InuYasha Fan Fiction / Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ Ghosts In My Head ❯ Final Ending: Goodbye, My Mother (Alt. title: Rock-A-Bye, My Baby) ( Chapter 10 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ghosts In My Head
Final Ending:
Goodbye, My Mother
(Alt. title: Rock-A-Bye, My Baby)
Warnings: hints of character deaths, OCCness of the characters, possible gaps in the plot, although will be fixed if ever got around making the sequel
This take place few years later, more in Shiori's POV, and most will be explain as you read farther on in this story. However, it'll be short. And the characters are older as well.
She woke up with a gasp; an old-worn chocolate-colored teddy bear was clenched in her arms. The white covering of her bed had pooled around her skinny body as she sat up on the mattress, the mountain of the stuffed animals had tumbled down on the floor like an avalanche from it, barely missing the girl. The pale-skinned girl sighed, combing through her long snow-hued hair into its' usual precise style, the chocolate-colored bear on her folded laps, ignoring the masses of the colorful plushies. Feeling that her hair is fine, she picked up the teddy bear and looked at it, her pretty violet eyes stared into its' black button eyes, a hoarse word escaped her lips, “Momma…”
Immediately, she enveloped it into a hug, feeling its' soft cotton-filled body squishing against her flat chest, almost looking like she was going to cry. But she didn't let even a single tear fall from her bright eyes. Her head snapped up when she heard her name being called out loudly from somewhere outside of her room, “Shiori!”
Mutely, she got off from her bed and grabbed her clean clothes from a white rocking chair and put it on for the day. Shiori placed on a white hoodie jacket-sweater over her small white tank top, almost three times too big for her size and had gone almost beyond her knees, a pair of tight black sweatpants that only went above her ankles, and a pair of black flats. She then zipped her hoodie up to her neck and pulled her face back into the hood, concealing her face on the most part, some of her hair, like her adoptive mother, had spilled out of the hood.
Shiori quickly made her bed up, disregarding the colorful stuffed animals-coated white carpeted floor on the most part and made sure to place her favorite chocolate-hued teddy bear on the center of the mattress gently, surrounding by its' other companions. She stepped back to admire it before a modest smile appeared on her insipid lips. Shiori looked around in her room and nodded in an approval.
Her entire room was white, with an exception of her stuffed animals on everywhere. All of her furniture, including her walls, was plain and eye-stinging of white but her plushy toys were very colorful and had helped decrease the whiteness of her room. If anyone had paid much of an attention to her stuffed animals, they would notice that most of it is teddy bears.
“Shiori!” Her name had been called again. The white-haired girl gasped and suddenly plucked a small purple lion off the floor and stuffed it into a pocket as she was stumbling to the door, struggling to avoid stepping on her plushy toys. She reached the doorknob and opened it, exiting it then shutting it. She had left to the nearby bathroom to take care of her morning routine. Then Shiori bolted down the stair and ran to the impatient-looking male with hair the color of rust.
She stopped in front of him, not looking even a bit tired from her rush to get to him, looking up to the taller male, her pretty violet eyes connecting to the narrowing green pairs. “Took ya long enough, Shiori. Come on, get a toast and scram. I'll be waiting in my car, kid.” He told her, just before he yawned loudly. Shiori noticed he seemed a bit tired and assumed he had stay up the whole night last night again, working on that program he had been doing. She nodded and went into the kitchen and toasted a slice of bread. After the toaster had popped it back, she took it and spread a slice of butter on it and went outside of the building from the back with it dangling from her lips.
She clapped loudly, summoning a large black German Shepherd and an even bigger aged white dog that somewhat resembling to a Saint Bertrand to her in the backyard. She played with them a little bit, petting and rubbing them before Shiori gestured them to get into the building for the day. She followed them inside, making sure to lock the back door up then she quickly went out to the living room and exit out of the front door, also locking it up after picking up her white, panda bear-covered messenger bag off from the floor close to the door.
Shiori took two steps at a step when she went flying down the long flight of the stair after a gleaming silver car and opened a passenger door, got into the vehicle, and slammed the door loudly, receiving an annoyed look from the male in return. She gave him an innocent look, furthering pissing him off. She grinned in a victory.
The redheaded male started the car and drove away, making sure to keep an eye on the road as he was searching for something from underneath his cushioned seat with a hand on the wheel. He pulled something out and tossed it onto Shiori's laps. “…?” She looked at him, confused.
“Yo, must you be stupid every morning? This is the brand new case! It was my turn to pick them out, remember?” He replied her silent question coolly, turning the wheel calmly to take a turn on the road. She picked the brown folder up in her nimble hands and opened it, looking at the papers, her eyes skimming through it closely. Shiori frowned and looked up to the older male. He seemed to be almost the same age as her, perhaps by a year older or so.
“Yea. You know as well as I do that I wanna to solve this one so badly, especially if it had gotten one of the best detectives in the world.” The redheaded male reached toward the radio station and had tuned in the news channel, the voices now started to booming out into their ears, “Ah, yea, that's the one.” He murmured out. “-ase of the infamous brutal serial killer, the so-called Angel of the Kira. Matsuda-san, have there any new additional information as of who this murderer may be?” The female voice of a radio station asked, its' tone curious and perky.
“You know as well as I do that I cannot give out any information while the case is still open but what I can tell you that our computers…” The pale-haired girl snapped her attention to the male, who was whistling, fidgeting innocence, her eyes narrowed to him in suspicion, “Well, never mind that, but there's a possibility that ever since the Kira's disappearance, there had been many clamors from many of Kira's devotees, begging him to come back. Some even had committed suicides to go with Kira because they believed that Kira had been killed or that he had finally left them behind to get to the Heaven as a true God or whatnot. Ever since then, the crime rates had been going up, partially because they wanted to see if the Kira can kill them or to get him to come back.
“We had caught most of the Kira's devotees' serial killers but this one, the `Angel of the Kira', is smart, smart enough to not to leave behind the evidences. It was very bluffing for us, as I'm sure all of you had already known, Miss Ruki.” The male voice explained out, its' tone had significantly changed into the well matured attitude rather than the usual carefree sense that Shiori had remembered.
She had met him once before her mother…Her mother's death.
Shiori shook her head, snapping herself out of the sobering mood and listened more to the radio. “I see, it had been almost seven years since the disappearance of the Kira. One would have thought that the fans would have given up and move on but alas, that didn't happen. In fact, most, about seventy-five percent of the crimes that had to do with assaulting, harming, or even killing an ex-con or anybody suspicion enough were actually by some of the Kira's fans' doings, in an desperate act to bring him back. It's a good chance that the `Angel of the Kira' is doing the same thing as well…
“Since we're talking about Kira, Matsuda-san, there had been a bit of rumors that the Kira's identity had already been exposed and that the group of the former detectives that had taken on the first Kira case had covered it up. Is that true, Matsuda-san?” Miss Ruki questioned, her voice very interested.
“Ooh, I just know that was Yagami-san's son.” The male piped up as he took another turn on the road with his silver vehicle, Shiori nodded in an agreement. It was quite a bit interesting that ever since Yagami Light's death, Kira's killings had stopped immediately. He had died from a heart attack, a day after Shiori's adoptive mother had died from a fatal gunshot wound to her lung.
“Well, it is not. We were just as clueless as you are, I'm afraid.” To everybody that had been listening into that radio station, it sounded like Matsuda-san had been sincere and honest but to those people that had very good hearing, it sounded like there was something more to it. “Well, we're going to the Saku Café as usual.” The green-eyed male mused as he was pulling to a stop in front of a small modest pale-colored building. The place was obviously filled but not busy enough to have a line in front of the counter where you could place your order, such as your select beverage and a treat.
He had turned off the radio after pulling up to a great parking spot so Shiori had missed some part of Miss Ruki and Matsuda's conversation she would have liken to hear. They both exited the car and went in the Café they had visited frequently. “Hey, Shippou! The usual for both of you?” The clerk girl perked up on the sight of the handsome young red-haired male and the adorable albino girl, her chocolate-colored eyes twinkled in happiness by seeing them. The sixteen years old clerk girl had a massive crush on Shippou ever since he and his younger sister had started visiting the Saku Café three years ago.
“Yep. Vanilla for me and Saku's special sweet tea for my darling sis, Rin.” He smiled and Rin, the dark brown-haired, chocolate-hued eyed girl had practically melted from the sight of his enticing smile. “O-o-okay! Will do!” She shuttered out, her face very red. Shippou snickered at the sight Rin was making, knowing that she had a ridiculous crush on him. Shiori had just rolled her eyes at them, her hand in a hoodie pocket, feeling the texture of the mauve lion plushy she had picked up earlier.
Suddenly, Shiori tapped Shippou on his shoulder to get his attention and started to sign something with her hands. “Huh, you want a glazed donut too? K, yo, Rin, Sis wants a donut too.” He called out to Rin, who had nodded in an understanding as she went to set up everything for them, and then dragged his sister to a corner booth. It was their favorite spot and it was almost always empty everyday because it was too lonely for the regular people.
Shippou had pulled out some money and placed it on the table as they took their seat on the opposite side of it. He always had leaves out the money when Rin came by with their orders so they wouldn't be bothered. Rin knew enough to not to trouble them in their booth because usually, they were working.
What sort of `working', Rin doesn't know and had a feeling that she wasn't supposed to know.
The clerk girl did came by to drop off their orders and picked up the money, not bothering to count it because they had always gave her the exact price with too much of a tip. She left quietly, just as Shiori had pulled out a laptop and opened it up. She turned it on and she looked up to her older brother, who had nodded to her silent question. “Their computers…Yah, I know you don't like that but suck it up. They always get a good case.”
The white-haired girl quickly signed something and had left Shippou grumbling, “I know, I know. If I'm going to hack in their computer, might as well to go help them…Are we going to use our avatars again?” She nodded. He sighed. “Alright, I'll put in a program to conceal the IP and our location. Those towers are a bitch, just you know.” He reached over the table to pulled Shiori's white laptop to him and immediately pressed a button to get the CD slider to pop up and placed in a blue CD and it had pulled it back inside of the laptop. After a few seconds of waiting, he then went typing something in for a few minutes before he stopped finally, a victory smile on his face.
Shippou then repressed the button to get his CD out and pushed the thin portable computer back to Shiori, “Here you go. Have fun! I already hacked in their computers so hurry up with the avatars!” He commented out. He had kept his voice very low all along because he didn't want to attract any sort of attention. Shiroi nodded and turned around her laptop to her and she quickly started typing into it as her brother had pulled out his own laptop from his own orange messenger bag, intended to keep hacking in those same computers so to make sure that no attempt will be taken to find their location and IP and any sort.
Somewhere else…
“What the hell?!” The dark cinnamon-haired boy with a pair of goggle over his eyes shouted out in a surprise as he fell onto the floor from his chair. He stared at his grey-colored laptop and the numerous desktop computers behind it, stunned. “Matt, what's wrong?” The blond-haired boy, looking to be a bit older than Matt, was watching him as he was munching on a bar of chocolate, somewhat surprised to see his friend to fall out of his chair. That was the first time he had ever seen him to have done that.
“Ahh…We got hacked in…” Matt murmured out, dragging all of the attentions to him, astonished. “Huh?! Well, get them out! Damn!” The blond boy got off from the couch he was lounging in and walked to his longtime friend, his eyes on the screens; the chocolate was dangling off from his lips. “Mello, that's a problem. Whoever it was, it sure was pretty good.” Matt pulled himself off the floor with the help of the desk and sat in the chair again, typing in his laptop, sweating bullets.
A white-haired boy walked slowly to them, a toy robot in a hand, his dulled eyes curious, “Is there any problem?”
“Bug off, sheep boy! The only reason why I had agreed to work with you is because I lost the bet with you. Damn.” Mello called him off, his temper spiking. He absolutely hated that sheep boy! However, the pale-haired boy shrugged, ignoring Mello as he turned his eyes on the screen of Matt's laptop, “Shit! What the hell?! Somebody is downloading a program in our computers!”
All of the screens in the large, monitor room, including the biggest one on the north wall, vanished into a bright white; a small sound of beeping rang out in the silent room for a few seconds before it stopped promptly. Then on the biggest screen there stood a lax, malformed cartoon-like polar bear in a grey hoodie, yawning lazily before pulling out a huge picket sign from behind it, out of nowhere. Its eyes were closed.
There were words on it and a computer female voice echoed out of from an audio, following them, “Hello, am I safe to guess you were the private detective group that were working on the case of `Angel of the Kira'?” Everybody was shunned and unable to speak.
The polar bear sighed and shook its' head before flipping over the picket sign, the same voice following it, “Hello? You are able to speak, you know. Just say something aloud. I'm not deaf.” The bear then tapped on the screen with the sign, the tapping sounds plunked out of the audio, annoying, as if to try to get their attentions. Near blinked at the polar bear before nodding, amusing that whoever had hacked in can also see them, “Yes, we are. Who are you?”
The polar bear cocked its' head cutely, dropping the sign and pulled out another one, the mechanical voice continued to followed the words on the sign, “Ah, I'm afraid I can't tell you who I really am but you are welcome to call me PolarBear, like the one of the most popular cartoons in the Japan, FireFox & PolarBear.”
It flipped over the sign but this time, no voice had came so they read, “Speaking of which, FireFox should be coming in as well.” A loud boom echoed out in the screen, then they see a malformed but cool-looking red fox with a sunglasses and a black leather jacket on skidding in the scene on its' face and the chest far behind PolarBear in the white background, its' back feet and the tail up in the air humorously. PolarBear shook its' head and sighed as FireFox got up on its' back feet, like a human, and ran toward to its' white companion, “Ehh, what the hell up with the bomb?! That wasn't funny!”
Unlike PolarBear, FireFox apparently doesn't need a picket sign to communicate, although the voice was also mechanical but it was nothing like its' white companion as it was male rather than female. PolarBear shrugged, dropping the sign again and just walk off the screen, leaving everybody in the real world bluffed. “Meh.” FireFox coughed before kept on for her, as they assumed PolarBear was a girl and FireFox was male by their voice, “We didn't means to hack in without your permission but we would love to lend you our helps with the case. Even if you don't like us, sucks it up. We'll keep coming back here until we get this over done with.”
Matt growled out, trying his best to get rid of the hackers from their computers' but so far no luck. He cried out when he noticed there was a threatening virus in his laptops, warning him to not to find a way to kick them off. “Sorry, my friend, but you won't find us.” FireFox grinned, his canine fangs sharp, crossing his arms like he was very confident in this. A knok! rang out and they saw that the red cartoon creature's head was conked to one side with a huge pink bump on his head, a rock on the `ground' next to his long, fluffy tail, “Ow.” He looked to where PolarBear had left the screen, probably glaring.
“Huh? You want to know their names? Fine, I'll ask.” He grumbled out before turning his face to the people that was staring at him in the huge screen, “PolarBear wants to know who you all are so we can have something to call you with. You go first.” FireFox rudely pointed to Near, who had blinked in surprise. He managed to speak out, “Near.” He was now the leader of the group, in a memory of a man that had died from a mysterious heart attack who had took him in and had taught him everything he would need to know.
“Fine. You?” He moved on to Mello, who had a scowl on his face, clomping on his chocolate bar. “Mello.” He grunted out. Matt was silent when he noticed that FireFox had popped up on his laptop, pointing to him, “You?”
“Matt. Now get off my computer dammit!”
“Woah, rude much? Next time, don't go bringing around some porn anime games in your laptops. Leave them at home.”
Matt's face was scarlet red as FireFox had disappeared from his portable computer back to the huge screen. He heard Mello muffling his laughter and he had shirked into his seat, wanting to crawl into a hole and just die. FireFox had pointed to Roger, who had introduced himself as `Watari', a tribute for an old man he was close to after his death from a mysterious heart attack. Lidner, Rester and Gevanni had introduced as themselves, figuring that they'll be okay.
FireFox nodded, satisfied with their answers, “Well, shall we get to work? PolarBear seemed eager.” PolarBear had dragged a computer folder with her from behind, coming of nowhere, struggling as if it's heavy before putting a paw on it, pressing it. A beep echoed out before the folder had opened up, revealing numerous pictures of crime scenes, victims of the `Angel of the Death', and possible weapons. PolarBear then hopped onto the earlier one up in the upper left corner of the screen, pressing it with a paw, and had let out a surprised noise when the picture had enlarged, causing her to fall off and landed with an impact in the area where the picture hadn't taken up.
FireFox pulled out a small stack of papers, too out of nowhere, reading it in his arms, nodding on some of it. He had cocked his head in curiousity, “Huh?” He took a look at the picture, examining it closely, “Oi, you missed something here. PolarBear, if you don't mind…”
She had pulled out another picket sign and the female voice resumed following the words again, “Have you not notice the small injection on the neck?” She pulled out a long stick, much like what a teacher would have to find something on a map, and tapped it onto the small, tiny hole in the neck of a close-up picture of a dead man. Near frowned, he hadn't noticed that hole.
The white cartoon bear flipped over the sign, “It's understandable, considering it is rather hard to spot…”
The conversations between the real-life detectives and the cartoons had continued on, with few rather insulting comments to PolarBear and FireFox from Mello, mainly because he didn't like the facts he was speaking to the cartoons in the computer. Surprisingly, with their help, Near and the others had found new evidences and a small number of possible suspects. Matt, unfortunately, was unable to track the cartoon characters to find out who were they in the real life and had vowed to better himself with his hacking skills, now seemingly found new idols to admire for their hacking skills.
“…so it's highly possible that it may be a person with a degree in medical field and wasn't exactly in a right frame of a mind.” Near mused, watching the cartoon fox character nodded in an agreement. PolarBear pulled out a picket sign, the voice followed the words again, “Well, best of luck for all of you in finding this person. We trust you to get him. We should be going.” She flipped over the sign, “Perhaps we'll meet again, in cyberspace of course, should we feel a need to help you with a case.”
“Yah, what she said. Take care, folks!” They both bowed and all of the computer screens blinked off to blackness, before returning to their original screens. “…Hm, let go to the Tokyo Mercy Hospital. I believe we may have someone in mind…”
At Saku Café…
They suddenly shut their laptops and stood up, putting their things back into their bags, picking up their empty cardboard cups and napkins to toss them away in a random trashcan, and said their farewells to a blushing clerk girl Rin. They got into their vehicle and decided to visit their great-grandfather, whom was in a hospital for his failing health. Their grandfather's health had started failing ever since his granddaughter, their adoptive mother, had died from her `final battle with death' as he grimly would put it. Mainly to his stresses from the loss of her.
It had been hard on not only the old man but also the entire family, including their once estranged cousin, who had attempted suicide several times. Shippou had fallen deep into the world of technologies, including cars; at times even ignore his most basic human needs. Shiori had gone mute and had lost all interests in human contacts, only to went on ahead to make cartoons on her own, remembering her mother's final comment about her creativity. Her cartoons, not only FireFox & PolarBear but also several lesser known others, had began in the world of the internet in a website that her brother had helped make then had went out in the world of televisions as well, were very, very popular, especially with the children.
Their uncle, since he was a famous actor, had known an agent and had asked her whether if she want her cartoons to be on television as he was already a fan of them. He had received an okay from her and had quickly contacted that agent. Ever since then, she was busy making her cartoons for them, which was amazing, considering that the makings of cartoons were mostly done by teamwork. But with the technologies and knowledge she had, it wasn't that hard to do. Another reason why her cartoons was so popular is also because nobody knew who its' creator were, just her pseudonym, White Bird.
It was a risky move to use FireFox & PolarBear as their alias but seeing that nobody had known who its' creator were, they really don't care.
They arrived at the hospital, taking no notice of a group of odd people coming out of a limo, and checked in to visit their grandfather. They went on to visit him and chat a bit. Shippou had excused himself to go and find a bathroom. Shiori awkwardly sat in her seat, watching the old man breathing weakly in his bed. She decided that playing with her purple lion plushy was better way to spend time until her brother had come back.
She was startled out of her thoughts when her great-grandfather had weakly whispered out, “You do realize that being mute was no way to live, right? Your beloved mother, God rests her soul, wouldn't want you being like that…” Shiori looked down on the white tiled floor, the plush in her hands, giving no response. “She had died for us, you know, giving her life so no harm will come to you and Shippou…Same way she had died for those two men.”
Shiori cocked her head curiously, the two men? She had signed, confused. The old man turned his head to his great-granddaughter on his pillow, “I think one of them was L and other Light, something or other. They're a detective too.”
Ah, she was surprised. 'Wait, Light? As in Light Yagami?' She thought, blinking in a surprise. Her brother had come back and she quickly excused herself to go to a bathroom, giving her older brother some time alone with their grandfather, so she can think.
She then accidently bumped into a tall woman. She fell onto the floor and looked up, signing she was sorry. “Oh? I'm so sorry! I didn't realize you can't speak. Umm, don't worry about it. It was my fault.” The woman gave Shiori her hand and she took it, her violet eyes widened in a shock.
This woman was a splitting image of her deceased adoptive mother!
She gasped silently at her, at which the woman cocked her head in confusion, “Hm, something the matter, young miss?” Shiori quickly shook her head, taking a closer look at the attire the woman was wearing. It seemed like she was working as a nurse in this hospital. “Nurse Kago! Doctor Raito is searching for you!” A man with dark hair and odd-looking eyes appeared out of an adjoining hallway, wearing blue nurse uniform; the woman turn to look at him, nodding in an understanding, “Thank you, Lawliet.”
Lawliet blushed, rubbing his head in an embarrassment, “Ah, no problem at all. I should get going. Hey, see you tonight?”
Kago smiled, “Of course! If you see Dr. Raito, tell him I'll see him later too.” Lawliet nodded, “Yeah, will do.” He then disappeared back into the hallway and Kagome the nurse had turned back to Shiori who was still shell-shocked about seeing her dead mother's reappearance, “Well, I'm a bit busy but you seemed okay so I'll leave you alone now.” She smiled gently at her before she walked past her and too disappeared in a hallway with Shiori's eyes following her.
`Am I seeing things?' She thought, feeling very confused yet very relief at the same time. “Hey, ma'am? You dropped this.” She was startled by a tap on her shoulder and spun around to face a rather cute familiar-looking guy with short white hair and in a white pajama-like outfit who seemed to be a bit older than her own sixteen of years. She cocked her head and blinked, realizing she had dropped her purple lion plushy. She took it and struggled to say her thanks, “T-hank…you.” The boy took note of her hoarse voice and cocked his own head as well, “Ah…You're PolarBear, aren't you?” He had made sure to keep his voice low.
Oh! This is Near, a detective she had met as her alias over the cyberspace! But how did he know it was her so quickly?
Yes. I apologized on the behalf of my brother, who you had met as FireFox. She had signed, assuming he could understand her sign language. He did. Near shrugged, telling her this, “If it wasn't for you and your brother, we may never solve the case. Thank you for your helps.”
No problem. Mr. Near. Shiori found it to be rather awkward between two of them.
“Say…It would be nice…” He seemed to be hesitant about something, “…if you and your brother can join my group of investigating cases worldwide…Can both of you join us? I'd be gladly to give you and your brother some time to think about it.”
Shiori was surprised at this offer given by Near, a world-famous detective whom identity is remained unknown but to select few. She didn't even know him yet! I'll talk about this with my brother. Do you have any…uncomplicated way for me to contact you? She asked, not wanting to hack into his computers again, feeling as it was an ultimate invasion of his privacy.
“Ahh…I'll have one of my companions to give you his phone numbers.” He told her. Near then blinked into a realization, “That's right; I haven't gotten your name…”
“It's Shiori…Shiori Higurashi.” She hoarsely told him, deciding that it would be nice to travel the world, solving the cases. It was an opportunity she didn't want to give up, in a memory of her mother, as a way to live out her life, like her great-grandfather had ask her to.
Okay, okay, this is done. I apologize if this chapter had made absolutely no sense to you at all. I had decided that I didn't want to go into the detail of actual deaths of the detective trios, just a brief mention of them and add the fact that they somehow got reincarnation already, right after their death, and that they are somehow in a relationship already. That is if you all looked closely. I had scattered several hints about them into this chapter. I will not go into details about them; I'll just leave you all to find out by using your imagination.
After receiving a disappointing amount of reviews (which was only one, by the way), I had decided I will not do the sequel after all, because why should I? You don't seem to care anyway. I might change my mind if I feel I had gotten good amount of reviews (hint: at least 10 would be nice) but other than that, no go. (another hint: current reviews was 179)
If you have any question, any questions at all, please don't be so hesitant to ask me, okay?
Oh, by the way, I had found it to be an interesting note that the beginning of Kagome, Kago, actually means basket or birdcage (cage also counts, btw) and the end of her name, me, means sprout, eye, or judgment in Japanese. (Basketful of Justice?) It was fun to find the mix of that name, although I do know that her name probably had come from the name of a children's game instead. Sorry, I was randomly looking through my Japanese dictionary, lol. Oh, before I forget, Saku means Blossom in Japanese.
But finally! I'm done with GIMH! Now I can get to work on my next fanfiction to get finish. If you are a fan of my Final Fantasy VII/InuYasha crossover fanfiction, Blue Ash Dawn, you are in for a treat! Right now, I'm starting again from a scratch so it'll be much, much better than it was. Hopefully, the new first chapter would be up soon, although I couldn't tell you how soon.
Anyway, to those who had care, thank you for your everlasting supports! Thank you for making this fanfiction possible! *bows* I'm sorry if I ever was a bitch. Again, thank you!
Beautiful Phantom
(PS. I'm still looking for an editor for this story. If any of you offers, please let me know! Thank you!)