InuYasha Fan Fiction / Full Metal Panic Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When does chaos become beauty? ❯ eh, who needs love anywho? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
When Does chaos become beauty?

Chapter 1: Eh, who needs love anywho?

Disclaimer: Okay I don’t own any of these characters except the american names...Duhh

The police opened the cell door and a teenage boy sat up in his bed. “The Warden would like to speak to you.” The boy scoffed “What the hell does he want?” They led the boy to the warden's office and threw him in. The lights were dimmed and the curtains were closed, “Have a seat Sagara.” The boy sat in the black leather seat and put his feet up on the warden's desk “Sagara you've been here, how long?” The boy narrowed his eyes “Too long, but I'd say 11 months.” The warden stood up and turned his back to the boy “So wow almost a whole year, well we got news for you Sagara.” he turned around and walked over to his file drawer, he pulled out a manila folder and threw to the boy. “Read that.” The boy opened the file and it said:

Name: Sosuke Jordan Sagara
Age: 12
DOB: August 23, 1989
Father: Christopher Reily Sagara
Mother: Lindsy? Sagara
Criminal Record: Assault on a teacher, Two counts of grand theft auto, possession of an illegal gun, five counts of grand Larceny, hacking school computers, Sending pornographic material to a school classroom, Sending a pornographic virus to school computers, member of a dangerous gang, Assault on fifty civilians, murder of one boy, Caused a school riot, profanity abuser, ect.
Probation officer: Bradley Erin Smithson
Probation Since: March 17, 1996

Sosuke looked up from the file “So what is this showing me?” The warden smirked “Well you have been here a good 11 months then that means on your birthday which is in five minutes you can leave.” Sosuke's eyes took a different shade, his blue-green eyes shined with eagerness. “Are you serious, not like last time?” The warden chuckled “Oh we did that because you were new that's all.”
Flashback: Sosuke's cell was opened and he ran, He made it to the outer gate where he knocked on it “Hey the warden said I could leave, open the gates.” One of the guardslaughed and yelled down to Sosuke “Okay boy!” He opened the gate and Sosuke ran threw only to be stopped by a group of guards with shotguns “Oh thought you could escape could you.” Sosuke cursed “Shit!”

Sosuke frowned at the Warden “That sucked you know, I was so happy to be alive that day.” The warden laughed “Well we do have a catch though.” Sosuke sat up in his seat “What is it?” “Your father, he is sending you back to the Air Force.” Sosuke's eye twitched, he threw the chair against the wall “Hell no!! I'm not going there again, I was practically born there, I gonna turn thirteen soon what the fuck I want a normal life!!” The warden winced when the chair crashed against the wall “Well that's your only choice it's either do that or…” “Or what!” The warden prepared himself to be pummeled by the dangerous young boy. “You can never leave this place.” Sosuke hung his head and gave a crazed laugh “So you're telling me that it's between choices I don't want to do…ha-ha, you must be out your fucking mind!!” Sosuke clenched his fist and he laughed again “Tell my dad I'll do it but the minute something bad happens he doesn't send me here, we are gonna just take me out the military.” The warden nodded “Okay you're set then”

Days passed and Sosuke finally made it back to New York with his Dad and Step mother. “Dad I'm home!” Sosuke dropped his duffle bag on the floor and he saw his dad sitting on the couch with a scowl on his face “What the fuck took you so long.” Sosuke's eyebrows knitted together and yelled back “I was on a fucking train dad what the fuck you want me to do go to the conductor and tell him `fuck the other people my daddy wants me home now'” His dad walked up to him and smirked “Get your shit together you're going to the Air force base today.” He walked away and left Sosuke in a daze, The day came where Sosuke was at the Air force base and his so called `Father' dropped him off

“Now become a great man, son.” He sped away leaving Sosuke behind; Men in uniforms were walking around, doing push-ups and working out. Sosuke already hated being there. “Dammit how long am I here for?” “A good five months.” Sosuke turned around to see a tall muscular man in uniform, Sosuke looked at his badges and they were ones that a general would wear, Sosuke looked up at him and frowned “Well aren't you going to salute soldier?” Sosuke sighed dropped his bag and stood at attention, “Petty Officer Sosuke Sagara sir! I'm glad to be in your presence General!” The General smirked “At ease officer, I see you still know your rank, that's good, come with me and I'll show you your quarters.” He led Sosuke past a group of barracks and on the way he saw a woman helping soldiers with their push-ups, She had long black hair and she was wearing tight blue jeans and a shirt that said `Your boyfriend was with me last night' She turned to him and gave him a small smile and she turned back to the soldiers. Sosuke's breathe got caught in his throat and he stopped, the General turned to Sosuke. “Beautiful isn't she, but she does everyone in the Base so watch yourself Sosuke,” He turned around beckoning Sosuke to follow “You don't want to get into to a relationship like that.” Sosuke followed him to his barrack and he placed his bags down. “I have to share with other soldiers?!?!” The general laughed “Yes Sosuke but only until we get you your own cabin.” Sosuke sighed “This is going to be Hell.”

Four months passed and Sosuke became Lt. First Airman, he had his own cabin and he had a couple friends. Sosuke walked into his cabin. “Hey! Sosuke.” Sosuke stopped and pulled out his gun “who's there?” The voice moved closer “Aww it's me Sosuke, how could you not know.” She pouted;
Sosuke lowered his gun and placed it in his hoister. “Damn, Jesse what the hell are you doing in my cabin?” She sat down on his couch and adjusted her skirt “No reason.” Sosuke looked at the skirt and he sighed “That's not allowed here Jesse.” She smiled “Oh come on Lt. you can let this slid can't you?” He sighed and pulled his tie “No can you go change please.” She stood up and advanced toward Sosuke “Sosuke I came here to talk to you, my little brother told me that you said you had a crush on me?”

Sosuke raised an eyebrow “He told you what.” She walked closer “Yeah he told me that you had a crush on me.” Sosuke took a step backward “Yeah I do but….it can't happen between us, you told old for me.” She laughed and moved closer “Oh please what's age but a number, time you've been on this earth.” Sosuke took another step back and felt that the wall was behind him “Yeah but age is counted everywhere.” “Yeah but for love?” Sosuke froze “I didn't say I love you.” She smiled and closed the gap from between him and her. “I know but I can see it in your eyes Sosuke, you love me and that's okay.” She hugged him and he didn't hug back “Yeah but it's not allowed.” She pulled away “No one can restrict love.” She softly placed her lips on his and he jolted backward. “But…but…uhhh...I...” She laughed “Oh Sosuke I know that you don't know how to kiss here let me teach you.” He stepped back “No I know how to just well….It's not allowed.” She placed her lips over his to silence his and he stood there with his eyes open glancing around wondering `why is she kissing me' He pulled away and he shook his head and went to the couch. “Why did you kiss me, Jesse?” “Because I like you Sosuke.” She walked over to the couch and kissed him, he responded.

One thing lead to another, It was midnight and Sosuke laid there still and somewhat in shock, he whispered “How did this happen?” Sosuke turned to Jesse and he frowned “She only said it while I….was it a lie?” She looked up at him and she sat up, he smirked “Hey.” He hugged her but she seemed not to return it. The warmth that was there earlier disappeared and was replaced by cold rigidness. He hugged her tighter and whispered in her ear “I love you.” She sat there, she did nothing, He pulled away searching her face for any evidence that she loved him too. She swung her legs off the bed and let the covers drop from her naked body. She then walked over to the couch and grabbed her clothes, in the moonlight it showed all the bit marks and scratches that Sosuke left behind. “Jesse where are you going?”

He threw on his boxers and pants and sat on the bed, She had on all her clothes and she opened the door “I'll see you some other time Sosuke, it was….fun.” She walked out leaving Sosuke dazed. “Jesse?” He ran to the door “Don't you love me?” The next day, Sosuke walked to Jesse's barrack, She opened the door to see Sosuke; He had bloodshot eyes, his hair was a mess and his tie wasn't tied properly. “Sosuke what are you doing here?” Sosuke sighed “Jesse do you love me?” She looked back into her barrack and sighed “Look Sosuke I'm busy right now.” Sosuke grew impatient and angry “Tell me, do you love me!” He punched the wall that was near her head, she screamed and he pushed his way into her barrack to see a man lying in bed half naked. “Jesse honey are you coming, hey who the fuck are you?” Sosuke's anger flared, he clenched his fist and jumped on the man and pummeled him “Sosuke!!!Get off him!!” She tried to pull Sosuke off the other man but Sosuke kept punching him, she had heard stories of how dangerous he was when he was angry but she never believed them but now she did. With every punch the man looked closer and closer to death but some soldiers came to pull Sosuke off the other man, it took finally thirteen strong guys to get him at least two feet away from the other man. “He's gonna die by my hand you bitch, how could you, I told you I loved you, how could you, we had something special why did you throw it away!”

She turned to him and yelled “We had nothing Sosuke, nothing, I just used you okay, and my boyfriend wasn't home so I thought I'd fin some stupid ass to fuck.” “I thought we made love.” Jesse laughed “Made love?!? Sosuke just to tell you something there is no such thing, what ever stories you mommy told you aren't really, its sex and nothing can change that!” Sosuke's eyes started to water but he held them back, Jesse went to check her boyfriend “Are you okay honey?” At firs he didn't answered, then he lightly shook his head. Sosuke pulled away from the soldiers and walked out of the barrack.

The rain ripped off of his head and down his bare fore-arms, His anger still there but was quickly joined by regret and sadness. One month passed and Sosuke still felt the pain as if it was just yesterday, He sat at the front of the base waiting for someone to pick him up. A car pulled up and man with black hair and a green shirt, Sosuke smiled and walked to the car, “Hey David.” His step dad smiled at him and laughed “You look buff boy what the hell you been lifting?” Sosuke laughed “Nothing special.” “You ready to go home baby boy?” Sosuke turned to him “I'm not a baby.” David laughed “okay whatever.” The drive to New York was uneventful; occasionally they would start to sing along with the radio.

They pulled up to his father's house and they both walked in the door. Sosuke's dad was fixing the TV and he looked up from his work “Your home how was your training?” David took it as a queue to leave so he gave Sosuke a hug and left. His dad stood up and gave is son a pat on the back, “You want anything to eat?” Sosuke dropped his bag and sighed “What do you want from me dad?” His dad turned around “What makes you think I want something from you?” “Dad, I know you, every time you ask me if I'm hungry there is always something going on so what is it?” His dad sat down at the kitchen table and rubbed his temples “I heard you bet some one up, what was that all about?”

Sosuke's eyes glazed over and he lied “He just ticked me off; he called me a daddy's boy.” His father grinned “That's my boy show `em you can kick their sorry asses.” Sosuke sighed “I'm not very hungry, I'm going to sleep tell Hillary I'm home.” His dad frowned “She's your mother now.” “No! She's not okay dad get that through your thick skull.” Sosuke stormed up to his room. He threw himself on his bed and looked up at the white ceiling, the phone rang and Sosuke rolled over to pick it up “Hello?”
“Hello is Sosuke there?”
“Yeah this is him, who's this?”
“Hey! It's Kenshin.”
“Ken what's up I haven't seen you in like two years.”
“Yeah I know so what are you up to?”
“I just got back from the Air force base.”
“Air force base?”
“Yeah I'm the Air force.”
“Is that where you would go after school?”
“That's cool, Sango shut up, sorry you remember my sister Sango right?”
“Yeah is she still tough as hell.”
“Yeah, hey did you know we moved.”
“What?! Where?”
“New Jersey.”
“You mean the Subs?”
“Nah, couldn't handle the Subs but no Jersey City.”
“You mean the city right across the water from Manhattan?”
“Yup, Son I live in Brooklyn how am I going to see you.”
“Don't worry man I heard your moving here to.”
“Yeah, your mom won custody of you so she is moving here so you can get a new life.”
“Yeah, I need one.”
“Hey you don't sound to happy, aww did Sosuke leave a girlfriend behind.”
“No, but something bad did happen.”
“I had sex.”
“What! how is that bad?”
“Ken, it was sex not making love.”
“Oh and it was your first.”
“Yeah and I told her I loved her but she didn't say it back.”
“What! That bitch let me find her and I'll pimp slap the bitch.”
“No It's okay really, I went to ask if she loved me and all she told me was that…..she used me because her boyfriend wasn't around to have sex with her.”
“Oh dude I'm sorry man.”
“Its alright, I did beat the shit outta him though!!”
“Alright that's the Sosuke I know, the man that don't take shit from no one.”
“I got to go now; I'm sleepy as hell okay.”
“I'll talk to you another day, wait no I'll see you tomorrow okay.”
“See Ya.”
Sosuke hung up the phone and he fell asleep, He woke up the next morning to see Purple eyes staring right into his, “Ahh! Kenshin what the hell are you doing in my room.” Kenshin laughed and pointed to Sango, “My sister pick-locked you house door man, you should really get that check out, and it's so easy to get in here.” He looked over at Sango, she had grown from the last time he saw her. “Hey Sosuke.” Sosuke smiled “Hey Sango, you looking rather se….I'm mean nice today.” He gave Kenshin a cheeky grin “Don't hit on my sister.” Sosuke raised an eyebrow “I'm not, damn.” Kenshin sighed “Its time to go.” “What but I don't have my stuff.”

Sango snickered “Come now you really want this junk.” “Hey no one asked you Sango.” “You wanna settle this right now, baby boy.” “I'm not a baby.” Kenshin sweat dropped and yelled “Okay!! Let's just go now.” Sango walked out of Sosuke's room and downstairs, “You like my sister!” “I do not!” Sosuke grabbed his red hoodie and threw it on “Look your sister is hot and all but she's not my type.” “And what type is that?” Sosuke walked into the kitchen and got a tomato “She is the type to kick my ass, a tough girl; you know the type that don't take any ones shit.” Kenshin shook his head “Not that I'm saying you should like my sister or anything but just because a girl can kick ass doesn't mean they are unapproachable you just need the right approach.” Sosuke raised an eyebrow, Kenshin laughed “And anyway from what just happened to you, you should try to stay way from the pretty girls ya know.” Sosuke walked outside of the brownstone to see Sango sitting in a Ferrari with a boy with short spiky black hair, Kenshin ran to the car “InuYasha do you have the… know what.” Sango huffed “Damn you guys act like I don't know you're in a fucking gang, god damn you practically scream bloods.” InuYasha turned to Sango “Yeah but we weren't supposed to tell any one, so I guess we'll have to kill you.” Sango slapped InuYasha across the face and he laughed “Damn you smack hard.” Sosuke looked InuYasha and he frowned “Long time no see Sosuke.” “Nice to see you too, how is the gang?”

[a/n: I’ll add some more kay ^-^]

Sosuke smiled as he saw his mother’s car, he ran over and hugged her threw the window. “You ready to leave?” He nodded but he looked concerned “does dad know? I don’t want him to come after me.” She smiled “Baby boy don’t worry he knows, he just dosen’t know your leaving now.” He nodded he jumped into the car, they had a cheerful conversation and talked about how great it was going to be when they got there. Behind them was the red ferrari that held Sosuke’s friends, Sosuked looked at them and InuYasha and Sango where aguring and Kenshin shook his head.

Two months have passed and Sosuke had not seen his father since, thank god. Today was like all days, His alarm went off at 4:30 am; He hopped out of bed and ran a hot shower, after fifteen minuets of standing there he finally finished. He walked into his room and threw on black jeans and a blood red t-shirt. His school had uniforms but a certain group of kids didn’t where it, not that the teachers would say anything they were to afraid. Ever since Sosuke, Kenshin, and InuYasha moved there, a new division of the Bloods was created off the orginal branch that InuYasha ran. his mother didn’t know that Sosuke was doing this well neither did Kenshin’s parents, Adam’s really didn’t care. So Sosuke walked into the kitchen and fixed himself a ham and cheese Hot Pocket [a/n: i don’t own hot pockets....but that would be so cool] Sosuke walked into his mother’s room and gave her a kiss on the for-head, She cracked an eye opened and smiled “have a good day honey.” He smiled “I will mom.” He walked into the kitchen and grabbed his car keys [a/n: he can drive yes i know illegal but oh well hehehe] and wallet and walked out the door. He had no really use for the car since he was only two blocks away from the school, he just liked to show it off. It was a Yellow Sunfire with a japanese car kit around it, black and sliver design on the sides and a huge spoiler. He hopped in the car and reved the engine that the whole neighborhood could hear. He drove around waiting for it to turn eight, so he pulled up to school and parked in the teachers lot.

He sat on the steps watching as kids walked past him, all in uniform white and neatly pressed blue dress pants. He scoffed the only school in the whole city on Jesresy to have the uniform, they were afraid that kids like Sosuke would were baggy clothes and hide their weapons. And oh how right they were, The gun sat at the rim of his jeans. He saw a couple of kids that wore the red shirts and black jeans, some had red or black bandanas in their pocket, some tired around their legs. Finally he saw Keshin in the distance, Sosuke smirked and hid behind and car and pulled out his gun, put it on safety and waited for Kenshin to walk by. Kenshin was talking with his sister Sango when Sosuke jumped out and placed a gun to Kenshin chest. “Oh hey there Sosuke what’s up?” Sosuke looked at him with confusion in his eye “aren’t you scared, I have a fucking gun!!” He waved the gun around in Kenshin’s face “No you wouldn’t shoot me and plus i saw it was on safety.” Kenshin tripped Sosuke and he fell to the ground, hard. Sosuke laid on his back starring up at the blueish grey sky, Sango looked at him and laughed she held out her hand to him. “Need help up Baby boy?” Sosuke took her hand and sighed “Im not a baby.”

They were talking and laughing when they heard a car pull up, It was InuYasha, He hoped out and swaggered toward the group. He also was wearing the red and black, His cocky smile gleamed in the sun and he sat down next to Sango. “Sup guys?” Sango smiled at him and slowly said “Nothing you bastard.” She stood up and walked into the school. InuYasha was dazed “What the fuck just happened?!” Sosuke and Kenshin laughed and Kenshin patted him on the back “Well she is PMS’ing and you only said ‘guys’ and it ticks her off when people say that.” He shrugged and walked into school. Sosuke sat in the back of the class and looked at Sango’s angry figure. As much as Sosuke didn’t want to admit but he did like Sango, he hated when InuYasha pissed her off . He took out a paper and wrote ‘Sango are you alright?’ he passed it to her and she smiled at the message. He got it back and it said ‘yeah I’m fine now baby boy...or should i say military man?’ he wrote back ‘I’m neither actually, I’m just Sosuke.’ The bell rung and she laughed at him “Have you heard, we have a new kid in our class.” Sosuke rasied an eyebrow “Really? is it a guy or girl?” Sango shrugged and they walked into their homeroom. Ther teacher smiled and clapped his hands together “Okay class we have a new student she is all the way from Beverly Hills, come on in here.” She walked in and every guys jaw dropped. Her blonde her waved in the absent wind [a/n: yes i had to do that cuz well that’s how guys see everything] Her green eyes shone with experience and playfulness, she smiled and giggled “My name is Kikyo Greenhill.”