InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Huggles and Loves to those who have reviewed. Sorry for all the troubles, Inuyasha fans, but I will try to clear a few things up for you! As I said before, I am only on the fourth book, almost done, but not quite there so I will try try try my best to clear some things up for you ^.^

Okies, this is going to be kindda hard. Takes a setting almost like the Lord of the Rings, minus the elves and dwarves and stuff, but with the same medieval like places. The Dark One, after being sealed away for hundreds of years, is finally starting to break free. Because to this, monsters roam the land, Trollocs (which almost reminds me of Orcs), Myrddraals, (also called Halfmen, Eyeless, Shadowmen, and Fades, these remind me of the Nazgûl, with the dark cloaks and stuff.) Of course other creatures roam the earth, but that's not really important. I will only use the Fades and the Trollocs.

Fades and Trollocs: Fades generally travel with groups of Trollocs wandering around, controlling them and keeping them at bay so they don't eat each other. For a Trolloc nothing exists outside of killing and eating, (sounds like some males I know.) SoOOooo if the Fade was to have the unfortunate experience and run into a certain Sesshoumaru and not live, the Trollocs that it was controlling would soon die afterwards.

The Dark One: Think of him as the Big Ginormous Bad Guy, like Morgoth or Sauron. He was sealed away and is now breaking free. It is said that only the Dragon Reborn can rid the world from him (Go Rand, it's your birthday!)

The Dragon Reborn: Three thousand some odd years ago, during the War of the Shadow, Lews Therin Telamon was able to touch the male half of the One Power (It's called channeling). Like any other male who was and is able to channel, he went mad and killed everybody that carried his same blood. He was also able to defeat The Dark One. According to the Prophecies of the Dragon, he will be reborn into someone else to fight and defeat The Dark One again. This poor sap ends up being Rand al'Thor.

The One Power: I think of this as almost like `the force' only its different, kindda. There are things the force can do that the One Power cannot, and there are thing that the One Power can do that the Force cannot. It's almost like this is Jordan's way of bring magic into the story line, very complicated magic. There are two halves of the One Power, the female half which is called `saidar,' and the male half which is called `saidin.' The male half has been tainted by the Dark One and causes any male that can touch it to go crazy. (Which I think is not likely; my opinion is that `saidin' is just some testosterone ejection thingy. All males are just born all messed up in the head, however some just need that extra push…) There are three levels of the Female half, the novice, the Accepted, and the Aes Sedai. Aes Sedai is the title given to those who have mastered the True Source or the One Power.

My story sortta takes place in an AUish theme. All of the WOT Characters are just thrown together for amusement purposes; I wanted everyone to be around. And besides, won't it be just great to have Miroku trying to hit on Nynaeve or Moiraine? ^.~

When Worlds Collide:

Chapter One


It was the only thing that he was conscious of, pain so deep that it seemed to be laced into his very soul. He couldn't move, he couldn't think and somewhere is the background, in the distance that sounded like miles away, he was aware that someone was screaming. A voice that reverberated hoarse and broken endless noises that cut through his mind and intensified the white hot throbbing that echoed across his body. He let out a small cough, more than well aware of the blood that spattered onto the ground and the metallic taste that it left in his dry, soar throat.

"I see that we have finally gotten your full attention, Darkfriend," the man that spoke to him had more of an annoying voice that the screams held.

He cracked one golden eye up at his captor, hiding the smirk that formed across his lips at the man's sudden shock. His amusement was short lived when the toe of a black boot planted itself in his already battered stomach. He hid his groan and spat out more blood going out of his way to turn his head and hit the man's spotless white cloak that was wrapped around his shoulders.

"Do you have any idea what you are up against, Darkfriend?" The raspy voice hissed, and in the back of his tortured head he notice that a snake youkai had more soothing voice than this bastard.

"You keep calling me that," he clenched his teeth together as another kick was delivered to his jaw, yet he continued, "It means nothing to this Sesshoumaru. I don't know of any `Darkfriend.'" Someone from behind him grabbed a hand full of his hair, yanking his head up to look him in the face, not caring that if Sesshoumaru was human that his neck would have snapped. He managed a sneer, glaring gold eyes at the man above him, "Pulling hair? Only a woman would sneak so low as to do that while fighting." He was kicked again, and again. Then the whipcords and bamboo strikes came, agony beyond his understanding followed throughout him. He heard that horrid screaming again as red hotness scored through his back, his nose picked up the smell of burning flesh, the sent so strong that his felt bile raise itself from his throat.

When the pain stopped and his vision cleared again he opened his mouth to speak, his lungs so sore that he only managed a small groan. He was the one screaming, those awful sounds that came for the poor bastard that he had heard earlier. It was him.

"If you are wondering why we haven't killed you yet, all you have to do is ask," that came from the man behind him, the one he had called a woman, the one with the hot poker that still glowed an angry red-orange.

Sesshoumaru turned his head into the blood soaked dirt and closed his eyes, "Fuck you."

The two Whitecloaks blinked, "What?"

"Fuck you," he repeated slightly proud that he sounded stronger than he felt.

They flipped him over and another black polished boot stepped against his chest while the guard raised his fist and punched the youkai lord with all of his strength, "If you are trying to curse up with your silly spells, we walk in the Light, all we have to do is deny you and your Dark Lord. They will not affect us," he hit him again, this time the other side of his face.

"Amyr," the one with the coal poker spoke, "If you hit him too much, you might kill him. The Lord Captain Commander doesn't want him dead. He wants answers."

Amyr glared down at him and the Inu youkai glared back at him, "If he were human he would have been dead already. This is the strongest Darkfriend I have ever know, if the Dark One is willing to put so much power into one of his followers I don't think that this one would give us answers so easily, if at all, Dallin."

The one named Dallin looked to Sesshoumaru, "Give us a name, I don't care if it's your real one or not, just any name will do."

Sesshoumaru blinked up at the smaller of the two guards and spit not letting his satisfaction show when the glob of mucus and blood hit him in the cheek. He chuckled inwardly when he realized that their stupidity was just like any other humans, they had not noticed that he already stated his name, "You didn't say please."

Dallin calmly wiped the blob away with the back of his dark gloved hand, "Then we shall call you Spit."

"Where are your followers, Spit, Darkfriends never work by themselves?" Amyr added his own question in. Sesshoumaru thought it was petty of him, somehow no matter what Dallin did or said Amyr always had to throw his own 20 yen in. Humans were such petty creatures and he decided that when he got out of here he would destroy everyone around, saving these two for last only to skin them very, very slowly.

Dallin sighed, "He's been here for two weeks, Amyr, if was going to talk he would have done it already."

Amyr shook his head, "I don't think so. This is the first him that he actually said anything, I think that we are breaking him."

Sesshoumaru turned his head to the side; they thought that they were breaking him down, what idiots. It would take more that two worthless humans to bring him down. Still, it was amazing that only two worthless humans were able to do as much damage to him as they did. He did not remember that last two weeks, not even a single moment before the fight he had with his hanyou brother. His wench had done something, of that he was sure of. Something that sucked the strength out of both him and Inuyasha, causing both of them to black out and when upon awakening the view had changed. The air smelt different, it even felt different and he was not the only one to notice it, all of his brother groupies did. A stink held in the air and Inuyasha went at far as covering his nose glaring at his whore accusingly.

Sesshoumaru had no time to deal with their petty lover's quarrel at the moment, all he wanted to do was to get back home. He turned to face Rin and his eyes widen at the monster behind her, standing next to a broken down column of stone.

"Rin!" he yelled her name as he leaped towards her just as the pig snouted being swung at her with his axe like sword, he wasn't fast enough to carry her away, but he pushed her taking the hit for her. The odd darkened metal cutting through his armor and searing his skin.

Then all hell broke lose, monsters poured into the small space that held them. More like the one that he just ripped apart with his claws and three black cloaked beings that even Inuyash's wench seemed to be frozen as she looked into its eyeless stare.

When the battle cleared and everything was dead, torn into pieces, and thrown about, Rin was gone. Sesshoumaru smelt for her, but the blood and stench of the monsters that looked like youkai, yet weren't, drowned everything else out. He search the bodies frantically not even hearing the sound of a near by horn bellow through the forest.

He remembered Inuyasha tugging on his arms telling him that he needed to get out of here, to start running. He shoved the hanyou off of him, "I have to find her!"

Inuyasha growled at his half brother calling a fool and split with the rest of his groupies seconds before the soldiers burst through and attacked his weaken body.

It ended there, he had blacked out shortly after seeing the whiteness of the horses and the cloaks streaming out behind the armored men.

"Rin…" he groaned, "Oh gods Rin…"

The two Questioners looked to each other, exchanging confused glances, "Is that one of your followers?" Dallin asked, his voice held a tint of worry.

"Rin belongs to me," he said and opened his eyes his hate cutting through the pain that he felt, "And if you hurt this Sesshoumaru's Rin I will make you wish that you were dead. And if this Sesshoumaru finds any pity for you and your pathetic little clan I will kill you."

The two Whitecloaks eyes widen in fear as Sesshoumaru's own eyes turned red with rage and he broke the bounds that held him ignoring the searing pain that laced through his body.