InuYasha Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret ❯ Silence is Golden ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Silence is Golden
Stressed Words
18 Days Till the Tournament
If looks could kill, Bulma would be sent to hell in a hand basket. Vegeta sat at the table dressed in his normal Saiyan attire with a scowl and a glare. Bulma continued searching the fridge as she nervously twitched. Jumping a little when she heard the growl of annoyance again she sighed. Bulma rolled her eyes in her own silent aggravation. Kagome had adopted the rule `silence is golden' when around Vegeta. It had been six tense filled days since the silence had taken effect. She talked to everyone, pointedly ignoring Vegeta.
Bulma finally decided on pouring herself some pop. Quickly grabbing a glass from the sink she began to pour. Halfway through pouring Vegeta snarled at the air causing Bulma to jump into the air, thus dropping the pop and sending it on her and the counter. Her left eye twitched as she began slowly count to ten in hopes of calming her temper. This was becoming ridiculous. It was mid afternoon and still no word from Kagome to Vegeta.
Bulma pulled out a rag and began to soak up the mess. With one final growl from Vegeta she snapped the rag across the room. With splat and a squish sound it hit Vegeta in the face. He ripped the rag from his face as he stood up and glared at her. Bulma shook her red face and walked over to him. Jabbing her finger in his chest she let loose the best threatening growl she could.
“Will you stop pissing and moaning already! It's been six long, tense damn days! You two are acting like stubborn brats! Honestly what did you do to piss her off?” Bulma roared as her voice rose with each word.
“I am not pissing and moaning!” Vegeta growled at her.
“Fine! Whatever! But if you miss her that much apologize before I end up killing you both!” Bulma demanded as she grabbed the rag and went back to cleaning.
“I did nothing wrong,” Vegeta mumbled. Bulma finally screamed in frustration and stomped up the stairs. With a satisfied slam of the door the house was silent once again.
“Sango, you have to feel your ki and will it to come to you,” Kagome explained as they both walked down the stairs.
“I just can't find it,” Sango sighed as they both stopped in front of the fridge. Grabbing their water bottles they both left outside.
Kagome could feel Vegeta's gaze lingering on each movement. When she ignored him and kept on walking by she felt his ki rise. Smirking at him without moving the left outside. Kagome concentrated her ki and left Vegeta a present before she was out of range.
“What the hell!” Vegeta yelled. `Is this ice?'
“Did you really have to do that?” Sango asked with annoyed gaze.
“Yes, I did and do,” Kagome answered with a huff.
“I think he really is mad, but more so upset,” Sango stated as they walked towards the training room.
“Good,” Kagome growled.
“You didn't even give Inuyasha this long of a silent treatment,” Sango observed.
“Inuyasha just called me a `useless bitch.' He actually called me `his property',” Kagome explained.
“Still…it's rough treatment,” Sango sighed.
“Good, now sit down and relax,” Kagome firmly said as she changed the subject.
“Now what is this ki supposed to feel like?” Sango asked as she closed her eyes and began to relax.
“My ki feels very cold, but that's because I'm a elemental dragon. Yours will be warm and have this tingling feeling,” Kagome tried to explain with a thoughtful look.
“Okay,” Sango said as she began to search her body.
Sango finally began to develop a headache right before she felt it. Soothing warmth began to seep into every pore and instantly calmed her body. With a content sigh she opened his eyes and stared at Kagome who was lightly snoring. Sango growled and slapped Kagome on the back of the head.
“Give me back my banana Veggie-kun!” Kagome yelled as she woke.
“Are you alright?” Sango asked with a huge grin.
“No, I miss talking to him…but you found it!” Kagome excitedly yelled the last part.
“It feels all warm and fuzzy,” Sango said with giddy smile.
“That just means your soul is naturally loving and kind,” Kagome explained.
“So, I'm a Taijiya that's a softy,” Sango said.
“Bingo, now lets start working on bringing it out,” Kagome replied as she stood up and stretched.
“The sun is low,” Sango whispered as she stared at the fading light.
“It's about three pm,” Kagome guessed.
“I've been searching that long!” Sango gasped.
“Yeah, even Goku stopped by earlier. He said you have a large amount of ki locked away,” Kagome told.
“Wow,” Sango said.
“Now lets get to work,” Kagome said as she began to float above the ground.
Vegeta tossed his iced coffee cube into the sink before he walked outside. Closing his eyes he inhaled and released the air. He could sense Goku near the training room where Kagome and the other girl were. Twenty minutes later Goku came over to Vegeta and shook his head in a disapproving mattering. Vegeta growled and grabbed his own face in aggravation.
“She's even madder then Chichi,” Goku commented.
“Shut up! I don't need this,” Vegeta mumbled.
“I can't blame her for being mad at you though,” Goku agreed.
“Everybody's against me,” Vegeta growled.
“She explained what happened,” Goku said as he sat down, making Vegeta seem like the taller person.
“She probably didn't tell you the whole truth,” Vegeta growled. The time Vegeta looked down to see Kakarot glaring at him.
“Kagome may be mad, but she always tells both sides of the stories,” Goku immediately said.
“How are you sure?” Vegeta challenged.
“She showed me what happened,” Goku calmly said.
“She is still in the wrong,” Vegeta growled.
Goku slapped his own head in irritation and began to massage his temples. Granted he was easygoing and hard to annoy since he himself was naïve to every little thing. The way Vegeta was acting was making Goku seem like he wasn't oblivious to anything.
“You can't go around and point at a person and be like `hey you're my property!'” Goku shouted in a Vegeta voice.
“I am the prince and can do that,” Vegeta growled.
“Stupid monkey can't understand anything,” Kagome growled as she looked at Goku.
`Not another fight,' Goku thought as he scratched the back of his head in worry.
“You don't seem to understand that you are mine,” Vegeta dangerously growled.
“And you don't seem to understand that you're not a prince anymore! Like me you are the last pure Saiyan next to Goku. And since Goku doesn't seem to follow Saiyan rules he doesn't count,” Kagome smugly said.
“Just because you are willing to admit your entire race is lost doesn't mine I am. I still abide by my rules,” Vegeta growled as he glared down at her. The only reason he glared down was because he was on the top step and she was on the bottom.
“It's a fact…my race is gone, but I choose to live by the laws of this earth because I am no longer a prince or princess,” Kagome stated.
“I think you should both just settle down,” Goku calmly tried to interrupt.
“Shut up!” They both yelled.
“Don't tell Goku to shut up!” Kagome growled at Vegeta. Both of their sweat dropped at her words.
“Hypocrite,” Vegeta accused.
“I can tell him the shut up because I've known him longer,” Kagome growled.
“I am his prince!” Vegeta stated.
“The only thing you're prince of is a gravity room!” Kagome yelled.
“He is Saiyan therefore I am his prince!” Vegeta hissed.
“That's it!” Kagome screamed.
Goku's eyes widened as he watched Kagome pull out a navy blue necklace with gold fangs. She slowly began to chant and Goku watched as the beads began to glow. His eyes widened as he watched the events. He had heard of this from Inuyasha, and from what he saw it didn't look good. The beads and fangs shot off and circled Vegeta's neck. Vegeta scoffed and tried to pull the necklace off only to have it not budge.
“What the hell is this?” Vegeta growled as he tugged at the necklace.
“Banana!” Kagome yelled as she thought about her dream.
“Do you think that was wise?” Goku asked as he winced at the seven-foot crater. Kagome wiped her hands off and walked over to Goku.
“I could make one for Chichi,” Kagome mumbled.
“I think that was the best idea,” Goku nervously said. Bad enough there was the frying pan; he didn't need to be sent to the ground.
“Thanks Goku, you're the best,” Kagome said as she hugged him. He nervously laughed at her mood change.
`She changes faster then a mood ring,' Goku thought.
“Bitch!” Vegeta yelled as he flew up in the air. Kagome froze and Goku just decided to smirk and enjoy the show.
“I don't think you should be up that high,” Goku warned.
“Kakarot, shut up!” Vegeta yelled.
“Banana!” Kagome screamed. The necklace flashed and he was sent to the ground in a flash of light and dirt.
“Warned ya,” Goku mumbled as he ignored a groan from the ground.
“That'll show him,” Kagome growled as she took off to find Sango again.
Author's Note:
The next update might be awhile but thanks to all the loyal reviewers and readers