InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Wolves in Designer Clothing ❯ In the Parking Lot! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyashaand Dr. Whoare the property of the respective copyright holders, who aren't me.
Chapter 3: In the Parking Lot!
by Raven Dhancer
As Kagome clambered out, Inuyasha arrived, followed by Sesshoumaru and a news helicopter. “Inuyasha, you baka!” she screamed. “Do you have ramen for brains? Where's your cap?” Sesshoumaru's cloud alit near the van, followed by the helicopter. The crew jumped out, cameras rolling as “Sit! Sit! Sit!” Inuyasha made an Inuyasha shaped hole in the parking lot of the Liberty Tree Mall (AN: I don't know the names of any malls in Japan).

Sesshoumaru smiled. Mrs. Higurashi's innards melted all over again.

Ayumi and Eri pulled Ginta and Hakkaku behind the reporter and mugged for the camera like pockyed up pups.

Yuka pinched Kouga on his very fine ass, very little of which was left to her imagination due to the tightness of Souta's clothing. He had been enjoying Inuyasha's plight but the intimate touch made his lapis lazuli orbs roll up in his head and the ookami prince crumpled to the ground.

As soon as the subduing spell wore off, Inuyasha was out of the hole, snatched up Kagome and was on the mall roof in three zigzag bounds. Unfortunately, the abrupt changes of direction were too much for Kagome's stomach and she ralphed all down the front of Inuyasha's incarnadine firerat kimono.

She continued to retch, aiming for a grating in the pavement, and Inuyasha tenderly held her hair back from her face. “Oh, Kagome,” he said as he stroked her hair. There was a slight pull, the chain broke, and the vial of Shikon Shards vanished down the grate.


“Eiko!” cried the heartbroken Jii-chan as he pursued his little geeen cabbage from the shrine.
Jaken glanced behind to find Jii-chan tottering after him.

“Um, Eiko must go to the village to gather supplies,” Jaken squeaked in a falsetto voice, hoping to stall the eager old man. Recalling the lusty look in Jii-chan's chocolate orbs, he was nearly tempted to stop and wait.
His kiss reminded me of the taste of overripe fruit, Jaken thought longingly.

But ever the loyal servant, Jaken kept running, his sense of duty winning out over the lure of cheap thrills.

Jii-chan was gaining on the imp, moving faster than a man his age should be capable, “Eiko, wait! No need to tire yourself out. I bought ramen this morning. ”

x x x x

Meanwhile, the wolves in the mall's parking lot were getting downright ornery, “ The damn dogs are stealing the show again,” Kouga grumbled. “And where are our clothes,” Ginta whined, tugging at his tightly fitting pants which were giving an uncomfortable wedgie.

Sesshoumaru was busy melting the second microphone that had been shoved under his nose by reporters. “Step aside, human,” he said coldly.

“Let's see what he can do to a cell phone,” an eager reporter cried as he held his phone towards the demon, “I have replacement insurance.”

“Stop that,” Inuyasha blushed while Kagome attempted to remove his clothing.

“Your haori has vomit all over it, gross, take it off.”

Kouga watched, green with envy and Kagome tugged enthusiastically at Inuyasaha's clothing.

Mama Higurashi, sparing a quick glance at the handsome demon melting a reporter's Motorola i870, began herding the gang towards the entrance to the mall.

“We have to get you boys into some nice jeans and t-shirts.”

“But wait,” Eri cried, “we were thinking leather.”

Exhausted, Jii-Chan wanderd back to the shrine, and looked at the mess. Trying to get rid of the pile of wolf clothing and miasma was impossible! At a loss, he fetched a shovel and start to dig a hole in the middle of the yard. He'd been getting pretty far along, when the sun was blooted out by a shape looming fairly at him.

"Who the heck are you?" he cried.

"Ah begorrah, and top of the morning to ya, I'm Officer O'Nessay-San from the koban over the hill back by the oden hut."

"The koban-where?"

"Conichi-wah, you mean. I've just come by to see about all these things I've been hearing about strange goings on in your watershed. Peole falling down a hole! But what do I find, but two holes in the ground. Well, well, I say!"

"You don't say." Jii-chan clambered slowly out of his hole. Looking at the Officer he asked "you're new here ain't ya? Where you from?"

"Sharp you are and no mistake! I'm from Cork province, though I'm half Japanese myself. Me dear twice-departed father, buried there, was from just around here."

"Twice departed!"

"Well, he was gone a long time the first time. Sadly, he came home with not long to live. In fact his first words in the door were 'I'm home -- to die ma!'"

"You don't say... what ever was the matter?"

"Well, me ma wasn't too pleased to see him after all those years, and her collecting on the life insurance and all. 'Die then and be quick about it!' she screamed and whacked him with the frying pan! Left a bad impression on his mind that did."

"You don't say"
“Faith and Begorrah! This has been quite an afternoon. I hear they're after showing images of real live youkai at the local mall on the telly. 'Tis wondherful times we be livin' in, Sama.”

“The what?” Jii-Chan asked feebly.

“The telly, NHK-TV man! Don't you own one? By all the orbs, I'd think you were a pup if'n ye weren't so old and wrinkled. `Tis like a prune ye are.”

“A TV? Yes.” He tottered towards the house with his visitor in tow not knowing what else to do with him and flicked on the set. There, in live color was the scene at the mall parking lot. Sesshoumaru had just melted a tripod and the family Windstar was sitting behind him with all of its doors open, apparently abandoned and surrounded by large wasp-like insects and diaphanous eel-like thingies.

A movement over Sesshoumaru's shoulder caught Jii-Chan's eye and that of the cameraman as well. The shot zeroed in to show Kagome on a nearby roof apparently mauling a shirtless Inuyasha. He didn't seem to mind too much and was doing a little mauling back on his own account. They were just sinking together down to the roof when a guy with a long black ponytail ran onto the roof and swatted at them with an inflatable pool toy. The scene cut to a commercial and Jii-Chan groaned, clapping a hand across his face.

“That was my family,” he said.

“There you be, Father O-San. Just like bein there. Shure the way things is goin', wan of these days we'll be able to thravel widout lavin' home at all, at all. Do ye happen to have some raman about the premises? I feel a might peckish.”