InuYasha Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret ❯ Quality Time ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Quality Time
Stressed Words
15 Days Till the Tournament
Kagome sat outside of Goku's house with Sango and Miroku. Shippo had been eager to meet Videl. He had first changed into a human appearance, which made his ears normal, and his tail vanish. Kagome was quite proud that her kit had managed to perfect his illusion. He then smiled and Kagome rolled her eyes at him, his fangs were still present. In no time the fangs vanished and he was off with Gohan to the park. Miroku was staring at the wilderness in amazement. Sango scoffed and turned to Kagome who was pensive.
Chichi had come outside and handed them each a plate of cookies. They all accepted them with a grateful attitude before she laid a blanket down. It was the first time they had been in her company without Vegeta around. Sitting on the blanket they each bit into a cookie. Soon Chichi was blushing from the wonderful complements about her baking.
“It's so nice to be away from that damn monkey,” Kagome happily sighed as she took another bite. Chichi raised an eyebrow in confusion before she looked to Sango.
“Vegeta,” both Sango and Miroku had answered. Chichi nodded in understanding before she bit into her own cookie.
“What's happened with Vegeta?” Chichi asked.
“He's such an arrogant ass!” Kagome growled in frustration as she pulled at her hair.
“What did he do?” Chichi asked in mild amusement.
“He had the nerve to say I'm his property or how do you like this one…I'm his,” Kagome scoffed with a slight smile.
“Vegeta is…arrogant, but that's because…oh hell he's an ass,” Chichi finished.
“So I put a restraining spell on him and he still keeps telling me I'm `his',” Kagome growled.
“I see you like you're freedom,” Chichi pointed out.
“Yep, I'm of the earth…I can't be caged,” Kagome wistfully said as she took another bite.
“I think Vegeta likes you and can't properly show it,” Chichi blurted. Kagome hit her chest as she choked on the cookie. Sango began to laugh as Miroku's eyes took on a glint of mischief.
“I think the only thing Vegeta loves is himself,” Kagome growled. Chichi's smile widened as she began to think of ways to tease Kagome.
“He must care for you if he threatened to kill Gohan for killing you,” Chichi reasoned.
“Ha! He just wanted a reason to kill the `spawn of Kakarot',” Kagome laughed.
“I don't know if Bulma told you this but…he had to be tranquilized and restrained,” Chichi pointed out.
“Vegeta is a very proud character that seems to keep everything inside,” Miroku interrupted.
“True,” Kagome sighed.
“He blew a door apart to get to you,” Chichi informed.
`Could he care for me as more of a friend?'
“I still think the monkey's an ass,” Kagome commented.
“He's not human and has a different way of showing things,” Chichi said.
“Goku doesn't seem like that,” Kagome pointed out. Chichi laughed.
“No he shows his emotions, but he is extremely dense,” Chichi said with a bland look.
“So what should I do, run into his arms and say I'm his?” Kagome mocked.
“Vegeta's a warrior, so approach him like you would a warrior,” Chichi suggested.
“Kagome, you could treat him like a youkai male,” Sango voiced with a grin.
“Jeez! You act like I'm trying to mate him,” Kagome growled as she began to blush.
“You're turning red from all the indecent thoughts!” Chichi squealed. Kagome began to gape at Chichi like a fish.
“Seems there is someone more humble then I,” Miroku stated with a sly grin.
“I can't believe you three!” Kagome gasped as she tried to calm down her embarrassment. She then looked at Chichi with an evil gleam in her eyes.
“All this talk of me trying to mate Vegeta brings something to mind,” Kagome casually said with a pause. “What can I expect in the bedroom?”
“This should be interesting,” Miroku mumbled as he bit into another cookie.
Well…um…you see…” Chichi began to stutter.
“Someone finally was able to get the harpy to shut up,” Vegeta happily said as he landed next to Kagome. Chichi's face turned pure red as she counted to ten.
“She isn't that bad,” Goku replied.
Goku was now sitting on the ground clutching his head in pain. Chichi now stood over Goku with the frying pan in hand. She had a triumphant smirk in place as she crossed her arms.
“Where'd the pan come from?” Miroku whispered to Sango. Sango only shrugged as Kagome chuckled.
“Chichi,” Goku whined as he rubbed his head.
“Pathetic,” Vegeta scoffed. “Letting a woman best you.”
“Banana,” Kagome said.
Vegeta was now in a crater next to Goku. Goku while rubbing his head smirked down at Vegeta. Vegeta was cursing a storm in his hole. Chichi began to laugh uncontrollably at the fact Vegeta had been sent to the ground with a word.
“Kagome,” Chichi called getting an idea.
“Can I have one of those necklaces?” Chichi asked. Goku's face turned pale as he began to shake his head no.
“I don't know…” Kagome said.
“Please, I'll do anything,” Chichi pleaded. Kagome put her hand on her chin and began to think.
“Fine, I'll give you a necklace on one condition,” Kagome trailed.
“Sure, anything,” Chichi agreed.
“You must take an oath of silence for two weeks,” Kagome said.
“Her! Silent!” Vegeta scoffed as he began to laugh. Chichi frowned before she agreed.
“I'll give you the necklace before I leave if you manage to stay silent starting today,” Kagome said. Chichi nodded her head enthusiastically.
“Why Kagome? I thought we were friends?” Goku asked as he stood up.
“We are friends that why I made the bet. She'll never last that long,” Kagome said with a wink.
“I believe hell froze over,” Vegeta mocked.
“Be nice,” Kagome lightly scolded as Vegeta stood.
“Kagome come with me,” Vegeta ordered as he picked her up and flew off into the sky. Everybody looked over as they flew away. Goku then shrugged and sat down preparing to eat Kagome's cookies. Chichi snatched the plate away and walked into the house.
“Ah man,” he mumbled. He then looked towards Chichi's plate. Miroku and Sango watched as his hand began to inch towards the plate. He had a look of conquest on his face as his fingers hovered above the cookies. In a matter of seconds he was lying on the ground twitching. A frying pan was the only clue to his condition as iit landed on the ground after he fell.
It had been two hours since Bulma had decided to steal Inuyasha away from training with Krillin. Inuyasha was impressed that Krillin was stronger then the average human. So now they sat at a café drinking a smoothie and eating sandwiches. Inuyasha had first eaten four cups of ramen as Bulma talked about her problems with Yamcha.
“He's been really distant lately. I went over to his house and he wasn't home or anything,” Bulma sighed as she ran her finger along the rim of the glass. Inuyasha looked up and her and rolled his eyes.
“He's cheating on you,” Inuyasha bluntly said.
“I don't think I'd accuse him of that,” Bulma firmly said.
“I'm an Inu hanyou and my sense of smell is very acute,” Inuyasha began to explain, as he was proud of himself for using the advance word.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Bulma suspiciously asked.
“I can smell another woman on him,” Inuyasha stated as he took a gulp of his smoothie.
Bulma sat there frozen to her seat as the words bounced inside her head. Her eyes glistened over. Inuyasha looked up from his sandwich and carefully watched Bulma. His eyes widened and he began to panic. Tears began to run down her cheeks as she dropped her face into her hands. Inuyasha looked around to see other people not watching him or her.
“Don't cry!” He ordered. She began to cry harder and he growled.
“Why would he do this?” Bulma sobbed. Inuyasha's mind went blank. He had no answer. He had no love life. That is if you count a dead Miko trying to take you to hell.
“He's an idiot,” Inuyasha blankly offered. Bulma looked up and began to glare at her smoothie. Inuyasha watched her actions carefully. She wiped the tears from her eyes.
“You're right…he's a stupid idiot that isn't worth my tears,” Bulma growled.
`Did I even say that?' Inuyasha thought.
“He can go jump off a cliff,” Bulma growled.
“You can do much better then him,” Inuyasha offered figuring she could use some encouragement. Bulma looked up at him and smiled.
“Thanks Inuyasha…you're the best,” she said with a genuine smile.
`She changes moods faster then Kagome,' Inuyasha warily thought as he nodded his head.
“No problem,” Inuyasha replied as he smiled back. He then noticed she blushed a little.
“We better get going,” Bulma said. Inuyasha only nodded.
Kagome angrily stood still as Vegeta flew through the air with her over his shoulder. Most girls might find this romantic, but she found it annoying. Looking over to him she began to fiddle with his hair. He grunted in response to her action and she giggled. Soon her face turned slightly pink when she realized she giggled in front of Vegeta. Her mind then informed her that he was slowing down and they were landing in the middle of nowhere. Kagome backed away and brushed herself off as he stood there with his arms crossed. He had no scowl, just a wicked grin that promised something dark.
“What are we doing out here?” Kagome asked.
“I am going to show you the ways of the Saiyan hunt,” Vegeta said as his grin turned into a smirk. Kagome raised an eyebrow suddenly getting a very nervous and excited feeling.