InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mors Mortis Miko ❯ A Miko's Rhapsody ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chp 2. A Miko’s Rhapsody

She didn’t remember falling asleep.
She didn’t remember when she had stopped smiling.
All she knew now was the coldness of the windowless room they had confined her to, and the uncomfortable cot she now lay in…thinking about death.
Not the event, but the being…she had made up her mind a while ago…she was going to kill him. She felt a chill roll down her back as she thought this again. She smiled. Every time she thought about killing Death, that chill would run through her. She knew it was him, he knew she knew, and she ignored him. She would make him pay one day.
He had turned her into a monster, and his creation would be the end of him.
Just like Frankenstein.
As the thought left her, she managed to smile and frown at the same time. ‘Did Frankenstein kill his master…wait…Did Frankenstein’s monster kill Dr. Frankenstein?’ that was the question.

Strange.’ She thought, ‘I’ve never seen or read Frankenstein, but I know there was a Frankenstein monster and a doctor Frankenstein. I guess it’s just one of those things you don’t have to know to know. Like unicorns, no one has seen one, yet everyone knows what they look like and that they favor virgins. Wait, I have seen a Frankenstein movie…only it was a comedy with Gene Wilder. I liked him in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. He was in quite a few movies with Richard Pryor. I liked him too. What in the world is that above my head? Is that a flying rat? Oh, no…it’s the world’s biggest mutated rat spider hybrid…and it’s dead. Dead? Dead…Death! I am going to kill him.’ Again that shiver ran down her back and she smiled broadly. ‘And I will do it with a smile.’

The door opened and one of the ninja’s who had captured her stood there with a grim face. “It’s time to go, Ms. Doe.”
Jane Doe. She had never given a name. Smiling to herself, she hopped to her feet and stood obediently as they chained her up for transportation. Being Jane Doe was fun and all, but she’d rather be known…she would tell somebody her name…somebody…definitely Naruto for sure.


“I love the fact that children are talking about me as if I wasn’t here. That’s just adorable.”

Team seven froze mid-argue. For the past 15 minutes or so, they had been arguing about whether to take individual turns watching their Jane Doe, or if they should stay in a group. Neither possibility was desired by all.
During the gist of this all, Kagome had been amused and entertained by most of this but now she had begun to drift, and she didn’t like her mind to drift…it lead to things.

“We’re not children.” The little raven haired one spoke up vehemently.

She smiled at the malice in his voice. So young to be so angry…he’d get over it one day…whatever it was.

“You look like kids to me.” Kagome replied as she bent down and attempted to pinch his cheeks, but laughed instead as he slapped her hand away.

“We’re ninja.” Naruto added with a large smile, but as she rounded on him he dropped it and looked away.

“You’re finally talking to me?” Kagome asked him with a grin. As long as they had been together, Naruto had never actually addressed her directly. “I’m beginning to think you don’t like me. Maybe, even afraid of me?” Reaching a hand out to grab at the blonde, Kagome’s hand was stopped by the pink haired girl.

“That’s because you’re a murderer.” Pinky replied stoically.

“Am I?” Kagome laughed as she snatched her hand back and stood up to her full height, laughing loudly.

“Well…aren’t you?” Pinky asked, this time a crack showing in her attitude.
She put her arms behind her back, the shackles had been removed the moment she set foot outside, what she assumed, was the jail, and the chafing had been since healed, and she smiled.

“Depends…” Kagome answered after a pause, and said no more after. She was done and dieing to wander the streets of the village. She abruptly spun on her heel to enter the market, but found herself face to chest with a body. The sight of it sickened her and she didn’t know why.

“Iruka-sensei!” she heard Naruto yell excitedly behind her and she grinned at his enthusiasm. This person couldn’t be bad if the kit liked him with such vigor. Smile still in place, she looked up to catch sight of the person who owned the chest in her face.

She found him cute, but she laughed, aloud, at how such things didn’t immediately register with her anymore. At the look he gave her, one of suspicion, unease, and maybe a bit of fear, she laughed even harder and stepped to the side and out of his way, laughing as she went.

“Naruto,” Iruka started with a pleasant disposition, though he kept a sturdy account on Kagome’s position, “I was just wondering if you and your team would mind accompanying me for lunch? It’ll be my treat.”

“Hey, Yea…” Naruto began excitedly but was interrupted by an agitated Sasuke.

“No thank you.” Sasuke implied forcefully, knowing that Iruka had only arrived to keep an eye out on their assignment, thinking they couldn’t handle the Jane Doe on their own. “We have an assignment to do, and we don’t have time to…”

“As my memory recalls, little master,” Kagome interrupted with a grin as she came to stand over the ebony haired lad, “the old man stated that you three were to guard me. I remember nothing about having children order me around all day. You guard me, I do whatever…and I want to do what Naruto wants now, and to me he seems to want to eat with scar nose. So….what do you think we’re going to do today?”
Sasuke was seething with cold anger, that, everyone could tell. How dare this woman speak to him in such a way, and challenge him in front of everyone? But as he held her gaze, her unwavering, unstable eyes challenging him, he hesitated. Those eyes. Eyes that belonged to one with a close relationship with death. Whether from sending souls to meet the reaper, or, the eyes of death itself, and they were transfixed on him. He broke contact with an inner shudder, disgusted with himself.

“Fine.” He muttered nonchalantly with a bored flippant of his hand.

Smiling sweetly, Kagome patted him on the head just to anger him more. “You’re so cute when you’re accommodating.”
Holding down a growl, Sasuke stepped out of reach, giving her a deadly glare.
Kagome found this cute, and told him so, much to his annoyance, as it reminded her of Shippo when he was trying to act fierce. But this time it was different, this kid was fierce, and she knew it, but it didn’t stop her from provoking him more as she took a step towards him.

“This way Ms. Doe.” Iruka said firmly as he grabbed the woman’s arm and faced her towards the Ramen Bar, and gave her a little push to get her going.

Not sparing any of them a second glance, their Jane Doe began to sashay down the street, looking as if she knew exactly where she was going.


“Maybe you’d like to taste your food before swallowing it next time, Naruto.” Sakura reprimanded the hyper blonde after watching him swallow two bowls of ramen.

After catching up with their Jane Doe and ushering her towards the ramen shop, Iruka had set them down at a booth while he ordered. Sakura was semi-happy with the seating arrangements, sure she was sitting next to her beloved Sasuke, but then there was Naruto, who sat on her other side, and that woman, the Jane Doe, the murderer, sitting directly across from Sasuke, who hadn’t taken his eyes off the deranged woman since they left for the bar. Fortunately, the look he was giving her was a glare, and Jane hadn’t paid him any mind, just merely stared into the slightly mirrored effect of the table.
Kagome hadn’t seen herself in a while. She hadn’t seen her reflection ever since death had robbed her. What she saw frightened her. Never one to fret over her looks, Kagome was appalled at what she saw. Her hair was straggly and hung limply against her frame, her skin was pale, nearly transparent from the way her veins were visible, she had smudges on her face from who knows what, and looking down she saw that her nails were long and filthy, but the most shocking feature were her eyes. Was that the look she gave everyone, is that what they saw? The look would have frightened the old Kagome, hell, that look would have frightened Sesshomaru, well, maybe just Inuyasha. She smiled at old memories and at her horrid reflection…she would make Death pay.
Iruka sat in the midst of this, looking from the disgusted look on Sakura’s face, to Sasuke’s unfaltering gaze on Jane Doe, to Naruto’s obliviousness to everything as he devoured his food, to Jane Doe herself, who was twirling her hair in her hands as she stared at her reflection with a twisted smile, and finally to his watch. ‘Where was Kakashi?

“Perhaps we should…” Iruka began only to be interrupted by Jane Doe as she sat up straight and spread her arms out on the back of the seat.

“I wish to go take a bath.” When she spoke, she addressed them all, but her eyes trailed over to meet Sasuke’s, daring him to make a fuss again.

“We don’t have time,” he began in a bored manner, “…so we won’t stay long.”

“Thank you.” Kagome replied with a smile as she reclined in her spot and surveyed her surroundings through the strings of hair on her face.

While she remained quiet, Kagome’s mind drifted. It drifted past the people sitting with her eating and talking quietly, except the brooding prince in front of her, past the noise of the Ramen shop, and into the streets of the village. And she came to a conclusion: there were some really weird people in this village. She saw young people with white hair, although they had no demon auras, she saw bushy browed nerdy children, she saw a child acting like a dog, she saw obese kids walking around with obviously uninspired kids, she saw people without pupils, and she saw an eccentric blonde girl nearly go crazy, but they all had power. She felt it, strong auras, just under the surface. They were all, no; most of the people in this village were ninjas. She thought it funny and laughed aloud.


She stopped laughing abruptly, and tilted her head to the side, listening. She stayed that way for a good minute, but never heard it again. He wasn't looking for her just yet, he was too far off, and he was only seeing if she was still in this universe. She was, and she smiled. A grim smile.

“Ms. Doe?”

Kagome was startled out of her thoughts by the pink haired girl calling her name. She turned to look at her quizzically.

“Didn’t you want to go to the bathhouse?” Sakura asked.

Looking around and seeing that they were all finish, she smiled broadly. “I thought you’d never finish.”



If she had the capability, Kagome would have blushed at Naruto’s little slip up. But she didn’t, and so, laughed.
On leaving the ramen shop, they had immediately gone to the bathhouse, which, on Kagome’s arrival, became vacant. She had ignored the women as they hurried past her, she hadn’t notice that the girl had come in to keep an eye on her, and she hadn’t realized how much tension she held until she had fully submerged herself in the hot water. The joys of indoor plumbing. She didn’t remember the last time she had taken a bath, let alone a hot one. To her over-enthusiastic delight, she found shampoo that someone had left behind and quickly put it to use.
The girl didn’t join her in the tub, but chose to stand by the door, her back facing Kagome’s way.

“Hey, kid,” Kagome called out as she lathered herself up, “…what’s your name?”

She got no answer, and when things like this used to annoy her, she merely giggled in response.

“Not going to talk to me eh? What? Don’t tell me you’re going to do me like my little Naruto out there?”

The girl stiffened up.

“That Naruto…he’s a cute kid, cute. Not like little prince out there…that kid’s a real hearth-throb…don’t you think?” After seeing Pinky’s reaction, Kagome decided she had hit a pretty sore spot and so continued to prod it.

“Just wait until he hits puberty, oh, they’re going to line up and he’s going to knock’em down. Future wife-beater if I ever saw one…”

“Sasuke’s not like that!” Pinky yelled in his defense as she spun on her heel to face Kagome defiantly. But upon seeing Kagome’s smiling face she blushed and calmed down before turning her back to her once again. Kagome thought she was about to let on the silent treatment again, but to her surprise, Pinky began to speak.

“He…he’s just had some tragedy in his life and needs someone to help him through it.”

“And you’re going to be that person?” Kagome ventured.

“I like to think so.” Pinky offered after a pause, only to have Kagome laugh at her in return.

“And what’s so funny?” Pinky yelled angrily, as she spun around again.

“You remind me of myself so much it’s scary!” Kagome laughed and offered no more.

Sakura didn’t know whether to be confused at the unanswered question, disgusted with the comparison, or relieved that Jane Doe had finally stopped talking to her.
And so the two had finished Kagome’s bath in silence, and on exiting the eerily quiet building, the two’s silence was interrupted by Naruto’s exclamation on their Jane Doe’s ability to clean up…and clean up well she did.

“Why thank you, Naruto. I haven’t had one of those types of compliments in a while.” Kagome felt like a new woman. Her hair had been washed, and now resided in a wet ponytail, her skin and nails had been scrubbed clean, and she no longer wondered if she stunk or not.

And to top it all off, she new an appreciative glance when she got one, and despite recent, or non-recent she didn’t know, she felt a little pride.

“Now that you’re satisfied, it’s time to go.” Sasuke ordered, and if it hadn’t been for her stubbornness, his attitude, her loss of sanity, and him being a kid, she would have done what he said. But there were if’s, and she was bored, and he still was a kid.

“I would rather play tag.” Smiling, Kagome stood still, waiting for her words to register in their minds, and when it did and they turned towards her with a collection of mixed expressions, she smiled broadly and slapped Sasuke on the arm.

“You’re it!” she yelled before taking off down the busy street with three ninja children following angrily behind her.
Kagome had clearly underestimated the mini-ninjas. Ninja’s, she knew, were fast and stealthy, but she hadn’t known to what extent. If she had been a youkai, they would have been no match, but she was only the mate of a youkai and was only just matched. She had nearly been caught four times.
This new knowledge didn’t stop her from have fun though, by far, she was having the time of her life. She had long abandoned running the streets, and had taken to roof hopping instead. The roofs of the village, though less crowded, were a bit more hazardous. The varying in heights caused for sudden drops, scampering up walls, and slamming into buildings. The difference in roofs was also a bit tedious; tile, slanting roofs were slippery and caused tripping; but flat roofs were the best.
They were sneaky little devils, with sneaky little devil tricks, Kagome soon realized about her pursuers. She had been many places and come across many types of beings, so she wasn’t terribly surprised when a fireball hit her square in the back. It burned, but it was only sent to knock her down, so it healed instantly, but it didn’t stop her from falling off the roof, or from her pursuers throwing kunais at her.
As she fell backwards, she saw an amazing sight above her: there were a countless number of Narutos descending on her, Sasuke was spitting fireballs, and Sakura was throwing kunais so fast that she didn’t see them until they were upon her.
They were good, she had to admit, but she was to crazy to die, cursed to live, and death was still alive and she had to kill him, besides…she was having too much fun.
She landed on the streets below, people screaming around her, and as her body bounced from the impact, she flipped onto her feet and as they touched dirt, she was off and running down the street, three ninja children on her tail.

“Come on you can do better than that. This is tag, not follow the leader.” Kagome chided over her shoulder, before turning to face them and running backward.

“You just wait until I get my hands on you.” Naruto threatened, and Kagome laughed, he was actually mad.

“Why so angry, kit?” Kagome laughed.

“Because of you, we’re going to be late and we don’t have time for games.”

“There’s always time for games.” Kagome replied as she turned back towards back around just as Sasuke suddenly appeared in front of her, kunai poised in his hand, ready to strike.

“Game over.” He told her as he tossed his weapon.

“For you maybe.” She replied, catching the missile just before it could enter her chest and positioning herself to tackle the raven haired boy. But before she could lay a finger on him, she was suddenly grabbed from behind by someone much bigger and stronger than any of the kids.

Her arms were locked behind her and an arm had been thrown under her neck.

“That’s enough of that.” A deep, bored sounding voice spoke up.

“I wasn’t going to do anything, we were just playing.” She argued with a laugh as the kunai dropped from her hand and she smiled at the annoyed Sasuke.

“Hm…be that as it may, they need to train, and for once, I wasn’t late.” Kakashi said as he slipped the shackles back onto Jane Doe’s person.

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