InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome The Devils' Daughter ❯ Kagomes' Brother ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Two:
“Alright…” Tohru said looking back at Yuki and Kagome. “Lets go find Shigura…”
Kyo opened the door and scowled.
Kagome sighed looking around. “It's so quiet…” she said.
“Yes…it is.” Yuki agreed and looked around for a moment.
“Ahhh! Yuki!” A man said running up to them. “Dear brother!”
Yuki groaned and shook his head. “Hello, Ayame…”
Kagome giggled slightly and shook her head.
“Ah, and who is this?” Ayame said. “A friend… why she is absolutely beautiful; such lovely long white hair and with black streaks. And your eyes, oh what eyes, the most beautiful blue. The center of your eye is not black though… It too is blue only darker…Magnificent!”
“Hello.” Kagome smiled. “I am Kagome Higurashi. Tohrus' cousin.”
“I am Ayame Sohma. Yukis' older brother…He does so find me annoying though…I must dress you up!”
“No… That's ok…” Kagome said. “I never did like to dress up…”
“Oh, what a shame… Oh well.” He turned to Tohru. “Why did you not tell me you had a cousin? And such a beautiful...”
“Ayame!” A cold voice said. “Get back in here, you Shigura and I still have matters to discuss!”
“Aw… But Akito.” He said running back to the building. “My brother and his friends are here.”
They saw Akito move the screen and look out at them. He sighed and waved them over. They saw Ayame jump with happiness and sit next to Shigura.
Kagome tensed up as they began to walk near them. Yuki who noticed grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She looked at him noticing the fear that played on his face also.
“Good afternoon Akito-sama, Shigura, Ayame.” Tohru greeted them.
“Don't just stand out there come in so it doesn't get hot in here.” Akito said and noticed the fearful look on Kagomes' face. He smirked. “Hello, Kagome…” He said.
“Hello…” she said becoming very uncomfortable.
“Hm… Kagome,” Shigura said smiling. “Stay here and keep Akito company will you, while we go and get a few drinks. I would do it myself but I can't carry seven drinks on my own. I might drop one and shake it up and knowing these two,” he gestured to Kyo and Yuki, “ Kyo will get mad and drop the drinks and try to fight with Yuki.”
“Shigura, I don't think…”
“Come on now Yuki…” He said getting up and pushing him away while the others followed. “We'll be back in a few minutes!”
Kagome sat quietly as they left. She could feel Akitos' eyes on her, roaming her body.
“Why don't you talk to me, Kagome.” He said.
“What is there to talk about?” She said looking at her hands.
“Oh, why do you say that, I think there is plenty to talk about.” Akito paused. “Why don't you tell me something about yourself… not about your time in the feudal era, just about you.”
“Why?” She questioned looking up and earning an annoyed look from him. She sighed. “Fine… When I get nervous or am uncomfortable or extremely angry, I grow a tail.”
“Is it red with a point?” Akito asked like a smart ass.(joked)
“No!” Kagome snapped. “It's not red with a point!”
“Then what is it… You are the daughter of the devil.” He said.
“That doesn't mean I look like a devil like you are thinking of!” Her face began to grow rosy and get an angry look. “I hate people like you!” She yelled. “You find something out about someone and then make fun of it!”
“I get it now…” Akito replied. “You are a bitter old wench!”
“Be quiet girl or I will have Hotori erase your memory.” Akitos' face became flushed.
Akito began to grind his teeth together as he stood. “Be quiet now if you know what is good for you…”
Kagome growled and heard a rip and looked back to see her tail. She curled it around her and looked at him. “NOW LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!”
“I SAID BE QUIET!” Akito yelled jerking her up by the collar of her shirt and pinning her to a bookcase. “I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU!”
“Do it…” Kagome said suddenly very quiet. “Kill me, it won't make a difference. You won't be charged with murder, my body will just disappear.” She pulled a knife out of her pocket and flipped it opened. She put in his hand and aimed the point between her breasts. “Go ahead and do it…”
Akito pressed the point onto her and felt her breath deep, pressing the knives' tip through the fabric of her shirt and into her flesh, just barely cutting her.
`Something is off…' He thought and looked into her eyes. No fear was shown in them, only anger and a hint of sadness. He pressed the knife closer to her, cutting her more deeply.
She closed her eyes waiting for him the plunge the knife into her heart. Instead she heard the knife fall and slide across the floor. She opened her eyes to see Akito looking down at her. His eyes were filled with something unknown to her. “Why didn't…” She was cut off as he pressed his lips lightly against hers in a chaste kiss.
He watched her eyes grow with shock and her hand fly up to her lips. He smirked and moved her hand leaning in to kiss her again. Akito pulled her to him pressing her close to his body and smirking to himself as her eyes closed slowly.
There was a loud crash from outside that startled the two making them break apart.
“You stupid cat!” They heard Yuki scold. “Look what you went and did this time… Watch where you are going next time!”
“Shut up you stupid rat! I don't have to take this! Shigura give me the house keys, that's what we came for in the first place!” Kyo snapped. “ So just hand'm over and we can go!”
“Kyo…” Tohru began.
“No!” He said. “We all know that Akito scares you and we understand that, he scares us half the time too. None of us want to see you scared!”
“Kyo! Akito doesn't scare me, leaving Kagome alone with him does, having Kagome even just around him does… I respect Akito, I would be the same way if I were in his position!” They could hear Tohrus' voice beginning to rise. “But, I mean Kagome is the spawn of the devil, imagine what she could do, imagine what could happen if she got mad at any of us!”
“Tohru, it isn't kind to speak that way about your cousin.” Shigura said with a hint of sorrow in his voice. “She is a nice girl, a little intimidating I admit, but she is still very nice. I don't think you have anything to be afraid of.”
“I can't help it!”(she a little ooc)
Kagome felt her breath hitch in her throat, her own cousin feared her, and she wasn't telling her. Her hands began to tremble and had Akito not been pressing her close to him she would have fallen.
“I am only around her when I have to be!” She could hear Tohru say. “I don't care if she is nice. I don't want to be around her, if I got her mad she could unleash hell on me or embarrass me by growing that absurd tail!”
Tears formed in Kagomes' eyes as she listened to the only family she had talking about her when she wasn't around. She found herself crying into Akitos' chest only moments later. “She hates me!” Kagome mumbled. “My only family hates me! I am a monster…I should die, I should go ahead a go t hell and take my place as the devils daughter!”
“Shhh…” Akito whispered. “It's ok…you are no monster…”
“I should have just stayed in the feudal era, at least there I could find peace” she hiccupped. “At least there I could do some, despite who and what I am people we not afraid of me…I hate this! Everything always goes wrong in my life!”
“It's alright…” He said placing his chin on top of her head and rubbing her back comfortingly.
The door creaked slightly and opened as everyone walked in gasping in shock at the scene in front of them.
Kagome jerked her head up with tears running down her face and dripping from her chin.
“Kagome,” Tohru said sadly. “What wrong…why are you crying…”
Kagomes' eyes narrowed slightly and a frown marred her face. “I would assume you know…” She said. She looked up at Akito and tried to smile. “I'll see you sometime…I'm going home…”
“Alright…” He said smiling at her and releasing her. “I do insist that you come and visit me sometime.”
Kagome nodded and headed towards the door looking at Tohru one last time before closing her eyes and disappearing.
“You know Tohru…” Yuki said a bit angrily. “I think your cousin heard what you were saying about her. I must say she hardly seems as dangerous as you are making her out to be. I think she has some control over her actions.”
“Yuki!” Tohru said shocked. “You don't know her like I do! I have seen her unleash hell what it does to a person is horrible, even after she stops it… She almost killed herself once trying to stop it from killing the person she unleashed it on.” She got a slightly frustrated look. “The person become covered in hand prints, it steals the person energy and slowly kills them.”
“And who was the person?” Shigura asked.
“Her step father. I don't understand why she hated him, he always seemed so nice to me.” Tohru said. “The day he died she had unleashed hell on him but stopped it before he died. He had made her angry and she couldn't control it!”
“And how old was she Tohru, how old was she then and how old is she now, she told us she was being trained, I believe she has some control on it now!” Yuki fussed and crossed his arms. “Kyo, give me the keys, I'm going home…”
*** *** **** *** ***
Kagome sat in Sesshomarus' study holding a book opened but not actually reading it. Her eyes were glazed over as if she were in deep thought.
`So my only living family fears me… She called me embarrassing. I am a creature that should have never been…'
“Kagome?” Came Sesshomarus' voice as he stepped though the door. “Why are you not with your cousin anymore, I wasn't expecting you back until late.”
She looked up at him and forced a smile. “She, Kyo and Yuki were just going to go home so I came back here…”
“You're lying.” He said giving her a look that said `tell me or else.'
“Fine, yes, I am lying…Tohru is ashamed of me… She's afraid to be near me and embarrassed of this.” She said motioning towards her tail that had yet to go away. “She thinks if I get mad at one of her friends or she herself then I will unleash hell on them and kill them.”
Sesshomaru moved to sit at his desk and sighed. “I wouldn't worry about it. She will see her mistake one day and ask you to forgive her and either you will or you won't. But either way you will still have friends, her friends are now your friends aren't they?”
“I guess, but sense Tohru probably won't be speaking to me anymore then they won't either. I mean Shigura and Yuki might but, Kyo… I don't know about him…” Kagome sighed.
“When did this happen?”
“Today when we went to go and get the house keys from Shigura. He was at the main Sohma house, having a meeting with Akito and Ayame.”
“Akito and Ayame caused you no problems?” He asked looking up curiously.
“No not at all, they were quite nice. But all of them went to get `drinks' and left Akito and myself alone. We talked and had a little fight but we heard them outside talking about how Tohru was afraid of Akito and she was denying it, she started saying how she was afraid of me and was only around me when she had to be. So Akito let me cry on him…” She blushed. “Shigura and Yuki were fighting with her about how they didn't believe what she was saying…”
“Hm…” Sesshomaru stood up and walked over to her. “Go to bed, you'll feel better after you get some rest.” He gave her a hug and said good night before grabbing his coat and disappearing.
*** *** ****** *** ***
Tohru was waked from a crash at her window. She got up and went over to it, just like those idiots in the scary movies, and opened it wide. She shrugged and began to walk back to her bed when she was tackled and pinned down. A hand covered her mouth so she couldn't scream.
“You hurt her greatly.” The man pinning her growled, his red eyes were glowing angrily. “You made Kagome feel as though she had nothing to live for! You are her only living human family and you know what it feels like to lose everything, and regain what you have lost, do not take that privilege away from her!” He moved his hand but kept it next to her head incase she tried to scream.
“You, you're… You're her father!” Tohru gasped. “The devil!”
“Hardly a devil! That is what her stepfather told her she was when he found out she was different from other children and was not his. Kagome is merely a powerful demon with a lack of control for her most powerful spells and abilities.”
“So then you are just a demon?” Tohru asked still tense and afraid. “Kagome won't go to hell?”
“That is something her step father told her would happen. That is also why he was killed. That man was a beast in disguise. When no one was around he beat Kagome, because of what she was and is she would heal before anyone could question her.” The man was tightening his grip on her. “You should apologize for what you said to her, she has never hurt you and would never intentionally cause you trouble. If you cannot see that then you do not deserve the tears she shed for you and you certainly won't deserve her forgiveness!” He let go of her and walked over to the window. “Oh, I am not her father by the way, he died long ago. I am Kagomes' brother.”
Tohru let out a high-pitched scream as the man disappeared.
Yuki, Kyo and Shigura came running into the room quickly. “What wrong?” They asked in unison.
“I…Kagomes' brother was here….”
“The little boy is dead Tohru…” Shigura said.
“No, a demon, she has another brother…”
*** *** ****** *** ***
Sesshomaru sighed as he reentered his study sipping his coffee he has got at the corner store.
Ok, I know that it doesn't compare to the stories I had posted under MeiGingitsune but I haven't posted in like five months! DON'T BE MEAN! Anyhow, help me out, try to give me suggestions and pointers on things that need improvement or something you want to happen. I will consider them.