InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Wolves in Designer Clothing ❯ To the Mall! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyashaand Dr. Whoare the property of the respective copyright holders, who aren't me.
Chapter 2: To the Mall!
by Raven Dhancer
A lone saimyoshou buzzed up to the well. It hovered for a few seconds then flew off again.


Somehow, Kai had gotten shotgun while his prince was crammed between Kagome and Yuka. Kouga didn't mind. Yuka was wearing the same indecent outfit as Kagome, all the girls were, and she smelled almost as nice.

The rear seat somehow held Ginta, Hakkaku, Eri and Ayumi. The girls had to half sit on the guys but no one minded. “So, Ginta is it? Where do you know Kagome from?” asked Ayumi.

“She's going to be our sister when she marries Kouga,” answered Ginta confidently.

Hakkaku had been very impressed by Kagome's effortless purification of the demon lice, “He's a braver wolf than I. No matter how sweet or beautiful I would fear she would purify me accidentally.” He clutched his throat, stuck out his tongue and bugged out his orbs to demonstrate.

“And what about the pups?” Ginta added. “Could she carry them without purifying them? Would they get enough youki?”

Neither Eri nor Ayumi really followed what the guys were saying except that neither was interested in Kagome in
that way and that was the important thing.


“He went down there, Master Jaken,” said the little girl. “Rin saw Lord Sesshoumaru jump in and he didn't come out.” They both peered in.

“That could not be, you silly girl. He's not there and why would Lord Sesshoumaru do such a thing,” said the imp.

The girl clambered up on the edge, “Rin doesn't know.”

“Come down from there,” said the imp pulling on her arm. Instead, when the girl jumped in, he was pulled along.

Jaken and Rin were quickly spotted roaming the Shrine grounds by Souta, who had just arrived home from a friend's house.

“Maybe these are the one who stole all of my clothing,” Souta wondered aloud as he herded the young girl and protesting imp into his home.

Souta barely noticed the Jaken's protests, as he was too busy staring at Rin. She's at least a year younger than I am, Souta thought thoughtfully, but by the looks of her, she'll be very pretty when she gets older.

As they entered the home, Buyo hissed at Jaken. He followed the imp around the room, growling menacingly.

“A cat!” Jaken cried fearfully as he ran around the room trying to escape the angry feline, “Sesshoumaru-sama, save me!”

“A kitty!” Rin squealed and scooped up Buyo and cuddled him to her chest, “oh Master Jaken, can we keep her?”

Souta led Jaken to his grandfather's room. “All of my clothing is missing, but I think you'll fit into my grandmother's old clothing, she's even shorter than Jii-chan. We need a disguise to help you blend in.”

After fitting Jaken with a wig and dress and commenting that he looked remarkably like an old woman now, Souta rushed out of the room to stop Rin from emptying the contents of the fridge and stuffing them beneath her kimono.

Jii-chan entered the room and looked shocked.

“Eiko, is that you?” Jii-chan smiled and gathered Jaken in his arms. “I almost didn't recognize you.”

“Get off me, you senile old man” Jaken screeched as Jii-chan pulled him closer.

“It's been so long, my dear wife. You always did play hard to get.” Jii-chan winked and kissed Jaken.

“Mmmph,” Jaken protested, struggling to escape the slobbering old man. But then he realized that the kiss wasn't so unpleasant after all.

At that moment, Souta burst through the door, “Jii-chan, what are you doing? Gross, that's not grandma!”

While the two were fighting, Jaken and Rin escaped the strange house and went off in search of Sesshoumaru-sama.
Inuyasha raced along the busy streets, leaping over cars as he followed the minivan's cent. He thought about landing on the roof and ripping the van open, snatching Kagome away from that mangy wolf and taking her by force if necessary back to the well. That bitch didn't even ask if she could leave first, he thought angrily.

His amber orbs narrowed. He'd bet all the ramen in the world that disgusting wolf was pushing up on Kagome now, covering her in his sent and asking her to bare his pups.

Fuck that, InuYasha thought. Kagome is mine. And nothing is going to come between us. Nothing.

The door to the well slid open and a moment later a long snakeish soul collecter flew out. It was followed by another, then another, and finally Kikyou immerged. She glared at the shrine, then at the god tree, then at the building she was standing in.

“I know I saw him come this way,” she said madly.

She used her special priestess powers to follow Inuyasha out into the city, her soul collecters swarming around her, some already flying off to collect more dead souls to sustane her body.

Naraku was coming. She would destroy him and the sacred jewel in one shot, then it was time to take Inuyasha to hell with her.

A purplish haze of miasma flowed out of the open doors of the well house and Naraku arrived surrounded in on of his balls of barrier-ness. Naraku drifted down to land in the shrine forecourt right on top of Kagome's wolf clothing bonfire.

He jumped a bit and then stepped off to look down at the smoking mess, "Kukukukuku'" he chuckled evily rolling his red orbs and poured a bag of charcoal on it. As he drifted away following Kikyou trail of stolen dead souls there was a shout from the house and Jii=cham appeared followed by Rin dragging buckets full of water. Within moments every one at the shrine was coughing and sick from a mixture of miasma and smoke.


Kagmoe clapped a hand across her mouth and rolled down her window a little bit. Good thing they were almost to the mall because she felt like she was going to sick up. The wolf pack had not done a very good job rinsing off the gasoline and the van was beginning to weave in the road a little bit.

Kouga didn't notice how clammy her hand was and kept playing with her fingers.

"Kouga, let go," said Kagome.

Kouga kept twisting her fingers. She was going to have lots of pups. First there would be Justin..

"Kouga, let go dammit! I think I'm going to barf!" She wrenched her hand away and stuck her head out of the van window gulping air, she could feel raman crawling up her throat.. She looked back and saw a following flash of red. 'Oh, shit,' she thought, 'this isn't going to be good.

The van swerved into the mall parking lot. "Everbody out!" yelled Kagome.