InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror Mirror ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Any way I don’t own them


Kagome- ~blah~
Amamizu- *blah*
Youko- ((blah))
Hiei- #blah#
Kurama- (blah)
Yoko and Kurama- (((blah)))

Chapter 6

Once they were shown to there rooms Kurama stayed in there prying to any god that would listen, that this Kagome girl would come back safely with his mother. After that he had spent rest of the morning in his room speaking to his alter ego until a maid came into his room. “Lord Kurama lunch is being served.” said the timid girl with a blush. Kurama felt like groaning. Though in no way was she ugly in fact she was quite pretty but it was bad enough he had fan clubs in school. He followed her through the hall ways that were more twisting and confusing than the ones in Spirit world. They passed a window and he saw a white light coming from the court yard below in the light was Kagome she seemed to be meditating.

“please tell lord Sesshomaru that I am not hungry though I do thank him for his offer.” nodding she hurried away while Kurama looked for a way down to the garden. It took him a while to find but he did eventually find it. ((miko… it would seem that our little beauty is a miko… ))he stated in Kurama’s head.


She opened her brown eyes and her power returned to her. “ hello Kurama” she said smiling as all traces of her immense power were gone. “ I suppose you’re here to ask your questions.”

“yes if you don’t mind.” he said. She shook her head as an indication for saying she didn’t mind. “Sesshomaru isn’t the guy were looking for…is he?”

“no the one your looking for is Naraku.”

“who is this Naraku?” he questioned.

“Naraku, was once a human bandit named Onigumo whom, after falling off a cliff, was tended to by the priestess Kikyou. He soon began to lust after her but they both knew that he would never walk again nor would he leave the cave that he was in. And when he heard that she had fallen in love with a half demon… Inuyasha… he became enraged and allowed a horde of demons to devour his soul. Thus becoming Naraku.” she finished though he could tell there was more.

(Inuyasha isn’t that the name of Sesshomaru’s brother…)

((I believe so… but I think you should ask the splendor of a women before us))

“Isn’t Inuyasha the name of Sesshomaru’s brother?’ when he asked that she smirked.

“I was wondering if you would notice. Yes the Inuyasha from the story and the one who lives here are one in the same.” she said pausing for a minute trying to gather her thoughts. “I guess that I’ll have to tell you the rest of the story so that this makes more sense. After Onigumo became Naraku, who is a shape shifting demon, he transformed himself to look like Inuyasha the day that they were going to use the jewel to turn him human. He struck Kikyou , he took the jewel with him and turned himself into Kikyou and shot arrows at the real Inuyasha then he, Naraku, returned the jewel to the shrine. Inuyasha thought that he had been betrayed by his love and went to steel the jewel only to be pinned to a tree by the real Kikyou. When the world split into three realms the tree Inuyasha had been stuck to stayed in the human realm but Inuyasha had demon blood in him so he was sent to the demon realm. Releasing him from the tree and Kikyou’s spell of eternal sleep.”

(This story sounds familiar… damn it what’s the name of the jewel.)

((I must agree this story does sound familiar… and I to am drawing a blank… when it comes to the jewel. ))

Allowing curiosity to get the better of him he asked. “you keep referring to a jewel… what’s the name of the jewel?”

“ the Shikon no Tama…” she trailed off waiting for his reaction and hoping that it was nothing like most demons.

The Shikon no Tama …huh?

“isn’t that the jewel that heightens demon abilities.” she stiffened slightly.

“…yes” she said barely addible.

He decided to change the subject when he saw her discomfort. “how do you know so much?” he inquired.

“my fathers adopted family (AN: you may want to remember that… and be for I get yelled at for this next part I know that, that doesn’t happen…) are related to Keade, Kikyou’s sister. So she had written records of all this stuff. One of the records she had was that the jewel would be I guess reincarnated into the body of another as well as Kikyou being reincarnated.”

“and was she?” a sad smile crossed her features.

“do know if my sister… Kikyou.” she asked while tilting her head in slight questioning.

Of course I know of the slut… Kurama agreed but didn’t say anything like that.

“… yes…” he said hesitantly.

She giggled at him. “ with your looks I’m sure she’s tried more than a few moves with you.” she said with a hint of amusement as a light blush stained her normally pail cheeks after realizing what she said. Kurama could feel Yoko smirk and he also felt himself give an amused smile. “… anyway Kikyou ,my sister, is Kikyou’s reincarnation… but she was not the one who was born with the Shikon no Tama…. I was.”

“that’s makes no sense” he said trying to rack his brain for answers. In reply she just shrugged her shoulders.

“I wouldn’t think to hard on it. Cause I don’t understand it either…”

“how are the others in this… is it just because your friends?”

Once again he gave her a minute to gather her thoughts. “ lets see… Kagura at one point had been controlled by Naraku because he held her heart, and now she wants revenge… Miroku’s grand father, I don’t know how many greats there are but it goes back till the feudal era, any way Naraku cursed him and his family with a hell hole, or wind tunnel, in his right hand that sucks up every thing, and it will eventually suck him in if he doesn’t kill Naraku… Sango’s whole family was killed by him and her brother is being controlled… Shippou well I guess its because he’s a friend… Amamizu because she to is a friend and is indebt to me… Inuyasha because he tricked into betraying Kikyou… Sesshomaru because Naraku threatened his charge. And I think that’s every one.” she said with a thoughtful look.

(That explain what happened to Kagura earlier.)

((So it would seem.))

“what is Naraku like?”

“Naraku… “she spat the name like it was a bitter taste in her mouth. Her eyes got a bit distant and an angry look to them “he likes to see people in pain and not just physical but emotional as well. He isn’t the type to get his hands dirty. And if he does fight us when were in a group he always has an army to back him up. And he usually has a plan to try and pit us against each other. If he doesn’t want to be found he wont be” she said in a sort of dazed way while playing with the hem of her kimono.

“how will he get only one person to find him.”

“usually who ever he chooses will be the only one who can feel his aura.” she answered nonchalantly.

“and how does he know if some is following the person he choose?”

“though we were able to free Kagura we weren’t able to save her sister, Kanna is a soul stealing demon who has a mirror that can pin point the location of any person at any time… unless of course you have strong enough barrier around yourself.” she answered with slight anger added to her voice.

“and do you know how to make this barrier?” he asked a curiosity got the better of him.

“its hard because of how powerful he is… but yes I can…. Though it can only be held for a few days at a time.” she said while tapping her chin in a thoughtful way.

((What about those threat letters ask her…))

(Yoko we haven’t seen her in the three years that we’ve been on this case surely she wouldn’t know…)

You wont know till you ask. Kurama sighed mentally but agreed. “over the past three years our group has been on this case we have received quite a few threats telling us to stop while we were a head… you wouldn’t happen to know who they were from would you?”

Her face was first one of thoughtfulness then anger. ~Amamizu!~

*…ummm…. Yes?* Was the tentative reply from with in her head.

~You weren’t by any chance sending threat letters to spirit detective were you?~

*Threat letters?… I haven sent any to an- oh umm… hehe… opps!*

~I’ll take that as a yes…~

*I blame you, you’re the one who said make sure no one else was drug into this… at all costs.*

~I suppose your right.~

Kurama watched as here eyes got a far away look like the one that Hiei or himself got whist speaking telepathically. ((telepathy is a demonic trait either someone established this link just now… or…))

(Or she’s a demon)

Kagome sighed efficiently snapping Kurama out of his discussion with his alter ego. “Amamizu she sent them… she’s an ex-thief… she can easily slip in and out of shadows… though I suppose it is my fault… I told her before I left to make sure that no one else is drug into this mess… I guess that didn’t work to well huh?” she sighed in defeated.

((Amamizu she’s the short one, right?))


((She doesn’t look much like a thief.))

(Looks can be deceiving)

“alright now I’ve got a question for you.” she said with a slight smile. He nodded as an indication for her to continue. “what’s the name of your second soul?”

He hadn’t really expected that and blinked a few times before answering. “Yoko Kurama.”


What will she think now that she knows who his other soul is… I have no idea other wise I would have kept on typing…