InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Worlds Collide
A/N: Thank you for all of those that stayed with me for this unbearably long lack off updatedness!
InuYasha scanned the open plains and sniffed at the air, so far nothing gave away as to where the hell they were. He could feel the others coming up behind him, panting and breathing hard as they ran to try to keep up. InuYasha snorted, “Feh! What's keeping you guys? You never had a problem before!” His ears twitched in annoyance try his best to understand the stamina of humans.
Sango stood at her full height still trying to breath, as she fixed him with `The Look,' “InuYasha, we can't fly on Kirara and Kagome-chan doesn't have her bike. Don't you think that it would be a little less tiring if we just slowed down a bit?”
Miroku nodded, “Sango's right, if we do slow our pace we don't have to take breaks every few minutes.”
InuYasha reached up and scratched at the cloth that wove around his head to hide his ears, “This is so fucking stupid!” he cussed, “Why the fuck to I suffer for someone else's ignorance!” he yelled referring to the odd cloths and headband. “It's not my fault that people around here don't know what a fucking youkai is!” He stopped and took a deep, then started to wave his arms and hands in the sir frantically, “Help me! Please save me! It's a Darkfriend!” he squealed, the returned to his normally gruff voice, “What the fuck is a Darkfriend anyway?”
Miroku shook his head and glanced at Kagome as she fell on the grass, looking to the bright blue sky, “Whatever it is,” he whispered, “it was enough to get us ran out of town.”
Sango nodded, “But now that we covered your ears we can at least pass through town without any trouble as long as we hid Kirara and Shippo.”
“Can we at least get a horse at the next town, please?” Kagome's voice was borderline begging, “I'm sick and tired of carrying around our old clothes in my pack.”
Shippo plopped down next to his adoptive mother, “Why can't InuYasha carry it?” To him it seemed a very logical question. He was the one going fast and seemed to have all the energy in the world.
“Feh,” the hanyou snorted, “That's the woman's job.”
A vein popped out of Kagome's forehead, “SIT!”
Both Shippo and Sango let out a soft giggle as Inu-Yasha crashed to the ground, cussing all the way down.
“Go ahead, laugh it up!” he hissed when he pushed himself up off the dirt and grass, “just wait until I—“He stopped in mid sentence and gripped the handle of Tetsusaiga. He could feel the blade pulsing in its sheath. Something was wrong, something was terrible wrong but what he couldn't place. At least it felt as if something was wrong, then it hit him, “Someone just used Tenseiga!” he growled.
Kagome blinked, “Huh? When? How do you know, Inu-Yasha? Are you sure?”
“Shut up, woman,” he said through clenched teeth, “I know what I felt! I feel it every time that bastard uses that damn sword!”
He looked off to the west, his demon eyes barely picking out a village on the horizon, “There!” he pointed, “it came from that village!” Not wasting time for the others to comment he grabbed the pack and placed it on his shoulders. “Let's move now!” he yelled and began to run, not bothering to wait up as the remaining members of the group frantically scrambled to their feet and took off after him.
Rin plodded along behind Nynaeve as the two of them walked through the market picking out various things for the journey ahead. “Nynaeve-baasan?” she asked her small voice cutting through the crowd as she tired to walk in the small dress that the older woman just bought for her.
“What is it?” the former Wisdom answered half heartedly, peering at some spices left out to dry on one of the booths.
“Why do you love Lan-sama?” the girl asked with all the innocence in the world.
She sputtered and turned angry eyes to the child, “How do you know that?” she demanded.
Rin blinked at the older woman, her gaze deadpanned, “Baka,” she stated, “I can tell. I've never seen anyone look at someone the way that you look at Lan-sama. And the other three ladies look at Rand-sama the same way and they say that they love him.” She paused as if seeking to put words into
her thoughts, “Nynaeve-baasan? How can three people love the same person at that person claim to love all three of them back. Isn't love just for one person?”
All she could do was stare at the child who seemed to smart for her own flaming good, “I don't know, Rin. Why don't you go ask Rand that?”
“Baka,” she said again, “You can't just walk up to guys and say that stuff and besides -“ she cut herself off and stopped at one of the booths that were selling weapons and swords.
Nynaeve reached down and gripped her arm, “Little ones shouldn't look at such things, Rin,” she colded and gave the girl a small tug.
Rin yanked her arm back and fixed the vendor with her most meanest glare, the `Sesshoumaru-sama look' she called it. It seemed to work because the fat man flinched and shifted in his seat, “Give it back,” she hissed.
Nynaeve blinked and looked to where Rin had pointed, “Rin it's just a sword.”
Rin shook her head, “No! That is Sesshoumaru-sama's Tenseiga! You stole it, you evil, fat man!”
The vendors face drained of color as he frantically shook his head, “I did no such thing little brat! This sword was sold to me! I paid a fancy price for it too!”
Nynaeve sighed as the vendor and the small girl started to argue, “How much for the sword?” she asked, just wanting to shut Rin up.
It worked, they both stopped and looked to her, Rin's eyes filling with happiness, “Really?” she whispered.
The vendor shrugged, “It's a useless sword Miss, didn't even hurt a soul, not so much as a flaming scratch on the person I used it on... I mean that is...” he trailed off putting a hand behind his head and started to look a little sheepish.
“I said how much?” the older woman hissed growing impatient.
The vendor shrugged and look to the little girl her eyes a light as she gazed at the weapon. Sure the thing was pretty and the blade gleamed like no other that he had ever seen, but if it couldn't hurt anyone perhaps it was ok to let the little one have it. He grabbed the weapon, making sure that it was secure in its scabbard before wrapping it in cloth. “Here,” he mumbled, “just take the flaming thing. It's worthless anyway.”
Rin jumped up and grabbed the wrapped package, hugging it to her chest while jumping up and down, Oh thank you so much, Ojiisan! I'm sorry for calling you evil and fat!” She gave the former Wisdom a beaming smile and grabbed her hand dragging her off quickly in case the vendor changed his mind.
“Now Sesshoumaru-sama will surely find me with Tenseiga,” she said gently stroking the cloth as if a precious treasure was contained inside instead of a seemly useless sword.
Sesshoumaru stood in the middle of the wreckage watching with cold eyes as the mortal kneeling down in front of him begged for his life, “Please, please don't kill me! I'll do anything! I'll give you anything!”
The Lord of the Western Lands blinked, “Pitiful wrench, do you really think that I would give you your wish?” Sesshoumaru reached down and lifted the human by the neck, “Now,” he hissed, “I will NOT ask this again. Where is this Sesshoumaru's Rin?”
The man chocked, trying his best to answer under the pressure of claws. His legs dangled in the air, kicking every once and a while as tears streamed down his dirty face. His armor that once glistened in the sun now was dented and cracked, his white pristine cloak now covered with dirt, grim, and sot from the battlefield. If one would even want to call it that. It was more like a massacre, in all of his years of being a soldier he had never witnessed such massive destruction in such a short time. “I ...” he gasped out, “I don't know wh... who Rin is!”
Sesshoumaru let the poison seep out of his claws and on to the human's skin, “Then you die!” He watched with impassive eyes as the green taint took affect and ate through the mortal's skin and bone until his head detached it's self and the carcass fell to the ground. The demon lord started down
at it for a few seconds before walking away leaving a body for the first time seen his escaped. “Let those worthless scum wonder what happed to their dear soldier,” he hissed through clenched teeth, not looking back as he left what was left of the camp to the birds and scavengers.
Each step he took he felt that they lead him further and further away from any sign of Rin that he might find. The fact that he had somehow lost Tenseiga and the gift that his father had given him was so far away from him that he couldn't even feel its pull didn't even bother him as much as losing that one small human girl. Jaken too was missing but somehow he was least concerned about the toad demon. He knew that the annoying creature would find a way to seek him before he even could begin to look for him.
He sighed as he heard horses coming up ahead of him and reached to pull up the dark brown cloth that dangled around his neck making sure that it was in the correct place so it covered his nose and cheeks before dropping his arm. They were running faster than he had first thought and hopefully not towards the destroyed camp, sure he didn't care that anybody saw the mess he had left behind but with him so close to the damage was a delay that he neither liked nor needed.
When the two riders broke over the hill and saw him they slowed their approach and walked to him, “You alone stranger?” one of them asked, pulling the reins on his horse tight as it started to frisk from side to side.
Sesshoumaru nodded, glaring at the animals prancing about. Just being near him made the damn things nervous, picking up his sent as if he was some type of rabid dog.
“Well,” the man continued, “There's a storm approaching, you wouldn't want to be caught up in it. You got a horse or something?”
He shook his head curious as to why these two humans were being nice to him.
“Well,” this time the woman spoke up, “There's a town not to far from here, you can find an inn there.” She looked him up and down as if she was seeing if he strong enough to last the storm if he didn't make it to the town in time.
“I will be fine,” he said reaching up and tugging on the leather strap that was digging into his left arm. It was a useful thing having the Toukijin strapped to his back instead of awkwardly at his side. For some strange odd reason it just didn't want to sit right at his hip in the clothes he was currently wearing.
The woman nodded taking in the loose billowing sleeve of his left arm then the close fitting one of his right. She glanced at his covered face, “Is there something wrong with you, stranger?” she asked, suspicion ringing in her voice.
Sesshoumaru glared at her and reach up gently touching what was left of his arm, even now being self conscious about it.
“Must've been some fight?” the man asked, trying to lighten the mood.
The demon lord nodded trying to rein in his temper.
The woman answered his nod with one of her own, “Did he get your face as well?”
He growled low in his throat, the fucking wench didn't know when to shut her mouth.
The man reached out and touched her shoulder, “Stop sister, no need to ask him all these questions. He's just probably a loner, right?”
Sesshoumaru once again turned his attention to the man, “Perhaps,” he stated and started off down the road again ignoring the calls of the two humans as they tried to get his name before he left.