dancing before his eyes. Kagome gave a sharp glare to Inuyasha and mouthed ‘sit’ in his direction. He paled considerably.

“So Karin-chan, Yuzu-san are you looking forward to transferring to Souta’s school?” June asked with a cheerful expression, as if she had not witness the heated argument. The twin sisters nodded and launched into a tale about their current school. Rukia listened with half her attention as she played with the straw in her drink. She was pleasantly surprised when Ichigo pushed his own truffle into her plate. She glanced up at him questioningly.

“I’m not to big on sweets. Enjoy.” He told her gruffly. But just as she was about to settle into the treat she heard the shriek of a Hollow close by. She closed her eyes briefly and closed her eyes. Damn. Next to her, Ichigo stood and looked toward his father and his fiancée. “Uh, if you’ll excuse me and Rukia...we um, have to go meet up with Keigo and Uryuu for our study group. Big science project we have to get finished. He grabbed Rukia’s hand up and pulled her up to stand next to him.

“Well alright. Go if you must.” June said, glancing at Isshin who gave a nod of agreement. They both gave quick goodbyes and in a flash they were gone from sight.

Kagome mumbled under her breath. What science project? She may be absent quite often, but she did get all of her make-up work and Mrs. Ochi hadn’t said anything about a project.
Next to her Inuyasha shifted in his seat uncomfortably. He leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Uh, Kagome? Did you here that roar a second ago?”

Kagome had, but it hadn’t be the most important thing at the moment. “Yeah I did.”

“Do you think it was a demon?” He asked.

“I don’t know.” She admitted. Then she realized something. “Hey, do you think Rukia and Ichigo heard it too? Maybe that’s why they left so abruptly.”

“You think they went to slay it? Maybe it has a jewel shard.”

“I can’t sense one. And Ichigo and Rukia don’t have any. Maybe it’s a coincidence.” She said to pacify him, even though she didn’t believe it herself. First the roar, then Ichigo lied and fled. What the hell was going on there?
Inuyasha snorted “Well if the demon has a jewel shard and they get it, I’ll just take it from them later on.”

Kagome rolled her eyes. She’d sit him before he tried to take anything from Ichigo and Rukia.


Another world away, Hanabi Yamada looked up to find herself staring at her fellow squad member, Yumichika Ayasegawa.

“Hey Yumichika-san!” Her twin brother Hanatarou chirped, “What can we do for you?”
Hanabi smiled fondly at her sibling. They were on different sides of the spectrum. Where Hanatarou was nervous, Hanabi tried her best to live up to her name. She was cheerful and vibrant and got along with most people with little difficulty. With her coal black hair swept into a flowing side ponytail and her green eyes practically hidden by her unkempt bangs, she was often mistaken for a soft-spoken, simpering airhead. For years, many in the Seireitei had wondered why Hanabi had become close friends with Rukia Kuchiki and not Momo Hinamori, a girl she seemed to resemble. It gave her brother much pleasure to watch her correct people of that simply mistake. Hinamori tended to set Hanabi’s teeth on edge.

“Oh nothing, Hanatarou-kun, the captain is looking for your sister.” Yumichika turned back to Hanabi and grinned. “You know, the captain has been looking for you for hours now. I wouldn’t be surprise if he busted you back down to cleaning out the squad barracks.”

Hanabi rolled her eyes. She and Yumichika had graduated in the same class, and had been assigned to clean the barracks together right after they’d been appointed to the 11th squad. They’d been close friends every since. But no matter what kind of nonsense Yumichika spewed about 5 being a more beautiful character, worthy of him, lately he’d been feeling the sting of Hanabi having seniority over him. She was only the 4th seat to his 5th, but to him it was a world of difference, especially since she was a female. It was much, much harder to rise up through the ranks of Kenpachi Zaraki’s squad as a woman. Hanabi prided herself about being the strongest woman in the toughest squad in the Soul Society. Well, she was the strongest, if you didn’t count Kenpachi’s Vice Captain, Youchiru. Nobody had ever witness first-hand why she was Zaraki’s right hand, and the little girl was always elusive when it came her powers.

Hanabi bade her jittery brother farewell, brushed off her shihakusho, pushed aside the coal black hair that fell into her eyes and fell into step next to Yumichika as he lead the way out of the Squad 4 infirmary. She had an inkling as to why ‘Kenny‘, as she liked to call her captain when he wasn‘t around (of course), wanted to see her. For the past two months, Squad 11 had been given the task of finding Rukia Kuchiki and bringing her back to the Soul Society to face the punishment of her actions. For those two months Rukia had been narrowly evading capture, much to the disgruntlement of Kenpachi. Kenny knew that she, Hanabi, was best friends with the ‘fugitive’ and had been summoning her to wheedle out information that he could use to find Rukia. So far she hadn’t been any help to the man, but he was determined to know every little detail she knew about the adopted noble, Rukia Kuchiki.

With that thought in mind, Hanabi casually asked Yumichika, “Have they found her yet?”

Yumichika’s cheerful expression faded. “Yeah, they have.” he answered sadly. Through Hanabi, Yumichika, along with her brother and Ikkaku Madarame, had gotten to know Rukia very well.

“Has Kenny sent out a team to retrieve her yet?” Hanabi asked, forlorn. She’d so hoped to have more time to appeal to Center 46 about Rukia’s charges.

Yumichika gave a negative shake of his head. “No. Captain Kuchiki found out that we had located his sister and immediately demanded that Kenpachi and the rest of the Squad back off and let him and his Vice Captain deal with Rukia.”

Hanabi snorted. She knew exactly what Byakuya Kuchiki would do if he got his hands on his sister. Death would shortly follow the encounter. “Kenny didn’t back down, right? Please tell me he talked Kuchiki out of it.” she asked feverishly.

“Of course not.” Yumichika said with a fond grin. “The captain was about to come to blows with Kuchiki when Captain Hitsugaya step in to stop them. And of course, he was also level-headed enough to suggest that two teams be dispatched to recover the fugitive.”

The scope of power little Toushiro Hitsugaya held had never failed to amaze Hanabi. While Squad 11 had always been her first choice to be assigned to, she’d become intrigued with Squad 10 after Hitsugaya had become captain. For many years she’d warred with indecision about transferring to the 10th squad, until Rukia had helped her make a clear, thought-out choice.

Hanabi had been sitting under a juniper tree on the intra-squad training grounds when Rukia had found her making a pro-con list of reasons she should/shouldn’t transfer. Hanabi had been startled out of her musing when the regal Kuchiki had sat down across from her and asked what troubling her. After listening to Hanabi confess her dilemma, Rukia had taken her list and crossed out everything but one item and handed it back. Then she’d explained that when she’d entered the Gotei’s 13th squad she’d been in serious need of a friend after she’d been dubbed the ‘Princess of Rukongai‘. Rukia had also told her that nothing else in the world mattered unless she had friends to share it with. And to this day Hanabi believed that statement with all of her heart. She’d made many friends in the 11th squad and she wasn’t about to give them up just to be under the command of the genius mind of Toushiro Hitsugaya.

Thinking about what her best friend had told her, Hanabi’s mood sank even lower as she woefully remembered the last time she’d seen her. Rukia had been telling her about her first long-term mission to the real world. Not that you could tell from her outward appearance, Rukia had been over-the-moon ecstatic about being given guardianship over the spiritual mile known as Karakura town. She’d believed she’d finally found something that her brother Byakuya would be proud of her for. And hoped she could finally live down the fact that she had not become a seated officer upon entering the 13th squad. Hanabi had been the last to see her as she past through the Senkei gate and into the real world.

Yumichika glanced quickly at the desolate expression gracing Hanabi’s face as they finally made their way up the stone steps that preceded the entrance to the headquarters of the 11th squad. When they entered the main conference room the pair discovered Byakuya Kuchiki and his Vice Captain, Renji Abarai, conferring with Kenpachi and Ikkaku.

They were swiftly spotted themselves and were greeted with a friendly grin from Renji. He’d recently been transferred from the 11th squad and promoted to second in command of the 6th squad. “Howdy, Hanabi-san, Yumichika-san, it’s been awhile, hasn’t it?” Renji welcomed. Hanabi snarled lowly in the back of her throat. Renji was not one of her favorite people.

Yumichika nudged her to remind her that she was growling at a superior officer. Hanabi forced a saccharine smile to her lips, “It has been awhile, Abarai-kun.” she in an equally over-respectful tone. She watched with pleasure as Renji’s top lip curled and his tattooed eyebrows disappeared beneath his bandana. She hadn’t recognized his rank over her. Deliberately. Hanabi knew for a fact that Renji’s dislike of her was nearly on par with hers for him.

Byakuya shortly put an end to the small talk. “Hanabi Yamada, it has been requested by your captain that you accompany myself and my vice captain to the real world to recover Rukia Kuchiki. I expect you to be ready for departure and awaiting us at the Senkei gate within the hour.”

Confusion knitted Hanabi’s brow. “Excuse me, sir, but isn’t there going to be two units going into the human world?”

“Yes, but Zaraki-not myself- will be going over the details with you. If that is all...” Byakuya left the room with a sweep of his robes, his hair wiping around the dressings that decorated his black locks. Renji tailed him, but not before giving a respectful nod to his former captain. They all, with the exception of Kenpachi, breathed a sigh of relief as the pompous, highborn captain of Squad 6 left the premises.

Ikkaku Madarame smirked at Hanabi, “Yamada-chan, it’s time for you to don sheep’s clothing.”

A/N: Don't kill me, I love Renji Abarai, but I need some conflict and his bright red hair was a flag waving in the wind. LOL.