InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Spirit ❯ Powers Revealed ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Seeing the danger he's in, Inu-Yasha brings his sword above him, just in time to parry Tantalus' attack. Tantalus begins to swing his staff again and again at Inu-Yasha, who manages to parry him every time. Suddenly Tantalus brings his right hand away from his weapon, and sends a small bolt towards Inu-Yasha. The bolt is to fast for Inu-Yasha to deflect, and hits him in the shoulder.

Tantalus acts upon this moment of vulnerability, and brings his staff down on Inu-Yasha's chest, knocking him several yards back. Tantalus then uses his wings to fly straight toward Inu-Yasha, ready to take another swing at the hanyou.

Inu-Yasha, in response, brings the tetsusaiga up and when Tantalus is near enough, takes a large swing. However just as the giant sword is about to connect, Tantalus's body erupts in sparks from every part of him, surrounding him, and disappearing just as fast as they came.

"Damn him, he can disappear?!?" Inu-Yasha says, almost in disbelief.

The sparks then appear as if from mid-air, directly behind Inu-Yasha. In the time It takes him to turn around, Tantalus has already fully teleported, and hits Inu-Yasha on the back with the staff..

Inu-Yasha falls to the ground as Tantalus hovers in the air. Inu-Yasha brings his hand up, feeling his back. He is surprised to find blood.

"Sorry to disappoint, but the ends of my staff are sharp enough to cut through even a half-demon such as yourself. Now, how long will you continue to put up a fight?"

Tantalus remarks, bringing his staff to a fighting position.

"Until I can't get up!" Inu-Yasha says, filled with new fighting spirit. He leaps upward, making another massive swing with his sword.

Tantalus barely manages to bring his staff up in time, blocking the giant fang. Inu-Yasha, still in mid jump, thrusts one of his claws forward, tearing into Tantalus' arm. Tantalus immediately pulls back, landing on the ground away from Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha lands too, with a grin on his face.

"Ha! And how long did you thing you'd go without tasting my claws?" Inu-Yasha says, cracking his knuckles in front of him.

Tantalus just looks down at his wounded arm, then wields his staff with his uninjured arm. He brings his free hand close to his opposite shoulder.