InuYasha Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo Haters ❯ Kikyo got run over by the author ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kikyo got run over by the author

Present Day

Kagome started to walk back to the Higurashi shrine to start her studying and homework. When she spotted a glowing figure in the middle of the


"hahahahahahahahahaha" The evil voice said.

"Umm. Kikyo I wouldn't stand there if I were you!" Kagome suggestively said.

"Why!" "Because I'm showing my awesome power and beauty!!" "Or because I'm way prettier than you are!!" "You reincarnation!!" Kikyo said.

"No I mean stand in the middle of the street!!" Kagome answered, showing her a stuppidity look. 'That Kikyo is so stupid, I'm surprised she used

large words' Kagome thought ' I'm still surprised Inuyasha likes that bitch!' ' She is just a mindless clump of clay!' ' She surely doesn't use her

brain..!' 'Wait she doesn't have a brain!' ' I wonder how she got here anyway?'

"Whats the matter reincarnation having trouble speaking words!" Kikyo grinned.

"No, just trying to figure out how low on a scale of one to ten on how intellegent you are!" Kagome smirked.

"Why you!!" Kikyo started snickering.

"Kikyo, face it you're just a mindless clump of clay that hasn't got a brain!" Kagome bragged.

"Duh... I mean Hey you reincarnation!!" Kikyo said.

"Is that all you can say!!" Kagome remarked. "

uMMUHHUMGH!!" Kikyo blurted.

"What ?" Kagome said.

Just then a Kelly green convertable came racing across the road and 'SQUISH' ran over

Kikyo. "Poor thing, better tell the news to Inuyasha!" Kagome quietly said.


The police say the 'hit and run' incedent.

"Hey officer we have a hit and run on our hands. " An officer said.

"Describe the suspect!" another officer

"It looked like the author of this fic, InuandSango" An officer said.

"Is that even a name?" Another officer said

"Ahem... " InuandSango said.

"What was that?" "Ow well.." a officer said

"Yeah, where was I... Oh well.. she got away." The sargent said.

"Why don't we chase after her?" a stupid officer said

" Well maybe she wrote this fic and she could.." Before he could finish.

' RIP' "MUHAHAHHAHAHAH" "That is what would happen to all of you!!!" MUHHAHAAHAAHAGAH..

cough... cough.. cough... uhem.. where was I?" "Oh Yeah.. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !" InuandSango evily laughed.

" MY LINES!!" The officer said then died.

"Who's next?" InuandSango said.

"Who wants doughnuts ?" said an approaching officer.

"Sure, why not?" Another officer said.

"Because I said so!!" InuandSango yelled. " Now all of you men, GO TO HELL!!"

"AAAHHHHHH!!!!" all of the men officers screamed as they all were dragged into the pits of hell.

"That was interesting." The female officer said who suggested doughnuts.

"Who wants doughnuts?" she asked.

"Sure, lets go!" said InuandSango.

They go to a place called 'DOUGHNUT WORLD'.

Meanwhile, with Kagome and Inuyasha

"Hey Yash!" Kagome calmly asked, now facing Inuyasha.

"Yeah?" He asked

"Umm.. How can I say this...." Kagome hesitantly said

"Spit it out!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Fine... the clump of clay died..." Kagome zoned out. ' YESSSS" she thought

"Kikyo..." Inuyasha said softly.

Kagome nodded her head.

Inuyasha suddenly looked down at his feet.

"Inuyasha.." Kagome asked quietly

"Hhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! ...... COUGH.....COUGH " Inuyasha suddenly started laughing hysterically.

"Huh....? Inuyasha?" Kagome said confused.


"Ummm. Inuyasha??" "I'm confused!" Kagome remarked.

"She's GONE!!" Inuyasha happily said.

"What?" Kagome said still confused.

"She finally GONE!!" "That damn bitch is GONE!!!!" Inuyasha said louder.

"But I thought..." Kagome said. "Oh Well I never liked her anyway!"

"DUH!!" "She's so damn annoying!" Inuyasha said, now staring at her. "Come on Kagome!" "It's about time I showed you something!" He said loud enough thay Kagome could hear him.

He then grabbed Kagome hand, looking straight into her eyes.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome said, on the verge of tears

"Come on." he said putting on one of his famous, love Kagome smiles (actually, it isn't that famous because he never showed his feelings to her before.)

Inuyasha then picked Kagome up bridal style and ran off into deeper into Inuyasha Forest.

Later that day

The screams of Inuyasha and Kagome could soon be heard through each other's mouths, Along with moans.

Sango and Miroku had been waiting peacefully at the village.

" Miroku, is that Kagome screaming Inuyasha's name?" Sango asked confused

"Yes, but why?" He answered. "Unless...." He said. Then 'QUACK'

Miroku suddenly looked at Sango with one of his perverted looks.

"Miroku?" Sango said getting suspicious.

"Would you like to start the ritual tonight, since Inuyasha and Kagome are doing the same?" Miroku hopefully asked.

"Huh?" "Ohhhhh" Sango said. "YESSSSSS!!!" she answered.

Miroku also picked her up bridal style into the their hut.

"Yippeeeeeeee!" He happily yelled as he closed the weaved door behind him.

With Inuyasha and Kagome

Inuyasha looked up towards the direction of the village.

"Looks like someone is enjoying himself!" Inuyasha said looking at the naked, flawless girl beneath him.

"Sango finally agreed!" Kagome said in a trance like tone, also looking at the naked Inu-Hanyou above her. (Alexis would like this!! , YUM!!)

"I'm asking questions in the morning!" Kagome said still in a trance like tone.

"Yeah, and we will be giving out lots of answers" Inuyasha stated.

He looked into his girl's eyes and continued with their work, throughout the night. Along with Miroku and Sango

The morning after

"Kagome!!" sango said coming out of the hut with Miroku trailing behind her. (Figures...)

"Sango, what happened with you and Miroku?" Kagome said finally reaching the hut, where Sango and Miroku were standing.

"Inuyasha, you can let go of me.." Kagome said annoyed and overjoyed.

A low growl came out of his canine mouth.

"Inuyasha!" She said a little louder.

He eventually let go of her because she promised him something later.

"Well with the question you asked me, yeah it just happened." Sango embarrassedly said. "What about you and Inuyasha?" She said, raising an eye brow.

"Ummm welll, I told that Kikyo got ran over by the author,."


The Inuyasha gang looked up at the sky, for no reason 'DUH'

"As I was saying, I told him, he didn't care and then took me deep into Inuyasha Forest. "And then it sort of happened!"

Just as Kagome finished speaking the Kikyo ghost came flying through tha air and caught everyone's attention.

"Damn you AUTHOR!!" dead Kikyo shouted

"Oh really ..." InuandSango said.

Kikyo then ran into a ghost tree and fel to the ground dead. (AGAIN)

"That was interesting." Inuyasha said annoyed.

"Lets eat!" Kagome suggested as they all ran into the hut in each others arms. Well Kag/Inu and Sango/Miro and Shippo and Kirara staring into space.

Meanwhile Outside

"Anyone Help me!!" Kikyo Yelled as was grabbed by vines that sot out of the ground

"No one can help you now!!!!!!" InuandSango said evily.

"No, I don't want to die!!!" "I don't want to die!!" "I don't want to die!!" Kikyo screamed as she was dragged into hell.

"You already died three times, you stupid wench!" InuandSango yelled

"Name!" Kikyo scouled

"Fine!" "1, when Naraku killed you." "2, I ran you over with my car!" "3, you ran into a ghost tree when you were a ghost!" "DUHHH" I told her. 'Could she get anymore dumb!?' InuansSango thought

"Hentai!" Sango yelled as a loud 'SLAP' could be heard from inside the hut.

Everyone just burst out laughing, Even Miroku and Sango who benefitted in the 'Hentai' fight!

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I need reviews!! I want to know what you want me to write!