InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Much Too Young ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Text - song by SYSTEM OF A DOWN “Solider Side”
As human beings we are always dreaming of something better. We have all dreamed of becoming famous and to shout to the world, look at me! Look at what I have become! We dream of the day when we can fly away and never look back. To be one with the clouds where nothing can bring us down. But, I have learned that, though I can't stop dreaming, dreams are pointless if that is all we do. If all we do is dream, then how can we make those dreams become reality?
And it's just the same with abuse. If we keep everything in a tightly locked closet, all our emotions and all of the cries for help, how is anyone going to come our way and hear our pleas? If all we do is bottle everything up on the inside and go on with day like nothing has ever happened, how are people supposed to help?
Hush, little baby, don't you cry. But, although we hide, we so badly want to cry, look at me! Please look at me!
Before Kagome came to Shigure's
Kagome gasped, her hand covering her mouth to hide the silent scream. Oh God, what had she done? She brought her hand down from her mouth and quickly made her way up to the mirror that was currently in pieces on the ground. Her eyes filled with tears as she gently handled one of the larger pieces of glass. How could she be so stupid?
A whimper escaped from her mouth, unknowingly clutching the sharp object tighter in her grip. Liquid crimson trailed over her flesh, and dripped onto the tiled floor. Gazing at her hand, Kagome blinked, and dropped the glass. It shattered as it met with the floor, but Kagome stood still.
Dead men lying on the bottom of the grave
Wondering when savior comes, is he gonna be saved
Maybe you're a sinner into your alternate life
Maybe you're a joker, maybe you deserve to die
The door slammed and once again Kagome knew that her father had come home early that afternoon. Tearing her eyes away from her wound, Kagome dropped to her knees, and started to gather as much glass as she could before her father came and discovered her. Wincing as the glass imbedded itself into her skin, she stood on a bare feet, and moved to the trashcan.
Her step-father's footsteps came nearer, sounding in the frightened girl's ears. The impending threat ringing loud and clear. Run! But there was no where to run to. She was blocked, blocked in her own damned room.
They were crying when their sons left
God is wearing black
He's gone so far to find no hope
He's never coming back
She rushed to lock the door, but as her hand reached for the switch on the knob it was too late. Her father stood before her, arms crossed, and foot tapping on the floor. His expression was bleak, and that's when Kagome started to back away.
“H-home already, father? I thought you went out with your friends…”
She clutched the towel around her tighter, wishing she got dressed after her shower sooner. Kagome gulped as her step-father gazed at her, a frown firmly placed on his mouth.
“What were you doing?” His gaze traveled over his step-daughters towel-clad body. He spotted the blood that seeped from under her feet and unto the floor, as well as her cut-up knees and hands.
They were crying when their sons left
All young men must go
He's come so far to find the truth
He's never going home
“I had a m-mishap. I was cleaning it up when y-you decided to come home early. I s-swear.” She backed away from her approaching step-father, her feet digging into the glass that still lay on the tile flooring. Blood pooled under her feet causing her to slip, and lose her balance. Kagome hit the ground with a thump, her towel coming loose in the process.
Her father looked upon her naked flesh lustfully, a sick, and cruel smile forming at his lips. He bent down, ripping the towel from his step-daughter, and held her chin tightly as his whispered words made her eyes go wide.
“Then why were you trying to lock me out?”
Young men standing on the top of their own graves
Wondering when Jesus comes, are they gonna be saved
Cruelty to the winner, bishop tells the king his lies
Maybe you're a mourner, maybe you deserve to die
Kagome whimpered as she struggled against his hold. `Not again. Please, not again.' Legs thrashed and fingernails dug into the man's face, as his the girl beneath him tried to break free from his hold. He enjoyed the tears that fell from his step-daughter's face.
“Come now, Kagome. One would think that you would be used to this by now.”
Kagome paused in her fruitless struggles. But suddenly, she came up with a plan. A plan to escape the monster above her. She brought her head down only to quickly lift it back up, so that her forehead contacted with her father's. Her father let her go from the shock and she quickly made her way across the glass infested bathroom floor on her hands and knees.
“Ugg,” her father hissed in pain. “You stupid bitch!”
They were crying when their sons left
God is wearing black
He's gone so far to find no hope
He's never coming back
Kagome was brought back down to the tiled floor by her hair. Her hands reached up to grasp the abused strands, hoping to relieve the burning pain. Her back, once again, contacted painfully with the ground, as her father straddled her waist.
“You'll regret that, you little slut. No one, I repeat, no one makes a mockery out of me.”
“Please… don't do this! Not again! Not again!” Kagome's hands were fisted in his shirt, trying with all her might to make him stop… to push him away. She lost the battle.
They were crying when their sons left
All young men must go
He's come so far to find no truth
He's never going home
Kagome breathed heavily, her tear stained face scrunched up in a type of pain that words cannot describe. Her heart felt heavy in her chest as she lay with the broken pieces of glass from the mirror that she had shattered some two hours ago. The voices in her head came back with a vengeance as her father zipped up his pants. She no longer felt the throbbing pain from where the glass had embedded itself into numerous parts of her body. She no longer felt the dripping of her blood as it started to dry on her skin. No, all she felt was the shattering of her already broken heart.
“I'm leaving. Get your ass up, get dress, and clean this damn place up. I don't know when I'll be back.”
The sound of her step-father's footsteps as he left the house brought Kagome out of her trance. Looking around, she slowly got up from off the floor, and made her way to her bedroom.
Welcome to the soldier side
Where there is no one here but me
People all grow up to die
There is no one here but me
Putting on her mother's tan trench coat, she made her way out the door. She didn't know where to go, but decided to go wherever her feet took her. Kagome came to a stop some thirty minutes ago, exhausted and on the verge of blacking-out. Realizing where she was, she let out a sigh of relief and knocked on Shigure's door. When the door opened, she almost wished she didn't knock.
“Hello, Kyo-san.” And then, her eyes closed and she fell.
Welcome to the soldier side
There is no one here but me
People on the soldier side
There is no one here but me

Where we left off
Hatori gazed at the girl that was laying before him with wide eyes. Her hands were bandaged, as well as her legs, and feet. A large, purple burse had formed on her forehead. He grimaced at the pain she would experience when she awoke. Several blankets were wrapped around her form to keep her warm, as well to give her modesty since he had to remove her clothes to treat her injuries. Hatori pushed her bangs away with his hand as he sighed, stood, and walked out of the room.
“How is Kagome-chan?”
Hatori's eyes met with Tohru's as he nodded his head to the side. “She's not so good right now, but she will survive. Why don't the three of you keep her company, while I talk with Shigure.” It wasn't a question, but a command. Grudgingly, Kyo, Yuki, and Tohru made their way to Kagome's room.
Shigure's gaze locked with that of Hatori's. “What do you think happened to her?” Hatori took out another cigarette and lit it. It was a while before he answered Shigure.
“She has numerous lacerations on her body, especially her hands, feet, knees, and back. The burse on her forehead had swelled, not a whole lot mind you, but nonetheless. Her scalp had dry blood on it, so somebody pulled her hair with enough force to cause it to bleed.”
“Do you think it was her step-father that did this to her?”
“I have no facts that the man did this, but there is no doubt in my mind. However, we can't simply `go over there and beat the shit out of him' if there is no evidence that it was he who did this.” Hatori blew the smoke out of his lungs and bowed his head.
Shigure sighed. He was right. God, sometimes he hated it when he was right. A mischievous smile spread across the inu's face, his eyes twinkling in barely suppressed glee. “Well, then, we'll find this `evidence'. I'll call Aya.”
Hatori smiled and nodded his head. They were going to help Gome-chan, even if it's the last thing they'll do.
Dream Sequence
Darkness surrounded her, suffocating her. There was nothing in this bizarre world except for the feeling of loneliness. Her mind was telling her to run, to run from whatever lurked from the shadows, to run from this dreadful feeling, but her body would not obey the simple command. Eyes wide, she stilled as if she was waiting for something. The sound of footsteps echoed through the dark abyss. She turned her head in a quick movement, searching for the owner of the sound. Frightened blue eyes were wide; the pupil's big so that she could adjust to the darkness.
“Hello?” Her whispered word was so soft that even she had trouble hearing it. The footsteps came to a stop, but it didn't do much to ease her discomfort. Her spine became stiff as once again the footsteps resumed.
“Is anyone there?”
A malicious laugh rang through the darkness. The voice sent shivers of fear down Kagome's spine. It's cruel intent was known as she tried once again to get her feet to move, however, once again they failed to obey their master's wishes.
“Who are you?”
The presence that she felt seemed much closer now… almost as if… Kagome quickly turned around. Her eyes met with blood red ones. They held malice that she had never seen before. The eyes spoke of unhidden disgust and hatred. She brought her eyes from off of HIS and stepped back. `Oh, now my feet start to move.'
The figure smiled evilly and said only one word, “run.”
Kagome turned on her heal and did just that, not knowing where she would end up.
Thanks so much for those who reviewed! I enjoy reading your reviews so don't be afraid to write one! LOL. Please continue to review and I'm sorry about the grammar in this chapter. And remember, the more review I get, the faster I'll update!
Peace out,