InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Love Of The Eyes ❯ Hypnotized ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
M.S.: Here’s chapter 3! I was listening to Muse‘s Butterflies And Hurricanes. Sorry for any spelling errors I didn’t pick up in the last chapter. This might be a shorter chapter.
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Disclaimer: look at very first chapter.
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Kagome’s mind was fuzzy, she was unconscious and attached onto something warm. Rubbing her left cheek against one part that was warm on her left side. The said warm part twitched, but that failed to register in the female Kaguya’s mind. Unknowingly to her, Uchiha Itachi looked down at her and doubted her sanity. Kisame was sitting, and looking around as well.

Kagome’s POV

It’s been a few hours since Kagome was last conscious, so it was around nighttime if she were to wake up. Twitching slightly -and lightly- the Kiri ANBU opened her eyes. White-ish, green, blue, black and a pinch of purple swarmed in her line of vision. Blinking a few times, Kagome’s vision cleared and she sat up quickly. The female Kaguya was lucky -or the air in the elder Uchiha’s grip would’ve pulled and hurt- and noticed the Nukenin Uchiha holding her hair and sitting by her left side.

What the hell is the Uchiha doing? Why the hell is he playing with my hair?! was in Kagome’s mind. Looking over at the said person, the older Kaguya noticed he was sort of squinting at her, as if losing his sight, and was leaning forward a few inches. Twitching, Kagome dared to wave her left hand in front of Itachi’s face. As expected, the older Uchiha caught her hand with his right hand -his left one still held a piece of her snowy locks. The Kiri ANBU’s iridescent eyes narrowed in thought, while unconsciously curling her fingers around Itachi‘s thumb.

Kisame’s POV

The shark-like shinobi watched all this with amusement. As long as the female Kiri ANBU wasn’t hostile, he was okay for now. For now, his partner, Itachi, was preoccupying her attention span. They’re holding hands. How nice. Not, it slightly bothered Hoshigaki Kisame. The two were staring -in both of their cases- too deeply into each others eyes.

With Sasuke

Kakashi was pushing his training more than usual -maybe because of Itachi, he didn’t know. Sasuke practiced his Chidori, seeing how it failed against Itachi. The younger Uchiha was currently laying in bed, worn out from training with his sensei. What Kagome said rang in his head and needing more power. Maybe going to Orochimaru wasn’t the best choice, maybe Sasuke could get the female Kaguya to train him -and caused her to sneeze while she was unconscious.

With Itachi, Kagome and Kisame

Itachi glanced down at his hand that held the female Kiri ANBU’s own hand. Truthfully, he didn’t know why he grabbed it, he just did. Her hand, despite the glove on it, was warm -Itachi could feel it through the coldness of his skin. Letting got of her snowy lock, he opted for twirling a lock of her bangs instead -her hair‘s soft, was in his head- unknowingly snapping her out of her thoughts. The older Uchiha was vaguely aware of his partner saying something, but was aware of lips on his -Itachi’s high collar was unbuttoned- that belonged to the Rokubi vessel.

Kagome’s POV

“You two done staring into each other’s eyes, or what?” it made Kagome jump, but her grip on Itachi’s hand and his grip on a piece of her bangs made her fall towards Itachi. What shocked her the most was her lips landing on his firm, rough, yet tender lips. Her shocked, iridescent yes met shocked, Sharingan eyes of Uchiha Itachi. His eyes -as well as hers- were wide and locked onto each other. His eyes had a light to them, which made them brighter than normal.

Itachi’s POV

He, undoubtedly, knew his eyes were wide and held shock. Itachi could barely feel amusement coming off his partner, but it was still there. This ANBU’s lips on his awoke a side of him, he wanted to keep locked away. It was the side the older Uchiha showed to his otouto before he massacred their clan and locked it away. Though Itachi fought his brother, he wanted Sasuke to uphold the Uchiha name by not being weak and to -should he have- keep his kids in line.

Kisame’s POV

Hoshigaki watched as his partner and the ANBU kiss. The ANBU was jumpy and jumped when he said what he said. Kisame grinned, showing all of his point shark teeth, at his amusement he was sure his partner could feel. His semi-plan was working -slightly. They only kissed due to their conjoined hands and Itachi holding her snowy hair. will they get together? it floated through the shark Nukenin’s mind as a question appeared above his head.
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M.S.: sorry it’s short! I have to clean my room and do my homework. Hope you like it. I did my best with the spelling in it, too. My profile isn’t working so if you do go to www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/u/776264/ and it’s blank, I’m trying to update it, but failing. R&R!