InuYasha Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret ❯ The First Word ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The First Word
Eight Years Later
`I'll be back,' Kagome promised. `Watch our son.'
It was unfair; life was a Ferris wheel that stopped when the ride got good. The Shikon no Tama was completed and now sat in the palms of the rightful Miko. The shackles still adorned the Miko's wrist like a razorblade kiss. Her skin was a permanent ivory from the transformation into her dragon form. Her eyes scanned the battle-tired warriors before she let her first true smile show. Her lips were a light blue from so many transformations; she would one day become a permanent dragon. Each of the warriors surrounded her with a smile of their own.
A small Kitsune boy ran up to her and came to her shoulders. His emerald green eyes stared at the Tama in respect. Kohaku stood next Kirara as he looked off into the distance. Miroku held his wife's hand as he walked over to Kagome. Sango squeezed Miroku's hand in reassurance. Kagome's ivory hands held out the Tama to the one who truly wanted it. Inuyasha nervously smiled before he shook his head. He no longer needed the Tama's power; he was content with being himself. Kagome sighed and put the Tama back on the chain before she put it around her neck.
“I have to go,” Kagome whispered as she sadly smiled.
“We have to go back to them,” Inuyasha agreed. Kagome smiled and showed her teeth, her fangs were a bit sharper.
“Will you guys be okay alone?” Kagome asked Sango and Miroku.
“Sango and I have a very busy night ahead,” Miroku commented as Sango blushed.
Kohaku scoffed and rolled his eyes. Sango elbowed Miroku but slightly nodded. Kagome lightly laughed and held her hand out to Inuyasha. He took her hand and the shackles began to go. They would pull her to where her last wish would be granted. Then she would be free to live life as she wanted.
DBZ Realm
“Get your ass up now!” A rough voice commanded.
An eight-year-old boy growled in aggravation as he pushed himself out the mini crater. His lavender hair was clumped together with dirt. His blue eyes glared at the man in front of him hovering above the ground. The boy shot back into the air and threw a blind punch. He was knocked back to ground.
“Get up Trunks!” Goten cheered as he watched the fight.
“Are you that weak?” Vegeta taunted the boy.
“I am not weak!” Trunks growled as he shot into the air and punched his father in the face.
Trunks jumped away after the attack and panted. His aura pulsed around him as he waited for the beating of his life. Everything in his life had been going wrong recently. Him and Goten not defeating Majin Buu, him finding out that Bulma was not his real mother. His adoptive mother, Bulma, had told him that his real mother loved him with all her heart. The ki blast knocked him back into the crater. Blood dripped out of his nose as the tears began to form.
`If she loved me, why did she leave me with him?' Trunks wondered as he glared at Vegeta.
He admired his father's strength when it came to fighting. Trunks hated the fact that his father was what drove his true mother away. Bulma had showed him the shell that he had been born from; she had even shown him a picture of Kagome. Trunks rolled out of the way of another ki blast. Her long black hair and blue-gray eyes were beautiful. Trunks briefly wondered why he couldn't have the same colored hair.
“Get your head out of the clouds and focus!” Vegeta yelled and he backhanded the boy out of his dream.
“Trunks!” Goten called out in worry.
Trunks wiped the blood from his mouth and stood up. He faced Vegeta and turned super saiyan. His anger poured off him in waves of energy. Trunks pointed at Vegeta, the tears were forming.
“Why do you hate me?” Trunks yelled out.
“What?” Vegeta asked in mild shock.
“You hate me because I'm part of her…don't you!” Trunks accused.
“I bet that isn't even my real name,” Trunks growled. He had always felt something different then human and Saiyan. Gohan's daughter Pan had said he reminded her of a dragon. Pan was only three.
“Don't speak of things you know nothing about,” Vegeta warned.
“I'd know if you'd tell me!” Trunks screamed and shot off into the forest.
“WOMAN!” Vegeta screamed as Goten winced.
“Damn it Vegeta,” Bulma cursed as she ran to where he was.
“The brat's run off,” Vegeta growled.
“Go get him! I can't fly!” Bulma worriedly ordered.
“Not my job,” Vegeta mumbled.
“You're his father, it is your job!” Bulma growled.
Vegeta shrugged and walked away from Bulma towards the woods. He clenched his fists in anger. That boy had the same temper as his mother. Everyday for the past eight years he had to stare into his son's eyes and see a bit of her. He knocked over a tree in rage; he didn't want to think of her. He searched for Trunks' ki and found another with him.
Bulma sighed and shook her head. Bulma frowned when she heard chuckling. Turning her head her eyes widened in shock. Blue met gold and her eyes watered. Tears ran down her face as she walked over and embraced the figure. Silver hair brushed against her face as she snuggled into the fur of the fire rat. A deep chuckle filled the air and she sighed.
“Still stubborn?” The figure asked.
“Inuyasha,” Bulma sighed, “Vegeta will be stubborn till the day he dies.”
“So, is that date still being offered?” Inuyasha asked with a charming smile.
“Who's that?” Goten asked as he pointed to Inuyasha.
“A close friend,” Bulma whispered as she hugged Inuyasha.
Trunks cried as he landed near a pond and stared at his reflection. He lightly tugged at his lavender hair in disdain. Growling he hit his reflection and watched as it blurred. Gasping he heard a crunch in the distance. His blue eyes widened as he watched a figure approached him. He wiped his face off and stood in a fighting stance. He would make his dad proud, even if it meant a fight to the death.
“You know water is a sign of pain,” a soft voice whispered.
Trunks watched a female stood across the little pond. He tall, slender figure was toned. Her ivory skin glowed in the shadows. As she came closer, she walked across the water and Trunks' eyes widened. Her blue eyes met his and he had one thought.
`Those are my eyes.'
“You've grown so much,” the woman sadly replied.
“Who are you?” Trunks asked in worry.
Pain flashed across her face before she sat down next to him. Her dark blue hair framed her ivory skin as she stared at her reflection. Trunks sat next to her after not sensing any danger.
“You have your father's face and mouth,” the woman choose to say.
“How do you know him,” Trunks slightly growled.
“So much resentment you hold in you, care to spill?” The woman asked.
“I'll spill if you tell me your name,” Trunks offered. Kagome grinned and acted like she was debating it.
“My names' Kagome,” she introduced.
“Kagome,” Trunks repeated in shock, she looked nothing like the picture.
“So what's wrong?” Kagome asked. Trunks sighed and leaned back on his hands.
“My father hates me,” Trunks began.
“Hate is such a strong word,” Kagome whispered.
“He hates me because I remind him of her. I didn't mean to look like her. How can I be what he wants me to be if he constantly calls me weak?” Trunks spilled.
“You're supposed to be who you want to be, you can't be your parents,” Kagome advised.
“If I was more like him…then maybe he'd be proud of me,” Trunks whispered.
Kagome sighed and pulled Trunks into her lap. He fought back the tears and she held him to her.
“Don't hold back your emotions,” Kagome whispered.
The tears ran down his face as he sobbed. Kagome rocked him and softly sang to him. She wished she had never had left him. Vegeta was supposed to love him, not give the boy mental problems.
“Am I not special enough?” Trunks cried. Kagome softly growled and sighed.
“You know you're more special then your father…right?” Kagome asked.
“How?” Trunks asked as he wiped the tears away.
“Well you're half dragon,” Kagome began.
“No, I'm a weak half blood,” Trunks whispered.
“No Trunks,” Kagome firmly said. “Your mother was a strong, she was a dragon and so you are half. You are also a proud Saiyan. Both races in you strive to live and survive.”
“Am I really a dragon?” Trunks asked.
“You're from the strongest,” Kagome assured.
“Are you my mother?” Trunks asked with a bit of hope.
“Yes,” Kagome whispered.
Trunks stilled before he hugged her even harder.
“Why did you leave?” Trunks asked.
“She ran away from us,” a firm voice said.
The shackles around her wrist vanished and she set Trunks aside. Standing to her feet, she watched as Vegeta entered the forest. She held her head high, her reasons were her own, and she had to leave in order to protect them.
“I run from nothing,” Kagome spoke.
“You left this world,” Vegeta growled.
“You knew well enough that I had responsibilities in my own world,” Kagome argued.
“Why couldn't you let us come?” Vegeta challenged.
“Your world has no set history, mine does and it couldn't be changed,” Kagome voiced.
“You tricked me,” Vegeta growled.
“I loved you, and I still do,” Kagome whispered.
“You never loved me,” Vegeta growled.
“I couldn't risk Naraku getting Trunks,” Kagome growled.
“I could fight him…I could protect our son,” Vegeta growled back.
“Like you're doing now?” Kagome asked in disbelief. “You've been cruel to him. You constantly berate him, is that your protection?”
“You weren't around,” Vegeta accused.
“That's why I entrusted him to you and Bulma. I knew Bulma could offer him the love and support, I expected you to at least support him,” Kagome explained.
“You can't justify your mistakes,” Vegeta warned.
“I'm not justifying anything. I admit that I should have been there with our son, but the world needed me,” Kagome clarified.
“So you'll be another Goku?” Vegeta challenged. “Leave your mate and son waiting because the world needs you?”
“I do what I have to in order to protect my son,” Kagome coldly said.
“So you will leave again?” Vegeta asked as he glared at her.
“Yes…but not without my child,” Kagome answered.
“Do you think he would go with a perfect stranger?” Vegeta mocked.
“Dragons know there own kind and seek comfort in each other no matter how they know each other,” Kagome explained.
Vegeta looked over to Trunks and watched as Trunks hid behind Kagome. His small hand was in hers. It was a perfect trust, the bond that he couldn't achieve.
“You can't take him,” Vegeta seriously said.
“I came back to you, I fulfilled your last wish, tell me if you give me a chance to be a better mother…a better mate?” Kagome questioned.
“A chance,” Vegeta repeated.
“That's all I ask for, just one chance,” Kagome repeated.
“I'd give you a chance,” Trunks whispered to her.
Vegeta shrugged and walked away back into the forest. Kagome grinned and jumped up in victory. She didn't expect a sentimental welcome; Vegeta wasn't one to be like that. He had hardened his heart to ice again over the years. Kagome grinned, she was an ice dragon, and it wouldn't be that hard to melt. She squeezed Trunk's hand and knew she also had her chance to be a mother. She smiled; life would be getting better as long as she could stay here with him and her son.
Author's Note:
I hope this is a happy ending. I'm not one for endings, but I didn't want to make Vegeta all gushy about her return. I highly doubt a sequel would be in order. Maybe if I had time, it would be only ten or so chapters. Thanks to all readers and reviewers, it seems like it took forever to finish this story.