InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mors Mortis Miko ❯ Wild ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chap. 8 Wild

With the topic of the strange woman to talk about, the Sanzo party still found themselves awake and alert four days after their last encounter.

Never mind they were gossiping like little girls, at least they weren’t running things over for the hell of it anymore.

“She was lying, of course. I just can’t figure out any other reason for demons to be after her.” Hakkai was saying, as they traveled down the isolated forest road.

“Maybe she really does has every flavor skin.” Gojyo added jokingly. “Sanzo, you should have checked while you two were making out in the rock.”

“She probably did something to aggravate them.” Sanzo said, ignoring Gojyo’s comment.

“There was definitely something wrong with her.” Hakkai told them, his voice serious.

“She seemed quite unconcerned about what she would say and she was unusually calm and accepting about her pursuers.”

“So what are you trying to say, Hakkai?” Gojyo asked, knowing what the man was implying, but wanted to hear him say it aloud.

“She was out of her mind.” Sanzo clarified abruptly.

“Will you stop talking about her like that?” Goku suddenly snapped, coming out of his sulky mood long enough to berate his companions. Ever since leaving Kagome’s
company, the littlest companion had been sulky and moody with worry.

“Ah, cheer up, monkey. I know how much you thought you liked her, but it wasn’t the real thing. You’ll get over it.” Gojyo said sympathetically, patting Goku on the head.

“Get over what?” Goku asked with annoyed confusion. “ I wasn’t pretending, I liked her just fine, she seemed cool.”

“No, I mean it was just a little case of intense crushing.”

Goku got even more confused and just a little angry. “What are you talking about? No one got crushed.”

“Are you serious?” Gojyo asked aloud, talking more to himself than to Goku. “Hey, dad,” he called out, picking at Kagome’s reference to Sanzo, “I think it’s time you and the monkey had a talk about the birds and the bees.” His reply came in the form of a large cloud of smoke issued from Sanzo’s nose and mouth.

“What do animals have to do with it?” Goku snapped at him crossly.

“Listen to me.” Gojyo began, taking Goku firmly by the shoulders and looking him squarely in the eye. “You were really fond of her. You liked her, a lot. Do you get me?You liked her.”

Goku stared at him vacantly.

“Did any of that get through?”

“I don’t know.” Goku finally answered, a little warily. “I think I….no.”

Sighing, Gojyo pulled Goku close and whispered into his ear. When he was done, he let
Goku go and looked at him expectantly.

The whole forest seemed to hush in anticipation of Goku’s response, and if not the whole forest then most definitely the two men in the front seat of the jeep.

Gojyo stared at Goku with hope that the monkey wasn’t that slow, while Goku stared at nothing as his brain tried to process the information Gojyo had given him….and then…

Goku’s eyes widened in comprehension. “Oh.” He drawled out as he finally caught the meaning to Gojyo’s words. And then….

He frowned. “Oh?” He drawled questioningly, wondering if the meaning actually applied to him. And then…

His eyes darkened. “Oh.” He drawled for some unknown reason, with his voice uncharacteristically deep as he faced forward with a small predatory smile. He offered no more after that.

“Well that was a little creepy.” Gojyo muttered through a cigarette as he too faced the front and promptly dropped the unlit tobacco from his lips as he stared in surprise.

“Chicks, hard core.” He mumbled aloud as Hakkai pulled over to the side of the road, where a very nonchalant looking Kagome reclined on a boulder, with a dead demon at her feet.

On closer look at the demon, they saw that it was missing an eye, both it’s hands, half of one of it’s horns, it's legs were broken, and that it was infact alive. They saw from the bloody trail leading from the woods, that it had been dragged to this spot. Kagome, they saw, suffered no injuries, except a fading bruise on her cheek, and severely torn and bloody clothes.

“Hi, boys.” She greeted nonchalantly, propping herself up on her elbows.

“Hi, yourself.” Gojyo said, giving her a weak salute. “What’s uh…what’cha doing?”

“Taking a rest.” she replied airily.

“Why?” Goku asked, dragging the word out.

“Because,” she smiled, “While I was bathing the other day, someone, I want be saying who, decided to attack me. Like I told you, I can take care of myself, but…” and here she paused as she raised her foot into the air enticingly. “…he ate my boot.”

“Kill…me.” came the sad, gurgling, blood spewing voice of the demon on the ground.

“Did anyone say you could speak!” Kagome yelled viciously, making the boys in the jeep jump in surprise, as she bounded to her feet and began to kick the demon into oblivion.

“No? I didn’t think so! Now I have to rest, because I’ve been dragging his sorry ass through this damn forest! Because I’m getting my boot back! And someone’s either going to shove a nub down their throat and cough it up, or else we’re going to the nearest town and get force fed laxatives and prunes! And when I get it back, someone's going to clean and polish it until it looks like new! Whore bag! And to top it off, I haven’t slept in ten days and I’ve been blacking out! I have no idea what happened to his hands, but I took that eye, I remember that!” Ending her tirade, Kagome continued to stomp the living hell out the silently crying demon with her remaining boot.

Her final kick, ended with a yawn. “And so here I am.” she said finally as she sat back down on the boulder. "Taking a rest."

“I don’t think you’re going to get that boot back.” Hakkai offered sympathetically after a minute’s pause.

“Yes I am.” Kagome shot back defiantly.

Hakkai tried to hide his smile. “No, I simply mean that the demon’s digestive system leaves you with no boot to salvage.”

“Fine.” she breathed in resignation as she turned to glare at the demon. “Guess I’ll have to make some new ones. You got a knife?”

“How about a ride instead?” Goku asked eagerly, climbing over Gojyo to look at her.

Standing up, Kagome stretched as she considered the offer. She was tired of being alone, yet everyone was better off if she stayed away. She didn’t feel sane enough to be around people, she would be endangering everyone further with all the demons after her, Death would be mad, and she couldn’t take time out for herself when Sanzo was still out there. Yet, this was the third time she had ran across the guys, and the third time was always the charm. Or so they said.

“I don’t know boys,” Kagome said aloud, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet.

“I could use a ride to the nearest town, but…it’s not up to me.” leaving it at that, Kagome smiled sweetly at Sanzo, who only glanced at her briefly and exhaled a large puff of smoke.

“Get in or stay here.” he finally told her, his voice sounding apathetic as he waved a dismissive hand her way, in the back seat Goku was going ballistic with excitement and missed the kiss Kagome had planted on Sanzo’s cheek, much to his shock and irritation, before hopping into the back seat with him.

If she did nothing else while with the boys, she was going to enjoy annoying the blond headed priest. And as they drove off, Kagome let off a small laugh as she tossed her remaining boot over her head and hit the soon-to-be-dead demon in the road.


Kagome was excited, but considering everyone else, she couldn’t help but be.

She didn’t understand what the wolves were so excited about. They had been hyper and in high spirits since the day before, running here and there, barking and howling at random moments, and being just a bit overexcited when it came to fighting. Kouga was no exception, she hadn’t seen him in such a good mood since she decided to mate with him. He had been so good natured that she had to only smooth over three fights he had started with the neighboring lords. He lead the pack on all the excursions, something not unheard of, but strange for him to do continuously. Besides being manically aggressive, Kouga was also being pretty frisky. He’s swoop into the den, randomly and without warning, pick her up and swing her around, lavish kisses over her body, feel her up, or simply toss her into the air.

Though she had stayed inside the den all day, she was still exhausted when night came. Since coming to stay with the wolves, she had always been busy and they regularly kept her on her toes, but today they had almost become insufferable. So when the chance came for her to take a nap, she had been unconscious before she hit the mat.

The nap didn’t last long. It seemed she had just fallen asleep when someone took a flying leap at her prone figure. She hadn’t been surprised to find that that someone had been her child-like mate, come to wake her up for the event they had neglected to tell her about.

Caught up in their excitement again, Kagome forgot her fatigue and outside the den, where they were all gathered, she found herself giddy and fidgeting with them, eager for…whatever the hell the were eager for.

Beside her, Kouga was practically hopping on the balls of his feet, waiting, for what, she wasn’t sure. Until, she noticed how well lit and captivating everything looked. She looked up….and then everything clicked into place.


Why hadn’t I noticed that until now?’ She reprimanded herself.

By the time Kouga put his hand on her shoulder to get her attention, the pack had begun to run off. She caught sight of the first batch just before they disappeared into the woods.

She found herself smiling in excitement, and by the time Kouga had positioned himself for her to climb upon his back, she was already halfway down the mountain, running amidst her packmates, humanoid and animalistic demons alike.

With Kouga’s stamina backing her up, Kagome could keep up with the best of them, and as she ran along side them, she felt a kinship to them as she had never felt before. While before, they had accepted the fact that she was their alpha and respected her power, she had never been part of the pack, had never been accepted her into their society. But now, she felt love, respect for her, she felt a hole being filled she had never known had been there. They were pleased with her.

They weren’t the only ones thrilled with her. Kouga, keeping pace at her side, suddenly pulled her to him as he smothered her mouth with his own. She felt herself melt against him, against his kiss. Kouga’s kisses were never romantic or tender, he was too much of a wolf for that, but they were passionate and heated, always sending shivers down her warming body and down into her groin. He ended his fiery kiss with a growl and with his arm tight around her waist, he let out a fierce howl.

The howl reverberated in her chest, loud and clear, full of dominance, and it sent the pack barking and yipping in response.

Having the urge, but not the ability, to howl along with him, Kagome contented herself by running faster, harder, leaping over the demons that had no human forms, racing the wolves, and just being part of the pack. They had a long arduous run, and soon Kagome’s body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat. She was glad she had retired her old clothing for the fur Kouga’s tribe was accustomed to. It covered nothing but the essentials, but now she knew why they wore it. It was too damn hot to wear more.

Finally their run seemed to be coming to an end, she could see the wolves up ahead coming to a stop and start walking. And when her group started walking, she heard and saw their destination. A hideaway between the forest and the mountain range running along side it. A secret paradise for the wolves, with an irregular growth of the nearby river running along the side, giving the straggly, yet beautiful foliage life throughout the hideaway. Overhead the stars shown brightly, making the rock face of the mountain shine and sparkle in it’s own natural light. The burrow was a beautiful freak of nature, and the wolves had a raging bonfire party right in the middle of it.

The wolves were everywhere and doing everything. Some were playing instruments, others were dancing, off to the side many boys, on the verge of manhood, were fighting and establishing dominance amongst each other, some had decided to play in the stream, and running every which way and how were the pups and man-cubs of the pack. She saw, sitting with their back against the mountain and wrapped in furs, the Ol’ Mas. The Ol’ Mas were the oldest women of the pack, on the verge of losing their humanity for their primal instincts. Old women who were more wolf than anything else. Old women who had outlived their mates, which Kagome didn’t think was a coincidence, and on the threshold of joining them. She liked the Ol’ Mas, they were drunk, rude, and gregarious.

While she had been looking around, Kouga had come up from behind, wrapped his powerful arms around her and kissed her neck. "Enjoy yourself." he growled into her throat.

“I planned on it.” She replied, tilting her head up for a real kiss. Smiling wolfishly, he complied with her silent wish and gave her the eager/possessive/obsessive kiss she had grown accustomed too, before bounding off to join the festivities himself. She had no doubt he was heading towards the boys, intent on showing them what real dominance was.

Kagome wasn’t surprised to find herself sitting with the Ol’ Mas, a short time after arriving. They were always fun to be around.

The Ol’s Mas were the oldest members of the pack, but they didn’t stay in the den with the others. They stayed by themselves on the other side of the mountain, and came over only for important occasions. At first Kagome thought it was because of their deformities, with their part human, part wolf looks, but after spending time with them, she had come to realize they stayed away because they were old and deserved some peace and quiet. Which is what they told her. But every time Kagome would come to visit them, they were as noisy as the entire den.

“Here you go, little girl, have a cup of tea.” Prisca said in her gravely voice as she handed Kagome a cup, her hands no more than paws with opposable thumbs.

Kagome took the cup with a wry smile. She knew first hand that it wasn’t tea that was in that cup. It burned your throat when you drank it, it’s smell was stronger than ammonia, and she was pretty sure the Ol’ Mas made it themselves. It was Moonshine.

“So,” Anti asked, looking to the world like a human with fur, ignoring Kagome’s choking on the strong liquor, “When are you and the Prince going to give me great granpups?”

The liquid went down the wrong pipe and Kagome felt it go up the back of her head before plummeting into her lungs. Needless to say she began coughing uncontrollably as tears leaked from her eyes. The drink was just too strong…and, she didn’t want to have this conversation with the Ol’ Mas. Again.

Kagome was saved the telling off she was about to dispense, by Veta, Prisca’s sister and only demon amongst the Ol’ Mas to have her muzzle fully pronounced, slapping Anti on the shoulder.

“Shut your mouth, you old mutt, I’m his grand dame, not you.” Veta snarled, her words, guttural and raspy, as her vocals made their way from human speech to animal.

“You sure?” Anti asked skeptically, casting confused yellowed eyes in Kouga’s direction.

“Damn mutt.” Veta muttered, pulling her shawl tighter around her furred body as she pushed Anti to the ground and took her place by Kagome. “You know, he looks just like his grandsire.”

“Does he act like him too?” Kagome asked, who was used to the Ol’ Mas’s train of thought and knew who she meant, her voice scratchy from the moonshine.

“Not a damn bit!” Veta snapped, the sound sounding more like a bark. “My mate was a force to be reckoned with. He ruled the woods with a iron fist, not a squirrel was killed without his know. He was so great, the Lords of the Lands would fight over him during times of war for his battle tactics. That pup of yours is no, Cerberus.”

“Or so you say.” Kagome muttered from her cup as she took another sip. “I’ll ask again. Does Kouga act like him?”

Veta scowled at Kagome briefly before refilling her cup with a small snort. “Your boy does good. Just as thickheaded, violent, and reckless as his grandsire.”

“I bet he feels proud.”

“Proud?” Veta asked loudly, taking a swig of her drink. She then proceeded to curse and berate her mate through growls and snarls that erupted from her wolfish throat.

Kagome grinned as she looked at the Ol’ Mas. Anti was looking around confused, wondering just who the hell she had given birth too, Veta who had stopped cursing her mate and was now yelling at the younger wolves, reminding them that it was better in the old days and that she could beat them all in her sleep, and finally to Prisca, who was demanding the attention of a young man who would rather be anywhere else than being felt up by an old lady, despite that Prisca was the youngest and best looking of the Ol’s Mas. She was also probably his grand dame.

“Prisca.” Kagome called out, saving the poor wolf from being depants.

“What?” Prisca snapped, angry that her prey had escaped.

“Where’s Alde?” Kagome asked, not quelled by Prisca’s show of teeth.

“She’s made the transition.” Anti answered.

“She’s come full circle.” Veta added.

“She’s begun her last journey before returning home, to mother moon.” Prisca finished sagely.

“Hmm.” Kagome hummed, before taking another sip, her mood sobering with the turn of events. She knew what all those vague sayings really meant. Alde, one of the eldest, had fully wolfed. That’s what she called the changeover wolf demons went through when they got so old they lost their humanity to their primitive nature. When the wolf within them ate it’s way out and took over the mind. The Ol’ Mas were close to that stage themselves, and that’s the reason Kagome really thought they lived apart from the rest of the pack.

They each had lost their mates, to the transition, and had prematurely accepted Kagome amongst them. For one day, Kouga too would lose himself to his inner beast, and that thought was enough to null the moonshine in her system.

“Don’t worry, by mating with him, it doesn’t prolong your life as long as his, you’ll die way before he flips.” Anti was saying, in her way of comforting Kagome.

“No!” Prisca argued. “She’s a miko, it’s different for her. She’ll last long enough to see his furry ass run off into the woods and never come back.”

“She’s right.” Veta agreed. “If I were you, I’d find a fountain of youth and keep dunking him in so that he’ll outlive you, or dive in yourself, so that when he hightails it like the rest of them, you‘ll still be fresh and young and waiting to take another to your den.”

“You three are so encouraging.” Kagome scowled at them as she set her cup down.

“We don’t blame you or wanting to keep him.” Prisca said after a moment, staring off at Kouga, who was playing with the young ones by the fire. “He’s a fine boy.”

“Um, yeah, see I’m going to have to disagree with you on that.” Kagome said, making the Ol’ Mas stare at her. “He’s no boy, and I should know.”

The Ol’ Mas were silent as they stared at Kagome with wide eyes. And then, they burst into laughter.

Kagome smiled to herself before taking another sip of her drink. She paid no attention to them anymore, all eyes were upon Kouga, her mate, her lover. Now sitting an empty cup down, Kagome got up and stalked towards the fire and the unsuspecting Wolf Prince.

Upon seeing her leave, the Ol’ Mas riotous laughter diminished and they took long sips from their cups.

“What really happened to, Alde?” Veta asked.

Prisca and Anti exchanged glances. “We were bored.” Anti began with a shrug.

“So we slit her throat and watched her roll down the mountain side.” Prisca added.

“Oh,” Veta accepted, turning her eyes to the figure of Kagome. “She’s a good girl.” she said after a moment’s silence, in which the others agreed fully.

Kouga, who was rolling around on the ground with all the pack’s pups on his back, didn’t sense Kagome approaching.

Feeling frisky, Kagome got down on all fours and crept closer and closer, waiting for the perfect opportunity to…there…in a fit of barks and giggles, the children had ran away, leaving Kouga unprotected for the sneak attack.

She gave him no warning except a playful growl before she was upon him. They went rolling and tumbling across the ground, with Kagome giving it her all to get her man pinned down. In the end, it was she who ended up on her back. Hell, she wasn’t surprised.

She wasn’t complaining either. Not when he looked down at her like that. Like he wanted to devour her soul. Like they were the only beings left in the world. Like he wanted to bite her. Like she was his everything. Like a fat kid loves cake. Like he wanted to ravish her body every which way til Sunday. Like he loved her.

“If you’re going to take advantage of me, I suggest getting a move on it.” she told him huskily, and as he quirked his lips into a smile, showing fangs, he conquered her mouth, and would have conquered more than that if it weren’t for the cubs and pups returning with reinforcement.

The mood was ruined, but Kagome didn’t regret it. She was having just as much fun playing with the little ones as she would have had playing with Kouga…sort of.

Seeing Kouga at play, she had no worries that he would be a great father. She just had to wonder how many kids they were going to have. And she was sure it was kids…plural…with that wolf’s stamina, she was sure that ‘kids’ was the grammatically correct term. And if they were anything like the ones attacking her ankles and dragging her to the ground now, then she would have her hands full.

Soon, the ruckus around the hideaway began to settle down as the food was brought out.

Sending the pups back to their mothers, Kouga lead Kagome over to their place in the circle the wolves had formed. There was no order to the seating, but a few remained unseated to set out the food, and others, strong males, stood off into the woods, guarding and protecting as they had been doing the entire night.

As she and Kouga sat and watched the food being handed out, Kagome began feeling a but uneasy. Although the food was a variety of meat, fruit, nuts, and the occasional vegetable that was mistaken for fruit, it mostly consisted of meat. Lots of meat. Lots of warm, raw, uncooked, bloody meat. She swallowed.

“You don’t have to eat it.” Kouga whispered to her, as he, as was custom, began placing food in front of her. “Just eat the fruit, because as their alphas, they won’t eat until we do.”

Kagome glanced briefly at him before casting an eye around at the pack and found their hungry eyes on them. “During the meal, I’ll swipe the meat off your mat for you.” Kouga was saying, but she ignored him.

Not attempting to put up a front, yet not showing distaste, Kagome reached for a large piece of meat on her plate, and without hesitation, pulled a large plug out with her teeth.

She gagged, but chewed it defiantly. Tough, chewy, juicy, it was really blood but she fooled herself into thinking juicy, but she got through the first bite and swallowed it without puking.

It wasn’t until she was finished that the silence hit her. They were still staring at her, shocked, and Kouga was now among them.

“Well,” she said looking at him honestly, “don’t keep them waiting. Eat.” she told him before taking another bite.

The yapping and barking she heard to follow was full of approval, appreciation and love, which Kouga also showed by kissing her on the cheek before diving into the carnage that was their meal.

Now with the attention redirected from her, Kagome eased up on the raw food and tried to ease her stomach and mind. Munching on a piece of fruit for a while, she had to admit, raw meat wasn’t that bad. She had only to hope that it wouldn’t make her sick.

It wasn’t long until Kagome was full to the point of bursting. She might have the wolves strength, and their speed, and sometimes their temper, but she couldn’t hang when it came to their appetites.

“What’s the matter? Feeling sick?” Kouga turned to ask her, his mouth full of food and covered in blood.

“I am now, you animal.” She told him with a grimace as she wiped the spewed meat from her face, but she nudged him good naturedly to show her affection.

Getting up from the massacre around her, Kagome drank and washed up at the stream.

After, she busied herself with small tasks around the clearing. She brought a jug of water to the Ol’ Mas, giving them something besides liquor to drink. But as she dropped it off, they only laughed and scoffed at her. She then brought food over to the sentries. Either handing it over to them or dropping it at their feet if they had no human forms. They neither acknowledged or thanked her, but she felt gratitude when next she looked at them and saw the food gone.

While she had been busy helping out, the rest of the pack had been becoming lethargic with full bellies, as the last of the food finally disappeared. She saw them all happily sitting or lying down, patting their bellies and licking their faces and fingers clean. It was quiet now, even the pups were silent. They seemed to be waiting for something, and if she listened to herself, she found herself waiting also. For what, she didn’t know, but she knew it wasn’t for Kouga to start stripping.

He stood in the middle of the clearing, and it was the sound of his armor hitting the ground that had drawn her attention to him. He had had his face turned up to the night sky while he had been taking off the furs, but he seemed to sense her watching and turned to grin at her.

She grinned back, the man was a sight to behold, and he was hers. He winked at her and jumped into the air. The tornado formed as usual, but he didn’t go anywhere, he stayed right where he had jumped, giving them all a bad hair-do. The growls that issued from it were fierce and getting louder by the second. And when the tornado dissipated, and she saw the monster within, she wasn’t surprised.

The wolf was massive, so big that she could sit in its mouth comfortably, just one of its teeth was as long as her arm and as thick as her thighs. Its fur was the same color as Kouga’s hair, and it stared at her with Kouga’s eyes.

“Hello, handsome.” she growled enticingly moving forward to run her hand along his snout. But as she ran her hand to touch him, he attacked.

It was evidence of her toughness that she didn’t scream. Instead she growled and beat at his nose when the great beast clamped its jaws around her middle. “Son of a bitch, Kouga! This isn’t funny.” she yelled, more in annoyance at being eaten than anger, as the great wolf shook it’s massive head. It wasn’t until she was air borne, that everything came into place.

She landed on his back with an oomph and laid there, half buried in his thick fur, and tried to regain her composure. “You could have just told me.” came her muffled protest after a minutes pause.

Wolves can’t giggle, but they can chortle.

The only warning she got was a wolfish head turning to glance at her briefly before her steed let out a mighty howl. The sound blocked out all other noises, it filled her head. She felt the vibrations of the howl, reverberate from where she straddled his back to the tips of the hair on her head. It chilled her to the bone yet it thrilled her soul. The sheer baritone of it. It seemed to shake her very being…and she couldn’t help the howl that escaped her.

Following her example, the pack let their voices be heard, but none were as long, hard, and loud as that of there prince. When she could howl no more, she fiercely hugged the wolf’s neck while she regained her breath.

They were off, the forest nothing but a blur to her eyes, as she rode upon her lover’s back. For the benefit of the pack, for once, Kouga kept his pace at a haste, but standard rate. They ran throughout the forest, heading for who knows where, and howled their hearts out. They didn’t stop until they had the forest to their back and the open land in their face.

On some unknown signal, the pack halted in their tracks while Kouga, with Kagome still latched onto his back, ran and leaped into the air, his commanding howl echoing from the depths of his soul, and when he landed, the howl came from the throat of a man, of a sorts, with his woman held captive in his arms. Kouga stood upon a rise, the largest hill amongst the curving terrain. In the silence that followed his howl, others rose, and non were of the pack.

“Tonight.” Kouga yelled, leaving Kagome side to confront his pack. “There are no territories! Tonight you have no pack! Tonight you have no enemies! Tonight, there is only the moon, AND THE RUN!” The wolves howled in enthusiasm, Kouga’s howl somehow even louder than before, and then they ran.

Kagome had never seen her wolves so happy. There was nothing but pure joy on their faces as they ran off into the night. Howling and jumping and yipping.

Grinning widely, Kagome made to follow, but an angry growl had her halting in her tracks. She knew from where the growl came, but she didn’t know why. She held still until all the wolves had run off, leaving her alone with the beast.

“You got something to say, because I have some aimless running to do.” turning to argue, Kagome found herself looking at the Devil himself, and he couldn’t look hotter.

He was naked, she had forgotten about that when they had been running. But now she was reminded of the fact full force. She had never seen him look as glorious as he did now. He seemed to radiate sex, power, and hunger.

His eyes were wild, his muscles were bulging, his fangs had enlarged, his claws were protruding, a slight wind was blowing his ruffled hair, which was loose and cascading around him like an ominous cape. He looked as if the wolf he had become was still in charge of the man’s body, his body shone in the moonlight, and she could clearly see the evidence of his want for her. He was a ravaging monster, and she was his prey.

Moon rage.

The smart thing to do would be to break eye contact and expose her neck. It would be a show of submission, and possibly calm Kouga’s boiling blood. But she wasn’t feeling very submissive.

“Oh, no, whatever should I do? Who shall save me from this monster?” While her act had been poor in quality, she completely ruined it by giggling.

Growling at the snarl on Kouga’s face, Kagome turned and fled. She didn’t get very far, before a shadow covered her briefly and a man beast fell from the sky before her. She mocked shrieked, and he really growled as he grabbed her by the arms and tossed her to the ground.

“Oh, no, I’m going to be savagely ravished.” Kagome gushed as she suddenly found Kouga upon her, his hair falling down on her like a black waterfall. She caressed him and played with his ebony tresses.

“Well go on.” she told.

And he did.


Kagome woke the next morning in Kouga’s arm, and her hand tangled in his hair. Last night had been the best night she’d ever had. She couldn’t wait for the next full moon.

She sensed Kouga was awake, and knew that he knew that she was awake too. Smiling, she snuggled closer into him, and wrapped her leg tighter around his waist, while running her hands through his hair. Her other hand was on his chest and was slowly venturing down to see if he was ready for a quick morning run without actually running.

“Morning.” she mumbled, leaning up to kiss him.

“Uh…yeah, you might want to wake up.”

Kagome froze. That sure in hell didn’t sound like Kouga. And now that she thought about it, the hair was far too well kept to be her wolf’s mane. Neither did the waist feel like the one she usually woke up too. But the strange waistline did feel familiar.

“Damn.” she cursed, opening her eyes for the assault she knew was to come.
The sun hurt her eyes, but it had nothing on the pain that went through her heart when she saw the red hair she had been clutching. So when he ventured to look her in the eye, she yawned away the pain.

“Well you just practically got raped didn’t you?” Kagome stated rather than asked, as she disengaged from the, highly unembarrassed, hanyou.

Stretching away the last of her dream, Kagome, looked around and saw that not a bit of forest could be seen. They were driving by endless amounts of fields, no civilization in sight, but at least they were out of the forest.

“You’re just going to act like that just didn’t happen?” Gojyo asked after a pause.

“Sure am.” Kagome answered with a smile, not bothering to look his way. But when Gojyo called Goku’s name, Kagome turned towards the little monster and saw the tail end of the hauntingly fierce look he had been throwing Gojyo’s way, but when she turned he smiled brilliantly at her.

“Did you enjoy your rest?” he asked.

“Apart from waking up and finding myself being molested.”


“I really enjoyed it. How long was I out?”

“All day yesterday and most of today.”

“Hmm.” Leaning forward in her seat, Kagome rested her head in between Sanzo’s and Hakkai’s shoulders, and if she rested on Sanzo’s just to annoy him, it was just a coincidence.

“How far to the nearest town?”

“Well, on the way out of the forest, we passed a farmer who directed us onto this road. If his directions were correct, we should be arriving in town shortly.” Hakkai informed her, flashing a small smile.

“Okay.” Leaning back, Kagome reclined in the seat, holding her face up to the sun. She was letting the vibrations of the ride drift her away, until...

“Who’s Kouga?

It came from Goku, which is why Kagome felt like answering. Anybody else, she figured, wouldn’t have had that privilege.

“…my mate.” She told him quietly.

“Your what?” Gojyo asked, the word mate, making him pay attention.

“My mate.” she snapped. “My soul mate, my other half, a lover, my life partner, my life companion, my spouse. Take a pick. He was my husband.”

“Was?” This came from Hakkai.

She paused. “Yeah. He was killed a while back.”

“Is that why you’re traveling alone?” Goku asked.

“Yeah.” she laughed a little bitterly. “That’s the reason.” and with the coldness of her voice she shut the conversation down.


“Well boys, I thank you for the ride. It was much appreciated.”

They had finally found the town, a fairly large community nestled in the valley of their mountain overlord. Upon entering, Kagome had waited until they had gotten to the middle of town before asking out.

Climbing over Gojyo, Kagome bounded from the car and was reminded she had on no shoes. Turning to face them she smiled. "Have fun at your convention.” She said, shaking Hakkai’s hands by leaning over and into Sanzo.

“Convention?” Hakkai asked, curiously.

“Yeah,” she answered looking at Sanzo, but when he only inclined his head back, and probably about to blow smoke in her face, she gave up, and went to shake Gojyo’s hand.

“You guys look like you’re heading to a big convention.”

“Why's that?” Gojyo asked.

“Don’t know, you just do…what?” This question was directed to Goku who, after clambering over Gojyo to shake her hand, was looking nervous, put out, and excited all at once. He looked constipated.

“Nothing.” he answered quickly, reaching his hand out to shake hers.

“Oh, and thanks for protecting me so valiantly.” she told him, as she curled her fingers around his hand.

“Think nothing of it.” he replied, smiling goofily. “It was…”

But his words were cut short as Kagome silenced him with a quick kiss and a hug.

“…my pleasure.” he finished, dreamily, and then promptly fell onto the ground. Or pushed, depending on how you looked at Gojyo. “Whoa!”

“Well, that will boost a girl’s self-esteem. And I got a twitch, I must be good.”

“Evidently.” Hakkai agreed, making Kagome smile. “If you don’t mind me asking, but where are you going?”

“Firstly, I’m going to buy some clothes.” She said, indicating at her shoeless feet and torn and bloody clothes. “then find somewhere to stay, and then I don’t know. Get some supplies, go find something fun to do? Why? You want to join me?”

“Maybe later.” Hakkai replied pleasantly. “I was merely curious. You are a very interesting individual.”

The comment seemed to surprise her, and then she smiled. “Thanks, I think. And you know it’s very interesting you said that because…”

“…you have a lot of secrets?” he finished for her, his eyes twinkling with earnest.

Kagome’s smile, although never wavering, turned queer. “Good-bye boys.” And giving them a curt bow, Kagome turned and walked away.

“Were you flirting?” Sanzo asked after a while, mild disgust evident in his question.