InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mors Mortis Miko ❯ Down Time ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chp.3 Down Time

Kagome was ecstatic! Not only did she just had one of the best games of tag ever, but now she found herself handcuffed and squatting on the forest floor, surrounded by different versions of her friends.

They were all there, she couldn’t see some of them now because they were busy training somewhere off in the woods but Miroku was there.
Her new Miroku sat lazily a ways off reading a perverted book, clearly identifying him as the Miroku of the group.

Of course, Naruto was her new Shippo, his hyperness evident as he bounded around quickly on all fours, laughing and talking loudly. And because he had that fox’s aura, but it was only just a perk.

She had already identified pinky as herself. Loving the quiet, angry, brooding male of the group, despite his lack of interest back. The girl, she saw, had a gentle and caring soul, like she used to have, but also knew when to yell and get angry when the time called for it. She smiled at the resemblance.

Evidently Sasuke was Inuyasha. If the two had been blindfolded and put into a cave, they would’ve thought they had been hearing an echo. Yes, Inuyasha was rasher and cursed like a sailor, and Sasuke barely opened his mouth, but the attitudes were uncanny. They would have hated each other.

That meant she was the only one left, and since the role of Kagome was already taken, she would be Sango. She laughed at loud as the realization hit her. She was Sango! She couldn’t even be herself, she was Sango. But then again, the two were similar now. Her family was dead; Sango’s family had been killed; she was trying to kill her undead friends; Sango wanted to rescue her undead bother from the clutches of Naraku; they were similar now. She laughed aloud again.

"Oh...I made myself sad." she muttered as her situation hit her again. She was going to make death pay. That familiar chill down her spine brought her cheery mood back.

She felt like talking to her new Miroku, she hadn’t talked to him since he stopped her from playing with Mini-Yasha.
Her feet and hands were cuffed, she didn’t feel like getting up, and she was bored; so Kagome rolled and tumbled over to where Miroku sat, reading some book called ‘Make Out Paradise’.
As she came to a stop in front of him, he looked up at her curiously. Not wanting to be rude, Kagome smiled widely.

"Hi." she said in greeting.

"Hello." he responded after a pause, and as she merely smiled at him, he went back to his book.

" going to grope me or not?"

If he had possessed less control, Kakashi would have dropped his book in shock. Never before, had he had this asked to him.
He looked at her over the top of his book. He could play this game too.

"Do you want me to?"

Kagome leaned in close, and her smile dropped. "I’m not sure, so I’ll get back to you on that." Smiling widely again, Kagome decided she had had enough of talking to this Miroku, and decided to see how many back flips she could do while sitting Indian style. And Kakashi went back to his book.


Kagome had been sleep when the kids had finished training, but now that she was back in her holding room, she was wide awake and not in the least bit happy.

It happened every now and then. It might come as a stray thought, a dream, or else she'd see something that would remind her of them. But every now and then, Kagome would drift back into reality, and the truth of her situation would hit her again and she would spiral into depression.

She never cried. Although her throat would swell with the need, and she moaned and sob; no tears would come. After a while, she would grow quiet as anger would set in. Anger at herself, the jewel, and the Grim Reaper. So when the ninja came in to escort her outside, she declined and was left alone to smolder.

While asleep, she had had a dream about the old days, and she had relieved her whole experience. There were slight differences, like; her friends voices were sometimes switched up, the grass was purple, Sesshoumaru always wore outlandish outfits, the scenes were sometimes featuring warped backgrounds or figures, and for some reason there seemed to be a butterfly fluttering around everywhere.

And despite these peculiarities, she also dreamed of her time with Kouga, and when the little ninjas had woken her from her slumber, she felt an ache in her heart that she hadn't felt before.
With a sick jolt, she realized she hadn't actually mourned the lost of her husband and mate. She had mourned the loss of her son, still mourned him whenever she heard a baby or saw a mother and child together. She had mourned her friends the night they were killed, she had brought them back to life and not him. She hadn't once thought about him, and now that she did, she hurt with the pain of missing him.
She had thought she had loved him less than Inuyasha, she had thought wrong. She loved the prince, she loved him fully and whole-heartedly, it was just too late. She had thought that because Inuyasha was her first love, that he was her only love and that Kouga was a replacement. she had thought that just because she had never let Inuyasha go, that she had never loved, would never love another. She had been wrong. She had been stupid. She had never given Kouga the love he deserved, and now it was too late. Too late for him, too late for her, too late for everyone, and it was all her fault. If she had been there, she could have protected them, if she wouldn't have let revenge cloud her judgment, her friends wouldn't have died, and if she hadn't have been so hasty, she would have purified the jewel before stealing from death.
But she did all that and now she was losing her mind, killing her friends, and traveling to all different dimensions all alone with no way to die.

'I won't let you.'

Her head jerked up at the voice, and met the glare of Sasuke.

"Say something, kid?" she asked lowly, her voice void of emotion.

If he was frightened by how she looked, he didn't show it, infact, he smirked at her.

"You don't get to decide whether or not you come out or not. The whole point of making us your escorts was to try to gather info on you to see if you really are the killer."

Kagome felt her smile returning. "What do you think?" she asked, lifting her head to look at him.

He smiled back, but it was anything but pleasant, yet, neither was hers. "I think you need to come with me."

"You? What about my little Naruto?"

Sasuke's smile dropped, "He's not your anything, and it's just me."

"Really?" Kagome asked as she hopped to her feet and lurked over to where he stood. “Now what if I decide I've had enough of this village and decide to leave? Would you be capable of handling me?"

“I’m more than capable.” He replied, stepping up to her unspoken challenge.

"Good." she cheered happily as she pinched his cheek. "I'd hate to be disappointed."

Not waiting for his snappy comeback, Kagome left him behind as she walked out of the room. After watching her walk ahead of him for a few seconds, Sasuke took back control by pulling her back behind him so that he could lead. She let him out of amusement. It wasn't until they got outside that an argument over dominance started up again. Where were they going to go?

He didn't have to go training with Kakashi that day, Naruto was with Iruka, and Sakura had gone somewhere with Ino and her other friends, so it was just the two of them and neither was willing to compromise. So they ended up sitting on a bench the entire time.

Kagome didn't mind sitting on the bench. She still hadn't fully recovered from her dream and was silent the entire time as she stared up into the sky. She ignored the many looks that was sent her way, she ignored anyone who came to talk with Sasuke, and she ignored him, much to his annoyance, whenever he made a move to leave.

"You are infuriating, did you know that?" The little ninja said flatly after a moment of silence, which only ended with her laughing at him.

"You don't seem like a killer. You looked like one when they brought you in, but you don't act like it."

"I know." she giggled in reply, but shut up soon after as anger drifted over her. Sasuke caught the change.

"Who are you?"

"You're the wrong one to be asking."

"Oh, and who should be asking?" he asked with a frown, and as she grinned down at him, his frown deepened.

"What's your fixation with him?"

His answer was a bark of laughter. "Why so curious? Jealous?"

"Hardly." was his reply.

"Good job, Little Prince." She congratulated, pinching his cheek again, only to have him slap it away angrily.

"Stop touching me." He growled.

She laughed at him. "You're unpleasant to be around, you know that?"

"Doesn't surprise me."

"Yeah, you better do something about that, your soul is starting to stink."

"What are you talking about?" He asked as he turned to look at her. "What do you mean my soul stinks?"

"Exactly what I said. Your soul stinks, Little Prince."

"How would you know?"

"Because I smell souls." She answered, putting a quiver into her voice as she leaned in close to him. "And yours is starting to smell bad, you better do something about it or else you're going to turn into a monster."

"And your soul smells like a batch of roses?" He challenged, trying to keep any emotion from his voice.

"No." She answered, giving him no more. "Want to play a game?"

"No." he told her, relieved that she was finally backing off.

"I'll play." a new voice volunteered.

"The invitation didn't extend to anyone else." Kagome told him, as they both turned to see Kakashi crouching on the wall behind him.

"Isn't he a bit young to play with?" Kakashi offered as an answer.

Kagome's grin sharpened and she stood up to his unspoken challenge to her character. "What makes you think I'd want to play with you?"

Kakashi shrugged in reply. "Could be fun. You might enjoy it."

Kagome's smile spread from ear to ear. He was her new Miroku.

"Okay then, you can play."

"What's the name of the game?" This came from Sasuke.

Kagome smiled down at him, maybe he could save his soul after all. "Good job. The name of the game is..."


The call of the evil pervert. Kagome froze, he was getting closer. It was almost time to leave this place. And she had yet to spend time with Naruto.

"The game is called, Hide-n-Seek. And...not it!" Not waiting to see their reaction, Kagome took off running into the village, her intentions, to lose the ninjas and find Naruto.

She was running out of time, and if she didn't leave soon, Miroku would be there, and that's one thing that stayed the same about her, she didn't like putting innocents into danger.

She ran this way and that way, trying to lose them. They were good, she had to admit, but she had Kouga's stamina on her side and a disregard for her body's limit. She didn't even head towards the roofs this time, she was in the midst of all the villagers. It was harder to maneuver, but easier to hide and escape. Every now and then she'd catch a glimpse of one of her chasers, but she easily evaded them by abruptly changing directions.

She had come to realize, during her time jumping dimensions, that she loved to run. She couldn't remember if she had enjoyed it when she was with Inuyasha, not that she got too much practice; with Inuyasha always giving her a piggy back ride, or if it was another trait inherited from Kouga, which was very likely. Whatever the cause, now that her mind held no boundaries, she often had no qualms about bursting into a random sprint.

But ever so often, something happened and the need to run would abruptly leave, such as the case when she came across Naruto walking alone in the street.

"Hey, kid." She greeted as she halted by his side and spun on her heel to walk with him. A half second later, Sasuke, who hadn't been expecting the sudden stop, ran into Kagome and fell to the ground Kagome remarkably held her ground.

“That’s embarrassing.” Kagome remarked, as she stared down at the red faced Uchiha, and Naruto openly laughed at his misfortune.

“I see you’ve found what you want.” Sasuke muttered with all his dignity in full blow as he picked himself up.

"What ever do you mean?" Kagome asked innocently.

"Why don't you ask her; who she is?" Sasuke ordered the confused blonde.


"Just do it."

"Fine." Naruto snapped, angry at being bossed around by Sasuke. "Who are you?"

"A bored girl." Kagome answered as she looked around boredly. "Let's go do something fun."

"Like what?" Naruto asked, ignoring a fuming Sasuke.

Kagome stood thoughtful for a moment as she examined her hands. She knew for a fact that Sasuke wasn't going to leave her alone with Naruto, and she knew that anything she suggested as fun would be considered unsafe and deranged, which it was, so her mind came up with something both constructive and fun to herself. She smiled and then yawned.

"Let's go to your training ground, I need a bit of excercise."

"Excercise? You just ran wild around the whole village, how much more excercise do you need?" Sasuke, forever the pessimist, demanded.

"Not that kind of excercise, sweetheart."


"What is she doing?" Naruto asked after he and Sasuke had been watching Jane Doe maneuver around the training ground for a while.

"How am I suppose to know? She's out of her mind."

"Hey!" Naruto yelled at her. "What are you doing?"

Kagome had ignored the boys for the most of her excercise, she had even ignored the older ninjas who had come to spy on her. She was busy fuming over Death and her lack of powers. He had taken them from her.

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

She hadn't thought about her miko powers until after her run in with the kids in the village. She had expected to come to the forest and possibly frighten them with her foreign powers. But as she tried to summon them, she was left abandoned in her familiar pose. No powers and her anger returned. She tried time and time again to summon them but nothing happened.

'Damn you.' She thought angrily as she finally stopped her unresponisve summoning.

"What is your problem?" Naruto yelled angrily again, finally gaining her attention.

Maybe she needed a demon to practice on. She tilted her head in contemplation as a smile crept onto her face.

"That is seriously creepy." Naruto mumbled under his breath to Sasuke, who inwardly agreed.

"I need someone to practice on...KAKASHI!"

"Why is she..."Sasuke began, wondering why she had suddenly yelled out his teachers name, but as the whitehaired man instantly appeared, he got his answer.

Kagome smiled at him. She like the one eyed ninja, and it wasn't because he had white hair. His attitude just agreed with her. He was an interesting man to behold. He looked and acted the part of a lazy good for nothing who was obsessed with porn. But his soul said differently. It spoke of power and resourcefulness, and she wanted a wack at him.

"Hey, buddy, I need a sparring partner. You in?"

Everyone, including the other hidden ninjas, waited a few seconds as Kakashi evidently ran something through his head, maybe even something that didn't have to do with Jane Doe's challenge, but after a few seconds, in which some people were becoming annoyed, he agreed.

"Great." Kagome cheered happily as she began stretching, provacatively some might say, or just the one person, and smiled widely. "Whoa, think I just broke something! Let's go!"

And smiling like nothing happen, Kagome got into a fighting stance and began to laugh, Kakashi, she saw, hadn't moved an inch. She laughed again, she didn't know what she was going to do.