InuYasha Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret ❯ A Cursed Gift ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Note:
Here it is the first revised chapter of the story, I'm excited about it
This story is going to start off with Kagome being eighteen. It will then turn to five years later in the DBZ realm. I'm going to have Kagome's time and Bulma's time separate since the differences in the series are great. I got the idea of different realms from Mirai Trunks. I'll explain how Kagome's mom called and how her sister ended up in the DBZ realm.
The story comes in right before the Cell Saga so eighteen isn't around yet
A Cursed Gift
A girl with long dark hair walked away from her high school. She sighed as she got into her car. She was finally in her third year of high school, which meant she was eighteen and ready to be out. Throwing her books in the back, she locked the doors and drove off. Stopping at the red light she began to daydream about the days in the past. A car honked at her and she snapped back to reality to see that the light was indeed green. She shortly stopped in front of a shine and turned off the car. She quickly threw her keys in her pocket before she went to the back seat. She grabbed her books and began to walk up the steps.
She let her brown eyes travel to the steps that she was currently walking up. Silently counting to herself she looked up to see the place where her life truly began…the Goshinboku. She sat underneath the tree and leaned against its cool bark, feeling the energy jump her contact.
“Just one more shard,” The girl whispered sadly to the tree as she took comfort in it warmth.
“Kagome?” A woman called from the shrine.
“I'll be in soon mama,” Kagome yelled back.
“Okay,” Her mom acknowledged.
Kagome yawned and stood up stretching. She glanced up at the sky and noticed that there were no stars out. She strained her eyes and noticed a ball of white light. Kagome walked from her tree and stared at the object. Her eyes widened when it turned and went diving in her direction. The ball of light stopped in front of her and floated as if waiting. Curiosity reeled in her and Kagome reached her hand out. She hesitantly reached her hand out and gently touched its warm surface. As soon as she touched it a wave of bright light engulfed her body. She gasped she felt a whole wave of wonderful sensations invade her body. Darkness consumed her vision as she stumbled backwards and slumped against the tree.
The next day
“Jus five...more…minutes mom,” Kagome mumbled.
“Oi wench, GET UP!”
“SIT BOY!” Kagome instantly yelled as she sat up.
“Kagome are you okay?” Souta asked.
“I don't know,” Kagome said as she rubbed her temples.
“Inuyasha found you unconscious,” Souta said with worry. Kagome blinked once and gasped when she remembered everything.
“Souta I need you to go downstairs,” Kagome calmly ordered.
“Tell mom I'll be going to the past,” Kagome said. Souta gave her a cautious look, but left the room.
“What the hell!” Inuyasha yelled as he sat up.
“We have to leave,” She urgently said. Inuyasha gave her a confused look.
“What's the hurry wench?” Inuyasha asked, glaring at her form.
“I have to tell you guys something and my name is not wench,” Kagome growled. Inuyasha grabbed her arm and spun her around.
“Spill it!” Inuyasha growled. Kagome pulled her arm from his grip, and glared at hem defiantly.
“I will explain when the group is here,” Kagome calmly said. Inuyasha saw worry and confusion in the depths of her eyes. Nodding he led the way to the well. Kagome silently followed. Inuyasha stood on the edge and waited for Kagome. She slowly made her way to the well, and an annoyed Inuyasha encircled her waist as they jumped down the well.
“Ya, take to long walking,” Inuyasha complained causing Kagome to roll her eyes in annoyance. Inuyasha jumped with Kagome out of the well and she looked around to see Sango and Miroku weren't near.
“Sango and Miroku aren't here, they're at the are at field training,” Inuyasha said as if reading her mind.
“KAGOME!” An excited small boy with red hair, green eyes, and a foxtail yelled as he jumped on her.
“Shippo, how are you?” Kagome asked as she held him in her arms.
“I'm fine, but Inuyasha was being mean to me! He hit me on the head and said that you weren't coming back because you hated me!” Shippo cried as he let tears fall. Kagome gave Inuyasha a glare and he started to back away with a guess of some thing to come. He tried to jump away, but failed in mid air.
“SIT BOY!” Kagome yelled as soon as he was in the air.
Kagome and Shippo walked over to see Inuyasha in a five-foot crater. Shippo snickered as he stuck his tongue out at Inuyasha
“Don't treat Shippo so bad!” Kagome scolded as she began to walk away.
“Oi wench! Just wait till I get up,” Inuyasha threatened. Kagome “Hmpfed” and walked away with Shippo in her arms.
“Shippo, can you smell where Sango and Miroku are?” Kagome asked.
“Yeah, they're this way,” Shippo said as he hopped out of Kagome's arms and ran through the forest. Kagome ran after him until they stopped in front of a clearing. Kagome watched as Sango attacked Miroku with her katana and he used his Shakujou to block.
“Mew,” Kirara sounded as she ran over to Kagome. Sango and Miroku stopped training and turned to her.
“Welcome back Kagome,” they both said in unison. Kagome smiled at them and gave Sango a huge and stopped in mid hug as Miroku came close to her. She gave him a suspicious glare.
“I'm hurt that you think that low of me,” he said in a fake hurt tone. Kagome smiled at him and managed to give him a hug without being groped.
“Why did you come back so soon? I thought you had exams?” Sango asked as she wiped her sweat from her face.
“Something happened to me the other night and I need to tell what happened,” Kagome said taking a serious voice on.
“Is this something that Kaede needs to hear?” Miroku asked.
“No. Is there a safe place where we can talk?” Kagome asked.
“Oi wench!” Inuyasha yelled as he jumped in front of Kagome.
“Inuyasha, we can argue later, I have something important that I have to explain,” Kagome sighed. Inuyasha grumbled and crossed his arms.
“Lets head deeper into the forest,” Miroku suggested. They all nodded in agreement and began to tread off into the forest. They stopped at a clearing and sat in a circle. Shippo sat down on Kagome's lap; she began to pet his tail while they all sat around.
“What is of such grave importance?” Miroku asked trying to in a curious voice, while he remained serious.
Kagome took a breath and began with, “I was going to go inside the shrine when a glowing orb hit me.”
Kagome's body absorbed the orb. She fell limp and landed on the cold ground. Kagome was floating in what seemed like an eternal mist.
“Hello!” Kagome called out. Kagome covered her eyes when a light stopped in front of her. Kagome lowered her hand when the light disappeared. She gasped when she at what was in front of her. In front stood a dragon on four legs. It had ice blue eyes with an ice blue mane. Its scales were a white ivory that reflected the blue. Kagome looked at the dragon over and saw it had no wings but could still fly.
“Who are you?” Kagome asked trying to hide her fear.
“I go by many names,” It replied. Kagome began to think of what it wanted and most importantly, where she was.
“We are in your mind,” it answered.
“Why are we in my mind?” Kagome asked.
“I was wounded in battle and fled to this world. I sought out a person with a pure heart,” it explained.
“What are you saying?” Kagome asked.
“I am going to bond our souls together, so you will become the next dragon,” It explained.
“Will I still be the same person?” Kagome asked with worry.
“Yes, my personality will disappear, and you will gain my powers and knowledge. I will fully disappear when I feel I am no longer needed,” It explained.
“What's your name?” Kagome asked again.
“This name I give you will become apart of you. If anybody speaks your name you'll be forced to grant wishes until the person says you are free,” It explained.
“Are there rules?” Kagome asked.
“Yes, and our name is Ryoko,”
“Why that name?”
“You'll find out.”
Everyone stared at Kagome with a stunned look on his or her faces. Kagome watched and knew that it was all right to leave the name of her other soul out.
“What's its name?” Inuyasha asked. Everybody turned to Inuyasha giving him a look that questioned his intelligence.
“I can't tell you!” Kagome yelled with a snort.
“If you give us your name we could wish Naraku gone!” Inuyasha yelled back trying to reason.
`That is true,' Kagome thought.
`Don't tell him our name,' Ryoko warned.
`What do you mean?' Kagome asked in her head.
`I can sense that his intentions are impure,' Ryoko answered.
`Inuyasha?' Kagome asked unsure, doubting how he would have alternate intensions. Her face fell when she thought about the only thing that Inuyasha would want.
`He would risk my life for Kikyo.'
“I'm sorry, I can't,” Kagome said with her head downcast.
“What? You don't trust me?” Inuyasha asked with disbelief. Kagome gave Inuyasha a heated glare and walked over to him making sure to give him an uneasy feeling.
“How dare you?” Kagome angrily asked. “I trust you with my life and you claim that I don't trust you? You have no right to say that!”
Kagome's eyes turned a frosty blue and the air around her turned bitter. Miroku narrowed his eyes when he felt a new aura spread across Kagome's body.
“Kagome?” Sango warily asked in confusion as she stood up to approach her.
“Don't,” Miroku ordered as he pulled Sango back.
“Why not?” Sango angrily asked.
“That is not Kagome,” Miroku stated as he pointed to the ki around her.
“Very good Monk,” the cold voice complemented through Kagome's body. Kagome shifted as if uneasy in her body before she stood to her full height. She let her now ice blue eyes scan over the group, making sure to pick her best allies.
“Who the fuck are you and where's Kagome?” Inuyasha growled out as he stepped back.
“I am here to warn you half-breed, that if you continue to press for questions I will make you stop,” the voice warned as her eyes narrowed.
“If you weren't inside Kagome I would kill you,” he growled.
“Don't threaten my other half,” Kagome warned as she returned to normal. Her brown eyes sparked with a hidden anger before they went back to ice blue.
“Kagome will need training in her abilities,” the voice said taking over her body once again.
“What type of training?” Miroku inquired.
“Her Miko powers will need to be trained to the point of control. She will need to know how to fight with claws,” the voice said.
“Claws? She doesn't have claws,” Inuyasha stated trying to make the voice sound dumb.
“In her new form she will have claws. She also needs to have hand to hand combat training,” the voice said.
“Why does she need to be trained?” Sango asked.
“When I give Kagome my powers and knowledge she will be able to bring balance or great destruction if she were to be captured. Worse could happen if her true name were known,” the voice explained with a warning.
“We will train and protect her,” Inuyasha quickly assured.
With the DBZ characters Five Years later
“Damn it woman! Where's my food?” Vegeta yelled throughout the house.
“Up your ass,” Bulma mumbled as she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.
“What was that?” Vegeta growled.
“Nothing, I'll have your breakfast ready soon you royal pain in the ass,” Bulma growled back. Vegeta grumbled and just sat at the table. Mrs. Briefs walked into the kitchen humming. When the phone rang, Bulma ran to answer it before she paused at it. It wasn't the normal phone ringing, it was the dimensional phone.Vegeta growled as he watched the pancakes start to burn. Soon his chance at a half crap breakfast went down to a shit breakfast.
“Moshi, Moshi,” Bulma answered.
“Bulma, this is Mrs. Higurashi,” she replied.
“Hey aunt Sakura how have you been?” Bulma greeted.
“Fine, I'm sorry that I have to cut this short, but I need to talk to my sister,” Sakura said.
“Sure, hold on,” Bulma happily said as she place the phone down.
“Mom, it's Sakura,” Bulma said as she went over to the pancakes and threw water on the now black crisps. Mrs. Briefs walked over to the phone and answered it.
“I'm doing great! And you?”
“Go ahead and ask.”
“That's strange … a well you say?”
“Is she okay?”
“Of course! It would be no trouble what so ever!”
“Her friends can come! We have plenty of rooms.”
“I'll have Bulma pick her up tomorrow. Bye.”
“What did aunt Sakura want?” Bulma asked as she took the ramen to Vegeta after extinguishing the pancakes.
“Guess what!” Mrs. Briefs said excitedly.
“What?” Bulma asked truly curious.
“Your cousin Kagome is going to be staying with us for awhile,” Mrs. Briefs happily said.
“Didn't she just turn twenty three?” Bulma asked.
“That's right she did…I'll bake a cake instead,” Mrs. Briefs mumbled to herself with a content smile
Bulma squealed causing Vegeta to drop his fork and cover his ears. Mrs. Briefs walked out of the kitchen talking about having to bake.
“Damn it woman! Must you squeal like a pig?” He sarcastically asked.
“Must you be an ass?” She replied dryly as she left the kitchen. “And yes I have can squeal! My cousin from the other realm is coming over!”
`Great another annoying bitch,' Vegeta grumpily thought.
Please review and tell me what you think
I'm trying to think if I should place Bulma with Yamcha or Inuyasha or nobody. I can't decide.