InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ When Secrets Collide ❯ The Kurosaki-Higurashi Wedding ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclamer: Bleach and all associated characters are owned exclusively by Kubo Tite and company. InuYasha and related work belong to Rumikio Takahashi and imcorporated. The only thing I own is the character Hanabi Yamada and the tempermental computer that I write this thing on. (some days it wants to be crabby and freeze on me in the middle of writing a chapter. LOL) I recieve no royalites for this fanfic. I am gravely envious of the genius of Tite and Rumikio. No matter how I threaten, they still will not reliquish the rights to my Inu-kun and Ichigo. Damn. Back to drawing board, Pinky.

Author's Note

So Sorry
for the short chapter. More coming soon! Oh and thank you guys SO MUCH for the reviews! They make my heart race and soar just from reading them. (.^_^.)


P.S.: Please note that I do not know the ins and outs of a modern or traditional Japanese wedding ceremony. I've done some varied research, and what you're about to read is the melding of the information that I've gathered. I hope that this doesn't offend anyone, so this is a warning in advance. If it does (offend, I mean), I'll likely end up updating this chapter once again with a shorter, less detailed wedding ceremony.

Chapter 3

[The Kurosaki-Higurashi Wedding]

The private ceremony that would bring June and Isshin together in blessed matrimony, was held under the Sacred Tree with only the couple’s immediate family present. Inuyasha and Rukia were allowed to attend as 'nearly' family members. In the distance, laughter and music could be faintly heard from the festivities that were taking place on the Higurashi property in celebration of a national holiday. An old friend of June’s father presided over the service and not before long she and Isshin stood behind a small table in front of the priest and alter while their families took their places to either side, facing each other.

When everyone was in their place, the priest began, “These two families are about to be united though this wedding...” Kagome watched the scene unfold with a sense of yearning. She’d always thought that she too would be married under the Sacred Tree, with her family watching as she pledged her life to the one man she would love all of her life. But with her life in constant turmoil, and Inuyasha vowing to give Kikyo his life and follow her to hell, she didn’t think she could ever marry with her heart belonging to another. Her friends always told her she’d always have Hojo as a back-up plan, but how fair was that to him? She gave a slight shake of her head. How hopeless was she, standing here bemoaning her own love life when her mother was being given a second chance with true love? Kagome was surprised when Souta jolted her out of her drift, motioning her to take the drink of sake from their grandfather.

The priest went on with the ceremony as the couple past on the sake that was to be drank by both families as a symbol of alliance.

Rukia gave a tiny wistful sigh of her own as she listened to Isshin recite his vows to June. Who would have thought that illegally giving Ichigo her spiritual powers would have let her join in something as beautiful as this? She’d never attended a wedding before and had not once given thought to what it would be like or what emotions were involved in the event, even for the bystanders. Rukia had always believed she’d have an arranged marriage, compliments of her brother. Nowadays she was shocked at her submissiveness. Had she ever wanted to find that one person who’d love her no matter what? Not only had she not thought about it, she hadn’t even pursued any relationships to find Mr. Right. Rukia could hear Hanabi now, what the hell was she waiting for? She wasn’t getting in younger and Hanabi refused to let her marry Renji, who she believed to be an inferior carbon copy of Byakuya.

“Damnit Rukia, pay attention and take the damn sake.” Ichigo grumbled quietly, loud enough for only her to hear. A miniscule smile played at her lips as she accepted the cup. Her ‘engagement’ to Ichigo would be a fine start on how to go about finding everlasting love.

Rukia’s gaze slide back to the older couple who were both smiling blissfully at one another. She hoped to find someone to beam at her idyllically like that. Finally Isshin and June exchanged rings and were proclaimed husband and wife. A gleeful cry was sent up as the families moved to congratulate the couple. Yuzu was asking for permission to call June ‘mom’ and Grandpa Higurashi gave his thanks to the priest while Isshin gave Kagome a bear hug. Ichigo smiled minutely, for once happy that his father was torturing someone else.

“Come on you guys, it’s time to make the announcement at the festival!” Karin called out. The group made their way toward the crowd and booth that had been set up at the top of the lengthy staircase. Rapidly the crowd silenced itself, and Grandpa gave them the news they’d been waiting for. Following an enthusiastic cheer, the newlyweds where bombarded by well-wishers.

Kagome noticed Inuyasha stiffen and was growling low as people began to crowd around him. Taking him by the hand, she tugged him toward one of the events that had been set up on the grounds-archery. She picked up the bow and notched an arrow in place. She closed one eye and considered the red bull’s-eye that was set up thirty feet away.

“Like you could hit the broad side of a barn.” Inuyasha snorted under his breath.

Kagome harrumphed. “Just you watch. I’ll hit it. I’m quite good with a bow and arrow nowadays.”

“Yeah too bad you weren’t any good with them when we first met. Then we wouldn’t have all of the misadventures we have now every time we go on a shard hunt.”

“Yeah but then there wouldn’t be any reason for me to got to through the well, and we would have never met Sango or Miroku, Shippo or even Kouga.” Kagome said over her shoulder as she lined up her shot.

Inuyasha crossed his arms over his chest. “I wouldn’t suffer any at all if we’d never met Kouga...or Shippo for that matter.”

Kagome chose to ignore her companion as she concentrated on hitting the mark. Inuyasha looked on, smarting at the fact that she hadn‘t risen to the bait. She sighed, relaxed her stance and at the same moment she moved to release, a earsplitting shriek from nearby caused her to jump and discharge her arrow into the hay bale set up behind the target. Kagome wiped around in time enough to see Rukia and Ichigo charging toward the stairs that led down and away from the shrine.

“Come on Inuyasha, let’s go see what they’re up to.” Kagome murmured.

But Inuyasha was already in action, swiftly making his way through the crowd and down the staircase. Kagome secured the quiver to her shoulder, tighten her grip on the bow and took the steps two at a time hoping to catch up with the silver-haired boy. Her new stepbrother and his fiancée were nowhere in sight at the bottom of the flight of stairs. She hit the street with a bound, near plowing down Inuyasha with the momentum of the leap. With a grunt, he scoped Kagome up, settled her on his back and was off again running at a near inhuman speed toward the unknown creature that had sounded. Since Inuyasha had to carefully watch where he was going, Kagome kept a sharp eye out for Ichigo’s bright hair, and Rukia’s short frame.
Neither came into view as Inuyasha entered the neighborhood park that was used for weekly sporting events. Standing in the middle of the baseball diamond was the most sinister looking demon Kagome had ever seen. It was wearing a strange white mask and had yellow piercing eyes. The rest of its body was black and nondescript, with no actually legs to be seen. But most overwhelming thing about the creature was its sheer size. It stood higher than most of the buildings nearby and it wouldn’t be surprising to Kagome if it was larger than Sesshomaru in his true form.

Inuyasha deposited Kagome next to him and reached to unsheathe the absent Tessaiga. “Shit!” He growled as he charged the beast, claws and fangs bared. “Iron Reaper, Soul Stealer!” His attack was immediately blocked as the monster leaped out of the way. It let out another intense howl, taking a swipe at Inuyasha. The hanyou tried to dodge the blow but took the brunt of in the shoulder.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome screamed as the monster’s claws tore into the jacket he’d worn to the wedding.
“Feh. This asshole can’t take me.” Inuyasha breathed as stopped himself from crashing into the ground. “Kagome, does this bastard have any jewel shards!?” He called out as he confronted the beast once again. This time Inuyasha’s hit was right on target, except it didn’t do any damage to the creature at all. “What the hel-”

“Inuyasha, move!” Kagome cried out as she took an arrow from her quiver and prepared to fire. “It doesn’t have any jewel shards, and I don’t sense any demonic aura coming from it! It isn’t a demon!” She took aim at it and as soon as Inuyasha dived out of her line of sight she released the arrow with a glow of bright blue light. Compared to the monster, the lighted arrow was barely visible, but the spear tip penetrated the monster’s mask none the less and the creature roared in agony as it vanished from sight.

Gently, Inuyasha landed in front of her. “Are you alright?” He asked worriedly as he discarded the ruined jacket.

Kagome gave a weak nod as she tried to comprehend what had just happened. What the hell was that thing? She thought to herself.

Inuyasha was more verbal. “What the fuck was that? Maybe one of Naraku’s reincarnations?”

“In my time? I don’t think so. It doesn’t seem possible.” she replied with a shake of her head.

“Yeah, well, what the hell did it want?” He retorted, irritated.

All she could do was shrug. It did seem to be looking for something when she and Inuyasha had come across it.

Inuyasha’s ears flicked toward a cluster of trees. “Do you hear that?”

“Hear what?” She asked.

Without bothering to respond, Inuyasha headed toward the trees, leaving Kagome no choice but to follow. She began to grow weary as they approached the edge of the clearing. Something about this was all wrong. In front of her, Inuyasha pulled back the limbs of some bushes and huddled up against the base of a tree was a sobbing little girl. Quickly, Kagome realized something off about the girl. She was dead.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” Inuyasha growled at the little girl. She shrank back immediately as if she was trying to withdraw into herself. Kagome shoved Inuyasha out her way and went down on her haunches.

“Hello, can we do something to help you?” Kagome asked softly, trying to soothe the girl.

“Are you here to take me?” The little girl asked.

Kagome frowned in confusion. “Take you where?” She turned to Inuyasha, “Shouldn’t she be with the Soul Piper? Like Mayu was?”

Inuyasha’s expression turned peeved. “Do I look like Myogua? I don’t know a lot about ghosts and spirits. Demons? Yes. Ghosts and crap? Ah…no. But I can tell you, I’ve never seen a chain connected to a spirit’s chest like this.”

An unfamiliar voice spoke from behind them “And that tells us you can’t be a Shinigami. So just what are you doing here with this spirit? Who the hell are you?”