InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Much Too Young ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

To clear things up: Kagome is both sexually and mentally abused. Often times when someone is abused sexually there are some counts of physical abuse, as well. To fully understand of what is going on in Kagome's mind someone would have to experience it, and quite frankly I wish that on no one. She has been raped and for a word of warning she WILL be rapped sometime in this story. When Kagome's mother was alive she was oblivious to what was happening between her daughter and her husband. As to the question, will Kagome fight back, you'll have to keep reading. The reason why she ran when she saw Aya, Hatori, and Shigure was because she became frightened. She was afraid of whether they were real or if she was making them up. The stress began to build in her so she did the only thing that came to mind at the time. Well, I hope that clears up bunch of things. Feel free to ask questions…I don't mind answering them.
“Text” -Talking
`Text' -Thinking
`Text' -Voices… You'll understand when reading
Her skin took on a red hue as hot water beat down on her body. Steam rose from the shower and filled the bathroom. Long ago, she stopped scrubbing her skin raw, and opted to just let the water wash away her sorrows. Besides, what was the point if she was going to remain dirty? A heartbreaking sob tore through Kagome's throat as she grasped her head, trying to keep the voices at bay.
`You let him beat you. You let him rape you.'
“No. I didn't! I-I tried to fight… I tried…”
`But you failed. You failed to keep your innocence. No one will ever want someone who has been soiled.'
“T-that's not true! It's not true…”
Tears flowed down Kagome's cheeks like a river after a storm. She squeezed her eyes shut as images came flowing into her mind; the memories she wished she to bury and forget.
`What would your mother say? What would she do if she found out that her daughter betrayed her?'
“I d-didn't betray her. It was HE who betrayed her…”
The voices paused for a moment. However, it didn't take long for them to continue their torture.
`Poor, little Kagome. No one loves you. No friends… at least there won't be any when they find out.'
Kagome collapsed onto her knees. Her body was hunched over and rocking back and forth. The shampoo that was in her hair began to wash away. Another sob broke through her throat. The voices… they wouldn't stop! In a desperate attempt to shut them up, she started to bang her head on the tile flooring. But, it did not help.
`You're pathetic. Weak. A slut…'
`Yes! You're hopeless and helpless.'
“Why are you doing this? Why me?”
Her voice was broken. She had given up. What the voices said was true. She knew she couldn't fight it. The voices, her step-father's, words echoed through her mind. There was no escaping it. Kagome would forever be a prisoner in her mind, in her house, and in her father's care.
`Why? I think you know why.'
And suddenly, the voices stopped. Still on her knees, Kagome brought her hands from her head and placed them on the tiled floor, her breath coming out in short and wispy pants. Shakily, she finished her shower and then shut the water off. Stepping out, Kagome looked towards the mirror. She frowned at her clouded reflection. She had promised herself that she wasn't going to cry; that she wasn't going to give HIM the pleasure of seeing her weak. And as she stared at the girl with red, puffy eyes and flushed cheeks, she was filled with a kind of rage that she never experienced. A rage that was both directed towards her father and towards herself.
Kagome grabbed her hairbrush from the sink counter and let it fly.
“You damn rat!”
“Stupid cat.”
Shigure sighed for what must have been the tenth time since Touru, Yuki, and Kyo came home from school. It was a miracle in itself that his house was still standing and had suffered only a few… minor damages. It could always be worse, right? His house could have collapsed and he would become homeless since he refused to live at the Main House. God forbid the day were he, Shigure Sohma, would have to live in a tent. `Oh, woe!'
He sighed again as he heard the unmistakable sound of something shattering and wood splintering. He took his cup of tea from off the table in front of him and casually brought it to his lips, sipping the hot liquid. “My poor house.” He placed the cup back down as he heard someone entering the room.
“Hello, Shigure-san.”
“Ah, Tohru,” he looked at Tohru's anxious face, “is something wrong?”
Her fingers twitched as a faint blush spread across her cheeks. She looked down at the ground. Why was she afraid to ask a simple question? Sometimes she wished she wasn't so modest. “Umm… if you don't mind me asking, could you tell me more about Kagome-san?”
Shigure gave a light chuckle at Tohru's meekness. He patted the spot next to him for her to come over and sit down. When she did so, he asked, “what is it that you want to know?”
“You said when you first met Kagome-san that she hugged Ayame-san's leg…”
“And you're wondering why Aya didn't transform, right?”
Tohru nodded her head enthusiastically, “Y-yes.” Shigure placed his fingers on his chin like someone would do if they were in deep thought. He suddenly snapped his fingers causing Tohru to jump slightly in surprise. He looked at Tohru and smiled.
“We never could figure out that mystery. We assumed it had to do with her powers, but after she lost them, and could still hug us without transforming, we ruled out that possibility.” Shigure took another sip of his tea and set back down on the table.
“Powers? What kind of powers? Could she sense waves like Hana-chan?”
Shigure sifted his gaze from Tohru to the table in front of them. His eyes became darker, almost sad, as he continued to stare at the table but not really seeing it. “No, not like Hana-chan's. Well, at least not quite. Kagome was able to sense the auras of people and distinguish if that a person was bad or good. But unlike Hana-chan, the more Kagome used her power the weaker she became. There were a few incidents where it nearly cost Gome-chan her life.”
“Umm… how did Kagome-san lose her power?”
“Something just happened one day. She wouldn't give us an explanation. She just said that she lost her gift. She was nine then. It wasn't too long after that when Akito and Kagome's step-father banned us from seeing her.”
Tohru looked down at her lap. She felt so bad about bringing up memories that had been buried so long ago. However, her curiosity got the best of her and she asked another question.
“Why did Akito-sama and Kagome-san's step-father ban the three of you from seeing Kagome?”
Shigure blinked out of his haze-like state. He cast a glance at Tohru. Her eyes were hidden from view by her bangs and her hands were playing with the ends of her hair (a nervous habit).
“Before you came along no outsider knew about our secret. Well, the same went for Kagome. No one knew about her powers except for her mother and step-father. When they found about our curse they didn't tell anyone in fear that we would blab their secret as revenge, or something along those lines. When she was seven, Kagome's mother passed away…”
Tohru's head shoot up. Didn't Kagome tell her something different when they met?
"Oh well, I've just recently moved after my mum passed away…”
“… Two years later we were not allowed to visit again. Akito feared that since the Higurashi family had no evidence of being `abnormal', then they would turn on us. Kagome's step-father was all for it. He hated the Sohma's. We were too close to his daughter. Something seemed strange and right when we were about to find out we had to leave. Hatori was given orders to erase their memories just in case. But when he went to their house they were gone.”
By the end, Tohru was crying. They all suffered just because they became friends. How unbelievably cruel. “I'm sorry… I'm so sorry!” Shigure patted her head and put his charming smile back on his face. He looked over at Yuki and Kyo sitting across from him. When did they show up? Was he that focused on his memories that he didn't notice when they arrived?
A knocking at the front door all brought them out of their thoughts. Kyo stood and went to answer it. Shigure smiled at Yuki and Tohru. “Well, what is for din…”
The sound of Kyo's outburst all brought them to their feet and to the front door. Kyo stood, mouth gaping, and eyes wide. Shigure's eyes followed to where Kyo was looking at. He couldn't believe what he was seeing! How did this happen? Then he started shouting out orders.
“Yuki call Hatori! Tell him it's an emergency involving Kagome!
“Tohru, please get hot water and some towels.
“Help me get her in here, Kyo.”
Kyo and Shigure brought Kagome into the warm house, and laid her in a spare bedroom on a futon. Shigure brought his hand up to Kagome's face. It was a good thing she was unconscious or she would be in a world of pain when Hatori arrived.
`God, Gome-chan. What happened to you?'
A/N; Thank you to all of those who reviewed! It means a lot. I'm really glad all of you peeps like this story! Till next time…. Keep up with the great reviews!