InuYasha Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret ❯ Onwards ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Kagome ran through the forest listening for any creature that might be following her. Her heart pounded from the adrenalin running through her body. Five lines of bright red light headed for her body, she dodged the first wave of attacks and jumped the second landing on her feet with the perfect grace of a cat. Kagome closed her eyes and stood still using her heightened senses to find her attacker. Her attacker's scent was everywhere all of it fresh in her mind. She turned to the freshest scent and suddenly a hard object pounced on her forcing her to the ground. She and the object rolled down a hill. Kagome fought it all the way down. She pushed the object off of her as they fell to the bottom of the hill.
Inuyasha landed on the balls of his feet as Kagome stopped her self from tumbling. He stared down at her with blank eyes; Kagome retuned his blank gaze with her own stare. Slowly and cautiously, she got up off the ground, their eyes not leaving each other. Both poised ready to fight waiting for the other to strike first. Eager to win Inuyasha charged first, Kagome waited for the last moment and then dodged his attack. She flipped over his head and kicked him in the center of his back; Inuyasha fell to the ground face first. He quickly bounced back up and was poised to fight.
Kagome charged this time and Inuyasha took her charge head on and both slashed at each other and dodged what they could. Inuyasha kicked Kagome to the ground letting a smug smile curve on his lips as he stared down at her dirty body.
“Give up wench?” Inuyasha smugly asked. Kagome only smiled dangerously sweet at him as he stepped in front of her. She placed her hands on his feet and let her ice powers flow through her hands. She smirked when the blue glow took on a solid form and the air around them dropped.
Kagome froze Inuyasha to the ground and quickly stood up. “I win.” She sweetly announced.
“Keh, stupid wench,” Inuyasha mumbled as he tried to kick his foot free.
“If I'm so stupid, why are you the one frozen to the ground?” Kagome smugly asked. He tried to mumble something but just ended up saying nothing. Kagome was just about to say something when she sensed Sango and Kirara coming towards them. Sango jumped off Kirara and ran towards Kagome excitedly.
“Hey Sango, what's up?” Kagome asked.
“Kaede sent me here to give you this. She'll be going to the next village and wouldn't be able to tell you herself,” Sango said as she handed her a scroll. Kagome opened the scroll and carefully read the words written on the paper.
Kagome, You have exceeded both Kikyo's and my power level. I am afraid to tell you that I have taught you as much as I can. The dragon that is now living in you, I feel that it will be able to guide you in your whatever Miko powers you will discover. I know that you will learn most of your powers by instinct. I am very proud of you and I know that you will come along greatly.
“Do you suppose we are strong enough to go after Naraku again?” Sango asked.
“No we can't, we don't have any leads on where he is at.” Inuyasha said.
“We could always travel around and see if anybody knows anything.” Sango suggested.
“I don't feel I'm quite ready to face Naraku again after what happened last time.” Kagome said as she looked away and at the ground in sorrow.
“What happened last time wasn't your fault,” Inuyasha said as looked at Kagome's sorrowful expression.

Inuyasha stood in front of Kagome as Naraku evilly chuckled. Sango was blocking random attacks from her younger brother, still refusing to strike back. Miroku and Kouga were fighting against Kagura. Kagura would use the control of the wind to make Miroku's Kazaana useless. Kanna merely stood next to Naraku sending any attacks back at Inuyasha. Kagome stared at Naraku angrily and noched an arrow and aimed at his heart.
“You think a weak human reincarnation can defeat me?” Naraku asked with a dare to his voice.
“You can't be allowed to hurt anymore people!” Kagome yelled at him as flashbacks of Miroku, Sango, Inuyasha, and Kouga's tribe flashed through her mind.
“Like you can do anything when I hold the almost completed Shikon no Tama,” Naraku said with an assured evil chuckle.
“Leave her out of this you bastard!” Inuyasha growled as he glared at Naraku.
“Inuyasha, SIT BOY!” Kagome yelled, releasing the arrow as soon as Inuyasha was out of the way. Kanna stepped in front of Naraku planning to reflect the attack.
Kagome watched as the arrow began to pierce through the mirror and suddenly stopped. Kagome dropped her bow and held her hands before her, letting her Miko energy flow through them and into the arrow. She willed more power into her arrow and forced it to pierce through the mirror and the albino child. Kanna watched as her mirror shattered and fell to the ground in pieces.
“How-” Kanna began only to stop as she herself shattered and disappeared like her mirror. Naraku looked at the arrow that punctured the ground a few feet from him.
“Kagome! Damn it, stay behind me!” Inuyasha yelled as he jumped in front of her again.
“SIT BOY!” Kagome yelled again as she began to glow a pinkish color.
She noched another arrow and fired it at Naraku. It hit him in the middle of his chest blowing a hole through him and sending the Shikon no Tama to the ground. Kagome ran toward the jewel and grasped it, instantly purifying it. Naraku growled jumped up and charged at her with pure rage and hatred. Kagome watched as Naraku readied his claws, a blinding white light flashed causing half of Naraku's body to be instantly purified. Kagome raised her hand to finish him only to have her blast countered by a sacred arrow. Kagome, Naraku, and Inuyasha looked over in shock to see Kikyo with another arrow notched.
“How dare you!” Kagome yelled as the pinkish color licked her skin like flames of fire fueled by rage.
“Kikyo,” Inuyasha whispered when he realized that Kikyo just saved what he and his friends worked so hard to destroy.
“You should be grateful that I let you keep that sliver of my soul to fuel your dead rotting corpse!” Kagome yelled as she walked slowly towards Kikyo.
“You should be lucky that I decided to kill you fast and take my soul quickly,” Kikyo said with narrowed eyes. Kagome raised her hand and made a fist and pulled it towards her letting the souls of all the dead maidens be free. Kikyo gasped as her soul stealers tried to bring them back.
“Your time has ended. I have pitied you far to long. You selfish desire to rid yourself, not the world of the jewel caused your death. It is time that you be put down,” Kagome said as she readied herself to pull her soul free. Kagome stopped pulling when Naraku sent a tentacle through her right shoulder. She fell to the ground as Naraku was shocked with another wave of purifying energy. Inuyasha looked up and watched a cloud of miasma surround Naraku.
The light died down and Kagome blinked her eyes in shock as she watched Naraku retreat. Inuyasha ran toward Kagome and pulled out the tentacle that was left in her shoulder. He then watched as Kikyo limped away trying to hold onto what little soul, she had left. Kagome blinked and then held her hand over her wound healing it to the point of where it was only a slight gash.
“Where are the others?” Kagome asked as she quickly got up.
“They're still fighting,” Inuyasha said as he ran towards Miroku and Kouga to help them fight. Kagome got up and ran towards Sango. Kagura looked over to her left to see that Naraku was gone and Kanna's mirror smashed.
“Damn you Naraku,” Kagura hissed as she pulled a feather from her hair and made her escape. Kouga and Miroku made a tact agreement that they both fought well.
“Kohaku, Naraku's gone. Please, wake up,” Sango pleaded as she blocked another attack. Kagome reached Sango and got on Kirara's back. They flew into the air and Kagome released an arrow. She managed to break Kohaku's Kusarikama. Inuyasha then jumped on Kohaku and pinned his arms to the ground. Kouga then ran over and grabbed his legs.
“Kagome, take out his shard!” Sango yelled to Kagome.
“But ... he'll die,” Kagome said as she reached for the shard.
“My brother is dead, he is nothing but trapped from moving on,” Sango said with tears threatening to fall. Kagome nodded and pulled the tainted shard out. Kohaku stopped struggling and the shard turned a light pink. Inuyasha and Kouga released his arms and legs. Sango then cradled his head as he blinked.
“Sango,” Kohaku whispered.
“It's okay Kohaku, you're finally free,” Sango said as she let tears fall from her eyes. Kohaku smiled weakly as his wounds reopened and his eyes closed. Sango cried into his chest as Miroku walked behind her and embraced her.
“Here Kagome,” Kouga softly said as he took Kagome aside.
“Get your hands off her wimpy wolf!” Inuyasha demanded as he unsheathed Tetsusaiga.
“Inuyasha, sit boy,” Kagome said.
“I think you would be better off with these,” Kouga said as he handed her his two shards.
“Thank you, I'm glad you trust me enough to give me these,” Kagome said as she gave Kouga a friendly hug.
“Anything for you ... friend,” Kouga said before he took off in a cloud of dust.

“I have something important to tell you guys,” Kagome said.
“What?” Inuyasha asked as he clawed at the ice. Kagome sighed and put her hand on the ice and made it go back into her. Inuyasha looked at her strangely before he reached out and touched her hair.
“What's with you?” Kagome asked.
“Your hair,” Sango and Inuyasha said at the same time. Kagome gave them a confused look before she made an ice mirror to see herself. She gasped at the sight and dropped the mirror causing it to shatter. She calmed when she registered her hair was a dark ice blue and her eyes were an ice blue, almost a white.
“It's dark ice blue,” Kagome said as if everything is normal.
“What's happening?” Sango asked in concern.
“Our soul is becoming one and in a less than a day it will be completely one and my other half shall disappear,” Kagome explained.
“Will there be more changes?” Sango asked.
“Yes, and they will be permanent,” Kagome said as she began to walk toward the village.
“Is there any way to stop this?” Inuyasha asked.
“No,” Kagome said as she stopped and turned around. “Sango, you go back to the village and get Miroku and Shippo and meet us at the well.”
“Okay,” Sango said as she and Kirara walked toward the village. Inuyasha and Kagome began to walk toward the well. When they arrived Kagome looked into the dark depths of it.
“It's been a long journey, hasn't it?” Kagome asked as she looked at Inuyasha.
“Yeah, I guess it has,” he replied in a questioning voice.
“Sometimes, I thought we wouldn't survive this journey,” Kagome said.
“Is that dragon affecting more than your soul? Are you sure you don't want it out?” Inuyasha seriously asked.
“NO! This is the best thing that has happened to me. I have memories of things that I've never witnessed. I finally am able to take care of myself; and things have changed,” Kagome happily said as she sat on the well. Inuyasha sighed as he took Kagome's hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Not all things change,” Inuyasha, said as he hugged her.
“Things change and people move on with time,” Kagome said as she slipped out of his embrace and pulled her hand out of his. He sadly looked away knowing that he had truly lost her. They both looked up when they heard soft steps coming towards them.
“Kagome, how are you?” Miroku asked as he, Sango, and Shippo came up to them.
“Kagome!” Shippo yelled jumping into Kagome's awaiting arms.
“I'm fine, but there is something that I need to ask you all,” Kagome announced.
“What is it Kagome?” Sango asked with a little worry.
“It's nothing bad! It's just that my cousin Bulma is coming over to pick me up so I can go to her place and I wanted to know if you guys wanted to come,” Kagome suggested in a hopeful voice.
“I'll come!” Shippo immediately said as he hugged Kagome.
“I would be honored to come to your era,” Miroku said.
“I'll come, but can Kirara come also?” Sango asked.
“Of course she can come! What about you, Inuyasha?” Kagome asked as she turned to him.
“Keh, I guess I have to. If I don't go you'll get into trouble,” Inuyasha said in a playful manner.
“Then it's agreed, we'll all leave to Bulma's at sundown,” Kagome said. “So, go get any things you might need and we'll leave for my era.”
Sango rode Kirara back to the village and went into Kaede's hut. Sango packed her bag with her exterminator outfit and armor. She also grabbed her Hiraikotsu and newly made poison powder. She then ran out of the out only to bump into another's body and fall on top of them.
“I'm sor- Miroku! You pervert!” Sango yelled as she pulled off him only to fell a hand caressing her bottom.
“Why lady Sango, I didn't know you wanted me like that,” Miroku said with a gleam in his eye. Sango's face turned pure red in anger and embarrassment.
“So Kagome, what will we be doing?” Shippo asked as he sat on Kagome's shoulder.
“We'll be visiting my cousin Bulma and some of the Z fighters I've heard about. I can't wait to see Gohan again, I haven't seen him since he was a baby,” Kagome said as she looked to her left. She watched an enraged Sango walk up to her and stand there in an uncomfortable silence. She then watched as Kirara carried an unconscious monk towards the well.
“Are ya ready to go?” Inuyasha impatiently asked. Kagome rolled her eyes and they all jumped into the well preparing to visit cousin Bulma.

“Why was it again that I had to come and help you pick up another annoying wench?” Vegeta asked as he stared out the aircraft window.
“Because, she'll have others and they might have luggage,” Bulma stressed out through clenched teeth.
“Don't expect me to be the pack mule,” Vegeta responded. Bulma rolled her eyes and tried to hold her anger in.
“No, you'll be the pack ape,” Bulma said not able to keep the sarcasm out of her voice.
“How dare you speak to the prince of Saiyans like that?” Vegeta growled out.
“Look we're here!” Bulma said in an all to happy voice. They landed the plane next to the shrine and eagerly got out. Bulma ran up the shrine steps and knocked on the shrine door in excitement. Bulma happily squealed when her aunt answered the door.
“Aunt Sakura!”
“Bulma! You've grown up so quick,” Sakura exclaimed as she hugged her.
“Yeah, oh, I want you to meet Vegeta,” Bulma introduced.
“Is he the monkey king or is that Goku?” Sakura innocently asked. Vegeta growled and Bulma pushed her aunt through the door and explained things. Vegeta sat down in another corner of the room glaring at the houseplants.
“MOM WE'RE HOME!” Kagome yelled as she walked into the house.
“We're in the living room!” Her mom yelled back. Vegeta stiffened when he smelt a delicious scent and a high ki level. Kagome walked in with Shippo in her arms, followed by Sango, and Kirara with Miroku on her back.
“What the hell is that!” Bulma screamed when she saw Kirara in her full form. Vegeta jumped up ready to fight.
“Hey Bulma, it's fine, Kirara wouldn't hurt anyone,” Kagome assured as she took Miroku by his robe and threw him on the couch.
“Oh my god! When did you dye your hair and get contacts?” Bulma asked as she looked at Kagome's hair.
“Yeah, about that ... I didn't dye my hair or get contacts,” Kagome said.
“Has it begun?” Kagome's mom asked.
“Yeah, you see I have another soul in me and our souls are beginning to merge,” Kagome said.
“We have a lot t talk about,” Bulma said.
“Yeah, I know,” Kagome sheepishly said.
“Anyways, who are they?” Bulma asked as she motioned to the group of people.
“My bad, the girl next to Kirara is Sango of the Taijiya, the guy with the cute dog ears is Inuyasha, and the one that's knocked out is Miroku the monk, and be careful around his hands, he's a letch,” Kagome introduced and explained.
“Why does he have dog ears? And I'll introduce you everyone at Master Roshi's party,” Bulma carefully explained.
“Lets leave before I throw up from all this pitiful love,” Vegeta said as he walked towards the aircraft.
“Who's he?” Kagome asked as she watched Vegeta walk out.
“That's a walking, complaining, and egotistical ass,” Bulma said.
“SHIT!” Vegeta yelled. Everyone ran outside to see Vegeta holding something brown and furry in his hand.
“What's that?” Kagome asked as she grabbed it out of his hand and yanked.
“Ow, don't yank my tail!” Vegeta yelled as he fell to his knees.
“Sorry monkey boy,” Kagome said with a scowl.
“What did you call me?” Vegeta asked getting angry.
“Monkey boy,” Kagome said as she threw her luggage into the helicopter. Kagome then threw Sango's luggage in.
“Is that a demon?” Sango asked as Inuyasha unsheathed Tetsusaiga.
“No, no, it's a tool that flies people to places or in our case to dimensions,” Kagome explained.
“Is it safe?” Sango asked.
“Yeah, I built it myself,” Bulma proudly said.
“That's the only thing she can do,” Vegeta mocked as he jumped inside.
Bulma fumed while Kagome pushed Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha, and Kirara. Kagome then showed everyone how to buckle in. She then sat up front with Shippo looking out the window. Bulma then walked and sat in the pilot's chair flipping on all the switches. While they flew to a forest area Sango grabbed onto a now awake Miroku as the ship began to glow a bright blue. Miroku grinned and held onto her shoulder while wondering what he was in. Inuyasha's face turned pure green and he closed his eyes.
“Hold on, this is where we rip through time,” Bulma happily said as their surroundings vanished.
“What do you mean through time?” Inuyasha asked.
“We're going to another world like you do when you use the well,” Bulma tried to explain.
“How did you find out about this world?” Miroku asked.
“My father was messing around with dimension copter when it was first built. He fried a circuit and the copter activated and sent him to Kagome's time. He ended up crashing on the Higurashi shrine. That's where my mother lived, she helped him out of the wreck and they began to build a relationship over the time he was here,” Bulma explained with hearts in her eyes.
“How long was he here for again?” Kagome asked.
“It took him two years to fix the copter,” Bulma said with a smile.