InuYasha Fan Fiction / Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ Ghosts In My Head ❯ L's Ending: Fall, You False God ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ghosts In My Head
L's Ending:
Fall, You False God
Warnings: Horrible attempts on violence, possible OCCness of L, and a crappy Kagome/L lemon ahead!
Also, the some parts of this chapter are similar to the last ending so if it seemed to skip over too much, I's because it's basically the same as the last part. Because of that, it's not as long this time. I do apologize in advance if this displeases you, but it's kind of pointless for me to repeat things over and over again.
However, I'm trying to put this in more of L's POV so yeah…If you want to skip over the some of the scenes, that's fine, I won't blame you.
Her scream echoing across the silence…
The brilliant color of red straining his bright white sleeves…
Her crumpled body tiredly limped against a body of the other as they struggled to keep her alive…
The screams of the mad man fading as he disappeared within the beyond with the King
The speed the vehicle had been driving was over the limit…
Then bright light of the hospital was blinding when they took her away for an emergency surgery and a blood transfusion…
There he sat in the corner with that memory repeating over and over in his head, his nail in his lips. He hadn't exactly said a word and had stayed there for a huge amount of time, only getting up to relieve himself and have a meal, although it's really more of a dessert, that would be handed to him by Watari. The old man doesn't stay with him though, because he's older and does have some `special elderly needs' and also to keep an eye on any news on Kira for him.
It was a painful waiting for him. He may be very patient at times, but one can only have so much.
“L.” The familiar voice of his rival and `friend' surprised him, although he didn't show it, and looked up to a pair of cinnamon, sitting in a chair across from him. “Yes?” L murmured out, a little annoyed that someone had interrupted his line of thoughts, although he was actually relieved that he don't have to stay in that `memory bank'. It was very depressing for him to have that like a movie film rolling into his intelligent little mind.
“I'm going to get some snacks. Do you want something?” Light was kind enough to ask but L knew he just saying this so to get some exercise. He saw him squirming in that chair of his and jigging up both of his legs out of the numbness just a moment ago. He seemed just as tired as he was with the hospital. He nodded, “Get me something sweet, if you can.”
Light nodded and got up and left. Light didn't bother to wait for him to give him some money to get the snacks out of the machine down in the café area.
L still sat in his own little corner of the world, waiting for the female detective that had fascinated him for a long time now. He just doesn't know why, no matter how many time he had thought up of many possible reasons.
There was one that burned brightly in his mind.
He was in `love'. But that was impossible because he does not know what is love really is nor should waste his time on it. Plus why would the hell anybody want to fall in the love with her, a ridiculously lazy detective whom intelligence is as equal as his?
L pondered more on it before Light appeared again, interrupting his thoughts. “Here you go.” He handed him a candy bar. L plucked it and thanked him before falling deep into his thoughts again, ripping it open and munched on it. Hours went by and they found themselves into a day later and had additional peoples in the rooms with them.
There was a young white-haired little girl, who reminded him much of a certain apprentice with similar colored hair of the Wammy's House, standing with her older brother. She kept glancing at him warily, her teddy bear clenched in her arms. Her brother, which he quickly learned, judging just by their body languages toward each other, somewhat reminded him of another apprentice, who was usually rushed and hard-headed. The little girl dressed only in a white sundress, had a red ribbon holding back her long hair, wore a pair of white flat ballet shoes on her tiny feet, and had a pair of pretty violet-colored eyes. They were very unique and it was the first time he had ever seen the eyes with that color. Her skin was almost whitish color but somehow didn't really give out a sense of sickly sentiment.
She's an albino, he realized, like that boy with the same colored hair he technically himself had raised.
Her brother, on the other hand, seemed like a normal almost-teenager boy, with orange-red hair in a high ponytail and a pair of valiant green eyes. He dressed like a young wanna-be skater punk, with a short sleeved red shirt with some kind of a large black skull on the middle of it over a long sleeved regular black shirt. He had on a pain of a blue jeans and a pair of sneakers. That boy had a certain stubborn look in his eyes, also reminding him of blond boy he also raised.
Funny how similar they were.
L knew that they must be the kids Kagome had taken in. They both had a powerful intelligence in their eyes and they were very aware of everything that was going on.
If he could, maybe he can ask her into letting them complete against several students of the Wammy's House some day. It'll be interesting.
Anyway, there was an old man with them, however was sitting into a chair instead of standing up, his old legs unable to take any strain. The old man carried some traits that L knew the lazy detective had and figured that it must be her grandfather. There was also Kyo, Kagome's uncle, with them as well. They had been here almost every single day, after the school was done for the day, and more so on the days with no school.
Sitting on chairs across from them was a new couple he would recognize anywhere. It was Misa and InuYasha. The bimbo girl was sleeping on the male's shoulder, seemly much consented. They had came here almost every single day and even had slept in the hospital with them few times over a week they had been in the hospital. Misa had been near tears when she first heard about Kagome being in a hospital, especially when it had happened after she and InuYasha had actually hooked up.
They had demonstrated how loyal friends they were since then, somewhat patiently waiting for the lazy girl to wake up.
The albino girl paced a little, chewing her lips for several minutes, irritating L a little, before the boy told her to sit down with him and be patient. She complied but instead of sitting down in a chair, she deemed it a good idea to sit down on a floor next to L. She looked at him, now curious. L didn't look at her, just staring straight ahead with his knees up to his chest and his thumb nail in his mouth. He merely blinked.
He had a feeling he was supposed to know her name, realizing that he had heard it almost every single day but somehow had keep forgetting. It was because he was worrying about the girl who had taken the kids in. “Are you a friend of Momma?” The little girl asked, her doe-like violet eyes watching his expressions closely. The silence between them was almost long and was really awkward but the slender male finally did answer, “Yes.” He made sure to add a real quick nod.
The girl nodded in understanding, “Ah…Do you like Mama?”
That he did not replied, “…”
The girl grinned largely, “I thought so! Your eyes told me!”
“…” He showed no response, not even his expression.
She nodded, “So you're embarrassed to admit that? It's okay. Ooh, I hope Mama will wake up soon.”
That he nodded in a complete agreement. An hour passed and the little girl whom name he finally remembered still sat next to him, seemly very consented. Her name is Shiori.
He could feel the glare burning into him, rather distrustful of him and already knew who it was. It was Shiori's older brother, Shippou. The girl saw it and snapped out to him, “Quit it already, Big Brother!”
The boy's nose flared and snorted, looking away as he was sitting in his chair, looking a lot like a spoiled prince who didn't get what he wanted. Shiori then looked back to L, looking apologizing, “I'm so sorry. He's just being an overprotective brother…” L waved it off, his thumbnail still in his lips.
The doctor had entered into Kagome's room from the nurse station that was close by, looking at the amount of the people were waiting on the female to wake up from her somewhat coma-like state. He hoped that she'll finally wake up soon because he was getting sick of having that amount of people clogging up the hallway. Everyone, except for the sleeping beauty that is Misa, were staring at the closed door, anticipating.
Few quiet, awkward minutes passed and the doctor came out of the room, smiling, “She had woken up. One or two visitors at a time, alright?” The kids cheered and they both looked at Light and L for a permission to go in first for some reason. Light smiled at them, gave them a gesture to go on ahead while L cocked his head in agreement. They bolted into the room and the door slammed shut loudly.
L heard Light and InuYasha were making a small talk together, discussing about the kids that Kagome had taken in from some time ago. A half hour went by; all of them were waiting for the kids to come out to have their turn. The kids appeared out of the door, a large smile on their face. Everybody was debating on who should go next. The old man and the uncle had declined; they were willing to wait. InuYasha had also declined because his new girlfriend was still sleeping. So it was up to L and Light to find who was going first.
Light and L stared at each other, refusing to blink. They had made it a staring competition to see who'll last the longest without blinking to go next. Shiori shook her head, “Ah, men. This is gotta take forever. Big brother, you have a quarter?”
Shippou, who was watching to see who will win, snapped his attention to his little sister, “Hm? Oh, yea.” He rummaged into his pocket and found a quarter, “Here you goes.” He handed it over to her. She smiled at him then looked at the males, “Umm, Light-kun, L-kun, I got a better solution.”
They blinked then glared at each other for a brief moment then turn to look at the sweetest little girl in the whole universe, “Light'll be the head and L'll be the tail, okay?” Seeing them nodding in an agreement, she smiled brightly, “Okay!” Shiori flipped the quarter and allowed it to bounce off the bright white tiled floor before it went back on it and spin for several moments. It finally stopped and it revealed a winner.
Shiori took a closer look and shouted out as she saw what it was, “L'll be going first!”
He allowed himself to have a small victory smile before disappearing into Kagome's room and shut the door behind him. Light's cinnamon eyes were burning holes in his back still, even when he was no longer in his presence. -
“Did you have a contest out there?” Kagome's tired voice rang out as she turned her head over to L from the other side of the room on the plush white pillow. L nodded lazily as he padded over to the girl before he pulled out a chair and sat on it with his knees up to his chest, giving her the scene she was always familiar with. The knee hug, she called it. “Meh, I'm guessing you won then.” Her voice had carried a bit of a disappointing tone, most likely because she didn't see it.
The silence between them felt long and awkward but L realized that it had only been a few minutes. He had decided to break it by asking her a question, “How are you doing?”
“Horrible. I feel so fucked up. I got a headache from when Shiori and Shippou dropped by. I do love them so but the good people above! They sure can talk!” She moaned, as she shifted her white clad body a bit into her bed to be a bit more comfortable. “I felt like I'm high on these friggin' drugs they gave me. Now I see everything in orange and blue. Damn them nurses!” Kagome complained out before moaning out, “Fuckin' hell. Ouch.” She flinched at the IV tube into her arm as the tape that held it nearly peeled off the tiny hairs on her arms, “I want to get out of here soon. This place is making me sicker.”
She saw L was smirking a little at her antics and grunted out in an annoyance. L had kept his questions to himself for a little while longer because he just wanted to hear her talk, just to know that she's still alive, still breathing. “…Oi, Ryuzaki, come over here and bring your face to me.” She commanded out, her tired voice carried a tone of danger of his life if he defies her demand.
“…?” He stood up, bringing down his legs from the chair and went over to the female, to a very short distance, his face hovering over hers. Kagome lifted her wilted hand and stroked his cheek softly. L blinked slowly, a stain of pink leisurely appeared over his face, totally not expecting of what her next action would be.
She then moved her hand over to the back of his head and quickly, so suddenly that L had a barely enough time to let out a surprised gasp, and pulled him down to her lips. L was twitching, only by bit because this was the first action that any female had pulled on him and he was blushing heavily, unsure of what to do but to return the kiss she had forcibly had him done. The kiss was warm, somewhat heavy, L briefly thought as his hands had moved onto the female's white hospital bed to give him more support, not wanting to fell upon her body.
Few minutes passed and Kagome had let him go by pushing him off lightly. Kagome's face wasn't dark like L's was; in fact she seemed somewhat arrogant that she had done this to poor L. He flopped down back to his seat, looking very dazed, a scene that Kagome wanted to laugh at but didn't for the sake of what left of his dignity.
“…What was…that?” He breathed out, very speechless. Kagome shrugged, “Why not?”
“That doesn't qualify as an answer, you know.”
“Meh. Look, bud, I'm gotta help you find Kira.” She told him with finality, deciding that since L seemed to love puzzles very much, she decided to keep herself vague. “…?” L seemed confused, “Ugh?”
Funny, she saw a lot of things in L today than ever before and she found it kinda funny and very out of character for him. “If you are thinking that I'm going to side with Kira, you're wrong. I'm staying with you and the group. Understand?” Kagome told him before yawning largely, feeling very tired already. “Meh…I'll help ya later, just sent in the others now.” L then realized of what she had meant and seemed to have understood that she's now on his side. “Alright.” He nodded to her before getting up and his back was hunched, as always, and padded out of the room, his hands in his pockets.
Just before he had send in the next person, she heard Ryuk cracking and realized he was close to her, “Yo! So you're siding with the creep then? That would be a disappointment for Light. What made you change your mind?” Kagome's head turned lazily over to the shinigami and shrugged, “I honestly don't know why. Maybe it's because he had won that stupid contest. I guess I haven't exactly made up my mind until now.”
“Hehehehh!” He cracked up again. He seemed to think that everything is funnier these days. “…Go away.” She grumbled out, tired of hearing his laughter. Ryuk complied and vanished, taking his noises with him. Kagome yawned loudly, just as Light came in and asking her how she was. They soon lost themselves into their conversation until Light told her that Misa and InuYasha, her uncle and grandfather was waiting for her and that he didn't want to propose them.
He left and Misa and InuYasha came in next. The blond girl had chatted her ears off as usual and Kagome was getting a migraine. The second InuYasha saw her face warping into the pain, he had basically had sweet-talk her into leaving her alone for today and that he wanted to take her out to eat some real foods. Misa had practically dancing her way out without a word with InuYasha behind. She noticed Rem was floating after her, her golden eyes still lingering on the girl.
The white shinigami hadn't spoke a word to Kagome but she could safely assumed that the female death god was actually happy with the fact that Misa is no longer going after Light, since he could kill her without a second thought. Honestly, she's such a worrywart.
Her grandfather came in next and all they did was to make a nice and pleasant conversation before he too left her behind. Then her uncle came in, looking all depressed and happy at the same time and told her the bad news. Kikyou, her cousin had died for her sake, giving up her life in exchange in Kagome to keep hers. It was some type of an offer from the Shinigami King, however, and she could barely remember what it was.
Kagome had to admit to herself that she was disappointed of her cousin's death. She was rather fond of that crazy girl. Sadden by her cousin's death; she had finally fallen in a fitful sleep.-
Several weeks later, in the headquarter…
She had recovered fully and was thankful for the lack of a welcome-back party when she arrived to the building. Everybody said their greetings and asked several questions about her health and she answered. She was glad that everybody was willingly to wait for her to settle down a bit before asking questions about what had happened to her earlier. She had answered most of the questions, mostly about her bastard father but she left few unanswered.
Then Soichiro, Light's father, had asked a question about her relationship with the shinigami and the King and she answered, leaving out Light's relationship with several of them because it would be so horribly boring if the game had ended quickly. Plus even she wasn't that cruel to break Soichiro's heart when he found out that his own son was Kira all along.
She'll leave that up to L anyway.
Everybody then split up, now satisfied with her answers, for now anyway, leaving Kagome all alone in the lobby room. Both shinigami floated beside her, seemly to wait for her to do something. “…” She only looked at both of them briefly before she decided to go into the monitor room, where L resided. “Ahh…Light's busy, in the spot in a corner of his room where the camera can't get into. See if you could get it to move or something.” Ryu grunted out, sounding rather disappointed before he vanished into the thin air.
“Hm.” The hooded girl just kept on walking to where L was in, her heart clenching at the thought of Light being finished. She hoped that somehow, he would be spared and only would spend rest of his life in jail but even that would be too cruel.
She quietly came in the room; padding up to L. Kagome touched his shoulder from behind him, startling him so much that he nearly fumbled over his seat before he calmed himself down by coughing lightly in his embarrassment. He didn't say a word, although he did look at the girl briefly before returning his eyes back to the wall covered with countless monitor screens. Kagome bowed her head to his left ear and whispered, “Take a really close look in Yagami's room. Where exactly is he and what is he doing?”
With that, she quickly left just as L immediately went to his computer and typed something in it, pulling up that particular screen. The hooded girl practically ran to her room and launched herself on her bed, pulling up her blanket and wrapping herself in it. She cried herself to sleep; completely unaware of the events quickly unfolding in the room that actually does belonged to Kira himself, all along.
She thought she had heard Ryuk laughing out into his mellow victory, saying something about he would never forget the human male that had brought him so much fun but that he was sad that he had to kill him with his new Death Note in her sleep. His voice quickly became a ramble of various noises as the slumber took her for the night, oblivious of what the future may bring her...-
Five years later, in Wammy's House…
“Pissant Mello.” She breathed out to herself when she found out that the chocolate-loving bitch boy had stolen last of her stash of her sweets...Again. “Oh, well, I'll kill him sooner or later,” The dark-haired female grunted out, her azure eyes watched the orphans playing in the playground outside from inside of her room, from the window as she lounged lazily in her bed, “Sooo boreddd…”
She hadn't heard a single thing from the shinigami for some time, after the former Kira investigation group had burned both of the notebooks. But she knew they're still around. Ryuk, only the Gods know what he was up to and where he was at and Rem, she suspected, still keeping an eye on Misa. She doesn't mind though, beside from seeing occasional ghosts, she was happy being somewhat normal for once in her life.
She then curled onto her bed, grumbling before the knocks on her door interrupted her out of her thoughts, “Hm?” She got up from the bed and shuffled her way to it. She opened it and was surprised to see Near, the eighteen old white-haired boy who her adopted fifteen years old daughter seemed to be so infatuated with, standing there, with a thumbnail in his mouth, much like a certain insomniac detective she knew, “Mrs. K, Roger said there is a webcam call waiting for you. You had turned off your laptop…” He murmured out, his young voice drawled out.
“Sure.” The boy was about to walk away, either to play with his toys or with Shiori or whatnot, and the female stopped him by calling out his name, causing him to turn his head around to see her in curiousity, “Oi, if you see Mello, tell him his ass will be mine for pilfering my stash, alright?” He seemed somewhat insecure but nodded in an agreement for carrying out her message and went on ahead to leave the hallway.
“Feh.” She yawned and then shut the door as she went back to her bed to pull out her laptop from under her bed. K clicked it open and turned it on and was surprised to see a dark-haired male waiting somewhat impatiently on her screen already, “Took you long enough.” He complained, his voice came out of the laptop's audio. “Feh, excuse me for being pregnant. You're the one that insisted that I stay in this room indefinitely. God! I'm only three months along!”
“…It's only because you seemed to be so fond of getting into physical fights. I'm doing this for the sake for our child, Kagome.”
“Worrywart. And I'm not that stupid. You know I wouldn't do that.”
“I'm just being prepared. Most often it was Mello that had initiated it and he wasn't the brightest crayon in the box when it came to his temper, as I'm sure you had already known.”
“Damn you, L. It was your fault since you are the one that got me pregnant.” She breathed out, her blue eyes narrowed to L from the computer screen, “Anyway, how is the Sideway Devil case going?” Kagome sighed out as she was repositioning herself by lying down on the bed on her side, moving the laptop onto the bed, making sure that it faced directly to her. There was a tiny camera in her laptop. Usually, it bugged her because Matt (although without permission and most often had hacked in it) and L would turn it on to keep an eye on her without her knowing.
There was even an incident once when she had left it on and opened while she was stripping herself for a bath. Let's just say that L wasn't very pleased to hear that Matt had `accidently' hacked into her thin computer. So ever since then, she always made sure to have two laptops handy, one for communicating and other for her own personal use and with no camera in it. The second one, she had Shippou, her sixteen-going-on-seventeen-years old adopted son to program it to keep from anybody, including Matt and even himself, hacking into it.
That was a very clever thinking because one, she was able to keep her privacy and two, L was quite a bit peeved that he was unable to monitor her at all from that second laptop of hers. Overprotective bastard he was.
“Ah, it's going fine. But I do like your input of a dilemma I seemed to be in. You do already know about the case I'm working on, correct?” Seeing her nod, L then went on to explain new details of it and he had admitted he was a bit struck on something. “Hm…Hold on, lemme see if I can pull up something. It sounded like it was from a Holy Bible…Ah! I was right after all.” Kagome found the numbers and was able to decipher it for L.
“Eh? So is it possible that it would be a person who thinks he's helping them by killing them? A Good Samaritan?” He mused out loud, his hand on his chin.
“With a twisted mind frame, it sounded like. There's a possibility that he may have a mental instability with some type of a God complex.” She shrugged as L nodded in an agreement, “Alright, thanks…Odd.” She saw him cocked his head to her over the screen, “Hm? What's wrong?” Kagome noticed his confused expression.
“Don't you usually eat something in this time period?” Worrywart. He was always trying to make sure that the would-be mother of his child has something into her system, uncaring if it wasn't healthy or whatnot. He still remembered how skinny she used to be before, despite that she had gained quite a bit of weight after the end of Kira.
“Ahh…Mello stole last of my stash. I already asked Roger to get some more for me though.” Kagome grunted out. L shook his head, “Why can't he just get his own? I never understand.”
“Beat me.” She shrugged. Kagome had already lost her anger of having the last of her stash stolen, seeing there's no point of it. “Hm, well, I'll remember to talk to him about it. I should be going now. I'll see you tomorrow, Kagome.” L nodded, seeing her waved lazily to him then shut down his side of the webcam. Kagome yawned out, also shutting down her side then turned her laptop off.
She stretched out, popping out the kinks in her back, pulling up her shirt up to her bellybutton. “Hmm…” Kagome pat her slightly round belly lightly after pulling down her white cotton tank top. Ever since she had gotten pregnant, she wasn't in a mood to wear her favorite hoodie sweatshirt because it would get rather hot from wearing it all day and combined with occasional heat flashes, it would only piss her off to no end. Damn mood swings too.
Ahh, the joys of being pregnant.
But to be honest, she was glad. Despite of L and Kagome not being married, they had been together for almost three years now after she had agreed to move in with him with both of her adopted kids in Wammy's House and they had been trying to have a kid together for a while. And tadah! She finally had gotten pregnant. Shiori was overjoyed to have a younger sibling to look after. Shippou and Matt seemed nonplussed after finding out about her pregnancy (Matt and Shippou should have been a twin siblings. They practically shared the same brain to start with). Near seemed very unsure of what his response should be so he had stick into his usual say-nothing-and-just-play-with-his-favorite-toys persona. Mello…well, he's a bitch.
All of his life, he just wanted to be a number one in L's eyes and now not only Kagome, Shippou, Shiori, and Near were getting in the way of that, there's a baby coming on the way and would grab most of his attention as well. So basically, he had just sulked about it.
But Kagome just knew that he would fall in love with the baby when it had finally comes into this world. He's pussy like that.
But to everybody else, including the other childrens, they seemed happy for them and accepting of the fact that L's having a child soon. Roger and Watari seemed like they are already a grandfather as they had brought everything that are suitable for the kid, despite it wouldn't be coming for another six months.
Kagome yawned again, deciding to go ahead and try to assist the detectives on the different case and left her room to get into a room made precisely for communicating with those detectives and keeping her identity a secret. It was also the very room that L had first met the Kira Investigation group over the computer years ago.
“Hmm…Let's see if Miss Ioka had any luck this time with the Red Street serial killer.” She mused to herself after entering the dark room. But not before she had sneaked into Mello's room, which was empty by the way, and stole his stash of exotic chocolates on the way there.
Why not? That bastard deserves it, for pilfering her stash of sweets. He doesn't even like sweets, other than chocolates itself!-
She didn't realized how much of the time had went by as she was assisting Miss Ioka the detective closing the case on Red Street killer until she glimpsed at the time. `Crap!' Kagome grunted out, rubbing her head in disbelief. Kagome yawned as the line of a thought went by, `He ain't going to like it when he found out that I had stayed awake all night again.'
Randomly, she decided to check her emails when she went back to her room and opened up her second laptop, flopping on the floor with it on her laps, and was astounded to found out that InuYasha and Misa is having a wedding soon and that she and few others were invited, despite they haven't seen them in two or three years. She might go, although she wasn't sure if L wants to go and if he does, she's a little afraid he might get a wedding bug, however minor it may be. Kagome wasn't that type of person. She was perfectly happy with where their relationship is at now.
“Hmm…” She doesn't feel too sleepy though…Maybe she had devoured plenty of sweets to give her enough energy to stay awake. It happens sometime. That's one of the reasons of how L had stayed awake and of course how she had stay awake on occasions. It was one of the techniques she had learned from him.
Kagome sighed as she had deleted all of the spam and replied the ones she believed was necessary to do so in her email inbox. She then exited it and turned off her laptop. Kagome blinked when she realized there was another presence in her room, from right behind her. Her eyes narrowed and quick as lightning, she spun around with one of her legs out on the floor, swept the unknown person's legs down.
The stranger let out a surprised grunt as he fell. His back thudded on the impact against the hardwood floor. He wasn't able to react in time when Kagome had jumped on his torso with her hands on his neck, which had made him immobile. “…L, you know that wasn't the best idea you ever had.” The dainty female had bended over to his ear and told him that, her hands still on his neck, albeit looser.
“…And you shouldn't fight in the state you're in.” L commented out, sitting up after Kagome had given him enough room to do so, now sitting in his laps. “And I told you before; I'm only three month along.” Kagome sighed, “Worrywart.” L rubbed his neck after she removed her hands from there, “Hm.”
He then watched his girlfriend and sighed, knowing she's much too stubborn to give in his pleadings, his arms wrapping around her to get somewhat physical contact between their bodies. “I solved the case though.” L mused, “Thank you for your help.”He admitted to her.
Kagome just shrugged it off, “Don't worry about it.”
She gave out a surprised squeak when L was pulling her in his arms and felt him standing up from the floor. Kagome looked somewhat confused when he started walking toward the bed before she fully realized what he was up to. He flopped her on the bed with him over her, her head between his hands on a pillow, his face dangerously close to her own, “Actually, I have thought of another way to thank you.” L confessed.
Kagome let out a surprised whimper when she felt him invading into her hot core with a digit after he had forced his way into her sweatpants and her cotton panties. She squirmed as he had added another digit as he kept pumping them in and out, his lover moaning softly from under him. Feeling her seeded womb tightened and hotter, she let out more whimpers. L then went on biting and licking her collarbone up to her neck as he kept on the rhythms from inside of her, seemly unheeded by of the noises she had made.
“Ah…” Kagome's face was heavily red, just as she had climaxed, damping her lover's hand and her panties. That was when L had smashed a kiss onto her wet lips as he had released his hand from her core, uncaring if it was sticky, and immediately dragged her pants and panties down with the same hand by the hems of it. She had let out a surprised muffled squeak from under the force of the kiss when she felt the cold air quickly biting her skin on her exposed legs.
They broke apart for oxygen, just as he had started to pull up her tanks top. She was willingly and let it to slip off from her. He had flopped it down on the floor; both had heard the light sound of an impact. Then L went on ahead to take off her lacy white bra from her body, her hooks made it easy for him as it was on the front. Kagome sighed heavily as she too felt the chilled air biting her slightly enlarged chest as she allowed it to slip from her shoulders. He had plucked it from behind her and chucked it on the floor with her shirt.
Kagome let out another surprised squeak when the insomniac detective had suddenly palmed one of her slightly bountiful breasts as he went to nibble on her pale neck, his teeth gnawing the skin. His thumb went over her erected pink nipple before pinching it with the nails. She can feel him smiling against her neck when she had let out mews with what he was doing to on her breast.
“Hey…” She cried out, wanting more of what he can offer. L was being kind to her today and stopped his tortures. He had felt her hands fisted on his long-sleeved shirt and lifted his arms to let Kagome to pull it off. That had joined the ever-growing pile of clothes on the floor. The female then had tunneled her fingers through his dark hair before roughly pulling him in for a kiss, their bodies now let out little to no air between them.
Their tongues fought each other for dominance as L had unbuttoned his jeans and kicked them off with his lover's help. He always did go commando anyway and he doubted that Kagome cared too much about it. He heard her whimpering and they took apart for air, a thin line of salvia still connecting them. L looked into her eyes, feeling his rigid cock near the delicious heat of her core, a smirk pulling his lips.
He knew she had felt the mushroomed head of it was practically entering her and was getting impatient. He put his large hands on her hips and thrust into her, causing Kagome to let out a loud gasp, followed by a delicious moan. He hissed as he felt her squeezing him as he kept thrusting in her, her legs wrapping around him.
Kagome's hands had moved to his back, now digging in her short, manicured nails in his skins as she was withering from under him. She had moaned out his name when he had pinched her clit, kept moving inside of her. Moving around to get a better angle to get more gratification out of their coupling, he had felt Kagome had tightening around him. L knew what would be coming next.
He moved his head to smash a kiss on her lips, keeping her attention on him. Kagome cried out, her voice muffled while she felt the dam inside of her broke again, the hot liquid rushed out of her body, giving her a sense of a happy relief of bliss. She could still feel his hard cock inside of her still moving, waiting for his turn.
L rested his head between her neck and her collarbone, sighing when he had flooded her body with his seeds, finishing up a few more thrusts. Their bodies were shone with a thin line of sweat, the scent of the earlier activity smelled salty to them, but they don't seemed to care. L licked her neck, tasting her sweat before he released himself from her wet inner thighs and her core and then settled down on the bed next to his lover, with her body in his arms.
He then settled his head on between her collarbone and her neck again, her chest against him. Kagome yawned, now finally feeling tired and wrapped her arms around him. They cuddled, happy with the silence they shared. But one of them broke it, “…We're invited to Misa and Yash's wedding.” Kagome commented out, wanting to hear his voice some more before she went to sleep.
“Ah…” He sounded uninterested and she knew he wasn't much involved with those events. Kagome chuckled, “That's fine. We'd stick out like a sore thumb anyway.”
“You're right, I supposed, but if you would like to go, I don't mind.” He sounded sleepy, just like she was. “I'm still thinking about it…We'll talk more tomorrow.” She murmured out before she had fallen asleep. He barely nodded before he too had fallen into his dreamland, contented with her in his arms on their bed.
¬.¬ I think I could do a better job with the lemon and this chapter, but oh well. I don't exactly like this chapter but I had worked on it for three weeks now and I am in no mood to keep working on it. I'm just happy that there's one more chapter left before this is all done. I'm also willingly to answer your questions so please just ask me in the reviews, kay? I'll probably answer them personally and in the sequel.
I also had meant to update this on yesterday, on Thursday but as per usual, I wasn't able to finish this in time. I didn't want to post this on Friday, since that day usually brings more lazy people that wouldn't review. But I felt that I had kept you all waiting long enough. So here you go.
I must admit that I'm very disappointed in the reviews I had gotten. I had only received three and I must say it was a bit saddening and hurtful. Whatever happened to those 20 reviews I used to get?
I just hope that it wouldn't hurt me, as an author, in any way, because I do need encouragements.
Again, as always, please review and tell me of what do you think of this chapter and I'm still searching for a beta. If you are willingly, please PM me!
Beautiful Phantom