InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Much Too Young ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

His eyes had widened at the sight before him. He knew what had happened to the girl who he only just recently checked up on. The bruises… they told of a forbidden secret that was meant to lock all others out; they told of deception and pain, of a fight that no one, not even the cruelest of humans, should have to endure. The ugly yellow and green splotches spread across her skin, but he refused to believe that a violation as such as that had happened. Even as his own eyes traveled over her battered form his brain was telling him no. No one would be so cruel as to rape a defenseless girl. No one. And while his mind was coming up with alibis for what may have really happened, his heart knew the truth. It knew, and it bled for her. But his brain refused to believe, and as such it tried to block what his heart was trying so desperately to tell him.
Perhaps it was the shock of seeing one of his closest friends -a friend that only just recently came back into his lonely world- in such a helpless position, and that part of him knew that he was powerless to stop her from being tortured. Against his better judgment, he passed the notion off that his friend, his ex-charge, had been brutally dishonored.
It had been two days since she arrived at Shigure's home; two days of people pestering her nonstop; two days of lying on that God-forsaken bed, where all she could do was twiddle her thumbs in boredom, or listen to the sounds of nature outside her window. She was sick of it. She needed to get out, needed to get further away from her father, from Akito, from everyone.
But there was one who she didn't find so bothersome. He would sit quietly against the wall of the spare room she resided in. He didn't speak much, and when he did open his mouth he didn't ask if she was alright or if she needed anything. No, he talked to her about school and about the future. He had asked her what she wanted to be when she graduated. She told him that she wasn't too sure, that she wasn't going to get her hopes up, and that currently she was taking it one day at a time. He had remained silent for a while before he had told her that that was a good choice, but if she should look into a career than she should try her hand out in being an artist.
Kagome blinked, and looked towards the boy who was now asleep. His features were soft, and he looked like he didn't have a care in the world. A small smile graced her lips. Yes, Haru was really the only one she could stand to be around, him and the Mabudachi Trio. She sighed, sitting up from her laying position on the bed, Kagome sifted her gaze to the frostbitten window.
She hissed, the harsh morning light blinding her for a moment. Squinting her eyes, she put a hand up to her face and rubbed them. Looking around her, Kagome realized that she was not in her own room. Where was she? Panicking, she was about to sit up when a hand pressed gently down on her shoulder. Kagome looked up at the person who was standing next to the bed.
“Haru-san? Where am I? Why are you here?”
“Sensei and the others found you on the doorstep. You were wounded… Did someone do something to you, Kagome-san?”
His voice was warm and caring, yet it held seriousness in it that caused Kagome to shiver. He looked down at her, expecting an answer.
Kagome began to panic. Did they find out? Was she safe? If they did know what had really happened to her, would they treat her any differently? Would they pity her for what happened, or would they turn their backs on her?
“W-what do you mean?”
She was so ashamed. Ashamed at herself, and how easily she had fallen again; She was ashamed at her body's reaction, at its strength; and she was ashamed at how weak she had become, that she had left her guard down.
Haru sat on the bed, looking at the blank wall in front on him. His eyes traveled towards the window, and then back at her. Kagome sucked in her breath and looked away, closing her eyes.
“When you came, they said it looked like you had been beaten. Hatori had checked you over. Besides the gashes and bruises on your body, he said you were fine.”
Kagome looked back at him, her eyes glossy with unshed tears.
“Does Akito know of my stay here? Did any of you tell him?”
“No, not yet. However, Akito will have to be informed eventually. It's only right. We can not keep secrets from him no matter how badly we wish it.”
Kagome nodded her head. She knew it was selfish of her to want them to go behind the head of the family so that she would be safe. Clenching her fists tightly, she mouthed a `sorry' that went by unnoticed.
“I know something else happened to you, Kagome-san. It's evident in your eyes. What else happened to you?”
Kagome froze. Her heartbeat quickened as she grasped her head with her hands, trying to keep everything at bay. Salty tears trailed down her cheeks, landing on the sheets. If they didn't already find out, she wasn't about to tell them. Not that she didn't want to tell them, God only knew how bad she wanted to be free, it was just that she was too afraid. She was too afraid of everyone's reaction, of what they would do if they found out. She knew she wouldn't be able to handle it, she knew she couldn't.
Sifting to her side where she was facing the wall, Kagome let out a small noise.
“I-I don't want to talk about it.”
Haru sighed as he walked towards the nearby wall, and sat down.
“I'll be here when you want to talk.”
End Flashback
There was something about Haru, though, that attracted Kagome. Maybe it was because they both put on a façade to hide their real selves, their real emotions, from others. Whatever the reason, since Harus frequent visits she felt oddly attached to him. But, did he feel the same way?
Gazing at his peaceful expression one more time, Kagome laid back down and closed her eyes.
A/N: So sorry, peeps. I've been very busy looking for a job and doing my stupid schoolwork. I filled out so many damn applications that I feel like my fingers are going to fall off. Hopefully all goes well. Thanks so much for all the reviews.