InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror Mirror ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome- ~blah~
Amamizu- *blah*
Youko- ((blah))
Hiei- #blah#
Kurama- (blah

Chapter 2

It took a mere three hours to get home but as soon as they turned onto her block a silly grin was suddenly plastered on her face. She could feel the auras of her friends she noted that Miroku’s energy was sky rocketing along with Shippou and Kagura’s demonic energy. And then there was the pure yet demonic energy of Amamizu. Her energy had always been so hard to read.

It wasn’t long before they pulled up to the large house the place that for the last fourteen years of Kagome’s life she had called home. But for the past three years that she had spent at sea side heights, without a single visit from her mother or any family members for that matter, she had begun to think of that as her home.

Most of the people there were quite friendly… well there was that one bipolar guy who had chased her with a plastic spoon from the cafeteria trying to gauge her eyes out. But other than that they were all nice.

She was aroused out of her musings when the car gave a slight jerk signaling that they had stopped and were ‘home’. She got out of the car without a second glance at her mother who had a saddened look on her face as she stared at Kagome.

It didn’t take long before she felt all her friends auras racing to were she was standing. The side of her lips quirked up a bit in a slight smirk. It wasn’t long before she felt the weight of person on her back followed by another and another. Though Kagome had a great amount of physical strength it wasn’t long before she came face to face with the ground. Granite she loved nature but really didn’t want to get all that closely acquainted with the ground. She could tell that Amamizu Shippou and Kagura were the ones who had tackled her.

“meft oftf of meh” (translation: get off of me) her voice was muffled by the grass.

Though most people wouldn’t be able to under stand what she had just said they understood perfectly and got off. Once they were all off she hopped up looking over her friends.

Miroku, at age 18 he hadn’t changed much, his black hair pulled in to a rats tail at the nape of his neck, his blue eyes filled with mirth but behind the gleam of playfulness there was a seriousness and wisdom beyond his years. His hand was wrapped in a blue cloth with some prayer beads to hold them in place and keep the cursed hellhole from sucking in anything and everything in its path. He wore a pair of black baggie pants and a black shirt with a picture of poison ivy and toilet paper and under the leaf was the word foe and under the toilet paper the word friend.

Shippou, age 11 is an orphan kitsune, with rusty red hair pulled into a high ponytail, large emerald eyes and slightly tanned skin. He wore a pair of blue shorts that went down to his knees with a black shirt that said save a tree use an owl.

Kagura, age 18 she has bright reddish pick eyes, and short black hair pulled in to a high ponytail, on the left side of her head there was a few feathers and to a normal human they looked ordinary but to anyone who knew her well enough they were a means of travel. She wore a black sun dress that was covered in hot pink fishnet and a pair of black flip flops.

Amamizu, in demon years she is at least 180 but she looks about 18 sandy brown hair that was pulled into four separate braids, the two that framed her face only went a few inches past her shoulder, and the two at the back of her head went down to her waist, she had dark sapphire blue eyes, and large round glasses that were at bit to big for her face. She wore a black skirt that stopped about five inches above her knees a pair of black sock that ended about an inch below her skirt they had dark blue ribbons on them and in the middle of the ribbons was a scull, her shirt was also black and it had a dark blue scarf a round her neck where it was tied was a scull. And on her arms was fishnet arm stockings that stopped a little above her elbow.

Sango- wait she wasn’t there “hey where is Sango?” Kagome notice a slight blush and perverted grin that cover Miroku’s face. She caught the meaning behind it and grinned. “awww I knew you to would make a great couple.” she here Miroku mumble that sounded something like ‘you know me all to well’. “ but that doesn’t explain why she isn’t here.”

“she’s getting ready for a date with Miroku.” stated Shippou with a smug smirk. Kagome let out a squeal. “ which might I add is going to start in approximately… one hour”

Her bright happy face soon turned in to a scold as she turned to Miroku’s “ what an hour? you should be getting ready.”

“ I was going to get going as soon as I did this.” he ran up and hugged her, the hug held no other intentions other then a brotherly hug. He pulled away and smiled. “ now I will take my leave.” he gave a mocking bow and jogged away. Kagome just rolled her eyes.

“perhaps we should go to talk somewhere more comfortable” suggested Amamizu her voice was soft and yet sounded demanding. She very rarely talked well as far as most people knew. She had established telepathic link with Kagome. And could be quite talkative. And when she suggested this they all knew were she was talking about it was a quaint little tea shop it the town about five minutes away owned by one of the friends fathers. In silent agreement they began walking.

~so how’s ‘spider man’ ? ~asked Kagome using a code name they had made up for the man who had mad their lives hell.

*he’s persistent though he hasn’t attacked in a while, but now there are more strange energies coming from school, three are demonic well ones a half demon, and another is a forbidden child, and the other well we were going to wait for you to determine that, and the last one doesn’t seem like much but he has a strong spirit awareness. *she explained everything that had been going on.

~could they possibly be helping spider man?~

*no, we figured out that they are the spirit detective*

~really? Wow are they here because of spider man?~

*we think its that or the damn marble or could be both*


*ok my turn… how did you get into my head your not a telepathic… not to mention that’s a demonic attribute… and last time I checked you were only a miko*

~ummm… hehe…. Look were here… Bye~ she cut off the link and Amamizu gave her a sideways look. While Kagome tried to pay no heed to it. They entered the little tea shop and Kagome’s miko scenes were instantly filled with the sensation that could only be cause by a demon. There were three well one was a half-demon , the other was an ice demon mixed with fire the forbidden child, and the last was, well she couldn’t really tell it was a full demon but at the same time full human… ‘he has two souls’ she thought as realization settled in.

*well they’re the spirit detectives… what do you think…*

~the one you guys were curious about has two souls…~

*that’s unusual… what kind of demon?*

~I would have to stretch my scenes and that would probably alert the guy that- ~ she stopped abruptly when she felt someone trying to probe her mind. Quickly turning her head around she openly glared at the one who had just tried to read her thoughts. He was a short man though he was at least an inch taller the Amamizu he had black hair ,that seemed to deify the laws of gravity, with a whit starburst in the center. He wore all black and had a white cloth tied around his head. She could tell that there was some sort of energy coming from there but wasn’t able to tell what without stretching her scenes. His eyes were red, like Kagura he had not tried to hide them.

The man to the right of him had dark cinnamon eyes much like her own his black hair slicked back with to much gel that gave his hair a shiny look even in the dimly lit tea shop. He wore an all green uniform. Not only was he half-demon but he also had an immense amount of spirit energy.

The guy next to the half-demon was a carrot top Elvis haired man, she could tell that he most definitely wasn’t the smarted nor the strongest but he was loyal. She could tell that he was the one with the high spirit awareness.

The last was the man with two souls. He didn’t have the normal Japanese look instead he had medium length red hair. Emerald green eyes that were in exact contrast of his fiery red locks. Every once in a while she would see him flicker. ‘The second soul’ she thought but all she could catch a gimps of was platinum hair.

Realizing she was staring she turned away just in time for a hostess to seat them. They were seated by one of the many fire places. There was two love seats around it. Shippou sat with Kagome and Kagura with Amamizu.

A moment later a girl about the age of fifth teen, blond hair that went to about mid back and dark blue eyes. She was a demon so this was her human form in her demon form she had bluish silver hair and large lavender eyes. Her name was Shiori she was a half bat demon.

“Kagome your back?” she asked excitedly.

“yeah her mom picked her up this morning” Shippou replied

“well do you all want the usual?” a chorus of yes rang through the small group.

~~~~~~~Yu Yu Hakusho gang~~~~~~~
(please forgive me if they are occ)

The watched as the strange group from school walked in. this time they were missing tow people but there was also a new girl.

(Hiei try to probe the new girl)

#Hn# was his only response but did what he was asked. When he tried to enter her mind a jolt of energy was sent through his head. And the girl whirled a and gave a fierce glare at them. But soon turned around.

(well that’s a first you’ve been blocked before but none of them have been able to pin point which one of us it was)


“Kuwabara, the new girl can you scenes any energy from her?” asked Kurama in his calm voice.

“er… yeah but she isn’t very strong”

((how can she not be strong but be able to deflect Hiei? Interesting very interesting indeed))

(perhaps she’s specialized in that area, or maybe she conceals her energy.) Kurama suggested.

((a puzzle indeed))


Ok the chapter is finished and I don’t know who to pair Shippou up with either Rin or some one could makeup a character for him just tell ok.

Ja ne