InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ light and dark-forbidden love ❯ next chappie up! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- I don't own Inuyasha or Naruto.
Sorry if the Characters are OOC
Please R&R but no flamers, this is my first fanfic.
I accept suggestions and stuff, though.
No nasty stuff.
From last time
Sasuke glared at the weapons on his bed, sword absent because he had broken it during training. He needed to visit Totosai soon...
Just then, Kouga came in, another of Sasuke's good friends.
"Yo," Kouga said, falling on his black leather couch. "Nice crash pad."
"Get the hell off, bitch. It's custom made black leather from the dried skin of angels, painted over with an essence of their blood. Pretty damn expensive," Sasuke said, not looking at Kouga, busy with what he was doing.
Kouga whistled. "Yo, you ready for tomorrow?"
"Hell yeah(no pun intended), you know I've been ready for this forever. Now get out, I need to see Totosai," said Sasuke.
Chapter 3
        Sasuke grunted as he pushed into the girl below him. Ironically, the girl was an angel. A pretty damn weak angel, but an angel nonetheless.
        "Sasuke!" the girl underneath him screeched as she climaxed. An angel. An angel with pink hair. (surprise surprise it's skankura!)
        Sasuke smirked, and rolled off of her.
        "You need to go now," he said, and started putting on his clothes.
        "Same time next week?" asked Sakura.
        "Only if you uphold the deal(ooooooooohhhh what's that?)," replied Sasuke.
        "Mmm... I'll get Kikyou. Buhbye, Sasuke-kun." Sakura gave him a kiss and left the room.
        Hmm.... she left her bra in here(naughty boy! but like she has any boobs... more like an AA cup)....
        Kagome wondered where Kikyou and Sakura went. They seemed to disappear every week around the same time. They say they went on a date, but they always came out a little ruffled, leaving Kagome wondering what happened on those "dates." Well, it wasn't her business, so it didn't really matter. She was just a little bored. Her cell phone rang.
        "Hello? Kagome here," Kagome said as she turned on the phone.
        "Kagome? Miroku here. Our spies have found out the demons will attack tomorrow, as in trying to surprise attack us. Train today, get everything ready, rest, and hope for the best," Miroku said, sounding kind of strained.
        "We'll win, as always. Don't worry Miroku. I'll try my best. Make sure YOU get some rest. You sound really tired," soothed Kagome.
        "Thanks Kagome," Miroku sounded a little bit better. "Well, thanks for the encouragement. Remember to make sure your weapons are in working order. Bye."
        "Bye," said Kagome. In the background, she could hear a slap and a shout of, "HENTAI!"
        Kagome chuckled and shut the phone. She sighed. She absolutely hated war, but every angel's effort counted. Kagome picked up her giant boomerang(which looked like Sango's), her giant halberd (which looked somewhat like Bankotsu's), her twin katanas, Hikari, which was silver and other metals mixed together, with diamonds embedded in it, and Kurai, an onyx colored sword made from obsidian and other stones, embedded with black diamonds, her bow and arrows, with was made with cherry and ash wood, with feathers at the end, her armor, her kunai, senbons, darts, and shurikens. She took her battle gear and began marching toward the training grounds.
        Sasuke was hard at work, displaying an impressive array of attacks on clones. He slashed with his sword, Akuji, evil. He threw shuriken and kunai in every direction, never missing a target. He grinned. He was ready.
        "Lord Sesshomaru is here. Bow, you worthless underlings!" shouted out what Sasuke made out as Jaken's voice.
        Jaken was this little toad demon thing that held the staff of heads, which shot out fire.
        "Sasuke," Sesshomaru said in his normal, cold way. "This Sesshomaru sees that you have been training. Do not perform the best tomorrow, or this Sesshomaru will have you removed from the position of heir(ooh harsh)."
        "Hn," said Sasuke, turning away.
        Kagome was drenched with sweat as she trained nonstop for a couple of hours. Not knowing she had attracted quite a large crowd in her training outfit, a Chinese style dress that was black with a silver dragon winding above it that came about half way up her thigh, with short shorts underneath. She wrapped her legs with bandages, and put holsters on the side of her legs. She had silver fingerless gloves on and her hair in a high ponytail.
        Kagome kept her two katanas at her side, and the giant boomerang was on her back. Her bow and arrows were also on her back, her halberd at her side. Her kunai, senbons, shuriken, and darts hit deadly pressure points with perfect aim. Her movements were graceful and more fluid than water. She looked stunning, and the watcher would become entranced under her hypnotic, almost dancing style of fighting. Slashing and throwing, when she was done, a large crowd cheered, and Kagome blushed, as one of the male angels came up to her.
        Kagome rolled her eyes. It was Hojo, a wishy-washy boy who showered her with gifts and attention. Kagome didn't hate him, she just disliked him. Even though he was sweet, his affections went unwanted, and Kagome always turned him down gently.
        "Kagome-san, you look tired, here, have a wet towel," Hojo said, with that hero-worship twinkle in his eye.
        "Umm... Thanks Hojo, I think I'll go take a shower. You should train. Bye." Kagome felt bad about doing that, but it was the only way to get rid of Hojo. He was like a barnacle on a boat. He just wouldn't get off.
        Sasuke was cleaning his weapons of the blood. Clones weren't alive, but they spurted a hell of a lot of blood.
        "So," came a mocking voice by the door, "how is our hero, the widdle Sasuke-kun, doing?"
        "Youko, just because you didn't get picked for the throne doesn't mean you have to be bitter," Sasuke mocked right back, facing the now name Youko(if you remember from chap. 1, he was favorite for the throne until Itachi and Sasuke changed that. he and sasuke are enemies).
        "Shut up!" said the now red Youko.
        "Get the fuck out of my room. What are you doing here, dobe?" Sasuke said, sounding bored.
        "Shaddup, Sasuke-teme!" yelled Youko.
        "Oooooohhhh who's gonna make me? Itty bitty you?" mocked Sasuke.
        "Shut up! And just so you know, remember that Kagome chick or whatever?"
        "Yeah," Sasuke ground out.
        "Well, she'll be in this battle," Youko said simply, and walked away.
        Sasuke couldn't believe his luck. This was his chance to avenge his brother! Sasuke's face twisted into something. Something barely readable. But you could feel his aura. It was just SCREAMING bloodlust.
        Kagome sneezed.
        Someone must be talking about me.
        Of course they are, babe. Who wouldn't?
        You again!
        Yes it's me again. Happy to see me, babe?
        Hell no!
        Touchy, same as last time, eh?
        I don't deny it. But I'm you. All I am is an extension of you. So if I'm hentai, then you are too. Like I said, all I am is an extension of you.
        Whatever. I'm just gonna tune you out.
        Wait Kago--
        Kagome just shook her head and walked over to Sango, her really good friend.
        "Hi Sango!" yelled Kagome from across the field.
        "Yo wassup man?" yelled Sango right back.
        "I'm going to Yuki, you know, the weapons fixer guy whatever?"
        "Of course I know who Yuki is! Who do you think I am? Kinky-Ho or Skankura?" said Sango, cross at her friend.
        "Hey, don't insult Sakura or Kikyou!" Kagome weakly defended, her heart not really into it. "Ah what the hell who gives a damn."
          "I knew you'd see it my way," grinned Sango. "Now let's go!"
At Yuki's
        "Hi Yuki, my man," yelled Sango as she entered the forge.
        "Welcome, Sango-san and Kagome-san," bowed Yuki.
        "Yuki, I told you to cut that -san, -sama, majesty, lady crap," Kagome said, rolling her eyes. "Can you check my weapons for me? And I think I need a new set of Mirthril(armor made of mixes of the strongest metal, worn under the battle gear)."
        "Coming right up. And you, Sango?" Yuki inquired.
        "I was just following Kagome," smiled Sango.
        "Well, Kagome, come back at dawn. You're things will be ready then," Yuki said, smiling. "I should get started."
        "Bye Yuki," the girls chorused.
Sorry for the short chapters, guys, but I have to juggle school, band, orchestra, Japanese, Korean, flute, violin, piano, 50 billion tons of homework, etc.
Well, you guys are lucky! 2 chapters in 1 day!
and again, no flamers please.
I do take suggestions on how to make the story better.
I'll try to update as fast as I can.
cyber cookies for all *hands out cookies*
thanks, people, for reading my first fanfic, light and dark forbidden love