InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Wolves in Designer Clothing ❯ Enter the Wolf Pack! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyashaand Dr. Whoare the property of the respective copyright holders, who aren't me.
Chapter 1: Enter the Wolf Pack!
by Raven Dhancer
Kouga and his wolf pack stand beside the ancient bone-eaters well.

“It's as if Kagome's disappeared into thin air,” Hakkaku says, scratching his head.

Kouga narrowed his emerald-colored orbs, giving Hakkaku a piercing look, “She obviously jumped down the well, you dummy.”


'Kagome is MY WOMAN. She is fated to be my mate and bear my pups.'

Kouga jumps down the well, yelling, “hey guys, Kagome has obviously gone through this magical well to another place or time. I'm going to find her there. Ginta, Hakkaku, jump in and follow me. The others wait here.

“Wait for me,” Kai whines as he jumps in after Ginta and Hakkaku.

At Kagome's house, her friends Ayume, Eri and Yuka sit on the floor of her room studying their geometry textbooks.

Ayame nudges Kagome, “Can you tell me what is the square root of …”

Suddenly, the window crashes in and standing before them are Kouga, Ginta, Hakkaku and Kai.

The girls gasp in surprise, but surprise quickly turns to lust as they notice how handsome the wolves standing before them are.

Kouga kneels before Kagome, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips, “Lovely Kagome, I will follow you anywhere. You are my woman.”

Kagome sweatdrops. “Uh, uh,” Kagome says nervously, but Ginta interrupts and saves her from further embarrassment.

Ginta asks Eri, “What is that you're eating. It smells nice.”

“Why it's ramen. It's delicious, want to try it?” She shoves a spoonful between Ginta's sensually parted lips.

“Amazing. My name is Ginta. I'm a wolf demon.”

Eri giggles, “My name is Eri. You're kind of cute.”

Kouga whispers to Yuka, “I want Kagome to like me. Is there anything I can do, or wear, which will make her fall in love with me?”

Ayume winks at him.

500 years previously, Inuyasha sniffs, “Damn those lousy wolves!” and jumps into the well.


Yuka scratched her thigh absently as she told Kouga about the mall. Soon all of the girls were doing it, all except Kagome. Kagome was sparking. Every few seconds, one of her arms or legs emitted a tiny pink flash.

It was Eri who discovered the cause of their discomfort. “Do you guys live in a cave? Don't you ever bathe or wash your clothes?” she snarled. “You've got lice!”

Just as Mrs. Higurashi came up the front walk, four bewildered young men came plummeting out of her daughter's window. “And stay out!” The window slammed shut.

The boys looked so pitiful that all of Mrs. Higurashi's motherly instincts kicked into overdrive; some of her other instincts, too. They were all very good looking, if a trifle aromatic, but one, he looked a little older than the others with silver orbs gleaming like pachinko balls, just made her innards melt. She blushed and looked everywhere but at him.

They all sniffed her but she was used to that from Inuyasha so it didn't bother her. Kouga, Kai and Hakkaku bowed to her but Ginta was a little slow until Kouga bopped him on the head. Kouga said, “Are you Kagome's Mom?”


Kouga bowed even deeper, “I'm Kouga, Prince of the Wolf Clan, and I have come to fetch my wo- affianced bride.” `Close one there. Don't want to piss off my future mother-in-law, especially if Kagome's scariness comes from her.'

Mrs. Higurashi made no response, just looked at him expectantly like she was waiting for him to get to the punch line.
Mama Higurashi became aware of something moving in the young man's hair, "Oh," she giggled, "I see you have brought some friends," she cooed, "naughty!"

She led the four wolves bac into the house and doused them with gasoline in the kitchen. The smell brought the study group down the stair to stare in amazement as Mama had each one of them step into the wash room and put on some of Souta's old clothes. Souta didn't mind, Souta never minded anything.

Kagome carried all the old wolfpelts out to the shrine courtyard on the end of a stick and she set fire to them and watched them burn as Kouga and Ginta and Hakaku and Kai all yelled for her to stop and tried to pull down their tee-shirts to cover their stomachs, they were dressed like human pups.

Kai rolled his silver eyes orbs over at Mama and she gasped, "is this the right thing to do, Ma'am? We can't stay in these clothes, I think my wanker is ready to fall out of them." He pointed down and Mama gurgled a bit.

That's right! Yelled Eri "Let's take them to the mall. Everyone got into the minivan to drive there and a moment later, Inuyasha burst into the scene to nearly pass out from the stench of the wolfpelts that Kagome had left behind burning in the courtyard.

"Damn that stupid wolf hes taken my bich Kagome," he said to hiself as he downed a cur of ramen to get his strength bach. "Ill have to follow them." Within a moment he was running down the road like a dog with his nose to the pavement.

Kagome was squeezed into the van, and found herself smooshed up against Kouga. The heat from his body was apparent even through Souta's clothes, and as he turned his curulean orbs in her direction Kagome felt something in her stomach flutter. She wished she hadn't eaten that Raman now.

She blushed very prettily and pushed her waist length sable locks away from her face with one hand. She placed her manicured hands in her lap as Kouga continued to stare at her.

Kouga gazed with love upon the woman destined to bare his pups as the chatter of her friends and his commrades faded to bacground noise. He clapsed her hand between one of his and gazed deep into her silver eyes. He hoped the pup was a girl that looked just like her.

Kagome blushed again, but made no move to pull away as feelings she had never, ever,
ever had for Kouga before made the blod rush to her cheeks.

"Kagome, I missed you so much I had to come after you," Kouga said.

Kagome was too embarass to reply, so she just blushed and giggled.

Sesshomaru followed the scent of wolves and his bastrd half brother to the well in the clearing and frowned. He turned his handsome face around and saw that he was alone in the clearing. It made no sense. Where had everyone gone? Down here?

"If the enemies of Naraku went down here," Sesshomaru said, not bothered by the fact that he was talking to himself, "then the act must half some significance. This Sesshomaru will go as well."

And so he jumped into the well.