InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Spirit ❯ Help From a Fox ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Are you so confident to think you've seen every trick I have?" He swings his arm back down, pointing straight for Inu-Yasha. Metal wire seems to unravel from his wrist quickly, flying at his opponent. Inu-Yasha attempts to jump out of the way, but the wire just curves toward him, and begins wrapping around his arms and body. Before Inu-Yasha returns to the ground the wire tightens, causing him to lose grip of his sword. He lands off balance, and falls to one knee.

"It's over, half-breed. Hand over the jewel, and you won't feel one more bit of pain." Tantalus says, as electricity begins to course through him once again.

"I thought I told you… that you are unfit to have the Shikon jewel!" Inu-Yasha says, working his way back to his feet. Tantalus lets out a sigh, and begins channeling his electricity through the wire, straight toward Inu-Yasha. The hanyou goes rigid as large amounts of lightning begin to surge through out him.

The electricity fades away and Inu-Yasha falls to the ground, coughing and gasping. "I hope you've reconsidered you're answer. Now, hand over the shards… or I will put you through hell." He calls up the energy in him once again, and lightning begins to jump from his limbs to his body once again.

"No! Inu-Yasha won't make it like this! He needs help!!!" Kagome shouts. Shippo, mustering up every bit of courage he has, jumps from the bush toward the fight.

"Leave it to me, Kagome!" he says, before going into a full fledged sprint toward their enemy.

"I….will….NOT…give you…the SHARDS!" Inu-Yasha shouts, once again bringing himself to his feet. He begins to walk towards Tantalus, only to receive another blast through the wire. However, he manages to stand upright, and continues to take steps forward, as lighting continues to shock his body.

"Give up, mongrel, you can't last forever!" Tantalus shouts, showing anger.

"FOXFIRE!" Suddenly a swirl of fire comes directly at Tantalus. He brushes the fire off, seemingly unaffected, but in doing so letting his guard down, giving Inu-Yasha just enough time to attack. He leaps forward, sinking his fangs into Tantalus' shoulder.

"Gah!" Tantalus gasps as he stumbles back, the wire finally loosening from around Inu-Yasha. Tantalus pulls the wire back, and it seems to wrap around his wrist on it's own.