InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ When Secrets Collide ❯ The Abduction of Keigo Asano ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclamer: Bleach and all associated characters are owned exclusively by Kubo Tite and company. InuYasha and related work belong to Rumikio Takahashi and imcorporated. The only thing I own is the character Hanabi Yamada and the tempermental computer that I write this thing on. (Some days it wants to be crabby and freeze up on me while I'm in the middle of a chapter and can't remember the last time I saved LOL.) I recieve no royalites for this fanfic. I am gravely envious of the genius of Tite and Rumikio. And no matter how I threaten, they still will not reliquish the rights to my Inu-kun and Ichigo. Damn. Back to drawing board, Pinky.

Author's note:
Hey everybody, thanks for the reviews! It's time for a update! In this chapter, the action finally begins. Most of the idea for this story-well at least this chapter- came from me re-watching one of the Bleach OVAs, The Sealed Sword Frenzy. It had been a long while since I'd watched it, and so I noticed right off the back that Kenpachi depended on Yachiru's guidance to find the other captains that had came from Soul Society (Although they never did actually find them). So I thought it would be a unique idea for Kenny and Yachiru to be the one of the groups that were sent to find Rukia. You know, to see if they got the right person. Here's that idea brought to life. I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 4

[The Abduction of Keigo Asano]

A few blocks away, Keigo Asano stooped down retrieve the crackers he’d just purchased from the vending machine outside the apartment complex he lived in. His older sister was giving him grief, as always, and he’d come up with the excuse of wanting something from the machine to get away from her. She was always on his case about not doing something she wanted him to do, like she was his parent and not sibling.

“I told you we’d find her first, Kenny!” A high-pitched giggle came from behind him. Keigo turned around and swiftly forgot about crackers, his sister and the crap she was trying to get over on. All of his attention was trained on the man in front of him. He towered over Keigo with little difficulty, his manic smile making the talkative boy uneasy. He wore a patch over one eye, and down the opposite side of his face was a long vertical scar that went from his forehead to his chin. Without a doubt, Keigo had never seen a more intimidating human being.

“Uh, can I help you?” He asked with a nervous chuckle.

“Don’t play stupid,” The man groused. “We’ve come to take you back. You’ve had us running after you for quite awhile, Kuchiki-san.”

“Kuchiki? I’m not Kuchiki. I’m Asano. Keigo Asano.” Keigo took a step back and hit the glass front of the machine behind him.

“You aren’t?” The man asked, uncertain.

“Silly, yes you are! Don’t you try to fool Kenny, Rukia-chan!” The bubbly girlish voice was back.

Keigo’s gaze crept up the man’s body and landed on the pint-sized girl that was perched on his shoulder. She had bubble-gum pink hair and was bouncing up and down, humming a cheerful tune. Then the name they’d mentioned hit him. What did these creepy characters what with Rukia?

The man glance up at his companion. “Are you sure this is Rukia Kuchiki, Yachiru?” He asked.

The girl huffed. “Of course! Have I ever steered you wrong, Kenny?” She asked in a put out tone.

“Yes, yes you have.” The man answered.

“Well I’m right this time!” She piped.

Kenny glance back at the human in front of him. “Well if you’re right...” He grabbed ‘Rukia’ by the back of the collar and hauled her into the street. “It’s time to get back to the Soul Society. Notify the others that we’ve capture the fugitive.” He tugged the protesting Keigo down the darkened street and out of sight.

Sensing there would be no time to make them realize he wasn’t his classmate, Keigo closed his eyes in misery. What the hell had Rukia Kuchiki done for these type of people to be after her?


Inuyasha scowled as he turned around and measured up the newcomers. “Who the fuck wants know?”

A young man with bright red hair pulled back into a spiky ponytail, stepped forward with furious intent, only to be pulled back by the only female in the trio. “Cool it, Abarai.” She snapped. “We’re not here to cause problems.”

Abarai growled, “I won’t be talked to like that by the likes of such. Nor will I allow you to keep addressing me so informally.”

The other man spoke up, his tone cold enough to freeze water. “This is not the place for that, Renji.”

The girl agreed quickly. “Kuchiki-sama is right. We need to be questioning these humans-who can obviously see us when they shouldn’t be able to-and find out what they know about-”

“Why shouldn’t we be able to see you?” Kagome asked as she stepped forward and put a restraining hand on Inuyasha, who was simmering at being ignored.

The other girl turned back to her. “Because humans do not posses the spiritual power required to.” She said simply.

Kagome chuckled, “Well I could understand that. But Inuyasha and I are not normal humans. I’m Kagome Higurashi. Who are you? Do you have anything to do with that demon I just killed?”

“Hanabi Yamada. I’m the 4th seat of Squad-well, we’ll get into that later. But I think I can help you if you can tell me about that ‘demon’ you killed.” She smiled encouragingly.

“Well it was a huge black monster with a white mask. Uh. That’s all I could tell you about it.” Kagome said with a shrug.

Hanabi swallowed convulsively. A Menos. “That’s all we need to know. It wasn’t a ‘demon’ it was a Hollow.” She looked toward Inuyasha with a curious glance. “Did he help take it down?”

Kagome shook her head. “No I used one of my arrows.”

Renji snorted. “Oh yeah, a puny human bow and arrow took down a Menos Grande.”

Hanabi elbowed him hard in the ribs. While he doubled in pain she smiled at Kagome kindly. “Where I come from it takes whole groups of people to kill them. Did you use anything else?”

Kagome considered Hanabi, shaking her head. “You wouldn’t believe it even if I could explain it.”

“Well try-”

“Look, Yamada this isn’t what we’re here for.” Renji interrupted.

“We are here to retrieve the fugitive, Rukia Kuchiki and nothing more, Yamada-san. Questioning this human is unnecessary.” Byakuya told her as he took hold of the situation. He turned to Kagome and Inuyasha with a stoic nod. “If you’ll excuse us. We will be on our way.” He moved away and toward the park’s entrance only to be stopped by the sound of Hanabi’s cell phone-soul pager- going off.

“Yamada. Yes, Yachiru-san. I’ll notify Captain Kuchiki of this.” She flipped it shut with a snap. “Captain Zaraki and Vice Captain Yachiru have got Rukia in custody now, Kuchiki-sama. They are departing for the Soul Society as we speak.” Byakuya accepted this with a nod, and spun away from the others, moving toward where Renji would open the gate back to the Soul Society. Without prompting, the younger man moved ahead and pulled out the sword at his side. The appearance of the sword itself transformed before their eyes- from a smooth, solid blade to one that resembled jagged teeth. Renji plunged the blade into thin air, and turned it as if it was a key. Out of nowhere, a set of sliding shoji doors appeared, blazing white light poured from the opening. Blinded, Kagome put up a hand to shield her eyes. Inuyasha tensed beside her and growled menacingly. Byakuya stepped into the white light first with Renji following closely behind him.

“What are you?” Kagome asked as Hanabi stepped toward the doors.

The Shinigami paused. She smiled and took Kagome’s words from earlier. “You wouldn’t believe me if I could even explain it to you.” Hanabi was moving forward when Kagome’s words stopped her again.

“What do you want with Rukia Kuchiki? Where are you taking her?”

Hanabi hesitated. “It doesn’t matter anymore. She’s coming with us.” With a sad expression she went through the shoji doors without a glance back. They closed behind her and Kagome and Inuyasha were alone in the park as dusk settled over them.

Inuyasha brushed off his sleeve. “What was all that about? What kind of demons were they?”

Kagome stared off in space. “I don’t think they were demons. Spirits, maybe. But there was nothing demonic about them. I wonder why they took Rukia.”

“Okay, so they’re not demonic. But they sure didn’t take Rukia to where ever they went.” Inuyasha said cryptically.

“What do you mean by that?” Kagome asked.

Inuyasha sniffed. “I recognize her scent. She’s headed this way with strawberry.”

Kagome sighed, aggravated. “Would you please not call him that? I have to live with him, you know.”


“What do you mean it disappeared?” Ichigo asked as he slipped back into his body.

“I don’t know what happened…The signal was there-one of the strongest I’ve ever seen-and now it’s gone.” Rukia said as she studied her cell phone display intently. “We might as well go check it out, just to make sure this stupid thing isn’t acting up again. Damn that Kisuke Urahara, he said he’d fixed this.” She slipped the phone into her dress pocket and together with Ichigo, headed in the direction of the signal her phone had given. A tiny shiver of apprehension made its way down her spine as she thought about the strength of the signal. Only a Menos Grande could give off such a presence. And with Ichigo still in the earlier stages of training, and her without any formidable powers of her own, they were going to be in a hell of a lot of trouble if it was a Menos. Especially her. The Soul Society would no doubt send in reinforcements if a Menos was spotted in Karakura.

She could just say goodbye to the real world now.

Next to her, Ichigo stuffed his hands in his pockets to ward off the chill that was settling in with the sunset. “So what did you think of the whole wedding thing?”

“It was beautiful. That tree we stood under, it was perfect. I feel so peaceful when were on the Shrine grounds.” Rukia said honestly. Standing under the Sacred Tree had been the first time since she’d given Ichigo her powers that she’d felt peace or calm. She knew for a fact that they’d be overwhelmed soon enough with them living at the Higurashi shrine, and she’d be found and captured by her comrades. Rukia glanced around the now familiar street that led to the community park where Karin had her weekly soccer games, downhearted at the thought of never seeing the young girl play again or watching Ichigo break character just to cheer her on. The brightly lit park caught her attention at once, her gloom replaced with trepidation. The white glow was all too familiar. It signified the coming or going of a Shinigami. “Ichigo! We need to get to the park, quickly!”

Without anymore prompting, Ichigo and Rukia broke into a dead run. The sight they were greeted with as they entered the park was enough to make her hair stand on end. Kagome and Inuyasha were talking to Rukia’s, best friend. “Hanabi…” she whispered softly as she stopped in her tracks. Ichigo noticed this and did the same. They watched as the Shinigami departed and the light disappear. As quietly as possible they moved toward Kagome and Inuyasha, hesitant to approach the two.

“We know you’re there. Just hurry up and get over here.” Inuyasha called out, not even bothering to look in Ichigo and Rukia’s direction.

“Just what the fuck are you doing here?” Ichigo sneered. Finally he and Rukia stood before the other two and he noticed the speculative look that they were getting from his stepsister. “What’s the matter?”

“What’s a Menos Grande, Rukia-san?” Kagome pointedly asked.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Ichigo asked before Rukia could reply.

The shorter girl drew herself up, cleared her throat and addressed her companions. “A Menos Grande is the strongest and at most times the largest of Hollows. There are three different kinds of Menos and take many Shinigamis below captain-class to take down even the lowest tier of them.” She sent Kagome the same look as the one she’d received. “What happened to the one that was here a few minutes ago?”

“I killed it with my bow and arrow.” Kagome said plainly.

“No ordinary bow could kill a Menos Grande.” Rukia pointed out.

“Someone's already mentioned this to me. What are you, Rukia-san? Why are those people after you?” Kagome asked, she turned to her orange haired brother. “Where do you fit into all of this?”

Ichigo chose a patch of grass and sat down. He looked at the others and nodded to the ground before him. “You might want to sit down. I’ve got a feeling that this is going to take a while.” He waited for Inuyasha and Kagome to sit down before him and Rukia to take a seat beside him before he began. “I’m a substitute Shinigami. Rukia gave me her powers two months ago to save my family from a Hollow. She’d been injured and by giving me her powers I was able to kill the monster. Because she’d given me her powers, Rukia is unable to go home, to the Soul Society. She’s been living here until she regains them-her powers- and can return.”

“How come you two were able to see those people you were talking to, Kagome-chan?”

Kagome sighed. There was no use trying to keep her secret from them when they’d just revealed theirs. “I’m a reincarnated Shinto priestess. Or so I’ve been told. I posses the powers of a priestess who lived during the Feudal Era. On the grounds of the Shrine is a housed well that I can travel back in time through. I found this out by accident on my birthday a little while ago. I met Inuyasha then and found out that I am to protect this coveted jewel called Shikon no Tama. Being me, of course, I shattered the jewel and now travel the Feudal countryside with Inuyasha and our friends trying to collect all the shards before this evil demon named Naraku gets his hands on them.” Kagome exhaled deeply. “I know it sounds off the wall and totally impossible, but its all true. This is the reason I’m never at school. I’m off killing demons with a bow and arrow.” She laughed sarcastically. “Honest.”

“Demons don’t exist.” Ichigo stated flatly.

Kagome stared in disbelief. “You hang around a Shinigami-a Death god- and you can’t believe demons exist?” She shook her head in wonder before leaning over and snatching off Inuyasha’s bandana. His dog-like ears flickered in relief. “Well let’s reintroduce, Inuyasha. He’s only half demon, but he can past for a full one when he puts his mind to it. And plain as day, he does exist.”

Ichigo stared blatantly at Inuyasha‘s appendages. “Okay…I’m a believer.” He watched as the half demon snatched his bandana back and surreptitiously glanced around him while tying the cloth around his head.

“So if you’re only half demon, Inuyasha-kun, what is the other half?” Rukia asked.

“Well, Inuyasha’s mother was human, the daughter of a feudal Lord, and his father was Taiyoukai of the western lands, but Inuyasha didn’t inherit the title cause he has an older, full blooded demon brother named Sesshomaru-”

“Too much information, Kagome.” cut in Inuyasha. He moved back toward the Shinigami, “How many people know about you two running around, playing with ghosts?” Ichigo bristled at the sarcasm.

“So far, only four. Orihime Inoue, Sado Yasutora and Uryuu Ishida. What about you?”

“My mom, grandpa and Souta. That’s all who know about my little adventures.” Kagome said. Suddenly she felt bad about that fact. It was obvious that Ichigo and Rukia had trusted their friends enough, but why hadn’t she? Ayume, Yuka and Eri had been her closest friends since elementary.

“Kurosaki, you said four people knew about you and Rukia. You only mentioned three though.” Inuyasha spoke up from next to her.

Ichigo shrugged. “Because I don’t know the other guy very well. His name is Kisuke Urahara, he runs a little candy store by the high school. He deals mostly with Rukia and stuff.”

That prompted another question from Inuyasha, “There was an older man with them, named Kuchiki. He called you a fugitive. What have you done that was criminal?” Kagome stared in wonder. It amazed her when Inuyasha actually acted like a mature person instead of flying off the handle.

Rukia’s eyes shifted up to Ichigo’s. He was watching her just as curiously. “It is strictly forbidden to transfer your powers to a human. Since I gave Ichigo mine, orders have been sent out to retrieve me from the real world-this world-so I can stand trial for my sins.”

She waited for Ichigo to blow up at this bit of news. He did not disappoint. “Damnit, Rukia, why the hell didn’t you tell me this? You’ve never mentioned that my having your powers would be a problem!”

Instantly they fell into their usual vicious cycle. “And if I had, would it have made any difference? I made my choice when I gave them to you and you have taken over my duties as a Shinigami. That was all that matter to me. I am not allowed to let my emotions get involved.”

“If you hadn’t felt anything, you would have never given me your powers to save my family. You would have let that thing kill Karin, while you tried to gain enough strength to kill it-”

Rukia stood up, furious. “I would have never let any one of you die! I could have handled it myself, if you hadn’t got in front of me. That Hollow was after you Ichigo! How dare you say that I would have sacrificed any of you to it! And you had to go and act like an ass-trying to let the Hollow kill you instead of your sister. After it injured me, it would have just killed you, me, your family and went on to find someone else to devour.” The urge to swing swiftly came over her as Ichigo got up to stand in front of her. She clinched her fists, barely curbing the urge. How dare he say that? She’d gone out of her way to save him. She could have let the Hollow kill him and his family…but deep down Rukia knew she could have never allowed him to die. She spun away on her heel, heading to the park entrance, and away from the inconsiderate orange-haired boy.

“Rukia-san!” Kagome called after the short girl. Ichigo watched broodingly as the raven-haired girl passed through the gates of the park and disappeared from sight.

Rukia didn’t even bother to look back.

The tiny hairs on Kagome’s arms stood as she studied the pissed look on Ichigo’s face. So this was what it looked like when she and Inuyasha fought. It was draining to watch. Was this way Sango and Miroku always seemed exasperated when she had a fight with Inuyasha and headed for her home through the well? She sneaked a peak to Inuyasha and saw that he had the same curious look on his face that she knew she wore too.

Kagome cleared her throat and addressed the frustrated boy. “Ichigo, maybe you should go after her? It might not be wise to leave her in this kind of mood by herself. She is you're fiancée after all.”

Ichigo tried to explain, but was interrupted.

“Don’t bother. Kuchiki-san needs to be by herself to cool off.” A new voice said from behind Kagome. Inuyasha growled with intent.

Ichigo turned to the voice and after grudgingly nodding to the older man he asked, “What are you doing here, Urahara-san?”

“Well, I was coming to rescue you from the Shinigami looking for Kuchiki, but it seems like they’ve returned with the wrong person.” The blonde said. He was a mysterious looking man, dressed in traditional wood sandals and a green and white stripped hat pulled low over his eyes. “We’ll let her cool off while you three come with me.”

"And why would we want to do that?" Ichigo asked in a hostile tone.

"Ichigo..." Kagome said tentatively. Why was she surrounded by hotheaded males? "Maybe we should listen to what he has to say. He did just say that someone was taken in Rukia's place. Aren't you curious to who it was?"

"Ah, you caught that, Kagome-chan? Very observant of you." Urahara said, sweeping off his hat and giving her an elaborate bow.

"How do you know my name?" Kagome retorted.

"I know all and see all. So if you follow me, I'll have Tessai make us a cup of tea and we'll sit down and have a nice long chat." He set off ahead of them, whistling while he twirl his bamboo cane in one hand. Kagome glanced at the two boys, stood up, brushed off her dress and followed the older man.

Ichigo and Inuyasha shared a look. They knew when to follow or be left behind. This was one of those times.

A/N: Oh, and I need to say thank you to BleachedBee for acting as a beta for me, and for pointing out that it seems that I post a new chapter every four or five days. Hopefully I'll keep with this timeline (seeing as it gives me time to go to work and write for my other stories.) So please be patient with me. She also said my Keigo was a little OOC, 'he's much more mature', you guys think so? Let me know! ^_^