InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror Mirror ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Any way I don’t on them


Kagome- ~blah~
Amamizu- *blah*
Youko- ((blah))
Hiei- #blah#
Kurama- (blah)

Chapter 3

She took a sip of her green tea then began to speak but her lips barley moved and she spoke barley above a whisper “ if the spirit detectives are after spider man they’re going to need all the information they can get… and the only other people who would know about spider man other than us would be Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.”

“well they won’t ask Sesshomaru .” supplied Kagura, doing the same as Kagome. “ which means the probably wont ask Inuyasha.”


“Koenma believes that Sesshomaru and spider man are one in the same.” after hearing this news from Shippou , Kagome almost spat her drink out.

“and how did we obtain this information?” both Kagura and Shippou gave pointed looks at Amamizu. “ oh I see.”

“ a little snooping never hurt anyone.” she replied.

“not unless you get caught… and don’t think that I’ll bail you out … again.” she shrugged her shoulders in reply. “but… do they actually believe that ?”

“from what she told us the two full demons were very skeptical and the half-demon and human had know idea who they were. “she looked over to Shippou and nodded. “ and they plan to visit them very soon as in tomorrow soon.” at that Kagome sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“well we have a today to dress nicely and head into the demon realm.” she said now rubbing her temples.

“why do we have to dress nicely?”

“Sesshomaru will not allow us pass the front yard if were not dress properly… blood sister or not.” Kagome said the last part under her breath so no one heard. Shippou formed an o with his lips. “ but first we’ll have to find Sango and Miroku. Or… Kagura could you have them meet us at Sesshomaru tomorrow… and make sure that they are properly clothed?” she nodded and excused herself and went out side. A few minutes later she returned and gave a curt nod. “ok lets get ready” leaving a check and a tip on the table they left noting that the spirit detectives were already gone.

Soon they came to Kagome’s house Kagura waved but the other two followed Kagome seeing as they lived with her… well Shippou did, Amamizu just came and left as she pleased. As they walked inside Kagome didn’t even spare a passing glance as she passed her mother. When they came to the top if the stairs they saw Kikyou. She was the same age as Kagome, her skin was just as pail but with all the heavy make up on she looked much more pail. She wore a pink tank top showing the tops of her breasts and it ended a few inches bellow, and a white mini skirt as well as pink sandals with heels. “oh look if it isn’t nut case.” she taunted. At one point Kagome would have taken this bait but she said nothing as she opened her door and waited till everyone was in to slam it.

Her room was a dark sapphire blue, dark hard wood flooring, a large canapé bed was in the center of the room. And to the left of it was a desk with an out of date computer and a vanity. The side opposite the desk had a dresser.

She walked over to the dresser and pulled out two kimonos and an outfit for Shippou. Shippou went to the bath room while Amamizu and Kagome turned away from each other to change. Amamizu wore a sleeveless black kimono, that had turtle neck that only went an inch up her neck. It had no back to it unless you counted the strings that tied together. She left her hair the way it was. She strapped her glaive to her back. It had a black long pole, that was taller then she was, at the bottom was a red crystal that seemed to be held there by a dragons talons, at the top was a blade that broke off into three different blades each curved into a different point.

Kagome wore the same type of kimono except hers had a back and had slits that went up to mid thigh, that had golden trims. She had a hard time getting her hair into a bun but with a little help from Amamizu she was able to, she placed two chop sticks that had roses on them in her hair, leaving a few strands to fall in front of her face. She hung strangely designed sword to her hip, the hit was black and the blade had a rose and a thorny vine protruding off of it.

Shippou came out or the bathroom with a pair of baggie blue Japanese style pants, a green shirt, and a vest made of a light colored fur. (what he wears in the show). His hair also stayed the same. He had no weapon except his illusions.

Not a minute after they had all finished getting dressed had Kagura come in. Her hair was the same which was up in a high ponytail. Her kimono was white with dark pink dashes. Around her waist was a yellow cloth tied in a bow. “Sango and Miroku will meet us there later tonight or early tomorrow morning.”

Kagome gave a curt nod of her head and began walking out when she was suddenly hit with a thought. “I think that we should first visit my god mother.”

“why” they all asked simultaneously.

“just a hunch.” Kagome said shrugging her shoulders.

*What are you up to?*

~It’s something about the letter that my god mother sent to me that made me think of … ummm… the half demon~

She thought about which one was the half demon. *you mean Yusuke.*

~I suppose if that’s his name.~ She cut if the mind link once they got out side. They walked into the woods that surrounded Kagomes house they continued to walk until they were deep enough that passer bys wouldn’t see them. Kagome chanted some words under her breath until a swirling vortex of black and gray energy appeared before them.

Stepping through they were transported to the bottom of a shrine, for there was to strong of a barrier around it for her to have opened a portal at the actual shrine. Hiking up the many stairs they finally made it up. A whizzing sound greeted her ears when she reached the top. Quickly turning her body she caught the offending object in between her fingers. Examining the object she concluded that it was a dagger from her god mothers collection of weapons.

“good your reflexes have improved.” came the rough voice of Genkai. She was short, shorter even then Amamizu but she was powerful. Her hair was pinkish gray and just passed her shoulders. Her small brownish gold eyes seemed to look into your very soul. “so what brings you here?”

Handing the dagger back to her Kagome began to explain her dilemma. “in your last letter you sent me you described to me a boy named Yusuke. Any way I want to know how strong he is.”

“why is that do you plan on attacking him.”

“absolutely not. Lord Koenma is pretty much sending them to there deaths.”

“there spirit detectives there sent to there deaths on a regular basis… what makes this any different?”

“the fact that Koenma thinks that Sesshomaru is spider ma- I mean Naraku. And I don’t think that Sesshomaru is going to take to well to being falsely accused or being attacked.”

“I see… well I can tell you there classed.”


“lets see Yusuke is an upper A Hiei is S Kuwabara is upper B and Kurama is S.” (AN: I have no clue what there classes are… forgive me)

“there dead… Sesshomaru’s guards a mostly upper A class as well as some of his servants. And still others are B’s and a few are S‘s. Sesshomaru him self is S. Sorry but we have to go save some Spirit detective. Thank you” they bowed and Genkai bowed back. Kagome opened a portal and this time they wound up in front of a large castle beautiful gardens on either side. “Sister its good to see that you have returned.” came a voice that held little to no warmth. Coming out of their awed stated they turned to the voice. He was a tall man with small golden eyes two purple stripes was on each cheek bone. Beautiful silver silk like hair that shimmered under the intense light of the sun.

He took large elegant strides till he was in front of Kagome. With out a second thought she through herself at him. “ its been a while brother…”

~~~~~~~Yu Yu Hakusho gang~~~~~~~

The group of four boys walked down the streets of Tokyo while getting weary looks from some of the people they passes. Though none of them paid any mind to them. One was in deep though another rambling on about kitties another glaring at everything and anything, the last looked like he was ready to pound the one talking about kitties.

((You know we are being sent to our deaths by taking on Lord Sesshomaru.))

Kurama sighed. (I know… and I cant believe that we have no information even after three years of being on this case…)

((Like I said those people know something that we don’t))

(Yeah well Koenma doesn’t seem to think so… and we really can’t do anything with out his permission… )

((I’m a thief since when have I done what I’m told?))

(Yes well your in my body and I really don’t want to work for Koenma for longer than I have to.)

#Arguing with your self fox?#

((Shut up Hiei))

Yusuke broke there train of thought when he asked a question “Kurama do you think that this Sesshomaru guy is… our guy?

With out hesitation Kurama answered “no”


“if Sesshomaru really wanted to take over all three realms he would have the resources and strength to do it without the Shikon no Tama. Besides Sesshomaru is one of those honorable demons. He would fine a different way to take over the three realms… but since the feudal era he hasn’t been a cold hearted killer. And he has no reason to try.”

