InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Much Too Young ❯ Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The bell had rung for lunch to begin. Teenagers scurried into the cafeteria eager to chat with friends and fill their stomachs with stuff that shouldn't have even been allowed to have a spot on the food pyramid. Noise of all kinds erupted from all around Kagome as she tried her best to ignore everyone in the smelly room. She hated noise almost as much as she hated silence, which was almost as much as she hated attention. To Kagome silence and noise only meant unbelievable pain for her in the end.
Picking at the food on her tray with a fork she decided to give up trying to figure out what the mystery meat was really made out of. Standing up with her book bag slung across her chest, Kagome threw her trash away and headed out of the cafeteria and into the quiet hallways. At least now she could work and think without people interrupting her all of the time. Sitting outside her classroom with her back against the wall, Kagome closed her eyes and allowed herself to reminisce about part of her past.
"…But mama I don't want some stupid heads watching over me! I want to be with you!"
A young Kagome stood on the front porch clinging to her mother's leg as if it was a lifeline. It was just a few minutes ago that she learned that her parents were going on a date. Naturally, she knew what that meant for her and did what every child her age would of done. She begged. She pleaded. She did puppy eyes that were sure to work. In the end, however, it did not.
"Now Kagome, your father and I need some time together alone. We promise that we will be here when you wake up in the morning. Okay?"
Kagome sniffled and dried her tears with the end of her sleeve. She still didn't want her mother to go, but it looked like she had no choice with the look her father was giving her. Shuddering at the fierce gaze, Kagome looked back up at her mother.
"I promise." Her mother smiled kindly at her only daughter. She would give her life to make her pride and joy happy. She knew that her daughter and her new husband did not get along at all. Though, she failed to realize the cruelness and wickedness her husband had become since their marriage.
Smiling, Kagome nodded and let her vice-like grip loosen on her mother's leg.
---------End of Flashback----------
Kagome was shaken out of her daydream when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw a boy with blond hair and brown eyes. Furrowing her eyebrows, Kagome realized that the boy was talking to her. Looking at the hand that was still on her shoulder, Kagome wished desperately to remove it. It brought back too much pain, and too many memories.
"Huh? I'm sorry but could you repeat what you just said?"
"Oh, I just wanted to know if you're alright." He noticed her discomfort with him touching her, so he quickly took his hand away. Concern filled his eyes as he watched Kagome fidget a bit and look down at her lap. There was something wrong with this girl that was for sure.
"I'm fine." Kagome stood up on shaky legs and headed inside her classroom. The blond haired boy looked at her retreating figure.
"Momiji! What's wrong?" Turning around, Momiji spotted Tohru walking up to him.
"TOHRU!" Momiji started to skip his way to his friend. He was about to crush her into a hug when he was caught by the back of his shirt. Gazing over his shoulder, Momiji saw Kyo. "Ya damn brat! You know better by now. No hugging!" With that, Kyo delivered the little rabbit a bop on the head. "Whaaaa! Tohru, Kyo is picking on me!"
When Kagome walked into the classroom she took a seat in the back nearest to the window. Digging into her book bag she took out her most prized possession, her sketchpad. She knew she was kind of obsessed, but hey, she didn't care what people thought of it. Flipping to the next blank page, Kagome began to sketch. Images flowed across her mind as her pencil danced across the paper. She could see them. They smiled and waved just like they always did. Looking down at her sketchpad, she smiled at what she drew. It was them. Oh God, how Kagome missed them. They were her first true friends. The opening of the sliding door interrupted her from her thoughts. A small voice killed the silence between the two teens.
"Umm… are you alright, Higurashi-san? You seem kind of sad," asked Tohru. She was greatly concerned about the new girl. It didn't seem natural to want to stay away from people; and if by chance she could help this girl, with whatever it may be, she would.
Kagome smirked a bit at the other girls' meekness. She had to give Tohru some credit though for being brave enough to voice her concern for her. Kagome found it a little endearing. "I'm fine, Honda-san. Thank you for worrying about me. Nobody has really done that before." The words just slipped out of Kagome's mouth without her thinking about it. 'Damn it.'
How could she be so stupid? Judging by the look on Tohru's face, Kagome could tell that she really screwed up this time. "W-what? What do you mean, Higurashi-san?" Banging her head on the desk once, Kagome stood up ready to take her leave. 'Hell with school,' she thought. "Nothing. Listen Honda-san, please don't mention this conversation to any of your friends." Kagome was almost to the door when a hand on her arm stopped her from walking out.
"Don't worry. I won't tell, but I was wondering something…" Tohru trailed off unsure how to take this kind of approach. She missed the way Kagome flinched when she touched her arm, but noticed the way Kagome visibly tensed when hearing the trailed off sentence. Trying to remain calm, Kagome looked at Tohru expectantly. "What do you want to say, Honda-san?"
"I…we, my friends and I, were wondering if you would like to hangout after school?"
Kagome was about to say no. Her father would be furious if he ever found out that she didn't come home right after school ended. She did not want to be on her father's hit list tonight. However, as she looked at Tohru's expecting face she knew she couldn't deny the girl. So, against her better judgments, "alright. I'll go, but only for a little while." 'Crap.' Tohru jumped and clapped her hands. "Great! I'll go tell Yuki-kun and the others." With that, Tohru ran out of the room to go find everyone before the lunch break ended.
Staring at the sketch that she made not too long ago, Kagome allowed a ghost of a smirk to graze her lips. She looked back at where Tohru had once stood.
"Thank you…"
A/N: Well, please review! Thank you!