InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ When Worlds Collide ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: This is just a wee tiny thought that I had. I know that I have like a gazillion other stories to finish but I couldn't wait to put this one up. I kindda am going on an Inuyasha marathon while at the same time reading Wheel of Time. This is the result. Don't hate me; I still love all of you! ^.^ Oh, yeah, and don't sue me either, I am only on the fourth book, so cut me some slack alright.

Disclaimers: Rand and Co. belong the all the holiness that is Robert Jordan and Inuyasha gang belong to Takahashi Rumiko.

Warnings: This fic will contain yaoi. I repeat, this fic will contain yaoi in later chapters. If you do not like yaoi or slash (male/male relationships) then simply do not read it, it's that simple. Blood and guts will make an appearance as well, swearing and foul language are present, come on, it is Inuyasha after all. ^.~

Additional notes: Feel free to read and review, I will love you for life and also might be willing to fill out any request that one might have. I can be generous, but it depends on how my day at work went. Flames will be sacrificed to a random creature of Lovecraft.


When Worlds Collide


Mat groaned and reached a hand into his hood, rubbing his temples trying to rid himself of the headache that was forming just behind his eyes. The bickering continued, Rand and Egwene oblivious to his discomfort of the constant fighting. He didn't think that he would ever understand love, that and women. He bowed his head, leaning low on his horse to keep the rain and, hopefully, the arguing out of his face and ears.

"Rand, you wool-headed mule, I told you we should have stayed in an inn at the last village. Nynaeve told you that it was going to rain," Egwene voice cut through the pounding of rain drops on his oiled leather cloak.

Rand huffed, rain dripping from his nose and into his mouth as he tried to hide his smile. If Mat didn't know any better he could have sworn that he was enjoying himself. "A little rain never killed anyone, Egwene, you aren't going to melt," Rand's soft snicker was lost a loud thunder clap, which was probably for the best. Mat would hate to see what would happen to his best friend if she had heard him. Dragon Reborn or no, the wrath of a woman was not something any male wanted to face too often.

For a second or two the pair stopped talking, each wallowing in their own misery. Only Mat didn't think that Rand was in much misery, actually this was the happiest that he had seen him in a very long time.

Perrin drew his reins tight, his horse dancing at the sudden movement. Mat looked to the large blacksmith, trusting that he wasn't playing around. Perrin shook his head and turned toward the wind and rain, slightly sniffing, "I thought… I smell something…" He whispered his voice barely audible above the crackling sky.

Rand drew up next to him, "Are you sure?"

Perrin sniffed the wind again and stared intensely out into the darkened woods, "Yes… It smells close. Dead, but close," he paused, a frown marking his features, mostly hidden by his shaggy beard. He eyes widened as he started at something further down the road and without another word he galloped his horse to what looked like a mound of dirt lying at the side of the muddy path.

Mat looked to Rand and he gave a small shrug, digging his heals into his own dark horse as he followed the larger man up further. Mat shook his head mumbled something about brashness and stupidity before he too followed the others, pulling up closer to the dead creature trying to peer at it through the low lighting. It was a Trolloc, he was quite certain on that, but there was something wrong with it. It didn't seem big enough to be an actually one. Rand moved up next to him, his fire like sword gleaming in the rain drawing it just in case, "Light, its head is gone!"

Mat blinked and looked closer, "Bloody ashes…"

Perrin stared at the corpse with wide yellow eyes as he quickly jumped from Stepper not realizing that he had drawn his axe until he attached it back to his belt. He knelt by the dead monster, digging his hands under the thing's body and heaving with all of his might to flip it over. Mat got off his own horse and scrambled over to his friend to help, only coming up a little too late as the body fell over.

Perrin hissed threw his teeth, "Nynaeve!"

The wisdom was by his side before he finished yelling her name. By the look on her face and the hand that slowly came to cover her mouth, Mat didn't think he wanted to know what was on the other side of the bulky corpse. He moved anyway, his own body not listening to his screaming mind.

He froze.

The small body of a tiny girl, no more than two or three, lay in the muddy road, her clothes torn and ragged on her slim frame. Her face was smeared with red and black blood, dirt and grim, so much of it that Mat was surprised that he even knew it was a girl. He blinked and quickly rid himself of his cloak, draping it around her body and tightly wrapping it around her. "We need to head back," he said, his tone leaving no room for any other suggestions, "The village is not that far from here. Besides I saw a farm house about six miles back, just outside of the wood line. We can take her there." He reached down to scoop the small child in his arms and looked up as a hand rested at his elbow.

Nynaeve shook her head at him, looking down with sad, tear filled eyes, "Mat,"
she whispered, "She's dead."

Mat shook his head and lifted her into his arms, "But she might belong to them."

Moiraine came up to his other side, "We don't have time for this. Other Trollocs could be around."

"And were they are Trollocs, a Fade should not be far behind," Perrin stated, seemly to agree with the Aes Sedai.

Mat looked around, watching everyone take up a small perimeter around the four of them. At that moment he realized that he hated Moiraine more than he hated anything in his entire life. Hated her for being so heartless and cruel and he hated her for being right.

A small moan and a gasp sounded like heaven to his ears and when the tiny buddle in his arms stirred it was even better, "She's alive!"

Nynaeve quickly took the child from Mat's arms and cradled her against her body, softly making sounds of comfort when she started to whimper. "Shhh, little one. Everything will be alright…"

She turned and glared at Moiraine, "We are going back," she stated, her eyes daring the Aes Sedai to disagree with her.

…to be continued…