InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Much Too Young ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Basket or InuYasha. Only the creators, Natsuki Takaya and Rumiko Takahashi, own them.
Authors note: This will be a Fruits Basket and InuYasha crossover. Please take into consideration that what you are about to read does actually happen. This is a topic that shouldn't be laughed at or ignored. It's very serious, and for most who have suffered, it's a very difficult subject to discuss. Please be mature when reading this story and understand how hard it is to write this.
Warning: Angst, discussion of rape, vulgar language, violence, self-injury, physical and mental abuse. If you have a problem with any of the above do not read this story. I will not accept any flames nor will I accept any crude comments about 'why you think this is…' You have read the warning (hopefully. And if not it's your own fault) and if you decided to read this story, then I am not reliable for any offense you may have. You have been warned!
This is dedicated to all of those who have/or are going through any kind of abuse. Most of us can only fathom what it is like, and for those, like myself, who have been or are still going through this living nightmare and need help or just need to talk there is always some kind of place you can go to. I will be posting several web addresses on my profile for any who may wish to use them. Also if anyone wants to just talk to me my IM will also be on my profile (wow, that sounded really gushy and corny).
"Text" -Speaking
'Text' -Thoughts
Much Too Young
By: moosegirl13
Everywhere I look around I see how everything ought to be
Every time I see myself there's always something wrong with me- Linkin Park "Part of Me"
Bony fingertips touched the smooth glass of the window as blue eyes stared out at the white blanket that covered the cold, hard ground of the world outside her room. Snowflakes floated alongside the window creating a type of wintry fairyland. Children played across the street in their front yard as their parents chatted together, but at the same time had a watchful eye on their children. Her bedroom lights cast off the window causing her face to reflect off of it. Those blue eyes of hers showed with a type of sorrow that one could never escape, jealousy, and a longing to be free of her torment and roam wherever she may wish. She looked once more at the carefree children who were now playing some kind of tag. She remembered what it was like to be carefree, to not have to worry about what she would eat for dinner or if he was going to come.
Drawing the string, she slowly let the blinds descend to their resting place. A lone tear slid down her cheek just as the front door to the house slammed open. Angry footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs. With eyes wide open and her breathing labored, she quickly and as quietly as possible climbed onto her bed and under the warm covers that seemed to welcome her with open arms. The footsteps stopped at the door of her room and she struggled not to whimper as fear overtook her. The doorknob rattled a bit before she and the person outside her door realized that it was locked. Heaving a sigh of relief as the person on the other side moved away, she snuggled further into the purple cotton sheets and white bedcover. Reaching over to her nightstand, she turned off the lights and succumbed to a nightmare filled sleep.
----------Dream Sequence----------
"You stupid little brat! You're a mistake that was brought upon this earth to make all of our lives hell."
"Daddy, no! I promise I'll be good. I promise!"
"Too late for that you little shit. You know the consequences of disobeying me. Now you'll be punished!"
A resonating slap was heard through out the house, followed be thump of a heavy object falling to the ground. The little girl, no older than six, lay limp on the family's pristine white carpet. The last thing she saw before she welcomed the dark abyss was the angry dark brown eyes of her father as he descended on her.
Kagome woke up in a cold sweat, her body shaking uncontrollably. If her mother hadn't come home from work early that night, then she would have been… Looking at the clock on the wall she realized that it was time to get up and get ready for school. Climbing out of her warm bed, Kagome took a shower and put on worn old blue jeans that were faded in some spots, and a long-sleeve red shirt. Brushing her hair to the side of her head to cover up any burses that still might be visible, Kagome quietly headed down stairs.
Reaching the entryway, she slipped on her gray hoddie, and then put her worn jean jacket on over that. Putting on her tennis shoes and slinging her black book bag over her shoulder, Kagome opened the front door and walked outside into the snow.
"Damn it! I'm already late." Gaining a boost of energy, Kagome sprinted toward her new high school (I don't know the name). Opening the doors to the school, she couldn't help but shudder in delight as warm air hit her in the face. Walking fast toward the office, Kagome noticed there was yelling coming from one of the classrooms. 'Okay… weird,' she thought silently to herself. Sighing, she looked at the woman behind the counter who was busy scribbling something down.
"Excuse me, miss. I'm new here and I need my schedule. Also, I need my uniform." The woman looked at the annoyed teen who was currently tapping her foot impatiently on the tiled floor.
"Name?" the woman asked in a dull drawl. She looked middle-aged as her dark brown hair was showing a couple gray streaks in it. Her green eyes showed with a hidden emotion. To Kagome it seemed that the woman didn't like her job much.
"Kagome A. Higurashi. I'm second year (1)."
Nodding, the woman started typing something into the computer next to her. When she was finished she handed Kagome her schedule. "I'm sorry to say that at this moment we don't have anymore girl's uniforms. Will it be alright with you, Higurashi-san, if you wear a boy's uniform?"
At that moment Kagome couldn't possibly thank her lucky stars enough. She hated wearing skirts, well the short ones at least, and since she was going to wear a guy's uniform it would hide all of the burses and scrapes. "Oh, that's all right. I think I'll manage." The woman took her size and gave her the uniform (A/N same kind as the ones in Fruits Basket). Taking the uniform, Kagome headed for the bathrooms to change. When she opened the door she instantly noted that she wasn't alone. Quickly going into a vacant stall to change Kagome couldn't help but overhear to conversation.
"We must get that Tohru Honda away from Prince Yuki."
"Yes, yes, we must at all cost."
"Tohru Honda is a good for nothing little… She is stealing Prince Yuki from not only us but also everyone else. I can't believe that our great and beautiful prince is easily falling for her evil charms."
"How would we get rid of her?"
"Easy we…"
At that moment Kagome decided she had enough of these girls and their rude comments. Stepping out of the stall, she decided to make her presence known. Putting her hands in the front pockets of her pants she spoke.
"You do know how rude it is to talk about someone behind their back. If you have something to say to her, why not tell her face-to-face instead of being cowards and hiding in here. If she has you this scared, then maybe I should meet this Tohru Honda." The last part was said quietly to herself. Looking at the stunned faces of the three girls she had to suppress a laugh.
"Close your mouths or you'll be catching more than flies." The girls clamped their mouths shut and ran out of the bathroom. Smirking, Kagome also made her way out of the bathroom and to her next class. Looking at her schedule she couldn't help but groan. 'Classroom 1-D, huh? Great. Not!' Stopping at her first period class, Kagome slowly slid the door open. Two words described the classroom at that moment: uncomfortable silence. Stepping into the room and sliding the door shut Kagome made her way to the teacher. He was an aged man with thin hair and a bald spot on top of his scalp.
"Class," he said in a strong voice that slightly surprised Kagome, "this is our new transfer student. Her name is Kagome Higurashi. Please make her feel welcomed. Why don't you say anything about yourself, Higurashi-san?" The teacher smiled kindly at Kagome, and for a brief second he reminded her of on of those old perverts you see on television every once in awhile.
"With all do respect Sensei, I don't feel like discussing my personal life with strangers." She looked at her classmates and saw that the three girls she confronted in the bathroom earlier were just a few feet away from where she was standing. Smirking at their terrified and shocked faces, Kagome turned her attention to the teacher.
"Very well, if that's what you wish." He looked slightly dejected but the smile was still on his face. "Let's see where to put you, hmm." His fingers lightly stroked his chin as he contemplated where to put his new student. Scanning the room with his eyes he finally came to a decision.
"Hanajima-san please raise your hand." Kagome looked at the girl who currently had her hand raised. She had long, wavy black hair and pretty dark brown eyes. "Higurashi-san you'll be sitting next to Hanajima-san," said the teacher. Walking over to her seat, Kagome caught sight of orange hair. 'Who in the world would dye their hair orange?' She set her book bag on the ground and took a seat trying to ignore all the looks she was getting. 'Probably the uniform', she thought amused and slightly angry that she was getting this much attention. If it was one thing Kagome hated that was worse than her father it was attention. For Kagome, getting too much attention was never a good thing.
Quickly becoming bored with the teacher's lecture, Kagome took out a sketchbook, a pencil, and an eraser and started to draw (A/N I know nothing about art. I'm artistically challenged and currently I'm majoring in the art of stick figures). Soon enough the bell had rang for break to start. Everyone scrambled out of the classroom except for Kagome and five other teens. As Kagome was still drawing the others began a conversation a short distance away.
"That girl, the transfer student, has very sad waves."
"What do you mean, Hana-chan?" Asked Uotani. Their eyes fell on their best friend as she made her way towards Kagome. "It's like her soul is in torment." Yuki and Kyo came over to where the two girl's sat and also observed the conversation. It was amazing to all them how Tohru could easily find the best in people and make them her friend. Perhaps it was also her carefree attitude that attracted so many people as well. However, her life was anything but carefree. "Our precious Tohru. She is truly a selfless person."
Kagome looked up from her drawing as a girl with brown hair and blue-green eyes walked towards her. 'Oh God, I just want to be left alone. Why can't anyone see that?' "Hey there Higurashi-san! It's so wonderful that you're in the same class as my friends and I. My name is Tohru Honda." Tohru held her hand out for Kagome to shake. Tentatively, Kagome clasped her hand with the preppy girl's own hand. 'This is Tohru Honda? THE Tohru Honda those freakish girl's were talking about in the bathroom? Hmm, life keeps getting stranger and stranger.' "Nice to meet you, Honda-san. I must say that you certainly attract all kinds of attention…" She looked over Tohru's shoulder to see Tohru's friends looking at her…"Both good and, well, bad." Looking back at Tohru, whose face was beat red from embarrassment, Kagome looked deeply into her eyes. There was a hidden sorrow that wasn't too common in one so young. 'She's just like me. Well, not quite like me but still. She has suffered life's harsh lessons way too early just as I have. And yet, she is different. It's like she sees things from the glass half-full perspective.' Tohru, becoming a little too uncomfortable with Kagome's intense stare, decided to speak.
"Oh, forgive me. These are my friends." Tohru looked behind her and motioned everyone over. "This is Uo-chan, Hana-chan, Yuki-kun, and Kyo-kun. Guys, this is Higurashi-san." Getting numerous hellos and a snort from Kyo-kun, Kagome stood up from her seat and bowed a bit in respect.
"So, what brings you to this school, Higurashi-san?" asked Yuki. There was something about this girl that he couldn't quite place. "Oh well, I've just recently moved after my mum passed away. I was never taught in a public school, because I used to be home schooled." A sad look was in everyone's eyes and Kagome vaguely wondered if she said the wrong thing. Shrugging it off, she was about to say something else when the bell rang for class to begin again. As the teacher walked back into the classroom, everyone took their seats.
Tohru looked back at Kagome, who was currently drawing in her sketchpad.
'She's lost someone important to her too.'
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A/N: So, what do you think? Later on it will get more angst. I love reviews, so if it's not too much trouble please leave one. I already know my grammar sucks ducks so you don't need to remind me. Remember that I will accept no flames. -Thank you