InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Wolves in Designer Clothing ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyashaand Dr. Whoare the property of the respective copyright holders, who aren't me.
by Raven Dhancer
They had had a big party back at the shrine.

Kouga didn't stay, but took his wolves straight away back down the well. Mrs. Higurashi was sad to see them go, but Kouga promised to bring them back for a visit after the statute of limitations had run out, so she gave them all fond goodbye hugs and sawed them off.

Asmodeus came by a little later and bringing them a whole keg of Orange Julius. He said he wanted to do something to express his feelings for all they had done that afternoon. After he left, the Doctor and Jii-Chan thought for a bit, then dropped the keg down the bone well.

Inuyasha and Kagome showed up around dinner time, so Kagome could get some more clothes and tidy up. Everybody complimented Inuyasha on his great manicure.

Finally it was nearing midnight. Most of the partiers were asleep upstairs. K9 was outside by the Goshinboku. Sesshoumaru-sama was curled up on the rug with Buyo and Evil on either side of him. Jii-Chan had found he had a CD from the BIDPO ("Popular Hits by Carl Stalling and Raymond Scott") and put it on quietly. Jaken was off somewhere thumbing through the index's in Jii-Chan's books on demonology, seeing if he was mentioned.

Alastair and wife had sat trading ridiculous stories with The Doctor and Jii-Chan all evening and Alastair announced that as far as he was concerned it was "High time to make it Suntory time." Jii-Chan, who had been knocking back the scotch for a while now anyway, agreed.

A bit later they were all sitting around the table in the kitchen, the Doctor pleading with Alastair. "Will you please reconsider and travel with me? There's always room you know."

"No. Thank you Doctor, but no." Alastair said firmly. "You always ask and I always tell you the same thing. I can't." He continued in a slightly apologetic tone, "I have duties here! Right now, I have a full schedule." (AN: he says shed-ule, it's so cute!) "My hands are full all the time just keeping the minister out of trouble."

Conversation lagged and they put on the late, late news. The events at the mall filled most of it. There were scenes of the damage, piles of dead wasps, holes in walls, a brief view of a small burn mark in the carpet in the central atrium. There were interviews with a distressed owner of The Lambs End and a curiously smug owner of the Ramen Cloak. There were even new bits of footage of events on the roof that broadcast standards wouldn't let them broadcast earlier in the day! Jii-Chan slumped down. "Well, her face isn't visible!" said the Doctor brightly.

They did a quick wrap-up of the conference. "On the last day of this most important conference," the newsreader intoned, "the delegates spoke to us of their heartfelt wishes and desires." They showed footage of the president of Venezuela who said he wanted help for the poor and the rebalance of the division between wealthy and impoverished nations in the world. The German health minister was shown next. He said he wanted to see money spent and progress made on fighting the major diseases that cause so many deaths in the third world. They then showed the British foreign minister. Apparently he had been taped in the mall parking lot as he headed for the bus. He said he wanted a decent cup of tea. "That green muck you drink is awful!" he was heard to comment, "and why can't you get a decent bit of Stilton in this country?"

Alastair slumped down and closed his eyes. Louisa nudged him. "Don't go to sleep!" she said a bit gleefully, "They've got you next!" There was a still of Alastair on the screen, apparently in the Ramen Cloak.

"On a lighter note" said the newsreader, "Here's a bit of video circulating on the internet. Are homosexuality and Tourette's rampant in the British Army? Probably not, but this video may convince you..."

The video seemed to run for a long time.

"Weel, " said the Doctor, "are you sure you won't reconsider?"

"It does look like my schedule just freed up." admitted Alastair ruefully. "Louisa? Want to come?"

"Try and stop me!" said Louisa straying over the border into twee cliché a bit. (AN: maybe more than a bit.)

"Alright." agreed Alastair, "You win Doctor. You always do."

They were interrupted by a loud snoring from the TV. The newsreader was asleep.