InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror Mirror ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Thank you to any one that reviewed

I don’t own any of them…. Except Amamizu


Kagome- ~blah~
Amamizu- *blah*
Youko- ((blah))
Hiei- #blah#
Kurama- (blah)
Kurama and Yoko- (((blah)))
Chapter 5

A black haired women fumbled with the door knob while trying to balance three grocery bags. Finally succeeding in her task she placed the bags on the counter. Looking around the house she notice that it was exceedingly quiet. “Shuichi” she yelled into the seemingly empty house. There was no answer. “Shuichi” this time she was answered with a sinister sounding laugh that cause involuntary chills to go down her back. “he-hello?” she stammered.

A purple smoke began to fill the small room. Covering her mouth she began to cough and darkness seeped in to the back of her mind. Falling forward she never hit the ground nor did she get to see her ‘savoir’ as she was already rendered unconscious.

Another maniacal laugh and the figure was gone along with the women.

~~~~~~~Yu Yu Hakusho gang~~~~~~~

After there breakfast the group set off searching for a place to contact there boss or the grim reaper that worked for him. Finally finding an ally a little ways away they walk down there. Reaching for his communicator Yusuke awaited for either the toddler or Boton to appear. And it was the grim reaper that appear though she didn’t much look like one with her bright blue hair and bubble gum pink eyes. And in stead of the scythe she had a boat oar.

“hi Yusuke” she said in a cheery voice. “so how can I help you?”

“we need a portal to lord Sesshomaru’s” nodding she disappeared and reappeared moments later in front of the. After exchanging hellos she open a portal. Pushing them through after that she to left.

~~~~~~~Inuyasha and the gang ~~~~~~~

They all sat in the garden waiting for the arrival of the spirit detectives when Kagome suddenly perked up. “there coming.” she said as she stood and began walking briskly towards the front followed by everyone else.

Standing there just a she suspected was the for men from the tea shop. And now that she could get a closer look at them she saw that three out of the four were quite hansom. And now that she didn’t have to worry about being exposed as having power she stretched her senses. “kitsune. You second soul is a kitsune. And a silver at that.” was the first thing uttered by either group. And now all eyes where on her. “ what… you guys wanted to know…”

((Oh she knows that I’m here. Such a pretty little thing.)) Came Yoko’s voice as he seemed to be looking her up and down from the safety of there mind. ((yes most definitely something to be examined close up.)) Kurama could almost feel him smirk and mentally sighed.

“well that’s one way to break the ice.” stated Sango with a sigh getting a glare from Kagome.

Turning back to the other group she asked “ well aren’t you here to fight and try to kill Sesshomaru? ?” she folded her arms over her chest and raised an eye brow.

Kurama stepped he up ignoring the curious fox that lingered in the back of his mind. “that is what we were sent here to do though we have no actual evidence that Sesshomaru is actually… the guy were looking for… so we were wondering if your wouldn’t mind if we asked you questions.” he answered. Her eyes trailed over to him and she smiled.

“well then ask away I though cant guarantee an answer.” she shrugged her shoulders. She noticed the way the fire demon grabbed hold of his sword and in one swift movement had his sword out and was coming strait at her. *he’s testing you.*

~I know.~ she moved swiftly out of the way as the sword destroyed the ground were she had previously been standing. She to drew her sword and was about to attack when she felt a presence begin to consume Kagura’s. Forgetting her fight with the short demon she ran over to her friend who had just fallen to the ground.

“damn it he’s taking control” Kagura hissed out while grabbing her head.

“what the hells happening” yelled Yusuke. Only to receive a cold glare from lord Sesshomaru.

((An evil presences is taking control… perhaps the guy were looking for.))


He was stirred out of his thoughts and idle chat when the girl dubbed as Kagura began to moan in pain, the moans soon became laughter laced in evil. Her eyes became dull and life less as she lifted her head. He watched as the girl from Yoko’s earlier musings back up slightly as Kagura stood up.

“Naraku you bastard what do you want?” she yelled. At the person that she had originally called Kagura.

“I’m here to tell him” he pointed at Kurama. “that I have his mother. And that if any of you try and find me she‘ll die. I shall decide who and when I want to fight. And if any of you follow the person I choose she dies.” he left out of her body and she collapsed but before she hit the ground Sesshomaru caught her.

(((Mother.))) Now all eyes were on Kurama his eyes were flashing from gold to green. His hands were balled into fists. They all watched helplessly as his eyes stayed gold and his nails became claws and blood began flowing down from the semi circle cuts on his palm caused bye his claws.

‘no another person has been drug into this.’ thought Kagome biting her lip. Slowly approaching him she placed a finger on each temple and sent a soothing amount of energy through him. His claws retracted into nails and his eyes became green once more. Backing up she smiled at him and plopped on the ground were she stood. His blinked away the confusion and stared at the women in front of him who seemed to be in deep thought.

(What just happened?)

((We almost went on a demonic rampage but the beauty sitting before us has somehow stopped that.))

“we need to figure out who he is going to send for.” she finally said. Forcing Kurama out of his thoughts.

“well that’s easy… its Kurama’s mom so he’ll send for Kurama.” Yusuke said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

((This guy doesn’t seem to be one for simple… traps))

(I think your right)

((Of course I’m right))

“much to simple.” was Miroku’s reply. They all stayed in silence. Until Amamizu’s eyes flashed with a look of knowing.

“Kagome” she whispered.

“come again?” asked Kurama.

“think about it its been three years since Kagome has fought him last… if not more… he’s going to want to test her…” she said thoughtfully.

“who’s Kagome?” was Yusuke’s question.

All hands , that is except for the spirit detectives and Kagura, pointed to the girl at Kurama’s feet.

“her… but…. But she’s a girl… she cant fight. it’s against the code.” stuttered Kuwabara while pointing a finger at the girl sitting at Kurama’s feet.

“feh the idiot said something that makes sense the wench can’t fight and every time she dose face Naraku she wins by luck” stated Inuyasha with his arms crossed.

“sadly that’s true…” she said with a sad smile on her face. She began flickering in and out of existence and in a flash of white light she was gone.

“Inuyasha you mutt you know that is no longer true… And out of anyone here she would stand the most chance of beating me.” stated Sesshomaru coldly. Turning he began walking away to put Kagura in her room but stopped. “ you may all stay here tonight a maid will be sent out shortly to show you to your rooms.” he said directing it at the spirit detectives.

“don’t listen to the half breed… Kagome is a lot stronger than she seems… and if Sesshomaru thinks so then she’s got to be pretty good.” stated Sango approaching the troubled Kurama. “an Kagome is sometimes to nice for her own good… she’ll willingly give up her life to save some one… even if she doesn’t know them.” nodding he walked away.

(I don’t want someone to die trying to save my mother… but I don’t want my mother to die)

((Look at it like this if Sesshomaru is giving her a compliment and saying that out of anyone here she would stand the best chance at beating him then you know she has to be strong.))

(I suppose)

#For once I’d have to agree with the fox.#

((Besides she was able to block Hiei from reading her mind… not many can do that.((

(I guess will have to put all our faith in that girl)

((Mind you she a beautiful girl.)) He couldn’t argue there she was quite attractive.

(Well this is a first that we’ve ever agreed on a girl...)


Hehe I still haven’t told how Sesshomaru and Kagome became siblings… sorry could find a way for that to fit in here. and i know he should have been move worried about his mother....

Any way R&R

Till then Ja Ne