InuYasha Fan Fiction / Full Metal Panic Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When does chaos become beauty? ❯ Back Down the rabbit hole ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2
She looked to the corner of the class, and saw Sosuke laughing and talking to InuYasha. She walked over to the empty seat next to him and sat down. “Hi!” He stopped talking and rose an eyebrow, “Uhhh hi?” She giggled “What's your name?” He sighed and looked at InuYasha for help; He shook his head and laughed. Sosuke turned back to Kikyo “Sosuke…Sosuke Sagara.” She batted her eyelashes and smiled “Nice to meet you Sooosuke.” InuYasha laughed even harder and slapped Sosuke on the back. “Nice nickname you gave there girly.” Sosuke hung his head and started to be reminded of the first meeting between him and Jesse.
Sosuke sat in his barrack with his friend Timothy “So are you saying that you've been here for your whole life?!” Sosuke nodded “Well pretty much my whole life.” The other kid smiled but frowned as a woman stepped in the room “I got to go Sosuke my sis is here to pick me up.” Sosuke looked up and gasped when it was the woman he saw when he first got here. She giggled and held out her hand “Jesse.” He dumbly took the hand and grinned “Sosuke.” She smiled “Nice to meet you `suke” He smiled at the nickname “What's with the nick name?” She smiled and headed out the door “I think it's…cute…for a little boy.” She winked and walked away leaving Sosuke stunned `wow'
End Flashback
His eyes lost all emotion and he stood up and walked out the class. Kikyo watched him walked out of class and turned to InuYasha. “Is he just allowed to leave like that?” He nodded “Yup, everyone in the gang can do that but….He is different, the teachers they don't like to get on his bad side, well ever since he…beat up a teacher.”
It was the second week Sosuke was in school, He sat in the back of the class, dressed in all red. He had a crazed look in his eyes, the meds it was the medicine that those doctors make him take. He was Schizophrenic but they were testing him, he had a different case of it thought because for some weird reason he was able to switch bodies with other people who had the same condition. Yes I know weird but that's how it was, now the meds they seemed to make him a different guy. He felt ticked off at everyone, the teacher tapped his shoulder and told him that he should go to the principles office, but he yelled at the teacher telling him to stay out his business. The teacher grabbed his arm and pulled him out his chair but Sosuke pulled his arm away and beat the crap out of him. Leaving all the other kids shocked and the teachers scared.
End flashback
Sosuke sat in the bathroom looking at himself in the mirror; he sighed and took a packet out of his pocket. The packet contained of different color pills he slightly grinned picking the most colorful of the bunch he whispered. “My last X pill.” He popped it in his mouth without even taking water. He slid down the wall smiling at the thought of how good these were. He started to feel really light-headed and happy so he stood up and looked in the mirror. He saw small pecks of colors begin to appear in the mirror he smiled and turned on the faucet. He started to forget why he was in here in the first place; he smirked stumbling out of the bathroom and into the hallway. He laughed as the hall seemed to be spinning around, Kenshin who just happened to be walking be grabbed the stumbling Sosuke “Yo Sosuke are you okay?” Sosuke nodded and pushed Kenshin off his arm “I'm fine man its no big deal lets just get this day……holy shit!!!” Sosuke then pointed to a blank spot in the hall he seemed to be fascinated with it. Kenshin looked at it “What?” “Dude have you ever seen anything more colorful than that?” Kenshin was confused “What is colorful? What did you take this time?” Sosuke chuckled “Man there is some crazy ass strobe right there, and I took X.” Kenshin slapped his forehead. Sure Kenshin took drugs just not that stuff he stuck to one thing, Endo. Kenshin dragged Sosuke outside so he could get fresh air so when he crashed he would puke everywhere. Sosuke didn't feel as happy as he was earlier; He stood against a wall and slid down it “What have I become Ken?” He looked at his hands they were shaking from his sudden crash from the X. Kenshin Walked over to him and patted his back “Sosuke we have done some stupid shit, all we can do is change.” Sosuke looked up at him and smiled “Thanks Ken.” The bell rung and loads of kids ran out, Sosuke and Kenshin both waited for InuYasha and Sango to come out. InuYasha had a bright red hand mark on his right cheek, he smirked and a fuming Sango ran down the stairs. Sango looked at Sosuke and sighed “Don't ask.” He shrugged and InuYasha smacked him on the back “you ready?” Sango hugged Kenshin and Sosuke and punched InuYasha in the arm. She walked way leaving the boys confused; Sosuke, Kenshin, and InuYasha heard gunshots, they all ran to where they heard the shots and stopped. They saw limp bodies all dressed in red and black; blood pooled around their bodies and they almost hurled at the sight of one teenage boy tied up against a tree. He looked like he was beaten over and over again, he had a knife sticking out of his arm and leg, and he was blindfolded and gagged.
Kenshin's eyes began to change to their dangerous color of red; he turned to Sosuke and InuYasha “We gotta find who did this now!” His cheerful calm voice diapered and was replaced by a cold angry one. Sosuke nodded and InuYasha ran over to the tied up kid “He's not dead yet and neither are the others I'll stay here and call the ambulance.” Sosuke and Kenshin nodded they then ran into the tiny forest that was behind the baseball park. They saw a group guys in Blue sitting on tree stumps laughing and gloating about how they shot those four Bloods and how much fun it was to tie up one. Sosuke growled and looked at Kenshin they both ran forward and tackled one of the Crypts. Sosuke stood up and had one a head lock and held a knife to his throat, Kenshin had a foot on ones head and had a gun pointed at him. Sosuke laughed “Maybe you guys don't get it, you stupid fucks are on D-block and if you remember so correctly we own D-block.” They went for their gun “I wouldn't do that if I were you, you see we have to of ya men and well even if you killed up you'd be right on B-block and well that's our base so.” Kenshin cocked his gun “What my friend is say is throw ya guns down or I blow this motherfucker away.” They looked at Sosuke and Kenshin, on their red shirt were black dots on their ranking. They threw their guns down not once thinking of shooting at the pair. Kenshin smirked and turned the safety off “I don't care.” Sosuke looked over at him “Uhhh not part of the plan.” “So they deserve to die now, at least this one.” Sosuke sighed and threw the crypt to the side walking over to Kenshin “Give me that.” Kenshin looked him over “no” “Red give me it now.”
Kenshin stepped off the man's head and pointed the gun at Sosuke's chest “Fine I'll give you it, when it's a cold day in hell.” Sosuke smirked “Shoot me then.” Kenshin froze “I will shoot.” “Go ahead.” Kenshin pushed the gun against his chest “I'll even make it easier.” Sosuke grabbed Kenshin's hand and put his finger on the trigger. “Shoot.” Sosuke's eyes took a dangerous gleam, Kenshin frowned “Sosuke I don't wanna have to but I will.” “Then shoot.” Sosuke stared deep into Kenshin's eyes not once blinking. Kenshin's red eyes dispersed and he dropped the gun. “See Ken I told ya you couldn't shoot.” A gunshot rung out and Sosuke gasp, His ribs where hurting he looked down and saw a blood spot beginning on his red shirt. The crypt smiled “Don't turn your back on a crypt.” Sosuke coughed and blood spilled up from his throat, He turned around and staggered toward the Crypt. “You'll pay for that.” He got at least two feet from him when he shot again going to the left side of his rib. Sosuke dropped down on his knees and he laughed “That the best you got.” Blood dribbled down his chin and he stood up again, the crypt was surprised, he was going to shoot again when Sosuke punched him across the face “Next time you shoot me make sure I'm dead.” Sosuke sat on the unconscious Crypt and looked at the others with blood in his mouth. “Anyone else wanna shoot me?” They all ran leaving Sosuke and Kenshin with two unconscious Crypts, Kenshin ran over to the bleeding Sosuke and yelled at him “What the fuck is your problem!!! Why didn't you just play dead.” Sosuke spit out blood and smirked “Cuz I don't play dead, and besides I am Sagara we get shot so many fucking times its nothing to us.” He tried to stand but Kenshin pushed him down “You sit down your going to the hospital.” Sosuke whined “Awww do I have too?” Kenshin sighed “Yes you do you shoot in you fucking ribs, it could of hit your lungs.” “Uhhh dude I would have known if I were shot in the lungs.” Kenshin raised and eyebrow “You're weird.” “Damn straight.” Kenshin lifted him over his shoulder and started to walk for the hospital.
“Are we there yet?” “No” Sosuke sighed “Are we there yet?” Kenshin's eye twitched “no Sosuke we aren't there yet.” Kenshin had Sosuke's 143 pound body on his back and they were now trekking up Dickinson Hill the hill that separated the heights from downtown. Or the bloods from the Crypts “So when are we gonna get there.” Kenshin growled in frustration “I DON'T KNOW SOSUKE!!!!!MAYBE A FEW MORE MINUTES BUT THE WAY YOU BUG THE SHIT OUT OF ME MAYBE THREE DAYS!!!” Sosuke immediately shut up and started out ahead. “Crypt….Crypt….Latin king…OoOo Pink Mafia.” Sosuke whistled to the girl and she flipped him off. He winced as the pain in his side rippled through his body. “We're here,” Kenshin walked into the ER waiting room and put Sosuke in a chair “Stay here and I mean don't you move.” Sosuke nodded and swung his feet back and fourth like a little kid. Kenshin went to the office and asked for them to bring down Dr. Daniels; He was Sosuke's family doctor when ever he got shot or something he would go to him. Dr. Daniels sighed “What did you do this time Sosuke?” Sosuke laughed but then coughed up blood, the doctor called for some nurses and they took him away. Kenshin sat in the waiting room nervous as hell, he had a Cosmo magazine and was reading the sex tips. “Really?!” He smirked, Dr. Daniels came out of the operating room; blood covered his operating clothes and he had a grim look on his face. Kenshin freaked out even more “Is he dead?” Daniels sighed “Well we almost lost him….but he pulled through at the end but he seems to be…In a coma.” Kenshin threw his magazine to the floor “NO!” He shook his head violently “He can't be….do you know if he is gonna come out of it.” Daniels ran hand through his hair “We can't tell yet but he lost a lot of blood and we're glad you got him here so quickly because he surly would have died.” Kenshin sat back in the chair and sighed “Is it alright if I come back later I need to do some things okay.” The doctor nodded “Just don't do anything stupid Ken.” He stood up and gave a half-smile “I won't sir.”