InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mors Mortis Miko ❯ Temptation ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Short Chapter. Either Stronger Than Yesterday or The Protector to be updated next.

Chp. 9 Temptation

He felt her.

He knew she was there, and so, as of consequence, was he. He had to thank her.

She was the cause of his…situation. She was what made him a being in-between. Neither here nor there. A lost soul.

But it was alright, he’d make it alright, and his first step would be to deal with her.

He took a step over the corpse at his feet, ignoring the demons skirting his perimeter. They had come in hordes after his arrival, but they soon learned he was not a man to be reckoned with.

He didn’t have time to deal with them, only if they got in his way did he spare them a thought, and it was only for the second it took to rid himself of their presence. All other times, his thought were mainly on her.

“KAGOME!” He called out…both verbally and mentally. His call like that of a thousand brass bells.


Kagome jolted to attention.

After parting company from the Sanzo-party, finding a reasonable place to stay and getting a change of clothes, Kagome had headed to the nearest bar in
the town, hoping to catch any rumor that might lead her to Sango. She could just call out and sense where Sango was headed, but Sango never called back, and Kagome realized the more she relied on that link, the more her sanity leaked. And after just finding herself smiling, although a small smile, at nothing, she knew she needed to rely on good old fashioned tracking.

Her sleuthing, she liked the word, had so far only confirmed what she had been feeling.


Hearing her name again, Kagome looked up from the fried onion she had ordered, and found herself staring at the Sanzo-party.

“What a surprise seeing you here.” Goku said, smiling widely. But the way he said, clued Kagome in that they had either seen her earlier and had thought about what they were going to say, or that they had been looking for her.

“Do you mind if we join you?” Hakkai asked.

Kagome thought it over. She really shouldn’t, but they had sought her out themselves. It wasn’t on her if she…

“Have a seat,” she told them, indicating the empty spots in her booth as she sat up to give them room. Hakkai sat across from her, followed by an annoyed
Sanzo, and Goku and Gojyo sat beside her.

Kagome took a chug of her beer to hide her smile as the waitress stopped and took the boys' orders. When she left, she left behind an awkward silence.

“You boys got something on your minds?”

After a few exchanged glances, Hakkai finally looked her in the eye. “I’m afraid it’s been driving us crazy. We just can’t figure why those demons were after you?”

“I told you.” She said, reclining in her seat while she smiled coyly at him. “I taste del…”

“…any logical reasons.” Hakkai finished.

She smiled.

“You see.” Gojyo blurted out, pointing a finger accusingly at her. “That look right there tells us there’s a reason.”

She laughed. “What do you think? What are your ideas about my popularity with demons?”

“You stole something?” Gojyo suggested.

“Nope. I have nothing on me, these aren’t even my clothes.”

“They were holding you hostage and you escaped.” Goku said.

“I have no one to pay my ransom.”

“You’re…special and…” Hakkai began.

“We’re all special.” Kagome interrupted, downing her mug of beer and starting on the other.

“And you can either make something they want or you are something they want.” Hakkai finished.

“Bingo!” Kagome said, pointing a finger at him victoriously.

“Really?” Goku asked wonderingly.

“Sure.” Kagome answered with a shrug.

“Sure?” Gojyo said skeptically. “So is it or isn’t it?”

“Yeah, you know, it’s just…whatever?” she mumbled into her beer.

“Quit fooling around.” Sanzo snapped. “Are you going to tell us or not?”

Kagome contemplated the question.

“It’s alright Pops, I think I’ll hold off.”

“Oh, come on, it’s driving us crazy. Tell us.“ Goku pleaded, smiling up at her.

Kagome didn’t look at him, nor did she smile…much. “Now don’t you try to trick me with your cuteness.”

“You think I’m cute?”

“Why can’t you tell us?” Gojyo asked her laughingly.

“Because I hardly knew, ye.”

“What?” Was what Hakkai asked, amused by her choice of words.

“I don’t know you people. You all smell like nice guys, but why should I tell my story when we shall part by morning? That would be very rude.”

“We smell like good guys?: Gojyo asked her with a look.

“You’ve been sniffing us?” Sanzo inquired instead.

“How could you come to such a conclusion?” Hakkai asked her.

Setting her mug down, Kagome leaned in close to him. “I can smell your souls.”

“Can you, now?” Hakkai asked, intrigue written on his face as he sat back. “Care to elaborate?”

“Not really, but I’ll tell you this; I’m able to smell if a person is relatively good or not and it gives me a slight indication of their character and personality.”

“Hmm, so, what does, a good guy smell like?” Gojyo asked before Hakkai could open his mouth.

“Well, good guys smell warm and broad.”

“Warm and broad?” Sanzo commented skeptically.

“Yeah, Warm and broad. You know how your nose feels when it’s cold and you put your hand over it to warm it. That’s what good guys smell like. While bad guys smell sharp and cold. Almost metallic-like. And then, everyone’s soul also has their own unique smell. Depending on the species, personality, and mind.”

“Really, so what do I smell like?” Goku asked, sitting up straighter so she could analyze him.

“I’m not going to say, but” she added after seeing him deflate slightly. “I’ll tell you what I picked up about you from your soul. Lot of people don’t care to have the business on their soul spoken aloud.”

Out of the corner of her eyes, Kagome saw the other nod or let out noises of agreement, she didn’t comment. “Okay, now let me see.” Kagome began as she turned to face Goku and made a show of inhaling. “You are very rambunctious.”
Sanzo snorted.

“…and you like to eat. You don’t like being alone, you’re always hungry, you’re very happy and mischievous, and you’re a….powerful being.”

“Me next.” Gojyo volunteered, while Goku preened at being called powerful. That’s male ego for you.

“You…you are a hanyou who enjoys a good smoke, drink, and sex. You smell like sex and candy.”

“Okay, I can accept that.”

“And you.” Kagome continued, rounding on Sanzo who paused mid smoke to glance at her. “Everything annoys you and you have little to no patience.”

“I could have told you that.” he told her with a dismissal of his hand.

“Now I’m curious. What can you tell about me?” Hakkai asked.

“You’re a pitchfork hidden in a haystack.”

“You are good.”

“What the heck does that mean?” Goku asked after a pause.

“That he’s a pitchfork in a haystack.” Kagome answered simply.

“That’s it?” Gojyo prompted.

“He gets it.” Kagome countered, pointing at the smiling Hakkai.

“He’s just being polite.”

“Oh, no, I understand her metaphor, quite well.” Hakkai told them.

“See?” Kagome said with a victorious smile.

“Whatever. So is that why demons are after you?”

“Why? So I can perform this trick at dinner parties?”

“So if this isn’t the reason they’re after you, then why?”

“Because it’s my business and no one else’s.”

Fine. Hey!” Gojyo suddenly yelled, getting the attention of the bartender. “Twenty-four shots of ‘Loose Goose’ over here.”

“Twenty-four? Are you going to get me drunk to get it out of me?”

“Oh,.” Gojyo started as he looked at them with a questioning glance. “You guys want one too?”


“Quit moving the street!” Kagome growled aloud as she stumbled, tumbled, and moon-walked down the road.

After a long night of drinking with the strangers who kept following her, Kagome had called it a night and realized she was drunk out of her mind. They had offered to walk her to her hotel, but she had declined. She already felt herself getting attached, and she couldn’t risk her sanity by staying with them any longer.

So she decided to go back to her room and leave that very night. Too bad someone had other things in mind.

“Where did the hell did I put that hotel?” Kagome asked herself aloud, and then giggled when she realized she had rhymed.

“Here, you can come home with me.” A voice spoke up behind her as she felt something grab her arm.

“Ugh! I can’t even see you and I know I don’t want to.” Kagome groaned as she twisted her arm out of his grip. “Let go, jerky!”

“Quit teasing and bring that ass!” Her harasser growled as his grip returned to her arm with a vengeance. “I’m losing my patience.”

As Kagome tried to focus on him, she got a start as she found Naraku leering down at her, but she soon dismissed the thought as she realized she was drunk, Naraku was dead and would kill her instead of try to take her home, and going on the fact that the man was split in two and twirling in front of her eyes.

“You’re going to lose more than that if you don’t stop dancing and let me go!” On the end of her declaration Kagome swung at the man, but seeing as how she was drunk and vision-impaired, all she hit was air.

But he didn’t miss.

“Whoa!” Kagome yelped as his fist connected with the side of her head, and her already swarming vision got hazy and she lost her senses.

“I didn’t want to have to do this in an alley, but you left me no choice.” She heard someone growl, but she couldn’t for the life of her remember who sounded like that. Another strike hit her in the face and she felt herself fall, but before she hit the ground something grabbed her and hauled her away before she hit, what felt like plastic and heard what sounded like a trash bin being knocked over. Her soon felt warm as something wet ran down her lips, and she tasted the metallic taste of blood in her mouth.

“Oh, God, what’s going on?” she slurred as she felt something fussing with the front of her pants, but instead of an answer, all she got was the feel of someone’s hand across her cheek. And from the extra stinging she felt, she was sure they had on a ring.

She shook her head, trying to clear away the confusion and haze. She couldn’t see anything but shapes, and something big and dark was hovering over her. She tried pushing against him, but she could hardly move her arms. She tried sitting up, but the dark figure roughly pushed her back, making her hit her head on the wall, and causing her vision to spark.

She stayed still and tried to wait for her vertigo to subside. She blinked as she looked up into the night sky and felt a slight strum on her soul as something called out her name. But before she could question it’s significance, the hovering figure over her was suddenly jerked off her and out of sight.

She couldn’t see him, but she did hear his yelps of pain as something probably ate him alive. “Good.” she muttered through a smile as she ignored the pain of her face.

“Lady, Kagome, are you alright?”

“Hm?” Looking to where the voice came from, Kagome choked on her spit.

It was Miroku.


“Are you alright?” he asked again, more urgently this time as he hustled over to help her up.

“I’m okay.” She gushed as he helped her up, never taking her eyes off his face. “I’m just a lot drunk and…” she could hardly get the words out. So instead
she hugged him fiercely.

“Come on, let’s get out of here.” he said soothingly after gently pushing her away and supporting her out of the alley.

“Oh, Miroku,” She stammered, as she raised a hand to cup his face. “I just…I didn’t…I want you…”

As left the alley and walked onto the street and into the light of the street lamp, Miroku melted away and left Hakkai in his place.

“Oh.” she whispered as her mistake hit it’s way home and she promptly threw up onto the ground. And probably on Hakkai’s shoes too. But like a gentleman, he didn’t comment and only rubbed soothing circles onto her back.

When her retching produced nothing but a sore throat and tummy, Kagome stood up straight and wiped her mouth, and found the Sanzo-group surrounding her. All looked pissed off, except Hakkai, who seemed concerned. Maybe that’s why she mistook him for Miroku, always the calm one of the group.

She looked up at him and frowned. “I don’t know where I put my hotel room.” And then she passed out in his arms.


“How can she sleep through all this?”

Even before awakening; Kagome smiled.

Going on the feel of violent vibrations, the sound of yelling and shooting, the noise of battle, and the cramped position she was in; Kagome deduced that something was going on.

She opened her eyes and viewed the sky as it rapidly sped by.

“Die, Sanzo-party!”

Interesting. Taking a whiff of the air, Kagome smelled upturned dust, burning rubber, and the familiar scents of the guys she had met the other day and some new demons.

“Am I being kidnapped?” she wondered aloud as she un-wedged herself from the floor of the jeep and stood up into the jet stream it created as they sped down an unseen path.

“Get down!” She heard someone yell before a hand was forcefully shoving her low into the seat between Goku and Gojyo.

They said nothing to her as they attacked the demons speeding behind them.

“Look!” One of the demons yelled. “They have the woman!”

The comment sent the demons into an uproar, making the driver speed up until they were almost parallel with them.

“Come here, Chickie, we want hurt you.” One of the demons cooed at her, as they made come-hither gestures, before they slowed and got behind their jeep as Sanzo and the rest fired or swung at them.

“Don’t worry, Kagome, I won’t let them get you.”

Kagome didn’t comment, didn’t even look at Goku when he pronounced his duty to protect her. It was the final straw, she couldn’t take any more chances
being with them.

She took a look around her. They were speeding down a dirt road that inevitably lead to a desert plain, and in the far distant to the right…she didn’t know, but it looked promising.

Turning to look at the demons pursuing her, she smiled, and they jumped at her gaze. She still had it.

Quickly, before they could register what was happening, Kagome stood and leapt from the jeep, and as she sailed free of it, she felt hands catching at her legs and spouts of confusion and concern as she landed on the hood of the demons jeep.

“Hi, boys.” She greeted as she grinned widely at their confused faces.

Kicking at the windshield, she successfully broke through on the third try, which wasn’t hard to do when the jeep was swerving all over the place, and jumped through to land on the driver.

“We’re going for a ride!” She laughingly yelled as she turned forward in the demon’s lap, and landing blows to his face with her elbows. The others were stunned into immobility.

As she stepped on the demons foot and floored the gas pedal, she glanced up at the Sanzo-party, and saw them staring at her in shock.
Coyed only for a second, Kagome quickly grinned at them, saluted, and took control of the wheel and forced the jeep to head off to the unknown factor to the right.

By this time, the other demons had regained their composure and were trying to wrestle her from under the wheel. But she persisted, she fought back, and she laughed like their was no tomorrow. Especially when the unknown object came closer and Kagome recognized it for what it really was. A chasm. A colossal, steep, deadly looking chasm. And they were heading straight for a cliff.

The jeep turned completely to the left as the demons fought with her, and they almost hit the Sanzo-party who were, she guessed, trying to stop or save her. But laughing mightily and biting and swatting at the offending hands accosting her, she forced it back towards the cliff edge, and sped on. With a firmer grip on the wheel, Kagome kept them from turning it around, but couldn’t stop them from making it wobble violently.

“If you don’t stop, this is going to turn ugly.” Kagome told her passengers. But they wouldn’t listen. And so with the mixture of speed, unsteady wobbling, a hole in the ground, and the shifting of weight in the jeep, Kagome wasn’t surprised when it bounced, flipped, tumbled, and finally went careening over the gulf’s edge.

Now,’ Kagome thought calmly through the howling of the wind and the cries of the demons. ‘no more temptations.’

And just for a moment, she closed her eyes and felt a brief seconds peace…right before they crashed landed and exploded.

Upon the cliff’s edge, the Sanzo-party stared down at the carnage, listening to the screams of the demons, who unfortunately didn’t die in the crash, as they were burned alive in the wreckage. They stood in shock at what the woman had just done. Killing herself so that they could get away. The mysterious woman. The woman who charmed those around her unintentionally. The woman who made them wonder. And the woman who abated their boredom.

Now what were they going to do to pass the time?