InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Spirit ❯ Making an Entrance ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

None of these are my characters, so I can't claim rites to them… well, tantalus is mine… but that's beside the point… just keep reading…

Inu-Yasha turns to see Kagome face to face with him. He jumps back a bit, resulting in him almost falling off of his perch.

"How did you get up here so fast???" he yells, his heart still racing.

"Hey, don't you still loooooove me? Don't you wanna hug me and kiss me and…"

About a minute later Shippo is back on the ground, with three rather large lumps on his head, and Inu-Yasha cracking his knuckles. With a "feh", he turns back toward the sky, but this time is surprised to see that many clouds have gathered. Then, all of a sudden, the dreaded word comes to his sensitive ears.

"Inu-Yasha! SIT!!!"

The ground had never come at him as fast as it did just then.

"Serves you right for hurting Shippo," Kagome growls. She then turns to the Bone-Eater's Well and begins pulling her backpack out.

Inu-Yasha, now madder beyond words, jumps back up to his feet.




A loud rumble erupts from the sky. Both of them stop and look up at the sky, which is now full of dark clouds.

`That's weird… the sky was clear a little bit ago…' Inu-Yasha thought.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes the tree he was in but a few moments ago.

They both take a step back, surprised to see lightning hit so close. Another bolt strikes, hitting in between Inu-Yasha and Kagome.

"Alright, We're getting out of here!" And without another moment's thought, Inu-Yasha jumps forward, grabbing Kagome and Shippo in his arms and begins running like mad.

In a direct line behind them, more lightning begins to strike, and each time it strikes closer. Finally, Inu-Yasha jumps to the side, barely avoiding getting struck.

"Kagome, Shippo, get out of here! Now!! Something's not right about this."

"Wait, what about you?" Kagome asked with a worried look in her eyes.

"I'll be fine! You two go!" Inu-Yasha whips around, and begins to run back the way he came, as Kagome and Shippo run for cover in the forest near the well.

`Inu-Yasha, Be careful…' Kagome thinks as she hides behind some nearby bushes.