InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Much Too Young ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome's P.O.V.
I look at something, but I never really see it. I hear things, but I never listen. And I touch without actually feeling. To me, the world around me is numb. I wish not to feel the pain of everyday life so I block it…I block it the only way I know how to. I create a barrier around my heart so you can't see the true me. I don't want friends to turn me aside so I don't tell them. I'm afraid. I'm afraid of being alone, and I'm afraid that if I do tell then everything will change. I don't want things to change. I figure that the way things are now should stay the same. That, without complexity I will survive on my own, and someday I can be happy. Or perhaps, I feel like I deserve whatever treatment I am currently getting. I feel like I've done something wrong and as such I need to be punished. Either way, it's all my fault…all my fault.
End of P.O.V.
The sound of black birds calling in the distance brought Kagome out of her dream like state. She looked up to the sky. The surrounding trees were bear of leaves as the winter cold stripped them away the previous month. The black birds were sitting on the lowest branches, some twenty feet from the ground, looking at her with their beady black eyes. One cawed at her causing the others to do the same. Jumping slightly at the unexpected noise, she stuck her hands into her front pockets and headed to the nearest tree. Tohru had asked her to meet everyone here. Kagome assumed that she was busy rounding everyone up.
Sitting down in the freshly fallen snow, not caring in the least if she got wet, Kagome sighed and closed her eyes. She shuddered again as she heard the caws of the black birds. She hated the birds with a passion. Leaning against the trunk of the tree, she opened her eyes and took out her sketchpad once again. This, this was one of her many releases. When she drew all her problems seemed to go away (at least temporary). But on some occasions it caused her to remember the things she has so desperately tried to forget. About the nights when she felt all alone in the world known as hell. About the times when HE would show up.
She shook herself out of another one of her many daydreams. She had promised not to think of anything related to that while she was at school. Kagome flipped to a blank page and started to move her hand freely across the paper. How she wished to be that pencil. To be free and do what you wished. But then again, the pencil is never really free, is it? No, it needs someone to guide it along it's way; someone to tell it what to do.
Kagome jumped and spun her head around to look at the stranger who was interrupting her peace. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. `What's with this school? Have the students never heard of a dress code?'
“Well, aren't you going to say `hello' back”
Kagome blinked out of her stupor and shifted uneasily. Her eyes trailed across his up his body and landed on his head. `And what's with the students having unnatural hair color? It kind of reminds me of THEM…'
“Umm…hello?” she replied meekly. Kagome wasn't sure what to make of this boy. With his white and black hair along with his gaudy necklaces Kagome was sure that his reputation screamed punk `…that or raver.'
“You're the new kid, aren't you? Kind of quiet if you ask me”
Not knowing what to say in a situation such as this, Kagome nodded her head up and down slowly. “Yes. Why?” The boy looked at her for a minute before he too sat down in the snow next to her.
“Tohru said that you would be here. She wanted me to make sure that you were still here and haven't gone yet,” he looked at her, “my name is Hatsuharu, but you may call me Haru if you want. Everyone else does.”
“Oh, so you know Honda-san?' Kagome couldn't help but become interested. This Tohru had so many friends? `Well, I guess it's only natural for someone who is so compassionate towards others.'
`Yes, she's very popular with my family. So, I hear that you are going to hang out with us. Tohru wanted to stop by at Shigure's first. If that's alright?” Haru took his gloves out of his pocket and started to put them on.
`Hmm…that name sounds oddly familiar.' “Oh…Well, that's alright…I guess. I just have to be home soon, that's all.” Kagome took her eyes off of Hatsuharu and went back to her sketching. Haru looked over her shoulder to see her drawing a western dragon. To put it simply, the art work was beautiful. He was sure that if the art came to life, then the dragon would have a quality of gracefulness and mysteriousness to it. And yet, the drawing seemed to speak to ones soul. It's gorgeous deadly looking eyes told of hidden sorrows and loneliness. They spoke of bondage and a life full of suffering. `Could this be what she feels?' he thought for a brief moment.
“Haru! Gome-chan!”
Kagome and Hatsuharu looked up at the same time to see Tohru along with Yuki, Kyo, and Momiji walking towards them.
`Gome-chan? Nobody's called me Gome-chan since I was nine years old…' Kagome absently thought.
“Sorry it took so long. Are you guys ready?” Tohru asked with her usual cheerful smile on her face. She was delighted that Kagome was coming over. Too bad Hana-chan and Uo-chan couldn't come over today, then they could all get to know one another.
Kagome had put her sketchpad back into her book bag and stood up along with Haru. “Yes,” Haru replied as Kagome nodded yes as well. They all headed down the road in comfortable silence. Every once in a while Kyo would sneak a peek at his new classmate and wonder why she was so mysterious. Shrugging it off, he put his hands into his pockets as well.
When they reached their destination, all were glad to finally be out of the cold. “Great, THEY are here. Just what we need!” Kyo exclaimed, referring to the car parked out on the driveway. Kagome looked at the car, and then at the fuming faces of Yuki and Kyo, then back at the car. She couldn't but feeling apprehensive.
They all stepped inside the house, Kagome a little reluctant at first, and made their way to the living room. What Kagome saw when she first entered the room made her stop in her tracks. What were THEY doing here? Her eyes went wide as she looked them over. They looked the same, albeit a little older. Was God tricking her? Was he punishing her by making her think that THEY were here? No, he wasn't. They were real. And suddenly, she was afraid. Afraid if they would remember her or if they have forgotten. Afraid of what they would think of her if they did remember.
Unknowing to Kagome, three pairs of eyes widened as well. They thought that they would never see her again. After they got banned from visiting her… Was this a gift from God? Surely, it was.
“Gome-chan?” Ayame spoke. It seemed forever since he had spoken her name, and in all reality it almost was (to him, at least).
Kagome noticeably stiffened at the name and an urge went through her body. So, she followed the urge. She ran out of the house and as far as her legs could go.
----------------Meanwhile back at the house----------------
Four teenagers looked at the three adults in confusion. What had just happened? Did Higurashi-san know the three idiots? Before anyone could ask questions, Shigure sighed.
He stood up from his spot on the floor and looked down at his two best friends. Hatori looked indifferent, except for his eyes. His eyes held a longing but at the same time happiness. Aaya had a similar look in his eyes but his feelings were also shown on his face.
“When Gome-chan was five we were hired as her babysitters and soon became her really good friends.”
A/N: Well, there you go! Thank you so much for the reviews… It means a lot.