InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mors Mortis Miko ❯ On the Run ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chp. 10 The Run

She dreamed of him.

And she was happy.

She dreamed they had been running.

She and Kouga.

Kouga and her.

And they were happy.

Running for absolutely no reason. Well…there was a reason. It was a sex game of theirs. Of Kouga’s really. She found out the hard way that Kouga could turn any game into a sex game. He was a master at it, she had to admit, there was no other word for someone who could turn jump rope into what he did. He had completely ruined the childhood game for her. She would never look at it the same ever again. He ruined a lot of things. They had a lot of sex games.

Now that she recalled, she thought it would be right to label Kouga as a sex addict…or maybe it was just because it was with her. The thought made her smile in her sleep.

The current game was hopscotch gone wrong.

She ran for her dear maidenly life, or whatever Kouga was pretending she was, as the sounds of a hot-blooded wolf made her giggle and shriek with false terror. That was only before they got serious, or bored with the growling and giggling, and they just ran.

She was ahead, running full out, and he was behind her, though she couldn’t see him. But she sensed him, and every now and then she caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of her eye. But she didn’t let him catch her. Even though he was faster, she had better agility, and when she put her mind to it, or if they weren’t in an open field, she could outrun him for hours. And he loved it, finally having a challenge with an even sweeter prize.

Up craggy rocks, around the trees, over the trees, up the trees, between the trees, she killed when it came to the trees, through bushes and shrubs with prickly thorns, bramble patches. Anything to slow him down. But when the time came that she had no more obstacles to run him through, she used her own acute reflexes to duck and dodge out of his grip. But then, like always, he’d put an end to it all and catch her.

He’d snatch her up into his arms, tackle her to the ground, or merely bypass her and let her run into his suddenly opened arms. And then….


Slowly Kagome awakened to the sound of male voices. Holding still, she listened intently, she couldn’t see them, but they were close. Too damn close.

“If coyotes drug the body off, shouldn’t we have started seeing parts by now?”

That was Gojyo, the guy with scarlet hair and the perfect waist.

“Not if they were bringing her home to feed pups.” her Miroku impersonator answered in a deadly calm voice.

Smiling to herself, Kagome looked sideways at the coyotes. They were half right. After crashing and burning in the wreckage, Kagome had waited until the Sanzo-party had disappeared from sight before making her escape.

She had ran, trying to put as much distance between her and the guys before collapsing to put out the flames. The fire had been a horrific one, and she had passed out from the pain by the time the coyotes arrived.

They had come, at the smell of cooked flesh, but upon seeing that she still lived and that she smelled of their cousin the wolf, they offered help. It was a well known fact that the two families were feuding, wolves and coyotes. They killed and chased each other away on sight, a constant battle of dominance and territory, but there was always a neutral time. A time for truce.

Times of the full moon, and when coming across the other when injured by outside parties. Wolves and coyotes may hate each other, but they’d be damned if they let other species kill the other.
So upon coming across Kagome, the coyotes had brought her food, raw meat, but hey she was used to it, and slept near her at night to offer protection and warmth. They continued this until she was strong enough to move, and then they had herded her to their den, where she spent the rest of her time. By now she was healed, her skin had grown back, now a mere sunburn, and so had her hair.

Now healthy again, Kagome would have been chased from the premises, or worse, but the first night of the full moon was the next day and tradition called for a truce.

But Kagome didn’t spend her time just lazing about the coyotes’ den, she made herself useful. Being the only one with opposable thumbs, Kagome did the coyotes a favor and buried their dead.
Somehow, a few of the pack members had been bludgeoned to death by pieces of burning jeep. She had no idea how that happened. In return, for burying the dead, the coyotes allowed her to skin them for their fur.

They had been grateful, they’d rather her wear the coats and bury the dead than have them rot out in the open or were scavengers could assault them. With her new fur, Kagome had set and prepared them to merge with what was left of her former clothing.

She had prepared to run with the coyotes for the first night of the full moon, but upon awakening, and hearing the sound of the persistent boys, Kagome realized she was going to have to cut out on the group run, and do a solo. One that never stopped. Not until the men were far behind her.

“The tracks lead here, so where could the den be?” she heard Goku ask as they finally came into sight.

Although their back was to them, and that the hole to the den was small and unnoticeable, Kagome eased back into the darkness.

‘What stupid demons.’ she thought as she slid to a halt. ‘They don’t even know how to use their noses.’

That might have been the case, but they had good hearing, and they heard the growling of the coyotes as their territory was threatened.

“Stupid coyotes.” she muttered darkly as she glared at the raised hackles and snarling snouts. She was annoyed. Annoyed at the coyotes for giving away their position and annoyed at the boys for looking for her. What the hell did they want? What could possibly make them think she hadn’t burned to a crisp in the jeep.

“I see her!” the yell brought her attention back to the mouth of the den, where she and Gojyo locked eyed. “Shit, she’s alive!”

Kagome verbally growled to the coyotes, hoping her accent wasn’t so heavy that they wouldn’t understand her. But after seeing how they charged out, all teeth snapping and growling threateningly, she was granted her hearts satisfaction.

They were to distract and scatter, giving her and them, enough time to escape, but the truce wasn’t solid enough to allow that. As the coyote exited the den, they snapped at Kagome whenever she made to move. It was their den, so they would leave first.

Kagome didn’t argue, but as the last one was leaving, she may have kicked him out of her way. Once free of the den, Kagome bolted. They’d never catch her, not as long as they were fending off coyotes who were intent on keeping their territory and pups safe. She ran like the wind, jumping and bounding and leaping over the uneven craggy rock face. Once she reached the even dirt floor at the bottom on the chasm, she would be home free. She allowed herself a little happy laugh, but as she landed and took off, an arm was thrown around her neck and she was crushed to a hard body.

“Kagome! Calm down, it’s me, Gojyo!”

Oh, so it was Mr. Perfect waist. What the hell was he doing down here?

She relaxed against him, and as she did so his grip lessened.

Such stupid demons.’ she thought again as she raised her hand to rest on his.

Without warning, Kagome tightened her grip on his arm, tooted her back out, and then flung him over her shoulder. Again she bolted, skirting around him just in case he got any ideas, but damned if he wasn’t one step ahead of her. As she passed him, Gojyo kicked his legs around and tripped her.

As she fell hard onto her stomach, all the air in her lungs whooshed out in one, big, involuntary breath. She lay there momentarily dazed by the pain and at his nerve. The bastard had tripped her, and so she felt compelled to fight back as he forcefully flipped her over onto her back.

“Stop it!” Gojyo yelled as he and Kagome had a slapping fight on the ground. “What is wrong with you? Why aren’t you dead?”

Kagome only growled in response as she continued to fight.

“I’m going to bite you! STOP!” Finally managing to get through her hands, Gojyo pinned Kagome to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Kagome glared up at him.

“Now…are you okay? What the hell happened? Did you jump out before the crash? Did you hit your head?”

“Did you?” Kagome retorted as she began struggling again. But though she was endowed with extra strength from mating with Kouga, Gojyo was actually half demon and so was stronger than her. Her struggles were proven futile.

“You have some explaining to do? We saw the footprints? They were burned into the ground. You walked away from that crash.” Gojyo accused. “What are you?”

“I’m a zombie, jerk!” she snapped at him.

“What?” he drawled out in confusion as he cocked his head.

Trying not to smile at the utter adorableness of the idiotic gesture, Kagome pulled her knee up and rubbed it against him. She got the desired reaction when he released her arms to guard himself, thinking that she was going to knee him. With her arms free, Kagome clasped her hands together, swung, and hit him up side his head.

Crawling from underneath him, Kagome bounced to her feet and delivered a harsh kick to his abdomen.

“You were going to bite me, huh?” Kagome growled as she watched him stagger to his feet. Circling him, she waited to that last moment before latching herself onto his back.

“What the hell are you doing?” he asked, startled at her unusual attack. His answer came in the form of her blunt teeth sinking into his shoulder.

“Gojyo, what are you doing?” Hakkai asked gently as he came upon the scene of Gojyo running back and forth, trying to shake Kagome off his back.

“Don’t just stand there, get her off me!”

Before Hakkai could make a move toward her, Kagome slid off Gojyo’s back and kicked him into the unawares Hakkai. Laughing aloud, Kagome turned tail and ran. She almost ran into Sanzo, but with a bit of sliding and kicking up of dirt, she had managed to turn again. This time there was no one to block her way, but she did hesitate as someone shot at her.

“We don’t shoot at girls, old man!” Kagome yelled at him momentarily, but seeing Gojyo and Hakkai getting up, she turned and ran.


She should have wondered what happened to the old smelling one. And she should have known that Kouga wasn’t with her. But that didn’t stop her from elapsing back into her dream.

It was just a game. Just like old times.

She heard him breathing heavily behind her. She heard the sound of his feet hitting the ground as he pursued her. She felt the thrill of the hunt. Just like old times.

She shrieked and kicked up her heels. “What’s the matter, sweetie? Am I too fast for you?” She knew he wasn’t, just like he did. It was just to antagonize him. Going by the sound of his quickened pace, Kagome was satisfied to see that it was working.

She saw him out of the corner of her eye. She saw him reaching out to her. Ready to snatch her up and claim her body as his own.

Not yet.

Just as his clawed hand made to grab her arm, Kagome threw herself to the ground. She heard him curse as he surpassed her. She jumped to her feet at the sound of upturned dirt as he slid to a stop and tried to turn around.

She giggled enticingly at him before heading toward the small grove of trees to her right. Now she had him. There’d be no catching her until she was ready.

She thought she heard him call out her name, but she couldn’t be too sure. Not when she was too busy sending him through the ringer. She climbed a tree, and heard him scrambling up behind her, grunting with the effort that had her practically flying.

She felt a hand graze her ankle as she hesitated for a moment, but that was as far as he got.

Running to the edge of a limb, she leapt into a neighboring tree, and then the next closest three before hopping down to the ground. The fall jarred her knees a bit, but she only laughed it off as she began to run again. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw that he was only now just getting to the top of the first tree. She frowned. It shouldn’t have been that difficult for him.

Her frown was soon turned upside down as she saw that the rest of the way was pretty easy and that he was soon catching up to her.

“Oh, no!” she screamed into the night before laughing aloud.

Looking up, Kagome saw that the sun was setting. That meant that it was almost time for the pack to start getting ready for the run. A shiver of anticipation ran down her spine. Kouga in a moon rage.

She leapt between a split in a tree, and when Kouga tried, she heard him hit the sides, and growl in frustration. She leapt into the trees again and heard him groan. Laughing she leapt from tree to tree, not giving him time to catch up. Staying up in the trees, Kagome weaved in and out of the branches, sometimes leaping higher and sometimes dropping low. She shoved branches out of her way and heard them slap him as he tried to follow.

“Would you hold up?” she heard him growl from directly behind her, probably only a breath away.

“Sure.” she answered, grabbing hold of a strong high branch and used her momentum to swing up into a handstand. In her new position, Kagome couldn’t see what happened to him, but she heard it as surprise made him lose his footing and he fell to the ground and sounding like he hit every branch there was.

She laughed softly to herself before flipping back to the lower branches. She looked down but couldn’t see him for all the foliage. “Are you hurt badly, baby?”

Her answer came in the form of moans and the shaking of leaves as he started his way back up. She waited where she stood for a few moments. When she thought he was probably half way up, she leapt down to the ground.

“Oh, come on!” she heard him yell before she took off running again. Within a few short moments she heard him crashing through the underbrush after her. She saw a patch of thick shrubs ahead of her, and grinned evilly. Thick bushes were hell on Kouga’s naked legs, so she headed straight for them. She bounded over the first few, she kicked off of tree for the next few, but the last patch she had to run through herself.

She heard him cursing as he ran through them, legs probably completely decorated now with fancy red lines.

“Come on, you can do better than that!” Kagome yelled over her shoulder as she hopped over a fallen tree “What’s the point of me putting you through all this, if you can’t catch me?”

“What do I get if I do?” she heard him ask, all the frustration and anger replaced with absolute interest.

‘So he wanted to play vague, did he?’ She could play that game too.

“Oh I don’t know. It’s a surprise.” She said with a flirtatious air to her voice.

She didn’t hear his response, if he even said anything, but she did hear his breathing get heavier as he put on a burst of speed and began to close the gap between them.

He was ready to put their game to an end. She knew the routine. When ever he sounded like that, it meant her run around game was over, and it was now his turn to be in control. Too bad for him she didn’t feel the same. Yeah she wanted him to catch her, but she wanted it to be on her terms.

He was so close now that his feet fell into her footprints, and she felt his hands graze her back. She giggled at the touch and took a sharp right turn, almost collapsing into the thorn bushes that grew directly in front of her. Thankfully though, she saw them and had turned at just the right time, but Kouga wasn’t so lucky. She heard him slide, then she heard him lose his balance, finally she heard him curse as he fell in.

Laughing loudly Kagome slowed down to a steady lope as she emerged from the grove and onto a grassy cliff. The cliff ended and fell away to open desert. She had reached the edge of the chasm, and with it came the remembrance that she wasn’t in the feudal era. And if she wasn’t in the feudal era, then that wasn’t Kouga she had been…

She felt the energy leave her and she allowed herself to fall to the ground. She laid on her back and watched the sky turn from a golden, fiery orange and fade into purple. This was getting unbearable. Kouga was constantly on the edge of her brain now.

She felt and heard something heavy drop down next to her. Turning her head, she saw a very abused looking Goku sitting on his knees with his fist planted to the ground to hold himself up as he took in deep life-giving breaths.

“What happened to you?” she asked after his heavy breathing seemed to have no end. As she asked him, he turned to look at her with a face that had her genuinely laughing and putting her tragedies on the back burner.

Sitting up she smiled at him as she took in all his battered glory. “Sorry about all that, I got a little carried away.”

“A little?”

Laughing again, Kagome launched herself on him, giving him a tight hug of forgiveness, and making them both fall back onto the ground. There they lay for a good while, long enough for Goku to regain his breath and for the awkwardness to make him finally speak up.

“Are you sleep?” he whispered.

Instead of answering him, Kagome picked her head up and looked into the sky. The full moon was bright and beckoning. “I've got to go.” she declared, hopping to her feet and leaving the little man to feel bewildered.

“You…you can’t go.”

“And why not?” Kagome, who had been looking out into the desert, asked as she turned to give him an incredulous look.

“Because…because we’ve been searching this whole canyon for you.” Jumping to his feet, Goku gave her a look that should have made his argument obvious.

“Yeah, why was that?”

“We had to wait until the fire had died down and then until the jeep was cool enough to handle. We were going to bury you. You know we thought it was the least we could do for you, after you tried
to save us. But then when we do get there, your bodies missing and we see footprints burned into the ground. We thought you had run from the jeep and died somewhere else. But we still didn’t find
your body, but we saw where you had fallen and there were coyote paw prints everywhere. We figured they had carried your body off somewhere, and so we had to track them down.”

“You guys just wanted to give me a proper resting place?” Kagome asked, oddly touched by the notion.

“Yeah, but you’re not dead. Why aren’t you dead? You should be dead, but you don’t even have a scratch.”

“Heh, would you look at that.” Kagome marveled as she looked at her unscathed body.

“So, that’s why you have to come back with me.” Goku said firmly as he placed a strong hand around her elbow. “You have some explaining to do.”

Jerking away from the tugging on her elbow, Kagome looked up at the moon. “I can’t.” she murmured.

“Why not? You have to, you owe us.”

“Even though I like being blackmailed, I can’t do it. I have to run.” Not to mention she needed to avoid the hell out of them.

“Run? What for?”

“For…tradition. For Kouga.” She whispered, bringing her arms up to hold herself.

“Your husband?” Goku asked just as quietly.

“We used to run all night under the full moon, and I think I should keep up with tradition. As a homage to him.”

A silence followed her statement, allowing Kagome a brief peace as a gentle wind blew through the trees. The silence was then broken by the yips and howls of the coyotes as they began their moon

“Do you want me to come back?” Kagome finally asked, startling the silent boy.

“Yeah, sure. I mean yeah, I do. I want you to travel with us.”

Kagome could hear the sincerity in his voice. She smiled softly at him, just as the chill of Death’s disapproval went down her spine. Fuck the Grim Reaper, she was tired of Kouga’s haunting memory, which was probably triggered by loneliness, they had went through all that trouble to find her, and Goku wanted her to come with him. She was going to stay with them this time. She made up her mind. Besides, she had been shot at.

“Tell you what? You let me run this night, and I’ll come back with you.”


“I swear on my non-dead body.”

“That’s gross, but alright.”

“Thank you.” Kagome said as she bent to kiss his cheek, making him smile brightly and blush.

Going over to the edge of the cliff, Kagome looked down to see the coyote make their way out into the desert. All were yipping, barking, and howling to show their excitement. She sniffed the cool
night air and then let out her own howl. Causing the coyote to go into a frenzy.

Ending her howl with a yip, Kagome smiled wildly at a stunned Goku.

“Are you a werewolf?”

“Want to come with me?” she asked, ignoring his question.

“Me?” he asked with shock as his blush seemed to deepen.

“No the other old…you need another name besides old smelling one.”

“Old smelling?” Goku asked with a wrinkle of his nose.

“How about…Wild One? You smell a little wild to me too, you know.”

“I like it better than old smelling. Why do I smell old?”

“Because your dad exudes ancient.”

“Who, Sanzo? Sanzo’s not my dad.”

“You want to come?” Kagome asked again, jumping from one topic to another.

“I can’t, I have to wait for the rest to find me. You know, so they’ll know you’re going to come with us.”

“But if you’re here, and I’m out running, whose to say I’ll come back or not.”

By the look on Goku’s face, Kagome knew that he hadn’t thought about that.

“But…you are, right? You’re going to come back, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know. I've been trying to avoid you guys ever since I met you. If I go out there by myself, I just might come to my senses.”

“You…you wouldn’t do that.” Goku said somewhat skeptically.

“Please?” Kagome blurted, desperation thick in her voice. “I don’t want to be alone anymore.”

“Uh…alright, only if we come right back here.”

“Of course.” Kagome smiled, coming over to take his hand.

“How long is it going to last?” he asked her as she led him over to the edge of the cliff.

“It’s not over until the sun says it’s over.” and with that note, Kagome leapt, pulling a very concerned Goku along for the ride.


“Well isn’t this cute?” Gojyo asked no one in particular as they came across a very intimate and cuddly scene.

They had followed Goku’s tracks all night, and had finally tracked him to a cliff edge, where they found him and Kagome snuggled together and sleeping soundly. Goku slept on his back with Kagome curled up into his side and his arm thrown protectively around her. They would have been there sooner, but the tracks through the trees had been hectic.

“Should someone take a picture?” Hakkai asked with a small smile.

“Wake up.” Sanzo ordered loudly, without raising his voice. A feat only he could accomplish.

“What’s going on?” Goku asked sleepily as he rose up, waking Kagome in the process. Sleepy though he was, Goku quickly became alert as he heard the gun cock. “Sanzo what are you doing?”

“Get out of the way.” he merely said, his eyes locked onto Kagome’s prone figure, who in turn only stared back with a bored defiance.

“Wait!” Goku cried, bounding to his feet to stand between Kagome and the gun. “She agreed to talk with us! You don’t need to do that!”

“What is she? She obviously isn’t human, demons are after her, she controls coyotes, and I thought I said move.”

“That’s no reason to shoot her. She’s a werewolf.”

“I thought you said you were a zombie.” Gojyo accused.

“I thought you were a pretty girl with every flavored skin.” Hakkai added, and tried to look serious while hiding his smile when others turned to look at him.

“Explain!” Sanzo ordered her, ignoring Goku’s persistence.

“I don’t think so.” Kagome shrugged.

“What?” he asked, his voice low and deadly.

“I said,” Kagome continued, her eyes bright as her smile twisted. “I don’t think I have to explain a damn thing to you.”

“Is that so?”

Climbing to her feet and pushing Goku out of her way, Kagome marched up to Sanzo and met him toe to toe. “Yeah that’s so. Now you either put that gun away…or shoot me.” Grabbing hold of the
gun with one hand and Sanzo’s hand with the other, Kagome pressed the gun into her chest.

“Don’t…test me.”

“Well, you’re testing me, monk.”

“Am I? And how is that?”

“You’re trying my patience.”

“You’ve tried mine ever since we met you. Every time we run across you, we end up fighting.”

“No one asked you to help me.”

“Well maybe we should have let the rapist have at you, then?”

“…he would have been dead before daybreak.”

“Funny you should say that when you were drunk out of your mind and getting beat up.”

“You sweet talker, I’ve been in worse situations, and I suggest you back off and put your weapon down before you get hurt.”

“Before I get hurt?”

“Yeah, you.”

“You’re the one in danger of getting hurt. You might be able to walk away from a crash, but I doubt you can dodge bullets.”

“Want to bet?” Kagome snarled, pressing the gun further into her chest, and looking Sanzo dead in the eye.


“I can’t believe you shot her.” Gojyo said with a shake of his head as they hovered over Kagome’s dead body.

“She dared me.” Sanzo countered with a shrug.

“S-Sanzo…what did you do?” Goku asked with tears in his eyes as he knelt beside Kagome’s body and lifted her limp body into his arms. “You can’t take her seriously…she’s…not right…”

Hakkai offered no comment and was silent as he looked upon the corpse.

“Sanzo…” Goku said with some difficulty, “…my chest hurts…”

“Ooh,” Gojyo hissed. “good luck with that one, pops.”

“You’ll be fine.” Sanzo said gruffly as he pulled out a cigarette.

Goku sobbed as he hugged the body to him closer. No matter how much the woman meant to him, he couldn’t be mad at Sanzo…for too long.

“You alright there, Hakkai?” Gojyo asked, as he came to slap a comforting hand to his back.

“I’m fine…I’m just waiting.”

“For it all to sink in?”

Down on the ground, Kagome opened her eyes. “Ow.” she murmured dryly.

“For that I think.“ Hakkai answered as Gojyo stepped back with a sickened look on his face.

Goku yelled incoherently as he dropped Kagome in surprise.

“You’re alive.” Sanzo declared blandly.

“Yeah, no thanks to you.” she growled as she painfully pulled herself into a sitting position. “Who the hell blesses their bullets? Holy bullets? What is the deal?”

“Kagome!” Goku yelled as he hastily wiped the tears from his face. Pulling Kagome to her feet he crushed her against him in a mighty hug, before remembering the hole in her chest. “Does it hurt?
How can you stand it?”

“You know,” Kagome said thoughtfully as she looked at the steadily closing hole in her chest. “Once you get over the pain, it actually kind of tickles.”

“You are a remarkable woman.” Hakkai remarked with a smile.

“That’s what I’ve been told.” Kagome said as she smiled brightly at him, and then they were upon her.

“We’ve got you now, Sanzo-party!” the head demon yelled as he held Kagome under his arm.

“Where’d they come from?” Gojyo asked, more concerned about their sudden and random appearance than their seize of Kagome.

“Prepare to die!” he yelled, brandishing Kagome head first at the group.

“Kaaaaboooom!” Kagome said after an awkward second’s pause.

“What the hell?” Gojyo questioned aloud what they all were thinking.

“What the hell?” the demons yelled at Kagome’s lack of cooperation. Pulling her back to them, they turned her up side and shook her.

“How the hell do you get her to work?” another asked as he looked down her mouth.

“Say the magic word.” Kagome offered.

“Shut up!” the demon yelled at her, but as he saw the boys make a move towards them, he brandished Kagome at them like a sword. “Stay back or else!”

“Or else what?” Sanzo asked him.

“Just stay back! Wait until we figure out how she works.”

“Maybe she works like a explosive and you have to throw her.” the third demon suggested.

“Yeah so lets throw her at them.” the second agreed.

“Yeah, but what if that’s not how she works and they get her and use her on us.” the leader countered reasonably.

“Hey.” Gojyo called out to Kagome, who was hanging limply as the head demon held her by her ankles. “You want us to stop them now?’

“Not yet, I want to hear what they decide on.” Kagome answered good naturedly.

Sighing in annoyance, Sanzo quickly ending the life of the three demons with shots to the heads.

“You are no fun.” Kagome complained as she picked herself up from where she had fallen.

Sanzo merely grunted as he walked up to her and poked her in the chest where he had shot her.

Kagome countered with a slap.

And then silence followed.

“Now that I know it won’t kill you…” Sanzo ended it there as he turned his head back to face her and lifted his gun to her forehead.

“I believed you were owed that, Sanzo.” Hakkai spoke up as he came to Kagome’s rescue and forced Sanzo’s arm away.

“We do not poke a lady in her breast without permission.” Kagome scolded the blonde as she let herself be lead away by Hakkai.

“Agreed," Hakkai added, "and I believe you owe us an explanation about your earlier escapade and our friends behavior back there.”

“Do I now?” Kagome asked, her eyes on the small dragon that had appeared from the forest to land on Hakkai’s shoulder opposite her.

“Hey, where are you two going?” she heard Gojyo question as they continued into the forest, but he didn’t give them time to answer before he and the rest were following.