InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Wolves in Designer Clothing ❯ The Nightmare Ends! ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyashaand Dr. Whoare the property of the respective copyright holders, who aren't me.
Chapter 12:The Nightmare Ends!
by Raven Dhancer

In a shower of exploding glass and wood splinters the sidewall of the mall imploded inwards. Everyone ducked away from the glass except for the naked figure of kagome strapped to the round disk. Through the mist of the vaporised debree Galatic Storm Troopers infultrated the building and deployed themselves. With a tortured groan the disk holding up Kagome's delicately nude body let go and fell with a wet *SmacK* to the floor and a thin trickle of blood seeped out from underneath it. There was maybe a quarter of an inch between the edge of the disk and the floor.

With a rush the Inu-brothers arrived apon the scene and dodged bullets. They sniffed around the edge of the disk and drew back in horror, sorrow, fear and disgust. Apparently Kagome had been holding it for a day or two.

"Sesshi-chan..." inuyasha uttered brokenly, rolling his golden orbs at his brother.

Sesshoumaru turned and swept the heart-broken dog-demon up in his arms. "What do you need Inuyasha?" "I need you to take care of me...I will bare your pups..." "Inuyasha..." Sesshoumaru cooed..."I will give you infinite bowls of Ramen"

The End
FAKE OUT This is really the end! (AN: LOL!!!)

Sweeping down from the North, howling their rage, the wolves attack! Sweeping through the food court carrying all before them but dropping most of it, past the sleeping Kagome (what a nightmare she was having!) and out the West wing.

Naraku scratched behind one ear with a tentacle. What the hell? he thought.

Back from the West screamed the pack plundering and ravening. Grabbing what they could in steely jaws as they pounded round the court, North they went.

WTF? thought Naraku.


Cutting round past Kouga and Uka coupling in a corner, they tore down - Kouga grabbed Kai by a leg, hauling up till he was eye to eye.

"Hiya Boss!" said Kai.

"Stop that, it's annoying" said Kouga and tossed Kai into the pack, making a third round. He tripped a wolf that hit a third. A clattering of claws on linolium was followed by a pile up in the Sticky Bun Store, and an embarrased retreat.

Back in the food court, Naraku looked at his model and put more clay on Kikiyo's front.


The Wolves holed themselves up in what some spray-paint had renamed "Lamb's End"


N araku flipped Kagome over almost gently and turned back to Kikiyo. He needed a bit more, but somehow, he was out of clay. Kagome, he mused, have you put on a bit of weight? Kagome snored.


Back at Lamb's End, Kai said "I'm making a snake!"

Ginta said "Can you guess what this is?" and wiggled a lump of clay at Kai. "It's a POO!" he shouted and collapsed on the floor with laughter.

Hakkuku stopped trying to eat a plastic orange and laughed till he wet himself.

Nearly finished, my dear, thought Naraku. Just a little bit 'o sole. He reached out a tentacle...a crash in the corridor made him stop. He changed position so Kagome was pinned high on the wall by a single tentacle wrapped around her neck.

That was Naraku's mistake!

A huge explosion tore through the tentacle and the wall behind. "What the ow!" said Naraku. "Motherfucker! That Hurt!" He stopped.

Inuyasha was standing in the food court, Kagome in one arm, still asleep, pointing a nasty looking bit of hardware at him.

"This... is my boomstick!" sneered Inuyasha, "The 12-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. You *got* that?"

"That's from Army Of Darkness! You're quoting Bruce Campbell at me?" roared Naraku, "How dare you!?"

"Screw You! It's great flick!" said Inuyasha. "I learned a lot from it too. I learned how to do this!"

Naraku barely got his tentacles up in time before 12 steel balls hit them enroute to his face. Spinning the shotgun, cocking and firing in a non-stop one-handed fuselade, Inuyasha backed to the far wall, his loved one in his arms. Turning and running at the last moment he dove into the garbage chute.

Naraku howled his frustation. "Where are the stairs to the basement?" he roared.

"It's no good." said the Doctor stepping into view (AN: he is so cool!) "They've eluded you. You saw how the tree ended in the central court, didn't you? The mall entrance in Jii-Chan's house? And you never bothered to wonder where the Bone Well had gone? You fool, Naraku, they're 500 years in the past and getting farther away every second. And without a bit of sole, Kikiyo is just a rather attractive lump of clay. But, if you go now, you might just catch them."

Naraku howled again and dove toward the trash chute. He dissapeared down it.

"Nicely Done!" said Asmodeus admiringly. "Not a lie in there that I could see!"

"What does he mean?" asked Alastair, strolling up.

"He might catch them," continued the Doctor, "unless the time space compression -"

Screams and black smoke poured up from the chute. " -brought on by the presence of all the lead characters in one building 500 years from where they should be, is released by Inuyasha travelling back."

"So, what happens then?" asked Alastair, knowing that expository dialog is often helped along by Dr. Watson like questions from the sidekicks.

"Why then the mall entrance leaves the living room, the tree pops back to the shrine, and ..."

"The trash chute goes back to leading to the incinerator." finished up Louisa. "Very nicely explained."

"You caught on a good deal faster than our good friend Inuyasha, but I convinced him in the end."

"And what a performance he put in! Chow Yun-fat couldn't have done it better" said Alastair. " what now?"

"Bus back to the shrine, I think. Jii-Chan owes us tea."

"Where is he anyway?"

Jii-Chan and Jaken were helping each other down from the tree. They had been sitting in it singing "Side by side" to a BIDPO rendition of INXS's "What You Need" that would have had Michael Hutchence doing a helicopter if he hadn't been taken down years ago, and next thing they were back at the shrine. As they climbed down, Jii-Chan said "You know I do want to make it up to you, for everything."

Jaken hesitated, then said "So you wouldn't mind if I tried 'filing the claw' with your daughter?"

Jii-Chan shook his head. "It's fine with me" he said, "but the only way you're going to impress her is with something new and I think the only way you're going to do that is by getting your head stuck."


500 years in the past, Kagome finally woke up. "Oh Inuyasha!" she cried, "I've had ever such the strangest dream! Why is your shirt covered with drool?"


And somewhere Asmodeus laughed (AN: hugely, of course.)

di-diddy-daa di-diddy-daa, di-diddy-daa di-diddy-daa,
di-diddy-daa di-diddy-daa, di-diddy-daa di-diddy-daa (AN: TARDIS noise)
ooo-waa-OOOW WAAA Ooow Waaa oow waa oow waa oow...

Created by Terry Nation