InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Portal to the Ring ❯ I never leave without my katana ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Yeah, don’t own YYH, Inuyasha or LotR. My life sucks. At least I do own a copy of all three volumes of LotR, a sketch of Sesshy-san and I have a subscription to Shonen Jump. I do own Kuniko, most of the story line and the computer I’m typing this own. ^_^ My life just got a bit better.

These are some sort of important notes. It’s up to you to decide whether or not it’s really important or not.

Hi, DLs here, but you Can call me Aya. This may be considered a Mary Sue, but it’s really not much of one. The character isn’t really like me except for the looks and some of the attitude. So just so it’s not totally creeping me out, her name and attitude is different, So don’t flame me for something as mediocre as that. This will be confusing at first I guess, but I do hope you enjoy this as much as my previous stories. Yume, thanks for the katana.

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“Why bother going? It’s just a waste of my time!”

“Kuniko, at least go to your first day. It’s a new school, so don’t try to start any fights this time, kay.” An aged, medium height, red headed woman pleaded. A 6 foot tall girl with thigh length raven hair glared daggers at her. She was wearing a blood red tee-shirt, black leather custom fit pants, combat boots and a dragon pendant. On her hip was a sheathed katana with a black hilt with silver inlaid silver hirouseki stones (these are normally white!!!) and rubies. “And leave that home too.”

“First, I’ll go to the damned school. Second, I cant promise that I wont fight. And third, I never leave anywhere with out my katana.” Before the red headed woman could argue, Kuniko already slammed the door behind her. “Not like your really my mother anyways.” This was true. While the woman raised her, they did not share the same blood.

Heading towards the new school, she saw a brunette girl in the school uniform dragging a boy with slicked back, black, hair and wearing a green jumpsuit. “C’mon Keiko, I can walk on my own ya know.” The girl now known as Keiko let the boy loose.

“You better stay in class this time Yusuke. Because if you don’t I’ll have to kill you.” She made a gesture as if to shoot a gun at Yusuke’s head. Bored, Kuniko decided to join in, at least she had something in common with someone.

“Mind telling me where you go to school?”

“No, Sarayashi High.” Keiko answered with a friendly smile. Yusuke got up and started checking out the new girl. Not liking this, Keiko yelled the usual “Yusuke, you jerk!” and slapped him across the face, leaving a handprint that the guy was rubbing with a strange grin on his face.

“Good then, you’ll show me how to get there. See, this is my first day so I figured that I’d at least go today.” She fought off the urge to unsheathe her weapon. She didn’t like this kind of crowd. She didn’t like any group of people to tell the truth. She wasn’t the same kind of person as the kind she was around right now. The other group was always after her for some reason or another, except for one person. Probably the only one she felt comfortable around, but she was quite a ways from him right now.

“Well, talk about another Hiei. Except for the fact that she’s taller and a girl. Hey, she even has the same kind of sword.” Yusuke was obviously in a joking mood today.

“Yeah? Well if you don’t shut up, you’ll find that it probably cuts the same way as his too.” Kuniko glared directly into Yusuke’s eyes. Now realizing that this girl had a crimson tint in her dark brown eyes, Yusuke gulped and was quiet the rest of the way to school.

****In the principal’s office*****

No, not Takenaka, this was a different principal, seeing how this isn’t the junior high. A young woman in her 30’s with light brown hair i a tight bun on the top of her head. This was Principal Mikosama. Sitting at her desk, height was indistinguishable, as she motioned for Kuniko to sit down and Yusuke to actually get to class. “I won’t bother asking you to leave your katana at home. Your mother already told me you never leave it.”

“She’s not my mother. She’s only my guardian, only raised me she did.” Kuniko spat out with venom. Mikosama frowned and wrote something down in a file. “I don’t require psychological help principal, so I suggest you cross that off. The only reason I say that is because my mother was said to have died honorably in battle. I want to respect that.” Eyes wide, she crossed off the statement that she recently put down.

“Interesting how you already knew what I wrote.” She raised an eyebrow.

“I’m not used to officials writing that down, if that’s what your implying. I am not mentally unstable.” The principal gave a simple, single nod and a hand signal to send Kuniko on her way. Stepping out, Kuniko went straight out the front gate. Seeing Yusuke and a huge orange haired oaf jump the fence and start fighting while walking. “Time to raise some hell”

Yusuke and the oaf went into an alley, Kuniko was in a place where she had a view of them, but they had little to no view of her. The oaf started off with a slow and unskilled punch. Yusuke easily dodged and gave an uppercut into the oaf’s rid cage. That was the fight, the oaf was down and smirked only saying “Heh, I almost got you that time Urameshi. Next time I won’t go easy on you and you go down.”

“You mean you’ve been going easy on me these last million times, saying the same time to make me feel stronger? Heh, your a real baka you know. C’mon Kuwabara, now you owe me a drink now.” Yusuke pulled the oaf now recognized as Kuwabara off the ground and they headed out of the alley. At least until a short guy cut them off. His hair was black and had a white starburst, and his style was simply Vegeta-ish. Yes, that described him perfectly. Kuniko watched enough Dragon Ball Z to similarize the short guy to Vegeta. “Hey, new case already?”

“Hn.” The guy shoved a tape into Yusuke’s arms and seemed to have disappeared.

“Okay. Now that’s was fast.” Kuniko said as she slipped out of her hiding place and headed to the forest by the mountains. She remembered hearing about a martial arts master that was also a psychic. Maybe she could help Kuniko, so she decided to check it out for herself.

*********Genkai’s Temple. Entrance path***********

Kuniko stopped and saw memorial tablets and talismans. With a smirk, she closed her eyes and muttered something in an unrecognizable language. It was a handy trick she learned before coming to Tokyo. After a few minutes, she headed to the front door. As she was about to knock on it, the doors were already opened, revealing an old woman with pale pink hair and was shorter than the Vegeta look-alike. “Who the hell are you and how did you get past my talismans?”

Kuniko was about to unsheathe and strike her katana, but thought against it. Instead she bowed respectfully and backed up. “Simply put, my name is Hiroshina Kuniko. I was taught how to get by talismans, and I’m here to learn to control my rapidly advancing abilities. There were rumors of a psychic martial arts master that-”

“That’s enough. I’m too old to have another apprentice. Slackers shouldn’t take up the martial arts anyway.” The old woman retorted.

“Good, cuz it’s my psychic abilities that I feel needs work. While martial arts is a great opportunity, this is far more important.” To the surprise of the old woman, she had found someone that actually held potential, without the idiocy she usually saw paired with it. With a smirk, she turned and headed back inside, Kuniko following, into a room with two large spikes and sat down on a mat signaling the girl to do the same. Knowing she was already on good terms, she felt the nerd to strengthen those terms. “I’m sorry if I am intruding. As I said earlier, this is important.”

“That’s enough sucking up. Tell me all of your abilities so I can tell if your even worth my time to work on you.”

“Okay, lemme think this through. Telepathy, telekinesis, precognitism, and pyrokinesis with the ability to summon the flames as well. I can also draw on a pendant to summon a special type of ice and control that as well. Those are all the psychic abilities I know of for now.” She was almost a bit winded, trying to say all of that quickly as possible in one breathe. At the same time she could sense someone familiar coming, but ignored it. Soon she saw Genkai’s face trying to come to a decision.

“All of that and you expect me to believe that you really need help?” Kuniko gave a single nod. Wit a sigh, Genkai had made her decision. “Fine, let me deal with my idiot former apprentice. You may meet him if you want. We start soon and I expect to work you to the bone.” Genkai went back out the same doors as before and saw the same guys as earlier. “Why am I so unfortunate to see you two idiots today?”

“Aww, you know you love us. So grams, what do you know about portals?” Yusuke said with an idiotic smile. Genkai turned her back inside with Yusuke and Kuwabara at her heels. They sat down, not taking notice of the womans current guest. That didn’t mean that the guest didn’t notice them though, she glared at them the whole time with a cold blue glow from her eyes that was very pale and almost unnoticeable. “So what DO you know about portals? The toddler just sent us on another case expecting one to open soon.”

“Dimwit, you should learn to know when not to say something like that in front of my guests.” Yusuke didn’t get it. “Yusuke meet my new student, Hiroshina Kuniko.” Yusuke and Kuwabara looked around to see Kuniko right to the side of them. “But I wouldn’t be surprised if she already knew what you were yapping about.”

“their minds are easy to penetrate. I understand now why you hesitated to take me in. Wit Yusuke as your student, anyone would’ve been against teaching anyone again. Now I know who the Vegeta look-alike really is too.” Kuniko smirked. Seeing everything in both their mind seemed to have explained it all. She knew everything that has happened to the idiots over the course of the past three years. Genkai took out a peice of paper and a pen and put it over to the opposite side of the room from where Kuniko was.

“While you spar with Kuwabara, I want you to use you kinesis to write down everything your thinking.” Genkai challenged Kuniko. She indeed was planning to work her to the bone. Or not, Kuwabara refused to fight.

“No! It’s against my code of honor to fight girls.”

“That code of yours is going to get you killed someday Kuwabara.” Genkai said while reading what Kuniko was writing. Yes, the writing was a bit shaky but was still legible. “You got her angry idiot.” At that instant, Kuniko already had Kuwabara against the wall with the sharp edge of her katana les than a centimeter of his throat. Reading what was just written Genkai frowned. “Hiroshina, that’s enough. It’s obvious that these two idiot’s wont help your skills. We’ll have to wait for two others more suitable to your training to arrive.” Kuniko got off of Kuwabara and sheathed her katana. Still writing with her mind, she decised to ask Genkai something through that way. Genkai read it and responded. “It’s none of your cncern of who or what these two are. But these two morons are both human, for the most part at least.”

:Hey Genkai, what’s going on? She didn’t even say anything.” Yusuke uh... said as politely as anyone could expect from him. Genkai ignored his idiotic question and took the pen and paper and put it into a drawer which was locked promptly. Then everyone noticed a girl, no guy, with red hair wearing a black uniform and had emerald eyes. Following him was the Vegeta-ish guy. Kuniko already knew, thanks to the weak minds of Yusuke and Kuwabara, they were Kurama and Hiei. Also thanks to them, she also knew what they were. “As usaul, on time. Now get in here already, I have a job for you two.” Kuniko smiled, well actually smirked, for she knew what was to happen very soon.


Yeah, it sucked this time. Very little action, but at least some Kuwabara bashing. The whole past 3 years thing meant from the first episode. I believe that by now, Yusuke already faced and defeated Raizen and is now a demon lord. As for Kuniko, more will be revealed on her throughout the story. If your the impatient type though, you may check out my bio on this site. It’s pretty much the same except for the Yami's drawing, name, and Callisto.

So I dare you to review, and if you must, flame me. Just don’t flame for thinking it’s a Mary Sue or a self insertion fic. I already covered that bit. Because of the majority of my readers, this will be non-yaoi. I might start some teasers for upcoming chapters, but not this time. I WILL ONLY CONTINUE IF I RECEIVE REVIEWS, GOT THAT?!

Ja ne minna-san,

Aya, supreme lady of dragons, sort of successful writer, thief and pyro, eater of pizza and sweet snow, Kuwabara basher, bishie lover especially Sesshy-sama, and maker of extremely long titles of own name and about to be flamed for it.

But you may call me master. *Gets hit by a fireball* Fine! Aya! Just call me Aya.

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