InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ What A Wonderfull Life ❯ Chapter Four: The Hogwarts Express ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Four:
The Hogwarts Express

Kagome stepped off the motorcycle, her head spinning slightly. Hagrid pushed her into a bar like place called The Leaky Cauldron. Kagome was ushered up to a small dingy looking room by an old bartender and her bags were brought up by Hagrid. Kagome couldn't help but feel alittle bit helpless.

"Hagrid, I can do-" but Hagrid just smiled and shook his head and walked out the door. Kagome huffed darkly and leaned back on the bed. She glanced over at the clock and saw that it was already August 27, 2:30 AM. She suddenly became very tired. She layed down on the creamy cotton sheets and slept like a baby.

"Kagome...Kagome...KAGOME@!!" Kagome woke up to Hagrid pushing a tray of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of her. Kagome took it humbly and ate it quickly. Hagrid rushed her, he kept mumbling about being late, how it was already afternoon and she wasn't dressed, and ect. Kagome pulled on a black cami and a blue peasant skirt with matching heels.

"FINALLY!!! Now, Lets GO!" Hagrid said, rolling his eyes and ushering her into a celler room. Kagome didn't like this. Kagome dug her heels into the ground and stared definately up at Hagrid, who looked at her quizzically.

"I don't like how you are treating me Hagrid. I mean I don't want to be treated like a pampered pooch or something but I want a little respect." Kagome sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, a spitting image of her mother. Hagrid sighed and ran a hand threw his mangy hair and nodded.

"Sorry. I've 'ust been frazzled, ya 'now what I 'ean?" Kagome smiled and nodded. Hagrid smiled back and stepped forward almost slamming into a brick wall. Kagome was going to ask what he was doing but he had already pulled out Kagome's jaw dropped and she stared at him dumbfounded. Hagrid tapped the bricks in a certain order and they jumped away to make an archway. Kagome yelped loudly and jumped back, into Hagrid, who chuckled and pushed her lightly into the archway.

"Kagome.....Welcome to Diagon Alley!" Hagrid said cheerily as they walked into a crowded sidewalk.They walked down the sidewalk and for the second time in a long while, Kagome felt truely happy with where she was and what was going on.

"So Kagome, 'ow's yer Mum?" Kagome looked up at Hagrid, but kept walking with him.

"She's alright. But, how do you know-" Hagrid chuckled and smiled to Kagome who smiled in a weird way.

"We went to 'chool together....'Er...'Till I got kicked 'ut for no reason." Kagome looked at him and her jaw dropped again. Hagrid sighed and told her the story. About Tom Riddle, Lord Voldemort, which Hagrid didn't like for Kagome to say but she still said it, and about the Chamber of Secrets and how just three years ago, one of Kagome's new classmate, Harry Potter, opened it and brought Hagrid's old past to justice.

"WOAH! That's an amazing story! I can't wait to meet this Harry boy." Kagome said after Hagrid finished spinning his tail.

"Ya. Yu'll 'probably like 'im." Hagrid said as they walked into a large building, almost like the White House in America. Hagrid led her to an open window, like in a normal bank, but Kagome yelped when she saw an ugly deformed goblin sitting behind the window.

"Its 'er okay, Kagome." Hagrid spoke to the goblin and gave him a small gold key. The goblin gave it to another goblin and they walked down a long hallway to a dark dingy looking tunnel. They climbed aboard the train like thing and the goblin started the contraption up. They zoomed down the the tunnel, taking sharp turns and swirving. Kagome felt like she was going to barf. The cart thing stopped suddenly and jerked Kagome forward.

"Vault 342.....Mrs. Haya Higurashi-I mean Ms. Kagome Higurashi." The goblin opened up the vault. Mountains of gold, were piled along the walls and such. Kagome took the bag the Hagrid offered, still shocked, she filled the bag to the brim with gold.

The exited the bank after another twenty excrutiating minutes on the cart. They got Kagome's wand, a white oak, dragon's blood, 11 inches. They got her six sets of robes, two day, two winter, and two dress. They got all seven of her books and they grabbed her a broom, a firbolt.

When they reached the Leaky Cauldron, they had totally forgot an owl. Hagrid said that Kagome didn't need one, that Professor Dumbluedor had one for her. The old bartender said he had a package for Kagome as she headed up to her bedroom. Kilala popped up from behind the counter and jumped into Kagome's arms. Kagome sobbed and ran up the stairs.

Kagome stayed in her room for the next few days, only going down, with Kilala in her arms, to eat. September 1 rolled around and Kagome had just finished packing when Hagrid burst threw, more like lumbered into the room.

"Kagome! Cum on! 'ere late!" Kagome nodded and gave her trunk to Hagrid who took it to the motorcycle and dropped on the back. Kagome held Kilala close to her as the speed off to the station. Hagrid put Kagome's trunk onto a cart and led her over to Platforms 9 and 10. Kagome looked at Hagrid.

"Where's Platform 9 3/4?" Kagome asked. But Hagrid was pushing her into the medium! Kagome couldn't stop so she just ran with it. Literally.

She came out on the other side, completely unharmed and unhurt but no Hagrid. The train whistled and she saw the twins waving at her. Kagome pulled her cart and held Kilala tightly, and boarded the train behind the twins.

"Kagome..Go find a compartment with Ron, Ginny, Hermoine, and Harry. We'll see ya later." Kagome smiled and kissed them on the cheeks, just to play with them. They blushed and grinned, like little boys,

Kagome walked down the corridor and then the train lurched and she tripped and fell on top of a boy with blonde hair and silver blue eyes. "I'm so sorry. I'm new and I don't know.." Kagome rabbled and pushed herself off of the boy. He offered her a hand, smiling lightly,

"I'm Kagome Higurashi. I'm from Japan and I'm joining the fifth year." Kagome said smiling and shaking his hand.

"I'm Draco Malfoy. I'm a Slytherin and I'm in the fifth year." He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it lightly. Kagome blushed and bid him ado. She picked Kilala back up and pushed her cart towards the next compartment that had the two red heads in it.

She knocked on the door. "Um..Can I join you? The other compartments are all occupied."

"Of course you can!" a girl with brown eyes and brow curly hair and a red fuzzy cat in her lap. Kagome smiled and put her trunk on the top rack. Kilala mewled softly, swishing all three of her tails.

"I'm Kagome Higurashi by the way. I'm from Japan and I'm joining the fifth years." Kagome smiled and sat down. Everyone was staring from her to Kilala. The girl with the bushy hair spoke first.

"I'm Hermoine Granger, I'm a fifth year also."

A boy with red hair smiled boyishly and said, "I'm Ron Weasly, we met on the plane, I'm a fifth year too."

The girl smiled and said, "I'm Ginny Weasly, you met me on the plane too, I'm a fourth year. Can I pet your cat? What's her name?"

Kagome giggled as Kilala jumped to Ginny's lap. "Her name is Kilala. She was my friend's before she died." The room went silent. The boy with black hair, black rimmed glasses and a scar on his forehead coughed getting Kagome's attention.

"I'm Harry Potter. Its nice to meet you Kagome. I'm a fifth year too." Kagome smiled and shook his hand. She played with the hem of her skirt and hummed softly then began to sing...

There is a song inside of my soul
Its the one i tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But you sing to me over and over again

So I lay my head back down
and I lift my hands and pray
to be only yours
to be only yours
I know now
your my only hope

"Kagome! That was beautiful...Is that a Japenese song?" Kagome nodded and smiled as they conversed. Then a knock at the compartment door and a peice of parchment was slipped under the door addressed to Kagome.