InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ What A Wonderfull Life ❯ Chapter Three: The Meeting ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Three:
The Meeting.

Kagome and her mother drove to the airport in silence, listening to the men talk on the radio. Kagome kept wanting to say something but she was afraid she would start bawling. They pulled into the airport parking lot and Kagome jumped out of the car, holding one of her suitcases. Her mother walked up beside her holding the other suitcase. Neither of them looked at each other or spoke as they entered the termanal.

"Flight 256 for London, England leaves in fifteen minutes." A young lady's voice said over the intercom. Kagome ran down the termanal, running around elders and ducking around tight turns.

"Kagome!!! Wait up!" Mrs. Higurashi leaned down, her hands on her knees and huffing and puffing, gasping for breathe. They stopped infront of Kagome's gate and Kagome starred blankly at the gate. She turned to her mother and saw her on the edge of tears.

"I'll miss you hunny.." Mrs. Higurashi said softly, tears starting to fall. Kagome hugged her and started to cry too.

"I love you ma." Kagome said quietly. Mrs. Higurashi let go of her daughter and wipped her eyes. Kagome did the same. They laughed as though it would make this easier. Kagome waved to her and walked to the gate. Mrs. Higurashi waved back, smiling and crying softly as her little girl boarded the plane to her new adventure.

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Kagome sat down in her seat on the plane and strapped in. She looked out the window and wrung her hands nervously. This was her first time flying. Ever.

"First time, eh?" a soft sweet voice said as they sat down. Kagome looked over at her seat partner. She was short and squat with red hair and about four children with the same red hair.

"Yes ma'am." Kagome said with a small nodd.

"Well, its my fourth time, deary. It'll be fine just chew gum." The woman held out a piece of chewing gum. Kagome took it with a small thank you.

"So where are you heading to in London." The woman said softly.

"Oh I'm going to school at Hogwarts." Kagome said in a soft calm voice that let only the woman hear. The woman seemed delighted.

"Oh! My children go there. I'm Mrs. Weasly and if you ever need any thing, just ask Ronald over there or Ginny over there," She pointed to a section of seats where a brother and sister were sitting, "or ask the twins over there, by my husband, Mr. Weasly." Mrs. Weasly pointed over to a section of three and saw two twins waving at her along with an older man. Kagome laughed and waved back.

The plane lurched and took off. Three minutes later Kagome fell asleep being happy that she had already met new people.

When the plane landed, Mrs. Weasly shook Kagome gently and woke her up. Kagome smiled up at the woman and thanked her. She walked out with the twins hot on her heels.

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((Twins POT))

"Who is that," George Weasly asked astounded by the young woman's beauty.

"Who's who?" Fred Weasly asked looking around the plane.

"Her, sitting by mum. Bloody hell she is hot!" George said happily.

Fred gapped at Kagome and when Mrs. Weasly pointed over at them, the twins waved back happily. They saw the girl laugh and waved back.

"Brother, we have to get to know that chick." Fred and George nodded to each other. When the plane stopped, they jumped out of there seats and went close to the woman, trying to get to know her.
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((Normal POT))

Kagome looked behind her and saw the twins on her heels. She smiled and waved at them. "Hi! You're Mrs. Weasly's kids aren't you?" Kagome asked as they walked beside her.

"Yes." They answered in unison, each twin on either side of Kagome.

"I'm Fred and that's George." The twin on the left of Kagome, which was now identified as Fred, nodded his head to George, the twin on the right.

"Nice to meet you both. I'm Kagome Higurashi. I'm from Japan." Kagome said bowing slightly. The twins bowed back and they walked ahead, trying to catch up to Mrs. Weasly.

"So, is your mum or dad a witch?" This statement from George made Kagome stop dead in her tracks. She bowed her head hiding her eyes from veiw.

"My mother is a witch and my father is dead." She said brightening up alittle bit and smile fakely to the twins.

"Sorry Mate." Kagome sprung up at this statement and looked at Fred strangely. 'That just means that I am his friend.' She smiled and waved off Fred's comment.

"Lets GO!" Mrs. Weasly screamed to them and they all left out the terminal.
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When Kagome got out of the airport, she saw a huge burly man about 10 ft. tall and a dark brown frizzy mane of hair all around his face. Kagome stared at him in awe but the rest all embraced him and smiled up at him. When the huge man looked up at her, he grinned broadly.

"Kagome!! You're 'ere! See yer met the Weasly's." The man boomed loudly. Kagome merely nodded and went up, grudingly, to the man.

"Who-ho are you?" Kagome asked softly to the huge man. He laughed loudly and patted her on the back, hard, knocking the wind out of her.

" 'Ere my manners. 'm Hagrid, games 'eeper at 'ogwarts." Kagome held out her hand shook his hand. She felt like a milkshake.

"Well we're late. 'Ome on, Kagome." Kagome waved goodbye to the twins and the rest of the family of red heads.

Kagome was ushered onto a huge, old motorbike and they flew off into the plane filled sky.

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What cha think? I LOVE IT!!
HAHA but thats me...any ways..
dedicating it to my cousin, Cassy.
Love ya chick!!