InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Worlds Collide
A/N:This one is for all of those WONDERFUL people who bugged and bugged and bugged me, I simply just HEART you guys (and gals of course)!!
Rin sat on the soft dew dampened earth as she stared at her Sesshoumaru-sama's sword now just slightly uncovered by the brown cloth that it was wrapped in. It had seemed like years since she last saw him and her poor little heart felt like it couldn't take much more loneliness. Sure she loved Mat, but he was not her Sesshoumaru-sama and even though he was a comfortable pillow during cold nights he just didn't give her a sense of absolute protection that the Lord of the Western Lands gave her. Then again she thought that nobody could EVER replace her Lord.
Mat carefully walked up to the little girl and sat next to her watching her watch the weapon, “Are you sure you want to carry that thing around, Rin, it's kindda deadly,” he softly whispered to the broading child.
Rin shook her head and gave him a sad smile, her small hand drifting towards the swords hilt, “Tenseiga will not hurt Rin.”
Mat just nodded knowing better than to argue with the girl, she could be as fierce as a Trolloc and as stubborn as a dying Fade when angry, “So what are you thinking about?” he asked, try to coax the child into a better mood. Unfortunately this only seemed to upset her even more.
Rin hung her head and her shoulders slumped, her dark bangs falling in across her eyes to hide them, “I miss Sesshoumaru-sama... wonder if something bad happened to him and Rin will never see him again?” She reached up and whipped her nose on the back of her hand, ashamed that she felt like crying. Sesshoumaru-sama hated crying.
Mat took Rin and gently placed her in his lap, “Don't worry little one, he will find us, and if he doesn't I will be here to take care of you in his place.”
Rin peered up at him and started to giggle, “Mat-chan, you look nothing like Rin's Sesshoumaru-sama!” she squealed in delight.
Mat put on his best grin for the small girl, “No? I'm much more better looking than he is, aren't I?”
If anything this made Rin laugh all the harder, tears streaming down her chubby cheeks, “No way! Sesshoumaru-sama is the prettiest Rin has ever seen! Prettier than even Egwene!”
Mat gasped and grasped his chest in mock pain, “But nobody is prettier than Egwene!” Or at least in Rin eyes, or so he thought.
Rin gave him a serious look, “Sesshoumaru-sama is,” she stated as if it was an everyday fact even sticking her nose in the air like a true royal.
“Ok little princess,” he said giving up in the small play fight,”if you say so.”
She huffed, “I do say so. And I AM a princess, Mat-chan!”
He raised an eyebrow at her, “Oh really, you didn't tell me that,” he said, not believing the girl one bit.
She shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, “Well sortta anyways,” she mumbled back at him.
“Please do explain,” Rand stated, coming up behind the two of them and taking a set next to Mat.
“Well Sesshoumaru-sama, is Sesshoumaru-sama, of course and I am Rin. His daughter... not his real daughter,” she paused as if trying to remember something. Then with all the seriousness in the world she looked to the two of them with eyes that did not belong on a child as young as her. “A long time ago I lived a place with bad people. I didn't have a mother or a father so I would have to steal my food to eat. The farmers didn't like that much and said that such things should not be wasted on one as worthless as myself,” she took another deep breath before continuing. “One day I was walking in the trees near the place were I used to live and I came across someone hurt really badly. He was beautiful even in his pain,” she whispered then forced herself to smile. “I brought him water even though he never drank it, saying he didn't need such things and that I was wasting my time with him, but I kept on doing it anyway, I had to help him somehow.
“Then the farmers' fields began to dry up and die, they blamed it on me, saying that I was a bad omen and should be killed. They took their anger out on me and hit me until I couldn't move any more. I was so hurt I couldn't go see him for a while and when I was able to he asked me what happened to my face.” She smiled, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks, “He was the only thing that had ever showed me kindness in even the slightest way. When the village was attached by wolfs I ran for my life, thinking the only thing that could save me was him. But the wolfs caught me and I don't know what happened but when I woke he was standing over me. Rin has followed Sesshoumaru-sama ever since and I have never been in danger where he hasn't saved me from. Sesshoumaru is a Lord, that would make Rin a princess.”
She buried her face in Mat's chest and began to cry, “Why hasn't he come to get Rin now! Sesshoumaru-sama please don't abandon me! I promise I will never run off to make flower necklaces for you again!”
Mat looked to his friend as Rand reach over to rub Rin's back, “Rin,” the Dragon Reborn whispered to the girl, “I'm sure that's not why Sesshoumaru-sama is not here with you, who could ever leave you for making flower necklaces for them.”
“I bet,” Mat added with a smile, “That's he's looking for you right this minute.”
Inu-Yasha glowered at the passer bys as he jumped from booth to booth trying to trace the remaining sent of Tenseiga. The trail was faint and with all the other smells of the town the hanyou couldn't figure out how long ago the sword was here. He stopped suddenly and peered down a fat balding man, “You!” he hissed reaching a clawed hand out and gripping the vendor's grease stained tunic, “Where the fuck is Tenseiga?”
The man's eyes widened, what in the Light was so flaming special about that flaming hunk of junk! “I-I don't know!” the coward wailed, “It was bought! A little girl took it! A-a-about t-t-wo days ago!” Inu-Yasha let out a growl and the man's eyes rolled up in the back of head as he went limp in the half-demon's grasp.
Kagome stared at the human in disbelief then turned her dark gaze at Inu-Yasha, “You scared him stupid!” she yelled, causing the poor demon's ears to ring.
The half demon glared at the human girl and opened his mouth to fight back but stopped when a faint sent drifted up to his nose. He titled his head slightly to a smell that was vaguely familiar; it smelt like Sesshoumaru, only different, more human. He squinted in the direction as if that alone would tell him of the source. “What's the little wench that Sesshoumaru has called?” he asked.
Kagome glared, what the hell was wrong with his family? Did every one of them have trouble calling females by their names? “Her name,” she hissed between clenched teeth, “is Rin.”
“Whatever,” he snorted aside the miko's anger. “I smell her, faintly... I think she has Tenseiga.”